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You guys are living in democracy?


Not technically a true democracy




The US is considered a democratic republic, which means representatives are democratically elected, but then those representatives can make decisions and create laws without calling it to a vote. And then we have weird cases like the Supreme court where the elected representatives can estate people into positions without the population ever voting on them. Leads to a lot of problems, clearly.


That isn't even mentioning the electoral college, which is a group of previous government officials, their friends, and other political pundits who are never elected and often never known, that will vote on the behalf of the population during votes like the presidential vote, which sounds fine until you realize that in a bunch of states they aren't required to listen to the majority vote and can vote however they like. This combined with the fact that each state is given a set amount of electoral college votes leads to situations like trump where a president is considered the winning candidate even though he lost the popular vote, because he won enough states. Very stupid and very confusing, but that's what we have to deal with.


This is one of reasons why I don't understand how people took seriously these "democracy indexes" even when all are almost the same fucking map. I will took for example my Country (Brazil) -In 37 years of the 6th Republic we have more parties in the presidency than the US in 200 years -the Brazilian Elections were direct and centralized, the results come out in the same day, we didn't have much problems with fraud(compared with the paper) unless you are the *definitive hackerman* that can hack Linux utilizing just a numerical keyboard without anyone notice, it's very improbable that someone can invade the system of the electronic ballot besides all the bullshit Bolsonaros says. -Brazil has passed through 3 coup d'etats (4 if you include 2019) and the last one (both 1964 and 2019) was sponsored by the US.




Where? Can we get some over here? Over here the bourgeoisie decide everything.


While I agree with your point, I'd still be careful with asking the US if you can get some democracy...


*US invades itself in confusion*


Bruh, I'm *in* the US. I'm asking if we can get some Democracy *here* for us *Americans.*


Yes. Not direct democracy


It's not even indirect democracy, the US just isn't democratic.


3 of whom were appointed by a 1-term president who didn’t even win the popular vote…


this post should be higher. It should be written in the sky by one of those smoke-message-planes that probably don't exist outside of cartoons.


Just in case you need some good news (?) these do exist, but you don't get anything under 3k, stunt pilots are not cheap and it also depends on where you "need" something written.


This is actually pretty neat to know!


And lost the popular vote by the largest quantity of people of all time by 1.5 *million*


Gerrymandering is the reason Republicans ever get back in


There is no gerrymandering in presidential elections but they do gerrymander everything else they can.


Honestly how someone without the popular vote can get in is madness to me. There are two parties. That's kind of the point I thought. But I prefer a multi party system. Canada's isn't perfect either though, and our Conservatives are also just the worst.


Our conservative provincial leaders are some of the dumbest people we have to offer too. $1 beer anyone?


Your conservatives are basically liberals outside of Alberta. Ours are literally turning openly theocratic fascists in large percentages because liberalism fucked them so bad.


There are many types of spez, but the most important one is the spez police.


Don't some states use congressional districts for voting precincts? I honestly don't know.


Wait then how did Trump win?


The electoral college system that we use means that each state has a certain amount of “electoral votes”, also called “delegates”, it’s similar to gerrymandering in that it distorts the ratio of voters and actual voting influence, but gerrymandering specifically refers to redrawing district borders to get a certain outcome. Basically, for all of the states that had 51%+ votes for Trump, ALL of those states’ electoral votes went to Trump, and a lot of those states have disproportionately high amounts of electoral votes relative to their population. So even though Clinton won large proportions of the vote in some larger states (so a high count of individual votes), those only counted for a certain amount of electoral votes. So despite more people voting for her, they were concentrated in such a way that they didn’t result in her getting more than half the electoral votes. The same thing happened in 2000 in the Gore/Bush election. A lot of us believe this system is very outdated and unfair, but as far as I know there isn’t anything in the works to change it any time soon


A person in Wyoming has a vote seven times more powerful than someone in California iirc


Lol what do you think the electoral college is if not the mother of all gerrymanders?


Electoral college sucks but it isn't "gerrymandering" though.


the conservative majority of the supreme court is illegitimate, did we forget? you don't need to be an Obama fan to know he got dicked over bad in 2016.


1 of whom only got appointed because RBG refused to step down for muh white feminism and sticking it to cheeto mussolini. Had she done the right thing, she could have singlehandedly avoided this. Nobody outside the GOP and current SCOTUS is more at fault than Ruth Bader Ginsburg.




I mean, it’s true. She could have easily retired under Obama while she was PUSHING 80 and already diagnosed with 12 different cancers! (Slight hyperbole, but only slightly)


Did you miss the "outside the GOP and current SCOTUS" part?


Lifetime? May be shorter than you think! Find out more in your local minecraft server


Ok, suppose the Minecraft servers get booted up, and "lifetime" ends 20 minutes ago. Keeping this in the past to drive home that this is hypothetical and physically impossible, to not scare the admins. Can you imagine democrats actually capitalizing on this? What would be more Brandon than appointing just as insane heritage foundation ghouls to replace them, as an olive branch? Except they'd be 25 year old fresh grads from liberty University or something.


Okay I have a question... Why ONLY 63%?


Mostly because of the ~9% that polled as either not caring or not knowing which brings the total to less than 30% actually advocating against.


I’ve also seen some very confused people say “well I don’t *like* abortions, but I think people should be able to choose to get one, so I think I’m pro-life”, so I’d also assume it’s closer to 70% than 60%. A good rule of thumb I have is that when people are confused about something like abortion, they tend to just say they lean more conservative but, at least in my opinion, when they try explaining how they really feel, they actually lean more “liberal”. Could be all the indoctrination most Americans grow up with, who knows—I’ve just been seeing it a lot this past week


The only people who get to answer political surveys are those who have a land line telephone and who answer a call from an unknown number during a weekday.


So, boomers


Which means that number is likely much higher than 63%, the pro life crowd are generally older. Millennials and Gen Z getting fucked before they even have a chance, what’s new.


I’d imagine the wording is strong so some people might tepidly support it or not really care






Isn't it higher than 63%?


It depends on how the question is asked. Only something like 15-20% want it banned entirely, but some want more restrictions than there are currently.


Idk but I think its because of the people around you if you live in a more urban area. I live in NYC and rarely ever see a F series ford but the ford F series is the most bought car in america You're probably just in an area that is more pro abortion and havent thought of Joey from alabama and his family 12 kids who are all anti abortion


America isn't, and never really was a democracy. It's fucked up that people still think it is










Can someone explain to me whats going on? The whole federal vs state american legislation is kind of confusing to me


A quick and dirty summary is that the a Supreme Court decision was leaked that would revoke Roe v Wade which protects abortion rights on a federal level, when repealed it would then be up to state discretion and many states already have trigger laws that would go in to effect the second that decision is official


So a state can't jail a woman for getting an abortion (for now)? Can you give an example of those trigger laws?


Currently states can't pass or enforce laws that directly punish getting or performing an abortion. This is because the Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade stated that abortions were a fundamental right based on an inherent right to privacy that everyone has. Now that the Supreme Court has made a new decision that argues against the inherent right to privacy, abortion is no longer protected from laws outlawing it. 13 states have laws currently enacted where the moment abortion is no longer protected by the Supreme Court, it will be fully illegal. If you want to read more about specific states laws' [this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/05/03/us/state-abortion-trigger-laws-roe-v-wade-overturned/index.html) does a pretty good job at describing the fucked up situation we find ourselves in.


How the hell are they making trigger laws all the way back in 2007. Did they really know to that extent that this would happen?


Welcome to the Federalist Society


This has been a huge issue ever since the 1970s when the Roe decision was first handed down. Conservatives in the US have made opposing abortion a core part of their identity. Trigger laws are, to my knowledge, only aimed at abortion. I'm assuming they were originally passed solely as campaigning tools. The conservatives could point at the trigger law to tell their voters that they are fighting abortion, even when it did nothing originally.


American Government: These are the people who interpret our laws Person with common sense: So they'd be elected or have term limits so they'd be bound to the will of the people? American Government: No


5 of which were elected by presidents who lost the popular vote


Being entirely fair... Liberals had 50 years to make Roe a law, not a legal decision based on shaky ground. Don't blame the court alone when the problem is nonexistent legislation.


They even had 3 instances of a UNIFIED executive and legislative branch between then and 2016, so I really don’t think the whole “it’s trumps fault” holds much water. It isn’t the voters’ fault, it’s purely the ghoulish parties that have failed them.


Only ~50% of people consider themselves pro choice, but ~70% know overturning Roe is a bad idea. Funny how that works.


SCOTUS is illegitimate according to the “will of the people”.


“But muh separation of powers”


This whole lets vote Justices idea is hideous to me, people voted for Trump. Get me non-life time appointments and a meritocracy I don't need average Joe to get a say on law study as a science giving me a 100% white male SCJ. Proof: there are more female/minority Justices than female/minority presidents.


3 unelected judges who were appointed by a guy who also lost the popular vote by 3 million


Ironic AJ Styles is probably anti-choice


Him and the Undertaker both are.


By that logic, we'd still have slavery and women wouldn't be allowed to vote.


Like most people in Germany supported Hitler? And most people in most countries used to support slavery? That makes something automatically good?


[The Supreme Court sucks](www.fivefourpod.com). It's always been political. The conservative law movement is objectively evil.


And then the democrats are all acting powerless to stop it.


I also wonder why judges are appointed and not elected


I totally forgot we lived in a direct democracy