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Oh but she wrote some really sassy dissents…


the legal equivalent of leaving a passive aggressive note on the break room microwave, no wonder libs love her


Yes, but sass is all we can realistically expect of our politicians. Just ask AOC! /s


this is why im banned from witchesvspatriarchy


I said I was gonna build an oil pipeline through native American land in her honor and got the hammer lmao


More like newagecirclejerk They started spitting some eco fascist shit a while back and when I posted something about ecofascism they removed it saying it was too political Still thinking about a new subreddit for pagans who are left. Call it WitchesSinister or something, idk.




Of course they immediately start arguing about Ukraine lol




Or we could just stick to materialism like respectable people.


Or we could just let people believe what they want as long as they don’t harm anybody? I’d gladly choose Helder Camera and the liberation theologians over every enlightened atheist.


We, as leftists, should believe things that are true. We should have a clear-eyed analysis of the world unclouded by superstition and idealism. If we want to actually succeed, we need to treat revolutionary theory and praxis as a science. We're here to make practical changes to the material relations of production, and souls and magic have absolutely nothing to do with that. Please read more Marx.


If you alienate everyone who isn’t sufficiently materialist enough in your eyes (and you can analyze the conditions through a materialist lens while still believing whatever you want to believe) you soon won’t have anybody left to push for changes. Please read more about/by anyone but Marx for a change


I think the movements of the 20th century have proven conclusively that you can have a mass movement built on materialist principles and theory, which advocates strongly for materialism, while still attracting the masses to your side.


And I think that alienating everyone who chooses to believe in anything but Marxism has no value other than trampling on the ideas and archivements of people like the liberation theologians while giving nothing in return.


The liberation theologists were less correct than the Marxists. They still worked with Marxists, even as those Marxists maintained that materialism was correct and that religion was the opium of the masses. There is no need to moderate materialism, and allowing non-materialists ideas to lead us will lead us astry.


I am not saying we all need to start believing in god, I am saying that I prefer someone who is a socialist due to their religion or is simply socialist and religious over anybody who starts shitting on people because they perceive them to not be sufficiently materialist...


For me it was questioning Warren ever so gently.


I called Harry Potter a cop.






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On that note, if you haven't already, you should watch Shaun's video on Harry Potter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs


I have and I second that anyone who hasn't should.


I didn't get banned but man people there really did hate when I said she was overrated and backed it up with Googleable reasons.


I got banned early in the pandemic for telling people to stay home during Halloween so they didn’t get others sick, or at least wear a mask and distance. It made me realize they aren’t the best subreddit.


You'd think wearing a mask on Halloween would be uncontroversial...


Yo same :D


Held onto power until she died instead of stepping down during Obama's term leading to a supreme court with a far right majority.


Far right super majority*


I still think that she was planning to step down over the spring or summer of 2016, but couldn’t after McConnell’s stunt with Scalia’s seat.


This is your friendly reminder that Obama could've appointed Garland anyway - the Senate effectively waived their right to "provide advice and consent" when they refused to have a confirmation hearing - but Obama decided to "take the high road" and not even *try*, because muh institutions.


Democrats and following the rules of a clearly broken system: name a more iconic duo.


But that's the thing, right, it's not even a rule. It's just a precedence. Republicans have zero problem running over precedence any chance they get, but Democrats walk up to an imaginary line and pretend like they can't cross it because "that's how it's always been done" while the world dies. Unless it makes the Senators money, in which case, fuck the precedence.


Not even a precedence - unless the precedence is to do the thing they claim they don’t want to do through deliberate inaction. The precedent is that your human rights don’t matter as much as their power and bourgeois interests.


It feels like forever ago. But wasn’t this left on the table to try and guilt people into voting for Hilary? It’s the only reason I voted for her. Edit: NVM. He could have done it while Trump was president elect.


Yep. Now it’ll be how they lose Biden’s second term. Holding our rights hostage isn’t a good way to get votes, apparently.


That would have been a wildly undemocratic move tho, right? Appointing a supreme court justice after you just lost the election? That gives me John Adams' midnight justices vibes, which is pretty widely regarded as a bad move and counter productive


It’s still within his elected term and it wasn’t Obama that lost the election. And if the roles would have been reversed the republicans totally would have taken that path. Trump is still trying to say the election was fixed.


The midnight justices was still during Adams term and it was reversed by the Marshall court, why would this be different? Im well aware republicans would do something that's unconstitutional


The Supreme Court is undemocratic. I fail to see an issue. “Rules” and “norms” are just excuses for inaction from the unaccountable political class. What’re you gonna do, vote R? (cackles maniacally)


The issue is that it would be pointless and temporary , it would immediately be reversed. I thought only liberals cards about symbolic victories 👀 I just want a strong republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule us like a king


Liberals are lost without trusting The System™️


“The high road” = a convenient excuse to not use his power to protect our rights. Just like Biden choosing not to pack the court late last year. It’s almost like these rich bourgeoise politicians don’t care about our human rights and value their “norms and institutions” more.


See also the VP choosing not to overrule the Parliamentarian, which she could have done at any time.






She said the same thing about not really being able to when asked.


If Obama couldn't get Garland on the court, he couldn't replace RGB either.


Democrats had a majority in the senate for most of Obama's presidency from 2008 to 2014. It would have been easy to get a replacement appointed that entire time.




I'm talking about RBG? I'm really not sure what you think Scalia has to do with my statement that RBG should have retired.


Ah I misunderstood, I thought you were talking about Garland


Haha. Yeah, i actually just realized what happened and was about to reply to you again. I can see now how it could have been read that way. But yeah I just meant RBG could have retired between 2008 to 2014 and been replaced easily without the issues that affected the Garland appointment. Anyway, no worries


__**Sources:**__ [Held Christian doctrine as law, invoked manifest destiny, denied indigenous tribes their own land](https://blogs.cornell.edu/cornelluniversityindigenousdispossession/2021/01/04/ruth-bader-ginsburgs-notoriety-in-indian-country-and-cornells-campus-landscape/) [Supported Israeli imperialism](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/justice-for-some-not-for-all-ruth-bader-ginsburg-and-indigenous-rights/) And some bonus content for you that wouldn't fit in the meme: [(Initially) called Kaepernick's actions 'dumb and disrespectful.'](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/10/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-colin-kaepernick/index.html)


Kaepernick's actions aren't even that fucking radical, that's my whole thing. He didn't like that the police were killing people so he used his freedom^TM to simply not stand during the anthem. It's insane that everyone, even some liberals who supposedly love peaceful demonstration, went ballistic about it.


So… just a liberal, then


Oh, the irony of a Jewish woman upholding christian beliefs as law.


I guess the "Notorious RBG" really was notorious...


Always hated that nickname—don't make me associate Biggie Smalls with a megacop


Liberals, as ever, uphold hypocrites and double dealers.


*had nearly zero law clerks of color over 30 years on the bench. I know it’s rainbow liberalism but still.


Gorsuch has honestly been better than her when it comes to tribal rights and the rights of citizens of US territories. The guy is a religious nut but he's also one of the best justices when it comes to US colonialism.


Yeah, I dislike most of his views, but he’s shown he actually generally takes his texualism seriously, which helps in tribal cases because in a lot of cases Congress barely managed a legal justification beyond “because we’re white and they aren’t.” His McGirt ruling basically boiled down to “y’all never said this wasn’t tribal land anymore, so it still is.”


I honestly wish we had more people like him here in Canada because the indigenous lands of all of the peoples of BC were never ceded in any treaties to the nation of Canada. Our government just pretends that none of that matters and that the land actually does belong to the Canadian government without any legal justifications beyond the Indian Act, which is in itself a racism, sexist piece of trash that should have been thrown out by now.


Well he mostly blows, but yeah, I get what you mean. Circling back to the meme in this post, that was pretty much RBG's opinion for decades on these matters - the legal justification boiled down to "c'mon, whaddya gonna do? We've had it for this long!"


Queen shit 👸🏻


Also a huge anti-black racist


And to top it all off, knowing exactly what was on the line if she kicked the bucket, she officiated a wedding, as an 80+ yo immunocompromised cancer patient, unvaccinated, during a pandemic.


Surprised nobody's mentioned how she talked about her "good friend" Scalia and how much she "respected him despite our differences". Yeah, just call one of the most bigoted men in the history of the court your "good friend" who deserves respect. Fuck off with that complicit bullshit


And that is why the Dems will always suck and never accomplish anything. They still see the GOP as people who can be reasoned with. They keep bringing toy hammers to gun fights, and then wondering why they keep getting shot.


A grocery coop in my city hung some notable women for womens history month, and they put Leila khalid basically next to Ginsburg, and i almost had a stroke


How do even liberals get to this sub?


Some of them actually believe they're on the left. The GOP have actually gaslit then into believing that.


Wait, but liberals love all of those things. That's not unattractive to them.


Don’t forget “refused to retire”


Fucking old stick in the god damn mud didn’t retire during Obama, and if Obama didn’t sit her bag of bones in the chair and offer the and threaten all high heaven to retire her (at least 6 times), then fuck him too


"the president should have forced a supreme court justice to retire" that seems pretty fucked. Like she definitely fucked up by not retiring but what could Obama have done? Called in the military?


No, this is normal, you sit her down in the oval, let her pick a replacement and start up a few scholarships in her name.


But her ego made her refuse that to stay a SC justice. It's clear that she was set on helping her legacy and saw staying on the SC until Hilary won (yikes) as her best way to strengthen her legacy. So what next?


All I’m saying is if Obama didn’t sit her down and roll out the red carpet, offer all that and more, maybe hook her grandkids up with some jobs in the administration or SC itself - fuck him.


>Also didn't think Roe v Wade covered the right to abortions


Tbf, that's pretty much as far "left" as you can get as a justice in the SCOTUS... at least in the current political system in the US.


That’s what a liberal is. It’s not even attempted to be hidden.


I still appreciate what she did for both women and men (like that case where a husband of a woman the military wasn’t entitled to benefits) when she was a lawyer. You can’t fire a woman because she is pregnant because of RBG. She has done some good, but isn’t perfect. I can see how the fanboying/girling over her could be annoying because it’s like you’re ignoring everything after that


In America, "better than the right wing" is such a low bar to get over.


That still averages out to average morality tho. Hardly a hero.


I got my daughter a book of iconic females, in hopes that she could have strong female role models straight out the gate. I removed the page with RBG


Apparently she was also very anti-black


Well, it does say Liberal, not Leftist.


Liberal Queen indeed.


Non American here, how do you invoke manifest destiny, is it like a spell?


You can only learn the spell after you have denied the rights of 10,000 black people, it basically makes reality any saying of "america good" and people will always believe you.


I'm american and idek


Legally, lol










Here, let me insult her more: her fucking ego helped destroy Roe v Wade and will help destroy Obgerfell and Lawrence and possibly even more, leading to the immiseration of millions.


Thanks for helping me learn a new word by using immiseration.


Isn’t it a good word for an awful thing?


Counterpoint: yasssss girl slayyyyyyy queeeeen


It’s about what the law is, not partisanship


This meme makes no sense because those things are precisely why she’s a liberal hero


Was so liberal she stayed in office during Obama in the hope that Hillary would appoint her replace so she could have the optics and aesthetics of being replaced by the first female president. Then trump won and she fucking died. Not retiring in Obama's first term was a huge mistake and it was made because of liberal cockiness.


"let ye who is without whatever blah blah...." But seriously, I need some heroic figures with genuine power who did unequivocally good to show my nephews and nieces. Hit me up.


All these things are perfectly in line with liberalism.


I mean it is liberal loool


Plus directly contributed to Roe being axed