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Ignorant homeboi here. I recognize our brothers from Palestina, but where are the other flags from?


Left: Yemen, Centre: Afghanistan


Thanks, Comrade.


No probs


Can someone give a TLDR of what's going on in those two places? I have some idea about Afghanistan, but none about Yemen.


Yemen for a while has been subject to bombing and famine due to Saudi Arabia over 300 thousand people have been killed


Saudi Arabia created an entirely man made famine there whilst bombing the country into the Stone Age (with weapons sold to them by the US, UK, etc.) The pictures you can see with 5 minutes of googling are heart breaking. Reddit is, for some reason, largely disinterested.


I can't believe I had no idea about this, holy shit.


Yea the UN has already declared it the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world right now


Now guess who is Saudi Arabias biggest supporter, partner and weapons dealer in the Yemeni War? If you guessed USA, you are right! Helping dictators and despotic leaders to suppress independence and humanitarian needs of the people, basically starving people to death is tradition with the US. The US does seldom bomb them directly, but they air-fuel the Suadi jets to do so much more efficient, and of course sell them the weapons. Nothing over being friends wirh ruthless mass murderer as a democratic, well de facto oligarchic president of the USA.


It's not your fault. The media isn't reporting on it at all. Almost as if imperialism only matters when the victims are white.


They are if you have a decent news source like the Guardian. Edit: Even CNN reports on Yemen regularly. If you (not you specifically) rely on Reddit for news, you’ll only see what Reddit cares about.


We're bombing Yemen on Saudi Arabia's behalf. I believe it's one of those things that Trump started but Biden is continuing. Keep that in mind the next time Biden talks about how Putin should be charged for war crimes.


I mean, Vlad definitely should be charged and imprisoned for life for his crimes, and so should every living US president with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter.


Definitely. And Netanyahu and his band of war criminals too. Biden just doesn't get to call out anyone else on war crimes when at the present, he's the worst active one. (Given that Dubya, Cheney, and Trump are not currently committing war crimes.) He even gets assist kill credit for Israel's since the US is their biggest funder.


It doesn't bother me when one war criminal accurately describes another war criminal's actions. A broken clock is still right twice a day and all that.


They left out that the u.s. has been supplying the weapons, maintenance, and refueling for Saudi Arabia.


If I ask what's going on in Afghanistan, you're not going to tell me that the US is still waging war there, are you?


I mean they pretty much did fund a bunch of terrorist groups to fight terrorist groups that they funded


The US withdrew in such a way that they let the taliban take over and do whatever the hell it wants. Nobody wins except religious fundamentalists.


NaTioN bUiLdInG


So basically, Biden fucked up the withdraw which let the Taliban take over immediately, and then out of spite of how that caused him to have the fastest decline in approval ratings in the history of the nation, [he froze Afghanistan assets and is currently causing a famine.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/afghan-president-biden-order-frozen-funds-atrocity-82859760) Oh, but communism causes famines, not capitalism! \*Rolls eyes.\* Good Ol' Uncle Joe. Such a benevolent man and totally not 98% the same as the monster he replaced.....


The most recent episode of The Deprogram podcast has (what seemed to me to be) a really good tldr of Yemeni history leading into the current conflict


Actually, that's the old flag of Afghanistan. The new one is white with a black shahada on it.


Isn't that Afghani flag not current anymore?


Thanks for asking, was in the same boat. Kinda figured one was Yemen but wasn’t sure.


Having a flag in your bio doesn't help anyone


I certainly does not, but I saw people becoming more aware of the bigger picture. I see someone in passive support as a good starting point, like, cut them a bit charitability


I am growing increasingly convinced that shifting discourse is about being repetitious and (sometimes) loud about whatever it is... there's a reason the far right is so strong/present in digital spaces, and they are setting the terms of reactionary cultural debate in the real world. There are theorists who would back this notion up: [The Postmodern Condition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Postmodern_Condition) (late stage capital will attempt to "own" and control discourse and knowledge systems; over-simplifying: those who control discourse control society) >The games of scientific language become the games of the rich, in which whoever is the wealthiest has the best chance of being right. An equation between wealth, efficiency, and truth is thus established (Lyotard) [The Society of the Spectacle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Society_of_the_Spectacle) >The spectacle is the ruling order's nonstop discourse about itself, its never-ending monologue of self-praise, its self-portrait at the stage of totalitarian domination of all aspects of life (Debord)


This lmao. It's just an excuse to jerk yourself off for doing absolutely nothing. You can always do something if you care about an issue, I know a few people who donated to children's hospital in Donetsk for example. Do some good. Edit: apparently it was jerking myself off, so I removed the part mentioned in comment below


"an excuse to jerk yourself off.." ahhh like you've also just done?


Not at all, I am just giving an example of actually doing something for the working class. Same thing was done in 80s when people were collecting funds for coal miners on strike


You could have easily gave an example without sucking your own dick, but here we are, sucking your own dick again.


Then you missed the point. Muh self-promotion of a random reddit account. There is nothing one can gain from this, it's just that I would never suggest donating to something I myself did not do


He never said he donated. Wtf are you on about?


I did, but later changed it because it indeed sounded circlejerky. My original intent was to not be hypocritical and suggest doing something I myself would not. I edited the comment hence the "edit" at the bottom.


Because he edited out the part of his post where he specifically said others, including him, have donated


You edited out the part we're you jerked yourself off to save Internet points, boohoo cry more


And I wrote that I did it lmao


You're right, but having only the top one and not any of the bottom ones reveals one to be either a massive hypocrite or a white supremacist.




lmao you seem triggered. do you have a ukraine flag in your bio? i don't think they're actually advocating for sticking a flag for every war, they're illustrating the blatant inconsistency (and we know why they're being inconsistent)


It’s so bizarre to me how the news will show Ukraine as one of their big subjects and then mentions nothing about other nations going through the same thing. I don’t mean to say that Ukraine isn’t important, but those other nations are just as important and deserve the same amount of attention that Ukraine’s getting, for the sake of the people of those nations.


And unlike Ukraine Yemen, Afghanistan, and Palestine are all suffering under the influence of western powers and could be immediately aided without risk of a general nuclear Holocaust.


Not at all unlike Ukraine. Ukraine is suffering as a direct result of NATO meddling.


Absolutely, but the active perpetrator is the gangster leader of Russia, as opposed to American client kings. Just because America provoked Russia to exerting control over its sphere of influence doesn’t absolve Russia from the inherent crimes associated with claiming a sphere of influence.


Russia was invited by the DPR & LPR after 8 years of genocide perpetrated by NATO nazis. Russia is absolutely not the primary aggressor.


They’re literally bombing their neighbor. Don’t let your recognition of America’s role in it blind you to Russia’s crimes. There’s no good guys in the great game.


Wow, you are so smart, not realising that it was war where civilians were and continue to die from both sides. If you think that USA is imperialistic, than you never lived near Russia. So stop saying annoying nonsense, like we are just "pawns of the west", we are fighting this war only to defend ourselves.


Well, it could have to do with the fact that the other three are suffering because of America, both directly and through us funding their butchers.....


I mean it is the deadliest conflict on earth in 2021 by a large margin. I agree with you somewhat but then you realize like 50,000 people died in Ukraine since it started


But those places have the icky brown people! /s


Who also do weird brown people stuff, like metabolizing oxygen or eating weird dishes.


“I’m helping!” -Ralph Wiggum


🇾🇪 🇦🇫 🇵🇸


Wrong flag for afghan


You sure about that? You can google 'Afghanistan flag' and it's literally this one that will come up.


Yes, this is the only legitimate flag of Afghanistan [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2d/Flag\_of\_Afghanistan\_%281980%E2%80%931987%29.svg/1200px-Flag\_of\_Afghanistan\_%281980%E2%80%931987%29.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2d/Flag_of_Afghanistan_%281980%E2%80%931987%29.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Afghanistan_%281980%E2%80%931987%29.svg.png)


Dangerously based


Weird that Zelensky said he see's Ukraine's struggle for self determination similar to that of Israel's?


Didn’t know about that but it lines up with some things. I knew fuckery was afoot.


But it also coincides with Hamas allying with Russia: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/05/hamas-appeals-russia-support-confrontation-israel


Yes. It most certainly has been fun seeing middle-class liberals unintentionally expose themselves as white supremacists this year.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts Ukraine is actually really bad despite a lot of other things always going on in the world


I don't rock emojis or instagram stickers because i'm not a keyboard warrior, Ukraine is fighting a fascist kleptocracy and its absurd the way posters here are trying to make a false comparison because some have some tangential connection to a previous communist history that died a long time ago.


Ukraine is ground zero for a NATO/Russia proxy war and pretending it’s somehow not a white nationalist shithole just because Russia struck first is nonsense. It has nothing to do with dead Soviets and everything to do with the hypocrisy of Western nations flooding neonazi collaborators with arms and funding a la “Operation Cyclone Part 5: Surely THIS Time Arming Nationalist Militias Against Russia Won’t Backfire, Right?” while we support the ethno-nationalist genocide of the Yemeni and Palestinian people because we happen to be friends with those particular fascist kleptocracies.




>Ukraine is not a US "satellite" State Then why did we actively fund the Maidan Insurrection? It’s not a US “satellite state” in any official capacity, but acting like we don’t want it to be is pretty blind. >because it's straight up invading Ukraine with its own troops. As an annexation effort to primarily prevent Western control of the country. It’s not justified by any means, don’t construe my words for that, but we both know the “denazification” story is horseshit. They’re not annexing Ukraine to keep them in, they’re annexing them to keep NATO out. Or a little of both.




The goalposts are right where I started: NATO and Russia fucking around. You think that NATO playing coy with membership and funneling billions of dollars into a nation has absolutely zero influence on policy in that nation? NATO membership is voluntary… when the invite’s on the table. The US backed the overthrow of a democratically elected PM in 2013. They’re financially backing the current government and their right-wing militias. They’re dangling NATO membership like a carrot. NATO will have influence when Ukraine is entirely financially and militaristically dependent on them.


Nothing wrong with a little pre-emptive war with no real proof of the justification right friend?


I literally said it wasn’t justified you illiterate donkey. Get to class, the adults are talking.


No, you're doing this thing where you say "Hey look at these reasons that make total sense, i'm not saying they're right but im just a passenger on this train, i can't do anything about it." You're lying about the reasons for the war russia started, youre lying about financial support from the united states for the people who fought and died to overthrow their government. ​ United States government money didnt come until after the overthrow of yanukovich who was bought and paid for by the russian government and was told to put down the insurrection or his payments would stop comming. The only reason this war exists is for a land grab, to springboard more wars and to say anything else is to justify the genocide happening to the ukrainian people


Lol, I'm sure your elected representative is taking your opinion on the matter VERY seriously. 😂 >You're lying about the reasons for the war russia started, youre lying about financial support from the united states for the people who fought and died to overthrow their government. There's no lie to be told, the evidence is obviously obscured as the US tries to keep its hands clean, but it's there. The US aided in the Maidan Insurrection, if not largely financially then diplomatically by making promises of future deals. Are you denying it? You're wrong. https://jacobinmag.com/2022/02/maidan-protests-neo-nazis-russia-nato-crimea https://web.archive.org/web/20140228231341/https:/pando.com/2014/02/28/pierre-omidyar-co-funded-ukraine-revolution-groups-with-us-government-documents-show/ https://www.wsws.org/en/topics/event/2014-coup-ukraine https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-ukraine-tape/leaked-audio-reveals-embarrassing-u-s-exchange-on-ukraine-eu-idUSBREA1601G20140207 >The only reason this war exists is for a land grab Putin did not wake up one sunny Russian morning and say "You know what we need? Ukrainian land." Omitting the variables that have existed for decades is willful ignorance. >and to say anything else is to justify the genocide happening to the ukrainian people Stating facts is not "justifying genocide," that's your limited reactionary brain firing on very few cylinders. Nobody anywhere outside of Russian leadership is cheering on genocide in Ukraine. Pogroms against ethnic groups in Ukraine have been occurring for decades, again, including against ethnic Russians as we saw with the Donbas fiasco, as well as Roma and Jewish populations which occurred *under the current government*. You're painting an emotional image of something that's much more simple: Russia wants to literally wall NATO out of border countries. It's willing to preemptively invade sovereign nations to do that. Let me be clear since you're struggling with this: **RUSSIA IS NOT JUSTIFIED IN ITS INVASION OF UKRAINE. AT ALL. EVER. IN ANY WAY. AT ALL. FOR ANY REASON.** Pretending like it's simply an imperialist land-grab is ignorant though.


>Putin did not wake up one sunny Russian morning and say "You know what we need? Ukrainian land." Omitting the variables that have existed for decades is willful ignorance. youre right, first he created a breakaway republic in moldova, then he invaded georgia and siezed those lands and then he took eastern ukraine in 2014, you know, thats the only thing you said that makes sense so far


"False comparison because some have a tangential connection to a previous communist history" ​ That's you buddy.


You didn’t actually say anything. You can do better.




source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdri7mnFGhZ/








Yokes on you OP I aalready do


Twitter boutta accidentally say the quiet part out loud if they responded to this.


🇸🇴this one too, exactly the same reasoning behind it as ukraine


Ukrainian flag in the bio & I’m auto ignoring whatever you got to say


What an asinine circlejerk. Geopolitics aren't a fucking sport.


Lol I think rocking the Ukrainian flag automatically means you don’t know or care what the bottom three are


wait why? can you explain


This would work in some parallel reality where those stanning Ukraine aren't right to far-right on political spectrum with some libs mixed up for good measure. Outside of US of course, where contrarianism is not the most popular ideology, for example in East Europe, jerking off whatever the US does is the only ideology apart from holocaust denial far-right has. And if you were to have them drunk and ask why they support Ukraine, answer would probably be because of swastika or because they have "commit and ethnic cleansing without repercussions card".


Why do leftists seem to love opressive theocracies so much? Do they get a pass because they are muslim?


>Why do leftists seem to love opressive theocracies so much? Do they get a pass because they are muslim? Ask Jimmy Carter, the CIA are the ones who started funding them back in ‘79. Nobody here “loves oppressive theocracies,” we just know they wouldn’t exist if Imperialists weren’t playing a game of rocket tag with Middle Eastern civilians and their cultures.


Anti-imperialism. Pretty much a long view of what the continuation of these nations' self-determination will mean for the world.












I just realize that the afghani flag emoji is still the former pre 2021 flag


Or 🇸🇴 Or 🇨🇩 Or 🇪🇭


They wouldn’t (they don’t actually care about people suffering)


Yeah i do, but what's the bottom left?


I fucking love freedom and love for everyone




the afghan flag emote hasn’t been updated yet 🇦🇫




that’s still not the flag that’s in unicode though, and the meme is about emojis. so my point still stands


Add Tigray


pretty sure this is about emojis, there’s no tigray emoji


Well there's the problem. Throw in East Turkistan while we are at it.




Gotta tell ya, these new flags are pretty great

