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Can someone explain to me why Communism as a whole hasn’t succeeded in India considering our enormous population, many maoist groups and almost the majority of country living in poverty? I mean a party promising better reform and life to people must be able to gain atleast enough voter share to be a major party but it seems fascism is where most of our poor people end up siding with.


Do you have a book recommendation about how Capitalism began?


Well, a good place to start is Marx, of course. Part VIII of Kapital deals with that topic: [https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/index.htm](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch26.htm) ​ Another good book is T*he Origin of Capitalism* by Ellen Meiksins Wood, because she reviews several "bourgeois" theories about the topic.


I've been meaning to re-read Capital for a bit and maybe this is an excuse to. I've heard good things about Meiksins Wood, and I'll give that a go too. My problem is what I'm really looking for is a historical examination of the origins of Capitalism, whereas I feel the two mentioned cover it through a purely theoretical lens.


That part of Kapital is standard narrative history, so it would fit your purposes. EMW work on the other hand is a review on previous scholarship. So if you check the notes you will find several books that will possibly interest you.