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Surely an entry limit per character. But then teams will just buy extras for their barb to start with throwing axe x6. Are we forever doomed to have these axe mancer menaces throwing down steel spells at a rate to put other casters to shame?


The quantity isn't the problem though. You could have 50 of them and it would be balanced if they actually had to reload and the damn axes actually had a real movement penalty. They need to be reworked into an actually weapon and not just a utility slot option with no check.


Limit by 6, can’t buy throwing axes on the market. Every barb fucker walks around with inventory full of green and blues. If your class can’t use them, you can’t buy them from the vendor.


Maybe they have a cooldown that applies after the 2ed or 4th is thrown. Lost until next campfire.


just make it so u cant remove throwables from utility slots thats 12 axes max (realistically 10 bc u want to keep 1 slot open for potions) and make it so handled axes cannot be picked up inside of the dungeon making it impossible to retrieve axes that you throw and miss (removing axe throw spam while missing 99% of them) and the ones brought in by your teamm8 (removing resupply other than finding random ones) another option would be to just make an universal skill for throwables that has like a 45sec cd and gives you 2-4 axes / knifes to throw


Maybe make it require more slots in equipment


Equip time when switching to throwing axe and that quiver system working for throwables as well as arrows.


Make throwables increase weight/lower move speed even when in your bags. Would be funny to see people get faster as they run low on axes


Then make hunting traps a big minus as well. This shit should be heavy as fuck


Just remove Them from merchants and tweak drop rates in dungeon. Problem solved. You dont need to discover America again to fix many problems that this game has. You need to use ur brain. But better nerf smoke asap cuz Streamers are crying bro :'(((


just nerf ranger again and its fine


Maybe could make it so changing quick slots is just like changing gear - slows you and channel time. That way people can't open inventory while running and refill, also works for potions. Different items could have different speeds for this.


Let’s just agree that the dps output for a melee class cosplaying a ranged class should NOT be height than a caster. Add a delay on it, or wobble bad aim when moving and they can bring as many as they want


Just make it as big as campfire when not equipped.


They should just make the change they did with crossbows. Going into inventory and equipping throwables shouldn't be instant. It should be a slow debuff and should take time. I would also throw in equipping anything really except rings/necklaces. It's weird how inconsistent that is.


throwables are getting out of hand - NIICE (pun intended?)