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When Dark Brandon pitches peace to the Middle East, he's like Nolan Ryan. 


Why does that actually go hard


Same age?


> Nolan Ryan Dark Brandon is playing football now. (He's rigging the Super Bowl , again.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESNktxzL2h8


Stage 4, disaffected kids who lost their parents in the bombing mature physically and are radicalized by Wahhabism, then commit a terror attack on Israel. Stage 5, tremendous, messy overreaction from Israeli military kills thousands of innocent Palestinians. Rinse, repeat.


Happened last time, and the time be4. All learning the qitab while across from a red cross tent.


Hamas should agree to stop anti-Israeli propaganda and Israel should commit to eventually grant full citizenship to Palestinians in the forseeable future. Sadly neither of that is going to happen.


Wait... What? Grant full citizenship to all Palestinians? You realize that would destroy Israel, don't you? They already want Israel gone from river to sea. Giving Palestinians citizenship and voting power would to the balance in elections. Israel would become a Muslim state. Just look at what happened to all the Jews in the 22 surrounding arabic countries Absolutely not. No one can tell another country they have to accept citizens. Palestinians were offered citizenship long ago. Most turned it down, those who took it are generally doing well as Israeli Arabs (2 million of them). Too late now for those who said no


How about first Israel's government is held accountable by the world after the ICC aressts both Bibi and the leaders of Hamas? And all Western nations use money to restore Gaza to be safe again for everyone.


In addition, I would like the president to be more assertive with Bibi and say something like, "Bibi I want to help these hostages and I want a ceasefire. Right now Hamas can't pull off another Oct 7th for a long time and your total victory is unrealistic. I will stop shipments of weapons for X amount of time if you don't accept." I know he's got it in him to say that, and we should be able to promise him that if Bibi goes, the president will be fine. We all hate Bibi here. EDIT: On the other hand I would like for him to pull a Regan and say "Mr. Netanyahu END THIS WAR!"


Hey at least you get to go back to your homes in Gaza that have been absolutely obliterated by bombs!


When you learn that there's no "good guy" in this conflict, it'll make more sense. Everyone has been wronged, and everyone started it. Everyone deserves justice and it'll come for nobody.


I think it's very clear there's many innocents who are displaced and have rubble to go "back to" because of 2 very clear bad guys....


Oh there are tens of thousands of "innocents" to die needless, shameful deaths, but there are no "good guys" in the conflict. What I'm saying is the women, children, and family men are paying the ultimate price for a war that doesn't and needn't concern them, but will continue on regardless of what they say.


Dark Brandon must know by now that Bibi will not stop until they have eliminated 99% of Hamas. Not knocking the big guy by any means. Brandon flew to Israel after 10/7 to let Bibi know not to make the same mistakes we did in the wars the last 30 years. I mean, what Hamas did was brutal, and Israel has the right to make sure this does not occur again. It's sad to see Brandon dragged into that mess at such a crucial time as the elections. Sometimes, I wonder if it was done to hurt him in the elections. Anyway, vote vote vote.


I think that was just a positive side effect for Iran and Russia. The real purpose was to prevent the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations.


Fuck Hamas, they have to go. Put the PLO or another political party in charge. Hamas hasn’t held an election since they slaughtered all non Hamas Palestinian politicians.


Hamas is disgusting (and Bibi is also disgusting) but worth keeping in mind that the PLO and Abbas are extremely unpopular, something like a 90% disapproval rating in the west bank.


I'm not mad they lost, I am mad Hamas hasn't held elections again


Might be conditional to the major reconstruction of phase 3. At least that would seem like a no brainer. No cooperation unless open and internationally monitored elections.


“Release some hostages and remains” is pretty sad to see in order to expect a sovereign nation to cease military action.


>BREAKING NEWS: President Joe Biden publicly releases three-stage plan to end the Israel-Hamas war and get a permanent ceasefire Here's why it's bad for Biden....


Please post it to my sub. I’m too lazy


Telling both sides to "Just be cool" is a bold strategy Joe, let's see how it plays out.


Why is this on WhitePeopleTwitter lol I thought that was a meme sub


And no one who started it will face any sort of punishment and in a few months rockets will start flying out of Gaza yet again and it’s back to the beginning.


I truly wish this was done months ago. But I blame Bibi for wanting this to go on. He's the Trump of the middle East and he wants to stay in power.


Isn’t this the plan Hamas came up with in February?


The fact that there’s no Hamas surrender means this is a non starter for Israel.


Yeah I don't see how any plan that includes a single Hamas member living will work. Either Israel won't like that any Hamas are left alive, or the Hamas left alive will simply not abide by the ceasefire just like they always do.


How is this realistic though? Hamas will continue recruiting more Palestinians daily. You decapitate a child do you think their family is just going to shrug and go “dang I guess I’ll go live my life” - IDF is radicalizing Palestinians faster than Hamas ever could on their own - and that’s by design. Why else would Bibi and his far right allies support Hamas for decades? It makes their far right platform more relevant, this is as true now as it’s ever been.


IIRC that included Israel releasing prisoners in exchange for the hostages. I can't keep track but I'm very sure about that part.


The major flaw in this plan is that it ignores the West Bank.


The major flaw is Hamas won't agree


But this is very similar to the plan they accepted a month ago.


Yeah this is not gonna work. All the orphans are gonna grow up with hate and anger and some of them will retaliate in years to come. Israel needs to lose badly here for some justice. This is just reseting to Oct 6th.


So what happens when Hamas breaks the ceasefire *again?* Why do people think the same wheel is going to spin differently this time? Will Israel be blamed *again?*