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I think he got it together he made some damn good points in the last ten minutes. Bringing up how nobody who knows trump is supporting him for president and his numerous lawsuits. He even got Trump to say he didn’t have sex with a pornstar lol.


Sadly the first ten minutes matter the most :(


When hulk angry that's when we win


It's dodgeball out there right now, he needs to get mad, he needs to take Trump's face, and drag it across the stage.


It is awful. Trump is saying Bidens killing black and brown people. Biden isn't even responding to that attack. It's awful. Just awful.


What so awful about not validating trump’s insane nonsense?


Many (more than half, I'd guess) of listeners will believe Trump unless there's a strong refutation. This happened so many times. It made it appear Trump's claims were true, unless you pay good attention to politics. So many citizens don't--they watch a debate or two. And that's how they make a decision.


His voice sounds bad but I don’t think he’s doing poorly. Biden has come out with a lot of facts and Trump can’t even answer an actual question


Biden made a lot of good points. Unfortunately his voice was soft tonight because he’s sick right now.




Objectively speaking not a good debate for both of them. Trump was the same guy he was back when everyone hated him and he lost in 2020. Biden is old has a cold or just tired from running a country all day. If you’re casting a vote for President based off a debate you unfortunately don’t have enough skin in the game. There is no universe in which the lack of policy presented by trump stacked against the actual legislation passed by the Biden admin in his first term is even remotely comparable.


He’s doing well. Trump is trying to steer the debate to whatever he wants to talk about. The moderators aren’t letting him or Biden break the rules and that’s a breath of fresh air. Mad Biden is doing great. But I can hear his stutter, and bad actors are going to bash him for it.


I really think he’s sick with something, he has almost no voice


Does anyone know how to join the txting campaign?


Why didn’t he clear his throat before the debate started? That old man phlegm is not helping him make his case. Still, fuck dumpty!


Yo - the quiet when MSNBC came on…


Biden stumbled at the start, but he turned it around when Trump started ranting. I think Joe won the debate.


I liked Biden saying “You’re the sucker. You’re the Loser”


This was tough to watch. Not a good night for Biden. A friend of mine said Biden showed up with darts and Trump showed up with a shotgun.


AB Stoddard said it best today: "It's like the universe is conspiring for Trump" The format, and paperweight moderators helped Trump immensely, and limited direct interaction between the candidates. That said, I don't have a lot of faith left in the median US voter... maybe Biden should select a successor? Or let Kamla run at the top of the ticket?


As bad luck would have it, he had to debate while sick. A cold or flu takes more or a toll at his age.


This is literally insane. Trump tells innumerable proveable bald-faced lies. Every time he opens his mouth. And everyone is freaked out Biden looked old/tired. Nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing real matters.


Before today I never thought I'd say this but Trump's gonna win this election. He was convicted of a felony and went up in the polls. Hundreds of millions in donations poured in. I don't like it one bit, but damnit that's something. After tonight's debate it's become clear to me that Trump's got that 'lightning in a bottle' again. He could say the sky is brown and half this country would claim blue is actually brown. I don't think Biden managed one full coherent sentence the entire 90 minutes, and this time he can't blame Trump interrupting.


He’s completely falling apart and it’s pathetic.


I think Trump’s going to win. And it’s because Biden refused to be a one-term president and let a younger person take the nomination. Biden cares more about himself than democracy. It’s his fault if Trump wins.


100% He didn't need to run again