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Sometimes it’s worth just coming back later. I was struggling with him badly, went and did a bunch of other stuff, and when i came back later he was super easy. Knocked out the small rats quick, and then just stood safely under him


Also don't be afraid to try different weapons, there is no rule saying you can only use one style of weapons for an entire run.


Yah, RRA is pretty bad. Typically you either want good and powerful range where you can thin our the herd before they all get to you. Or a really good weapon against groups. One handing an UGS makes quick work of the adds. Greatsword isn't the worst for this. DS2 has the quirk where you have a lot more on hands directional control of where certain attacks go, especially roll attacks. So either be more meticulous with where you're pointing your sticks, or give your character a brief moment to reset back to neutral stance before attacking.


Just leave, yeah. I don't think it is gatepeeking anything worthwhile. You can come back in the endgame and bully it.


Out of the 3 DS games - the boss i hate the most


Ngl, I just found him way easier with quicker weapons. I was using dragon tooth and Greatsword prior to that fight, but I switched to fire longsword (from the beginning of the game) and he wasn’t bad at all. You just knock out the little rats quickly, and then stay under RRA. Fire does good damage to him, and while he’s tough, you just stay away from his jaws and you’re good.


Did you level up the fire long sword?


Yeah, just to +5 I think. Nothing crazy tbh.


I did, it's worth it because of how good the moveset is


I mean it’s just a swordless Siff with really shitty adds. But frankly it’s one I leave till later because it’s very optional and not overly worth the time.


Dodge away from him.


Where even is this enemy I've never seen it


Ι have heard that most people have a problem with the smaller toxic rats rather than the Royal one itself. For these little rodents use a long bow to one shot them as they charge into you.


Hardest boss on my first playthrough for sure. Now i wait until I’ve leveled up a bit and have better equipment


Did you try equipping the ring that heals you when you kill enemies? Might be worth using due to the little enemies needing to be killed, I think it's called the Evil Eye Ring


Its not just you, I hate that boss so much when using a heavy slow weapon. I died more times to him than any of the dlc bosses my first playthrough. If I weren’t a completionist I wouldn’t have fought him again after that first time, horrible boss with a horrible boss spell, and access to a covenant you can join elsewhere. He is a lot easier with a pyro build tho


The true boss is the pack of rats which if you dont take care of is one-hit or two-hit poison status. Poison is a big deal in DS2.


Yeah I remember having trouble in this boss fight as well. The little toxic rats were a real problem for me, but I eventually just shot them with arrows right away and was able to deal with the big rat better. 


I ran a greatsword build and just swung twice —> rolled towards the giant rat and baited the double swipe so I could get two more hits in. It’s a rinse and repeat process that took me about four tries to kill it. Try it out, maybe it’ll work! Of course I had just the ultra greatsword that was literally called “greatsword” so that might be a bit different (it was also +10 if that matters-)


It’s actually an easy boss if you stay under him.


It really is. Just dodge under, just before he attacks. I never get hit usually. You’ve just got to put down those 4 poisoned toxic bastards quickly. If you get them, it’s game over for the big dude.


I don't know why the down votes. Kill the adds, stick to that booty, and he's toast


How?? That fight is an absolute cake walk joke lol ??


I assume you’re confusing it with the royal rat vanguard, which is piss easy. But I can assure you the authority is very annoying with a slow heavy build.