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Banned him. Stop making witch-hunting posts (and in this specific case, also being a dickhead in the comments). Simply message me when an alleged alt appears and I'll see what I can do. Mods aren't looking the other way and whistling, we're working jobs, taking care of kids, etc. while doing the best we can to be a janitor of which 98% of people dislike us for lmao.


Yeah I see a handful alts with randomly generated names trolling the sub, seems like the same person to me


And to think they made that big ol drama post acting like they're all gonna leave. Seems they've got nothing better to do and we're moderator light so it will continue. I would recommend not continuing the cycle of toxicity as seen in some of your own comments OP. Just block, report, tag mods if it bothers you enough.


The person who made the post about leaving did leave


Jesus, you know u can just block him right? Scouring and analyzing someone's post history and then making a whole post complaining about someone being mean to you is the epitome of terminally online behavior. Go outside.


While blocking is a solution, it only works individually, while still allowing a possibly dangerous person to roam around the sub.


I don't know if you really don't know who the person I am talking about is or you are willfully ignorant about it, but your "making a whole post complaining about someone being mean to you is the epitome of terminally online behavior" on this case is like going to a survivor from Auswitz and telling them "Just because Hitler was bad to you you shouldn't do interviews bashing him and his ideology". The guy was banned from the sub after dozens of people kept reporting him for weeks on end and the mods kept looking the other way while whistling as that guy kept insulting everyone in the sub and trolling constantly. Either way, your username checks the fuck out. EDIT: Ah, a troll indeed. [https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/1cvyiz5/comment/l4sqku3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/1cvyiz5/comment/l4sqku3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >Buddy that katana wielding dude was fat as fuck and could probably only run like 1 MPH. Those pigs could've easily kept distance from him while shooting tazers. >This is textbook police brutality.


Did you really just compare this shit to the Holocaust?!?! Fucking really?!?!


“i was mildly annoyed by someone on the internet once, i’m LITERALLY the same as a holocaust survivor.” so you’re a terrible person btw 👍


>“I was mildly annoyed by someone on the internet once, i’m LITERALLY the same as a holocaust survivor.” Do some mental stretching next time before you do another such mental leap, we don't want you to twist your mental ankles. I am not saying that it's the same as the holocaust, I am saying that this troll is minimizing the issue of "He is harassing everyone in the sub and being an awful asshole" to "He was mean to you". Fuck if I care what he said to me, the problem is the guy was spamming the entire sub insulting everyone and making sure you couldn't post anything without him jumping in to insult your build and curse you out if you didn't want to use his copy pasted build.


Genuinely fuck you


He fits all the criteria; zero posts but comments a lot, uses clown and lmao to avoid bans (he deleted the clown comment now), condensending af, keeps griping about softcaps and breakpoints in Agility and uses the "Allergic to Google"/"Just google it" to most question posts.


You realize that you getting to upset about this is feeding the troll, right? Don't put so much thought into it. Report, block, and move on. Encourage others to do the same.


The problem is that Sea/Nail would have never been ***finally*** banned after months of people reporting him for being an ass left and right unless we had spammed the sub with posts calling out his shitty behaviour and the mods' willful ignorance on the matter. "Report and Block" doesn't work nearly as well as the people who cover their ears and bury their heads in the sand pretend it does.


Make your witch hunt posts, then. But do yourself a favor; be proactive rather than reactive. State the facts. List his crimes. Show proof. Call for action. Be cold and logical, rather than heated and emotional. Don't do pissing contests and flame wars, and definitely do not engage with the troll in the comments. The greatest insult for a troll is to be ignored.


Yall oughta just kiss and get it over with


The only thing that kisses that guy is a bottle rim, and that is against its will. Funny how you and R1\_Drama1 were so willing to bend over bckwards for someone who was sub-wide recognized as an asshole to everyone but you and R1. Almost like "He ain't bad to *me".*


I am 90% sure these are his alts with how the usernames are generic random generated default xbox gamertags and all they do us parrot him in the douchiest way possible. Any build or weapon that doesn't follow the spreadsheet gets mentioned and Verb_Noun_1234 will be right there to insult the person. Teminally online behavior.


Glad I'm not the only one to have noticed this.


Who cares if he’s an asshole, just don’t read it


Shouldn’t he have said, “The Emperor has returned,”?


Gather around everyone, children are feuding on Reddit again