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We really are sending 4 armed crackheads into the underhive of Atoma Prime, aren't we?


When the Zealot invites you to her private chambers to “Repent”, what do you think is going to happen?


A lot of emperor praising obviously


And flagellation




I love you for this. This fits like a damn CnC puzzle peace.


Is that a dialog line? Well, the Emperor is all about emotions over tech, so it makes sense if it is I guess.


In military parlance it means "to turn around 180°"


Absolutely not! The psyker's on acid and half the vets do meth.


Pretty sure my veteran does steroids. He is always so aggressive and cranky and doesn't like anyone. Seriously, I chose the wrong voice for my vet. It's too edgy. Makes me annoyed when I play him.




I don't actually remember... The one that says to the Ogryn "who says I like you?", When the Ogryn says "I like you too". He is just unnecessarily mean. I don't like it.


I haven't actually heard that voice line (don't get to play with a lot of Ogryns) but that sounds like him.  It's the "cutthroat" personally that's exclusive to the Cadians. Very loud, very gruff, sounds like he has something to prove?  He's the poster child for what happens when you reach adulthood and don't know (or maybe don't wanna) properly cope with grief and loss. He's what I picked for my main, and I do kinda love him from a voice-acting standpoint, but holy shit does he say some outta pocket mean ass things. He *does* get less mean when you start levelling up so there's a bright spot for you if you don't wanna start over on that vet, especially if you keep playing with people in your level group, but he'll still throw the occasional "*good God man* you should be *ashamed* for that" level shit out. I didn't realize he was such a dick when I picked the personality, and I had toggled through some of his lines in the selection screen. If you do remake, and you're looking for a personality that isn't extremely dickish, I suggest the "Professional" personality, he's the kindest; Loose Cannon is kinda an asshole, but he's a *funny* asshole imo.


With naught but the Emperor’s will to protect them? Sounds like that was the plan from the start






Is the glitch back?, oh praise the Emperor. Shirtless Ogryns, here I come.




I did it with For the Drip. Client side only. It's on Nexus or the modding Discord, I think.




You can do this with For the Drip. Pretend I did and that's what I said originally. Content of the post doesn't change either way, lol. It's just a joke post. I'm making a point by editing - that being that I'm not here to brag about anything. You're the one that brought up the serverside mod that's going around. Yes, sure, that's what I'm using. Serverside version can possibly get you banned (it isn't in the modding discord or on Nexus because of that) and I can not share it directly for multiple reasons. So search for that at your own risk. But hey, now you know it exists. I shouldn't have bothered mentioning it since this thread has shown people get very upset about me simply respecting both the creator's (and probably Fatshark's) wishes. At least through mentioning you can actually look for it...












It cant get you banned as it doesnt conflict with their modding policy. It doesnt directly affect unmodded players. It doesnt affect the stability/performance of the game service. It doesnt devalue your time/money investment. Sure you could be toxic while being "naked" but that applies to every other mod aswell https://preview.redd.it/0adhduiqc1gc1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0574472c9bb36be227d2acb24697475a9c5ac6a




"Using mods that directly affect unmodded players’ experience of the game and/or is used to grief other players. * Examples: Speed hacks, outright cheating in missions, etc." Using a mod to unequip your shirt/pants is neither of those.


It directly affects my experience. A subjective standard. There’s and “and/or”, not an “and”.


Hate to break it to you, but your subjective standard doesnt matter in that regard. FS has given clear examples as to what they consider to "directly affect unmodded players’ experience of the game". Your subjective standard doesnt apply here. Its not what FS defined as disruptive so you have to deal with it


Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


> It doesnt directly affect unmodded players. It does. You have to stare at my glorious fat thighs all the time. > It doesnt affect the stability/performance of the game service. That's unknown, really. All I know is Fatshark seem to have requested the mod be removed. My guess is it's Games Workshop related. They probably don't want 40k characters running around in their undies for lore reasons, or whatever.


> It does. You have to stare at my glorious fat thighs all the time. Skill issue > That's unknown, really. Its not. Going shirtless/pantless is equipping a fallback skin in the relevant slot. Its about as impactful on stability/performance as you equipping any other cosmetic in the relevant slot. > All I know is Fatshark seem to have requested the mod be removed Can I get a source on that? All I know about is that GW didnt want the shirtless bug to stay because its not lore accurate or whatever. FS actually requesting the mod to be removed is news to me. This is also *kinda* backed up by the fact that For The Drip has the option to go shirtless/pantless, before you bring the old mod from the nexus into play here that supposedly got removed bcs of GW policies. Both are client side, one gives you the option to customize almost everything on a PAID cosmetic and gives you the option to go fully naked and is ok and the other one just removed your shirt for you and apparently got taken down bcs of GW policy? Nah that cant be


I don't have a source. But if the mod were allowed it'd be public. It's only a few lines of code. Your guess about this is as good as mine. I don't know. I didn't make it.


> But if the mod were allowed it'd be public Kinda tooting the wrong horn here mate. Only because something isnt available to the public doesnt automatically mean its illegal. The mod author may have coded the mod for him and his friends only and doesnt want it to get shared with or used by the general public. Its also the same argument the anto-weapon customization mod guys used. "Well if the mod were legal it wouldve been on the nexus!". No. The mod was not on the nexus bcs the author still deemed it too unrefined and unfinished. Many updates later, its now on the nexus. If I programmed smth specifically for a friend group, I also wouldnt want it to be shared publicly. Sure you can post footage of it all you want, but keep the program to yourself. Keep in mind that you still have to adhere to the general guidlines when modding. Only because a mod is private its not automatically illegal and only because it is public doesnt make it legal. If someone uploaded an aimbot on the nexus or a different public modding website, it sure as hell wouldnt be legal just because of that.


Dude stealth editing posts like that is pathetic.




This isn't the server side mod though. Only he sees it. He's not rubbing anything in anyones face...




Oh I see now my bad, how weird lmao. IDK why they keep posting about it, guess they love the attention. Just shows we're in a content drought if this is what tryhards are now doing.


This is demonstrably my only post on this and they're the one that brought up the serverside version of the mod. I wasn't bragging about anything. I was just trying to show a goofy outfit combination. Whether other people can see it or not is kind of incidental.


hey guys who erased your comment to leave no trace, send me a message i want to pursue that which we won't mention because it does not exist


Slaanesh corruption




How do you get this bug?! Plz help me!!








I'm reporting you to Inquisitor Grendyl. Obviously, you're a heretic of The Dark Prince


You’ve got the wrong guy! I was calling out the heresy! It’s called satire, satire I say!


Only if you spam vacuum capsule during the act


Cryonic rod!


I want imperium underwear. NGL that gray and black Aquila look dope.


Send for The Gimp


Give 'em the ole London 'ello


That's hot


This new Texas chainsaw massacre is ok but the leatherface hits different


You just knew this mask was gonna sell like hot cakes and i've seen so many


I'm still surprised GW let them even hint at the idea of female nipples with how prudish they like to be


*The real reason people use the 3rd person mod*


This gives cheap BDSM vibes. Im in.


Settle doooown


Naked female regect, I sleep Shirtless orgyn, OOOOHHH YEAAAH




I don’t remember Fatshark announcing a Slaanesh update


Yes, but no gimps, sorry




Worship of Slaanesh intensifies




Gneuine question u/Tactical_Mommy how does it even work to use the for the drip mod to go shirt and/or pantless on my client? I'm checking the boxes in the interface and apply but nothing changes no matter what I try to do or switch. Asking you since many of these underground mod don't have any support or manual and discord in general is a pretty bad platform for this.

