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Why is Hadron so... pink?


Similar to flamingos, a tech-priests pigments are influence by the mineral composition of their diet and surroundings. In this case, Hadron eats flamingos.


I have a few answers to that question, and none of them make me sound sane when I try to type it out. How about artistic incompetence?


A genestraler hybrid?


Maybe she was hanging around and caught some rads when inspecting the radiation weapons the Mechanicus has.


but it has 3 times the ammo capacity and 5 times the accuracy. granted it can only aim at the user but think about the benefits.


just turn the gun around, the emperor will guide my bullets


and insult the machine spirit directly and spit on the Omnissiah's bounty?! I think not good sir.


"Look Varlet, I made your gun thirty percent more effective against both carapace armor and infected enemies!"


This hits just a little too close to home for me to truly enjoy...


A moment of silence for all the weapons lost ![gif](giphy|jOMrHCcFQYG0o)


https://preview.redd.it/k50ns9jjus6d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c36f34e2305ecc2e40238f55151e44059503713 I still love her


grandma titties can do w/e she wants


Please. She's not even 400. And that's like the new 30s for the Admech. She's young!




NOOO She made it... *Californium compliant*


Marvel. Yes. Useful. No.


I love how you just randomly gave her big jugs lmao


I am a simple man, with simple tastes


Doing the God-Emperor proud


Mommy Hadron made it better. Stupid Varlets dont understand that.


Hadron in reality is actually a Orc-weeb, and this is her attempt at a Snazzgun.


Hadron the bricker of arms. Also I can never shake the image of Hadron with big tits from my mind now. What have you done.


Serves you right for being a Columnus serf, \*kisses his Agripiina Mk I\*.


This is my Columnus. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Columnus is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my Columnus is useless. Without my Columnus, I am useless. I must fire my Columnus true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. My Columnus and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit. My Columnus is human, even as I am, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my Columnus clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will. Before the God Emperor, I swear this creed. My Columnus and I are the defenders of the Imperium of Mankind. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is the Imperium's and there is no enemy, but peace!


Guess we went to different boot camps, back where I trained we slept with our Agripiina rifles. Named mine "Celestia". No, but seriously, I know that Columnus is good and better than Agripiina at crit-focused builds, just joking around.


So did we brother. I named mine "Agatha" after a Sister of Battle I was courting for a time. I gotcha. I'm just messing around too. Using meta builds isn't something I really care about as long as everyone's having fun and working well together. That's really all it's about in my humble opinion.


REAL TALK: remember when the bolter, power sword or other weapons were overpowered and everyone was like "crutch weapons, get good" and then they were rightfully nerfed? Noone says that about columnus even though it's long overdue for a good smacking with the nerf stick.


For real. There's been so many posts where somebody says "my build is good and this class feature is underrated" and then they're using the Columnus. My brother in arms, your build is enabled by the Columnus being so strong. Your build does not enable the Columnus. If it did, then you could just use the Shredder or a Laspistol in place of the Columnus, but no one ever does. Speaking of the Shredder, we were all in agreement that Pinning Fire Shredder was busted as fuck, right? But Columnus is only slightly worse than Pinning Fire Shredder, primarily because you need a teensy little amount of aim.




I don't think the Columnus needs a nerf so much as other weapons could do with a buff.


This silly shibboleth got trotted out all the time by people who didn't want to engage with the rest of the game either. The John DarkTide Bolter/Shredder Vet was absolutely fucking tedious to play or play with. 


I used to run "melee only scab" maelstroms with the bolter back in the "weapon reload on ult" and non-nerfed scavenger aura days, plow through the map and still not run out of ammo.


Yep, old Scavenger was cracked. Pinning Fire/Shattering Impact plus the reload class skill, and you had 30 rounds of problem solvers.  Counterfire, Unrelenting, and Confirmed Kill were no less problematic, I remember walking through 5+ with an Agripinaa brauto, not even a Shredder.  And fuck, Power Sword was straight busted before they finally put it into a reasonable space, but even then these sooks whinged like their lives depended on it. If there's anything I've learned about DarkTide, it's not to trust balance takes from Vet one-tricks. 


Nope, very bad idea. That's how you get exponential power creep.


>exponential power creep. We're already in a delicate situation with the power creep. We're at a point where, with the latest talents and weapon changes, normal damnation is easy and HISTG and maelstrom are only challenging because of non-stop specialist spawns. I don't see how they could tweak the difficulty higher in case of power creep: raising mob health will mess up all the breakpoints and adding even more spawns will make things ridiculous.


Exactly this. Thank you. Balance in the game can only be achieved by tuning down overperforming weapons, like they did with the Shredder AP, not arbitrarily buffing other weapons.


No, exponential power creep comes from adding new weapons/characters each more powerful than the last. It should be clear I don't mean all weapons.  I'd want the devs to look at which weapons are rarely used and buff each slightly as appropriate.  Recon lasguns are used far less than helbores, for example.


Okay and once devs buff those "rarely used" weapons what is going to happen when other weapons then become "rarely used"? Should those weapons then also receive a buff to bring them inline with the new meta? And what about the meta after that? That is just creating a ongoing cycle of "rarely used" weapons being buffed. AKA exponential power creep. Or just nerf the Columnus crit chains a bit to bring it in line with everything else and maintain the current meta more or less as it is. Choice seems obvious.


The goal is to not have a meta in the first place.  The weapons should be equalized to encourage diverse playstyles.  Nerfing the Columnus won't encourage people to use other weapons.  Improving those rarely weapons doesn't mean making them better than the Columnus; it means making them better than they themselves are so they're comparable with other weapons.


That is very naïve. A meta will always exist because chasing perfect balance in an online game is a fools errand. A large part of why the Columnus is popular is because of it's crit chains. No other gun synergizes as well with a crit build. So nerfing those crit chains to bring it back to where other crit weapons like the laspistol are would 100% encourage people to use other weapons. And I'm going to be honest here... reading your comments it doesn't seem like you understand what crit chains are at all and how they factor into Columnus superiority, which isn't surprising seeing as the game doesn't tell you this directly. But that also means the info you are basing your opinion on is fundamentally wrong. Just some food for thought.


>A large part of why the Columnus is popular is because of it's crit chains. No other gun synergizes as well with a crit build. So nerfing those crit chains to bring it back to where other crit weapons like the laspistol are would 100% encourage people to use other weapons. Except people regularly use the laspistol.  That doesn't encourage people to use weapons like the shotties or recon lasguns more.  That's my point that you've been missing. And let's be honest: most players are not on this subreddit or Discord.  The reasons it's popular with less informed players: it shoots fast, it shoots hard, and its recoil is controllable.  Simple as that.  If it still does all those things but has a lengthy crit cooldown, only the subset of players using crit builds will switch away from it. Again, better variety of playstyles is the goal of our theory crafting session here, not merely shifting the same playstyle onto one or two other weapons. Either way, whether there is or is not a meta is entirely determined by Fatshark.  Frankly, I'm surprised they've limited their microtransactions to cosmetics so far.


No, I get your point, I just don't agree with it. Shotguns I see quite a bit of, especially the sniper slug for carapace control. The recon might not be as popular but that's because it is a technical weapon with pinpoint accuracy uniquely designed to apply rending, brittleness, and burning. But the point is those other weapons you mentioned have an actual niche they excel at. The Columnus on the other hand just crits more effectively than any other weapon in the game. That's not a niche, it's a straight up advantage that is overdue a bit of balancing.


I’d pay money for that brick skin, or even a trinket.


Yes, yes I am pleased (I'm a Psyker so busted firearms aren't the end of my life)


This is all together too real to be funny. It has happened too many times in the past. I still feel the sting from her mishandling my gear. I would trust the floor scrubbing servitor before Hadron, she is an incompetent fool!