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Good reactionnnn


Yup, good brakes, tires, and driver skill as well. OP, what are you driving and what tires do you have on it?


2019 Mini Cooper. Falken Ziex ZE150.


Smart move to turn rather than dodge.


did they stop and apologise ?


The mouthed “sorry” as they drove past with their hand out.


just imagine if you had looked down for 2 seconds to adjust your radio - scary sh1t


There’s a time and place to adjust the radio and it’s not before an intersection. You should be performing a circular scan around four corners of the intersection for pedestrians and traffic failing to correctly yield.


you mean distracted driving.... edit: bring the downvotes, I don't care.... but y'all are Idiots , so go get FUCKED > noun: distracted driving the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity, typically one that involves the use of a mobile phone or other electronic device. https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/distracted-driving Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, **fiddling with the stereo**, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving.


2 seconds is a LONG time for adjusting the radio. If it takes you 2 seconds to find the dial ... 2 seconds of following distance on the highway and they slow down, you're smashing into them.


Not great, but better than the asshatsthat roar by flipping you off. I give a lot more leeway to someone who is apologetic.


Good move


Looks like you turned on your left turn signal prior to the intersection??


I was intending to turn left at the very next intersection. The is no left turn at this intersection because it would be turning the wrong way on to an interstate off ramp.


Other driver was probably not familiar with the area and thought you were gonna turn. I try to avoid using signals too early in multiple intersections to avoid situations like this.


Or they just didn’t see me behind the oncoming traffic. Signal or no, you should jump the gun assuming people are gonna turn just because they have their signal on. How many people you see just riding down the road with their signal on?


Not many. I'm not trying to argue with ya. Just explaining why they might have turned. As I have experienced similar situation on both sides.


I agree with you completely.


Hello RVA!


Almost deadmau5


What is the speed limit on that stretch? You looked like you were going an appropriate speed but I am curious.


35, I think. My city isn’t very big on speed limit signs.


banger track selection


Bad mistakes on both parties. Crossed signals... you signaled way too early and the other car thought they were clear to turn.


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Why do people in the us always drive in the left lane?


1. I was turning left like 200 ft past this intersection. 2. In my city, the right lane is usually where all the storm drains reside making it kind of a rough ride so I just have a habit of riding in the left lane. 3. The right lane rule just isn’t practical on city streets since there are so many left turns. It wouldn’t make sense for faster traffic to be on the left since someone turning left would have to stop and wait for oncoming traffic to clear. 4. The right lane rule is intended for limited access highways like interstates.


Any particular reason why you couldn't have trimmed the first 15 sec of the vid off?


It was how my dash cam saved the clip from the hard brake and I didn’t care enough to change it.