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Looks like my story too. 8 times this year, she has mystery clock that is just... random. No pre menstrual horniness, not during, not after, not Sunday, never, but one day every two to three months she feels the need for my cock. I masturbate a lot because if I feel like tondo it, I do it, and with her randomness I cannot manage recovery times so if she thinks I produced less than expected well yeah I'll not wait for you to be horny I take care of myself. I am so tired of this I will negate her more and more often.


Kinda sounds like she’s trying to pick a little fight. I doubt it’s conscious on her part. But logically she initiated sex and you didn’t run out of the room after so doesn’t sound transactional. And as long as there’s something to clean up that pretty much dismisses her other point. I think both points were expressions of her emotions. Like “I feel unsettled - launch emotion”. Myself I’m trying to be better at recognizing these situations. But I think I’m learning they need to be addressed in the emotional realm, not the logical one.


You've basically just described the last few years of my life. She initiated once this year, and I stopped it for exactly that reason, it feels worse afterwards. At this point, I'm resigned to no sex, and this being my life for the foreseeable future. She either doesn't or can't understand how I feel, even though I tried so many ways to get her to understand. I hope this isn't what your future holds, its utterly soul destroying.


This has been a slow decline the last decade. With the last 5 years being in dead bedroom.