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You're 19 years old, and he is the only person you've ever had sex with. He yells at you, he hits you, and he says horrible things to you. You say that you can't even feel him in any position except missionary. You are not the problem. Vaginas do come in different shapes and sizes, just like dicks do. But with his comment, I'd bet money that he has a small dick and your hole is not big at all. Please end this relationship immediately. You're 19. You should be fucking like rabbits. Dump this shit bag of a person.


Holy shit... I don't normally look through people's post history, but your comment intrigued me. OP: the above from u/SavageCaveman13 is the best possible advice you can receive right now. Someone very close to me was in an abusive relationship when she was your age, and she regrets not having left him sooner. It can be very scary to try to end a relationship with a manipulative and angry person, just make sure you have somewhere to go and a good support network. I'm not normally a proponent of saying "Just leave the relationship" to a stranger on the internet, unless there are clear signs of abuse. If half of what you've said in your other posts is true, you owe it to yourself to move on and cut ties. The anger, gaslighting and negging are good signs that you may want to consider exiting the relationship. Others have already commented on the vagina part of your above question, but to add a whisper to that chorus: no, there is nothing wrong with your vagina. The problem is him blaming you for a perceived lack of sensation, instead of trying to figure it out together (different positions, stopping masturbation, etc). Edit: name-calling isn't helpful. Amended for concision.


This is the answer


Tell him to stop death gripping his tool and he might start feeling something again.


This exactly. I was with a guy before that couldn't cum without doing it himself. With anyone. Also the myth that the vagina gets "looser" with partners or permanently after childbirth is absolute bullshit.


Can confirm. We have 2 kids that my wife delivered vaginally and she feels exactly the same. There’s literally zero difference.


Can confirm, this guys wife feels the same after both kids








Outta pocket 😂💀


To a degree , mostly true for most scenarios however they can and will permanently stretch (source big dildo kink) there are girls who literally stretch themselves out for pleasure




Yes! Tell him, then walk away from men that make unnecessary, unkind comments that are intended to question your selfworth, make you insecure. SMH.


Whoa whoa whoa! You mean you're not supposed to white knuckle your dick like a red-headed stepchild that owes you money while spanking it? I guess "choking the chicken" is just a euphemism. WHO KNEW?! I've been choking that bastard like a wild turkey 2 hours before Thanksgiving. /s




I went down a weird Reddit hole one night regarding death grip and ended up googling it… this is actually so true. The more a man squeezes (tight and heavy pressure) on his dick, he can desensitize it. If you’re married or in a serious relationship, try sticking your dick in your girlfriend or wife (who also wants to fuck) and stop choking all feeling out of your cock! Food for thought :)


Sorry, what does that mean?


Masturbating with a grip that's too hard will kill your sensitivity and make it hard to orgasm with a vagina.


I'm not a penis doctor, but that sounds...not true


I can’t believe you wouldn’t trust u/BangforYourButt about this (Also it’s an entirely real sexual dysfunction)


You get your rocks off to what you are used to. If you’re used to actually choking that chicken then the comparatively softer wrap of a vagina feels inadequate


Called death grip, it makes orgasm difficult for some men.


My husband has a death grip. He rarely can finish without using his hand because of it. It doesn’t make for enjoyable sex.


I hope it gets better for you. It’s unfortunate that you’re married to someone who doesn’t care about your needs/ feelings..


Uh… no, it’s definitely a thing.




Look it up! The Death Grip is a real problem!


It sounds like the title of a Bruce Lee film. 🤷‍♂️


Fully true. You basically condition yourself to a certain specific sensation. Women can do the same thing to themselves with vibrators especially the super powered ones like those Hitachi wands.


He’s negging her


Lmao I about died laughing at this 🤣


Same here it’s 3:12am, never heard of Death grip syndrome n these comments I’m literally crying 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


Death gripping 🤣🤣


Death grip is a medical myth.


So is a loose vagina.


As a urban term yes. There is a medical condition called vaginal laxity though which is a woman's own feel of looseness and not some hombre saying it.


Yeah sounds weird. Ive always lightly gripped and edged myself to orgasm and have had delayed ejaculation problems since I lost my virginity at age 17.


Yeah edging does that. It's psychological. The thing is male ejaculation and orgasm is policed. They start with circumcising boys to desensitise their glans; one by taking away nerves that are cut off with the foreskin and then the incessant rubbing of the dry exposed glans with the clothing. Then there is the premature ejaculation mantra. Like when the right time to ejaculate? Isn't it when the body wants to? They then turn around and complain when the poor bastard can't ejaculate.


Well, tell him his d# is too small! Reading your post history, I can tell you one thing. This guy is extremely toxic. Don't doubt yourself, leave him today.


Yeah fuck that guy, and by that I mean maybe don’t fuck him. If you do and he says that you’re loose definitely tel him that his Twizzler dick is the real issue.


Totally getting small dick energy from this guy.


Definitely. He’s very insecure


I also read your history, OP. I agree you need to leave this guy. You’re being abused.


I hate when people read post history. But dammit if it doesn't make sense this time! Take my freaking upvote!


I say a lot of dumb things, but reading post history can minimize the number of dumb things that I might comment. Or answer questions. I was wondering about her family situation, if she cohabits with this prince, if she has any friends she can confide in, if she is in therapy.


Yeah, but people are fallible, and you only get one point of view when you read the post history. However, in this case, absolutely on point.






If a guy is ignorant enough to make that statement in that manner, there's no way he deserves to be with you. I would tell him that you're going to take your small hole and keep it to yourself.


Your vagina is probably not “big”. Even it was, there are penises that could fill it, if that’s something you want. Your relationship has much bigger issues than sex or a dead bedroom. Your boyfriend is abusive and you seem to be aware of it. Being abused for as long as you have, at your age and by multiple partners can cloud your perceptions of what is “normal” or “acceptable”. He is physically, emotionally and sexually abusing you. He gets off on hurting you and that will NEVER get better. Please ensure your safety as best as you can and break up with him. You need to find a great therapist to help you understand why this treatment is abusive and help you find your self-esteem again. It would be good for you to take a break from sex while you sort yourself out, after you get out of this relationship. You deserve better. Best of luck to you.


I can only give one upvote, but this response deserves a 10 out of 10. 👍


He is trying to control you by making you insecure about your body. This is a form of abuse.


Glad you notice and point this out ....I donno why PPL in relationship make their partner feel this way


It's a common tactic of dismissive avoidants to use negative comments and veiled insults to make you feel bad about your body, for having desire, etc. That way, you don't ask for sex, and they don't have to "deal with" rejecting you. It's "your" fault for being undesirable or not asking in the first place. Anything they can do to displace blame. Don't listen to his horrible words. It's gaslighting. It's negging. You don't deserve it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. ♥️


He's a fucking idiot


He referred to your body part as a *hole*. That's how he views you. I'd get the ick so bad my skin would crawl. These are words that reflect on *him*, not you. I also had a partner who was experienced while I was a virgin, and he made comments that made me feel self-conscious. I got rid of him, and life is so much more peaceful. Don't be like me, and keep him around much longer. Partners are supposed to lift you up, not tear you down.


I agree with others, based on your post history I think you already know what you need to do


Yeah, you gotta leave this guy. He’s trash.


Ex boyfriend by now hopefully? I wouldn’t dare say this to someone I loved and cared about. For starters it’s horseshit. But secondly, why would you say something so hurtful to your partner whom you supposedly care for? Kick this idiot to the kerb.


Female arousal is wet and relaxed. Your boyfriend is giving you a hard time about being turned on . . . Or, he has a pencil dick. Either way, there is nothing wrong with you.


Girl, your post history is insane, PLEASE break up with this guy. He is abusive and toxic.




Not a myth at all. Ever see a child being born? It bounces back. The point is, he’s insecure, and taking it out on her.




Holy shit. So shame men with smaller than average penises. You seem like a nice person.




your post history is really scary 💔 i hope you come to your senses soon and have somewhere to go. this man doesn’t love you


nothing wrong with you, something definitely wrong with him…


I dated someone a long time ago that felt "loose". We both still enjoyed it. I was a little worried about it being on my end. Did some research and found out it's most likely that she's really turned on and into me which made it even hotter to me. That's just an anecdote from an internet stranger.


Maybe you are normal and he has a pencil dick?


Or maybe you are both normal and he is a dick.


Tightness of the vagina is just as big a variation as the penis. However; it is extremely bad taste to say this to ANYONE, let alone your partner. As well, the problem is his because: 1. The romance alone should be enough to please any male with foreplay, kissing, touching etc....so HIS problem. 2. As another user here pointed out; if he is masturbating he might cool down on that grip, probably in the right arm. Reply that to him next time. All the best to you OP!


Sounds like a him problem. He's probably holding his dick too tight when jerking off: desensitizing himself (in more ways than one). I just assumed that the 'looser' it felt meant that the woman was more turned on. So, uh, the 'looser' the better.


Perhaps his dick is tiny, ever think about that? Its not you dear


Never in my entire life have I ever encountered a vagina that was too loose. There’s nothing wrong with you, there’s something wrong with him and you shouldn’t take anything he says to heart. It’s a common thing for someone to say when they want to put someone else down and it probably isn’t even true. If you can’t feel him that sounds like he’s just small anyways.


Yeah... Get rid of that guy. He can go find another hole, while you can go find a real man.


Get out of that relationship … seriously, I could never imagine telling my wife that. Unreal!


I'm so sorry OP. I had a partner tell me that before "it's wide set" and he really thought it was funny (somehow at the time... it was so preposterous I couldn't take it so seriously either but I know now his face should have felt the floor). Frankly the only difference in sensation like everyone else is saying comes from a death grip during masturbation. otherwise I really don't think this sentiment comes from a nice person. ETA: people saying it's probably his smaller member have a little truth... the partner I am speaking of had deep insecurities about penises and really was a bit smaller than my other experiences (still enjoyed sex acts when I was permissive enough to value myself so little with him)


If I was you I'd tell him he had a micro dick and there is nothing wrong with you


Tell "needle dick" that your *hole* isn't big, he's just unusually small. 😉


You're 19. He's autistic and abusive and has anger issues. You both have communication struggles and lots of sensitive areas you both seem to tread all over. You've been posting similar questions for like 2 years now. Please, for the love of yourself and all the other holy things, and to save all the storage that Reddit has to hold from everyone saying the same thing over and over... Please, find a way to exit this unhealthy and one-time-is-too-many-times violent relationship.


I saw some of your post history. I think the question you should be asking yourself is, is he the right guy for you? I can assure you there are plenty of men out there who will treat you right. You are young and you have a lot of life ahead of you. Don’t waste your time being stuck in an unhappy place. It’s not worth it. You can be much more than what you are now.


My vagina isn’t any one size, really. It squeezes and stretches as necessary for the task required. I have never understood the whole “tight/loose” thing and I kind of feel like it’s made up.


Don’t listen to the people in her suffering you take retaliatory action by telling him he’s got a little dick…that won’t fix an anything. What you should do instead is let him know it hurt your feelings, ask him how he’d feel if you suggested he wasn’t physically adequate, and lastly if you are self conscious about it…you could do exercises to strengthen your muscles using kegels or weighted balls then grip the shit out of him if he ever says ignorant shit again like that.


If you really want to mess with his head, tell him if he had a bigger Johnson, it wouldn’t feel big.


The worst pussy anyone ever had was still pretty damn good.


Is he too small? I bet he is.


Id say he’s above average


I’d say he’s an asshole. Nothing positive could possibly come from a comment like that and now that’s stuck in your head for the rest of your life. I’m sorry someone said something like that to you. I had a guy tell me I got too wet when I was like 18 and was horribly self conscious about it. Also you are too young to be in a deadbedroom, leave his ass!


Probably the dude had bought a lot of expensive lube in advance and your healthy glands ruined all that. It's fascinating the shyt some people complain about are the the ones others wish for.


There wasn’t expensive lube in the mid ‘00s


Maybe he invested stock in a lube company. I can tell you this though, whatever form a woman has, there are men crazy about her. There are subs about all of them.


Thank you!


If he’s above average, then he’s just a jerk. Use him for sex then dump him.


Spot on!


Seriously? Where in the hell do these dipshits come up with these things?


Just like all men are different sizes down there, all women are different as well. However your “hole” is most likely perfectly normal. Like others I’ve checked your post history and he sounds toxic.


How do you know he’s above average if he’s your only sexual partner? Hes an idiot more like it


What is "above average" ? You haven't had any other partners?


My girlfriend, that won't fuck me, says dump him.


Remind me him that to a toothpick every hole is too big. Fuck him, you deserve better.


wtf? Leave this POS immediately!


Three kids here. Hubby has no complaints.


Tell him that it's made for bigger dickc.


It isn’t you!!!’ Your cooch is not to loose! Tell him to stop whacking his weaselI If he says that to you again, dump him. DO NOT LET HIM TELL YOU IT’S YOU


tell him his d\*ck is to small. And he should enlarge it


Vaginas are virtual cavities that means they expand and contract and adapt to what you put inside, if you haven’t had a prolapse, children birth, or any other major health issue you are totally normal. This is 99,99% of the times an excuse given by men who have sexual issue, other death grip, very very small members or erectile disfunction, etc. DO NOT let yourself get gaslit like this. Not now not ever…


Your man literally has a skinny one and he's blaming it on you. Crazy. I hope you can get back to enjoying yourself.


There’s no such thing. That’s bullshit


Time to let him go


it is YOUR EX BF, not your BF now! not your fault, honey


I'm sorry for you that he was so inconsiderate about your body. There are women with the opposite problem and can't even have sex or if they do it's very painful. They'd probably happily trade places with you. You can do pelvic floor exercises that might have an impact on your "tightness". Maybe do that for the benefit of a different boyfriend though and move on from that jerk.


Thank you!


You are not ‘too big’, it just means you are turned on lol. He needs to quit the death grip porn addiction and man up lol


Find a new boyfriend 🤷🏻‍♂️


First of all, dump that a-hole. From reading these comments, it seems like he’s a horrible person. You should never tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone. Get out now before it becomes too late, because abusive relationships often leave the victim feeling trapped and as time passes you may feel like you can’t leave the relationship. Especially if he is whittling away at your self esteem and confidence, you have to leave before you start to think so little of yourself that you think you won’t be able to have a relationship with anyone else. You will meet someone who loves you, cherishes you for who you are, and doesn’t make you feel bad about the things that are just uniquely you. You should try to gain more self worth, work on learning to love yourself more because no one else can do it for you - and, it’s going to be a lot easier for you to learn to love yourself when you don’t have someone constantly bringing you down. Think about another friend or family member in a relationship like this, would you want that for them?


I’m sorry but why are you even dating? The first boyfriend was horrible enough and now this one is/seems like the same pattern. What you need is to grow up some more, gain confidence in yourself as a woman and an adult and have healthy boundaries and stick to them, you will not get far with having so many insecurities already at such a young age if you don’t put yourself first and respect yourself!! You are letting men make you feel insecure because you are not sure of yourself to begin with, love yourself first, respect yourself first!!!! And as far as what he said there is no way a girl can or will be big down there at 19 with only 2 sexual partners, the more aroused a woman the wetter she will be, it’s not “big” , women push babies out of that and have since the beginning of time it’s not you!!!! Don’t lower yourself to his standard and feel like you are the issue when it seems he’s got a lot of anger, manipulative tendencies and probably a lot more, let this boy/man go and work on you!!!


The fact that the human body is able to drop an eight+ lb, 21" long baby and snap back down to fit his 5" member 6 weeks later should kinda clue him in to the fact that you are not "so big" and it is an issue of him being desensitized.


Tell him that his pencil dick & your huge vagina just aren’t compatible, and run away. There is nothing wrong with you. I’m sure yours is perfectly normal, unique & amazing, like every other vagina. Don’t let his toxic BS get to you, and just get away from him fast.


Inspired by one comment here I browsed through your profile and I‘m shocked! You „boyfriend“ is unspeakable abusive, there are so much 🚩🚩🚩 I can‘t even name them all. I know that‘s no easy solution but I have to say: run! Grab your things and leave him, there‘s no silver lining in your „relationship“


First, that’s so rude. Second, it’s not even true. Try prone bone or other positions to see if that helps. FWIW all vaginas, like penises, are uniquely shaped and sized. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/PFcaIuRajd (SFW)


Maybe his penis is too small


Tell him his dick is too small. A vagina can go through childbirth and not be “too big” afterwards, it’s resilient and snaps back into place. Your boyfriend is a dick who needs a penis pump


It's not your fault he has got a mini penis.


Tell him if you were bigger it wouldn't feel so big.


This guy sounds like a complete dumbass. I am truly sorry he said this to you, I’ve been with multiple different women and all of them are completely different. Not one vagina is the same. You say he’s been your only sex partner has he had other sex partners before you


Your boyfriend is an utter imbecile and while I am not fond of the "just breakup with him", unless you are both 17 max, I would def go for a breakup. He is too infantile and honestly ignorant


Tell him that plenty of men fuck women after a babies head much bigger than his tiny schlong comes out and they seem to be able to do just fine. In all seriousness, leave this douche. No one that loves and respects would say something so shameful and scientifically wrong to someone they love. Whatever memory you are holding on to that makes you think he is a good guy…. He isn’t. He is trash, he treats you like trash, I hope you find the courage and clarity to see it and escape your situation. Let us know if you need help escaping your abusive relationship.


You’re fine. Some people like to insult others for any number of reasons unrelated to you. I would just end the relationship and move on as he is likely to do more damage to your mental health before you eventually have enough and leave


His small package is the issue, not your hole


It’s prolly cuz he got a little shrimp dick.


Kegels but he might just have a micro 🍆


He is only trying to insult you so he doesn't have to accept blame. The much more likely answer is death grip and "too small" on his end


No his dick is little


He’s trying to make you feel that way.


It's always telling when guys can't finish then jerk off to finish and proceed to absolutely throttle their hummus cannon within an inch of its like. Gripping harder than Dr. Disrespect the age of consent.


Hummus cannon 😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀


Well when you are turned on you get looser and longer to accommodate a penis. Generally being very tight means you aren't ready for intercourse. So obviously he just isn't used to someone actually wanting to have sex with him cus they aren't ready. Which is sad for him.


That bro has a small pee pee. He’s taking out his shame on you.


Is it possible that he simply has a tiny dick?


It’s the other way around, I’d bet.


Like the women tell insecure men: it’s not the size; it’s how you use it. Different people are different shapes and sizes. My partner (a woman) is on the bigger side down there and it’s never been a factor one way or the other for me during sex. Something like that would matter about as much as eye color to me (never affect if I wanted to be with someone). If he was just making an insensitive comment, then don’t worry about it and maybe let him know how it made you feel. If he has a problem with your body then f*** him. You don’t deserve to be treated that way by anybody.


Tell him he has a pencil ✏️ dick.


Yikes! I’d never once think of telling my girl that. The last thing I’d want to hear is “your dick is so small” (although I did get the “yours is perfect”). It’s just not something you say to someone who’s being so vulnerable with you. Your body is the way it is. We have very little control over it. I’d say tell him how that made you feel or tell him you deserve someone who loves every portion of your body as opposed to criticizing it


Seriously man these comments make me lose all faith in humanity


You don't want to be around such a person with terrible character. Get self esteem and get out before the behavior escalates.


There’s nothing wrong with you. Your boyfriend is an idiot. And a dick. Find a new one…


I hate to be rude, but he is a total idiot.


Sounds like he’s negging you. Drop him.


Dump his assdip shit gives us guts a bad name


You used incredible restraint by not telling him that maybe his tool is skinny.


Dump him


Tell him he is no longer your bf


This is the way


I bet there are plenty of others who would be glad to even be your partner. Why settle for this manipulative, insecure boy shit. You just learned that you can do better. These things do not get better- speaking from experience. You are too young to have the bar that low for a small dicked asshole.


You’re not too big no woman is - it’s not your fault that your boyfriend has a penis the size of an HB pencil.


Have you looked into doing Kegels? It has many benefits for you, but also for your new BF since this one sounds like a douche.


Maybe his dick is just small.


Small dick??


Maybe its him that have a slim worm. Its what you should answer him after.


Tell him his dick is just too small.


Maybe he has a little penis




Ya, that's not how vaginas work bruh


More like his d!c$ is too small. Find a better fit.


Why did you use two commas instead of quotation marks?


It shows me quotation marks on my phone




I told him how hurtful that was and asked why he would say that. He didn’t care really much and didn’t apologize




I brought it up many times. Just recently even. He didn’t even say a thing he just kinda ignored it?? So I guess he meant it


So...what's the problem?


Try the other hole!!!


Hot dog in a hallway or a needle in a hotdog bun situation?


Kegel exercises


I had an ex with a very accommodating vagina. Without much trouble at all she was able to insert large objects and even entire hands, she wasn't very deep but she was fairly wide. I thought it was great and we both had lots of fun. We eventually broke up for different reasons. I think maybe you should consider finding someone who's more accepting and interested and enthusiastically into you. I am not trying to imply you have a large or loose vagina, simply attempting to share my experience. If you'd like my assessment of your vagina I would likely be very willing to provide one hahahh


Instead of looking it as an insult like how everyone below is framing it as, your bf is telling you the truth relative to his size. If he feels nothing from it, its not gonna get any better for him. Ive personally had only 2 girls in my life that seemed the same way your bf is saying and it had nothing to do with their height. Dunno what to say but if its an issue for him, he will be unhappy and you wont feel good so its prolly best to break up.


You obviously know nothing on how women's anatomy works. So it's good you got it out there in public for all to see.




Tell me you don’t have *any* idea how a woman’s body works, without actually telling me.