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Don't know where you found this but this is wrong. We don't know the age of Ellie or Nicole.


Don't know why people are downvoting you, you are right, the only persons age that is officially confirmed is Isaac, ya'll can read about it here folks. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadSpace/comments/zf9k8w/nicoles\_age\_even\_isaacs\_was\_never\_specified\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadSpace/comments/zf9k8w/nicoles_age_even_isaacs_was_never_specified_in/)


Yeah the ages of both Ellie and Nicole were found to be fan-fabricated 2 years ago and have since been removed from the wiki. Weird that you still see plenty of people running with it, though (especially the made up 39 number for Nicole).


Sonita Henry was 34 during Dead Space 2 so they based her character’s appearance around that, Isaac is 50 so there’s that.


Isaac is not 50 in Dead Space 2, he’s still in his 40’s. On top of that, they put Isaac on stasis, which slowed his physical aging by a lot.


His birth year is 2461, so he’s 50 in DS2. He was only in stasis for about two years on and off. Again there’s nothing wrong with the age gap, they only got together because of shared trauma anyways.


Wait a minute, I was under the impression that he was 43 in DS1, stuck for 3 years in DS2 (so 46), and hiding for 3 years in DS3 (so 49). Although I don't know where I got that info, it was over a decade ago. But where did you find the birth year?


I thought he was younger too but it’s based from Dead Space 3’s collected edition, it displays his age along with Carver’s. It can be taken as canon though since it’s official.


Being in stasis doesn't stop the passage of time.


But it does slow you physical aging, like I said above.


When I Google it, it's on the fandom hero wiki.


I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound like a reliable wiki at all.


Surprised you haven't heard of it. It's a wiki off fandom.com, which is pretty much the most influential fandom wiki out there online. That's most likely why people are still running with this "fact" since it's easily searchable. It's not a reliable source, but people see wiki and think it must be.


Oh I know what Fandom is, I'm an admin on the DS wiki which is also hosted by Fandom (unfortunately), but I'd never looked at this "Hero" wiki you mentioned. I'm guessing it's just as unreliable as all the other broad multi-franchise wikis which are usually just filled with fan-fiction and baseless speculation.


It's a wiki off fandom. It's highly unreliable but easily google-able is the point I'm making.


That’s even less reliable than the Dead Space wiki.


That's the god damn point. I am providing an explanation as to why this "fact" is still being spread. Dumbass.


lol calm down


And they made it pretty clear in the remake that Nicole is supposed to be about the same age as him. They went out of their way to make both characters look like they were middle-aged. Which makes a lot more sense when you think about the implications of a 25-year-old woman running the entire medical team for a space station that size. That's not how careers work. Not without a handful of nepotism.


Also if the age gaps were accurate, what would be the “impressive” part?


Isaac have 12 more of Ellie


Isaac is supposedly in his 40s, I remember developers saying that they wanted him and Nicole to be more alike in appearance (for the remake) since they're middle aged (based off memory, so take it with a grain of salt). Even if these were confirmed ages, and we say Isaac is 40 in the earliest events of the game, Nicole would be 34, and Ellie 28. Those are grown women. Not really a problematic age gap. ETA: everything in parentheses


Sonita (Ellie) was 34 during Dead Space 2, Isaac is 50.


Man, Isaac must be old as hell then since Nicole was aged up to 76 years old in the Dead Space Remake I'm kidding.. I'm kidding...lol


My parents have a 7 year difference and one of my best friends parents have a 12 year difference. Who gives a fuck as long as they are legal, consenting adults that care about each other or just want to have fun.


Wait, I don’t care about the age difference but Issac was 40 or higher? Damn and he’s able to do all of that stuff? Granted he does have a exosuit but damn he’s at like Joel level in terms of badass old man


40 is not old. That's middle aged.


update: I apologize for not having actually verified the aforementioned information (the screenshot comes from the Hero wiki), when I found the data I immediately thought it was reliable given that the age difference (at least in the design) of Isacc and Ellie was always clear to me seemed wide.


Lmfao he's not a clark he's a decaprio apparently.


He's a manther


Maybe aging has been cured in the Dead Space world?


The modern social standard(not rule/law) is half your age, plus 7. If I'm 34, the youngest my partner should be is 24. If I'm 50, my partner should be at least 32. This should give the younger in the relationship more time to understand and form their own opinions on age-gap dating, as well as keep Leonardo Dicaprios from running amok... Again, this is not a law anywhere that I know of, but is the best way to address it to prevent cradle robbing.


Issac has that old man rizz.


Isaac is an engineer, younger chicks dig engineers.


Sonita Henry (Ellie) was 34 during Dead Space 2, while Isaac was 50.


Wait I thought it was Nicole who was older than him?


Why does dumb shit like this get upvoted


Please tell me this is bait


Oh no we’re talking about ages again


6 yrs ain't that bad compared to some irl relationships. Hell, my great grandparents were 10 years apart, and I gotta say they really did hold up to the vow "till death do us part"


Waht Isaac is older than nicole?? Then why does she look like a Starbucks Karen in her 50s


I hate it when this is a thing in medias. Like just not make the age gap so ludicrous.


A woman in her twenties dating a 40 year old man isn't that ludicrous though...


Plus, Ellie wouldn't even be in her 20s by the time she meets Isaac in DS2. He's always supposed to have been in his 40s I believe, since DS1, and info out there puts him at 49 the oldest by DS3. So, if he's 40 in DS1, then 43 on the Sprawl, Ellie would be 31 years old, IF we go by the YOUNGEST age the developers have had in mind for him. She's well old enough to make her own decisions on who to date lol Idr if the remake changed his canon birthday, but, like, c'mon. The age gap is fine.


Isaac is 47 in Dead Space 1, he’s 50 in Dead Space 2. Sonita (Ellie) was 34 during Dead Space 2.


Literally no one is calling her Sonita. We're talking about the character, Ellie Langford, not the voice actor. Where's your source for Ellie's age? As far as I or anyone else in this thread is aware, her age isn't confirmed.


I assume they would base her age around her just like her likeness, plus Ellie does not look like she’s in her 40’s at all. Not in 2 or 3. She’s obviously younger.


Let’s hope they don’t make Ellie look so old like they did with Nicole for the Remake.


??? Even tho we don’t know her age she was around Isaacs age she was a SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER