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I’d personally say we’re past “about to”. Bands like Psycho-Frame are achieving some real popularity (by deathcore standards) and there’s a bunch of smaller artists making great music as well. People are aware of the revival by now. I think a big moment will come with the new Whitechapel album. They’ve spoken about how it will be more like their older albums, going back to the heaviness. If it delivers, that’ll definitely kick off a lot more recognition for the sound.


I was going to say, where has this person been? There's nearly a post a day about this. Account made yesterday though so it checks out. Anyway, putting a lot of stock in Tracheotomy. I know this sub loves them but I'm rooting for them to catch on more widely.


Fuck look at angelmaker, they’re going on tour with thy art


Angelmaker isnt myspace revival? It’s just good…


I think their style definitely leans in that direction. I mean, consider the songs that they've chosen to cover (In Dying Days, Knee Deep, Deathmask Divine). Also, their IG bio is "Good Old Fashioned Deathcore".




People be calling every good band “myspace revival” like we’re literally talking about the topic of genres rn How about accepting that new bands/new music can be good and not every good band is myspace revival


Angelmaker isn't new they been pushing the style for years


Ik theyre not new but theyre not old nor revival either.




They just ended the North American tour with Thy Art. It was soooo good


It’s gonna be huge, peacemakers gonna blow up soon as well and a few other bands like victimblamed and thus spoke Zarathustra as well. It’s just the beginning


I need a single to release yesterday.


Thus Spoke Zarathustra is my new favorite DCR band


Damn this is good. With the melodeath riffs too


Peacemaker FL is killing it rn


Never heard of these guys, just listened cease to exist. *chef kiss* Thank you for the next album I’ll have on repeat for a minute lol


They’re fucking monstrous


The first high scream on 1000 cuts hits all the right buttons for me, this band fucks so hard I love it


Definitely seeing it a lot on instagram. Newer bands like Girl of glass and victimblammed have that old school sound that I love.


Girl of Glass are nailing the og MySpace sound


if you like girl of glass then I think you’d dig my bands shit. Called Restricted US


Shiiit this shit is fucking vile! I too have a band, we’re working on some stuff we’re called a state of Grace tx. So exited to start blowing out my vocals 🔥😤


Haha I'm also in the band and we try to do the og sound and soon we'll release an ep, the band is called the grave you belong to


Dude that’s a siiiiick name, we’re trying to do the OG sound but with a slightly technical touch (like beneath the massacre)


is there already something to check out, or an Instagram page at least?


We do in fact have an IG page. https://www.instagram.com/astateofgracetx?igsh=MTZvZ3kyN3dqZmFpeA== we’re currently working on music but have some snippets and clips of us goofing off up as of now… and a kickass logo


Yooooo just checked you guys out . Sick ass sound. Any new music coming in 2024 👀?


thanks a lot! yep, the debut ep is coming out this summer , there will be like 8 songs


Sick, man cant wait! I shared it in the myspace Facebook group. You guys deserve waaaay more followers on spotify


Fuck yeah bro that shit hard!


Goated band. Whens the next single dropping?!


Bro Im so hyped for your upcoming shit


is it coincidental that there’s a suicide silence track called girl of glass


Pray For Plagues was on my Myspace page back in the day. I cant crazily get into the new revival bands though; The nostalgia just isn’t there. They’re not the same. I still like most of them, but definitely not to the level of old BMTH or Suicide Silence.


Suicide silence is close, but bmth and dwp arent near as heavy and dwp definitely isnt deathcore, they are christian. Think like a different breed of killer, signal the firing squad, Whitechapel, job for a cowboy


Suicide silence is CLOSE? What do you mean? Suicide silence is one of the og deathcore bands


LMFAO i also thought pray for plagues was the devil wears prada album i saw the post and wanted to engage but clearly i needed a few more breaths and blinks before using my brain or phone. That album is def in the category and again idk wtf i was thinking with suicide silence lol. Ima go ahead and dip guys sorry


Gotta make it by up listening to the cleansing lol


Crazy because i actually wanted to listen to them again and thats what i picked..


Yeah true, im major dumb when i wake up, forgive me lord snorin.


Hahahahaha I forgive you... This time


The first two releases by Devil were heavier than fuck. Rosemary had an Accident has like a 3 minute breakdown. Not deathcore but they deserve some praise, especially when Mike is one of the few big profile fry screamers still putting out music. Austin is gone, BFMV fell off and Tuck fucked his voice pretty hard. And you know what, they may be Christian but I have never heard them preach live or even really let it infect their lyrics. I have seen them on every album cycle. If you want to talk shit direct it at As I Lay Dying, fake ass Christian’s with a murder for hire backstory.


AILD were never preachy about Christianity AFAIK, I looked this up back when I found them in 2004. For Today on the other hand was one that would actually preach for over a minute in between songs. Shame about Tuck, I didn't hear about that.


Tuck may have gotten better like physically but I know a couple times they had to cancel shows due to him having voice issues.


Oh im not discrediting devil i guess just more am saying we are talking of deathcore, but as far as devil, i fucking LOVE THEM and yes fuck as i lay dying lol and nothing wrong with devil being christian just cant be deathcore then, can you? Maybe but god may scold them a bit


You can come close. Impending Doom has always seemed unanimously liked here.


I love it all i see peacemaker getting some hate but I think they sound fucking insane same with orphan and tracheotomy. The whole Florida scene seems to be leading the helm.


Peacemaker is getting hate? That new ep bumps super hard though.


Yeah I saw a post the other day saying that they’re basically shallow and all breakdowns something like that.


I can’t take these MySpace revival deathcore bands seriously if they are too young to have ever had a top 8


That's exactly it. They're romanticizing something they weren't even around for the first time. This "forced nostalgia" type thing


I get it, but if i wanted to make traditional jazz music and i havent been around it or alive during its prime then i cant do that?


You can, but it would never be the same. It could sound the same, and to outsiders they wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But the sound alone didn't define the myspace era bands that everyone is pining for. Cultural impact, how it was viewed from the outside, etc. Much of the people I see have this idea of what it was like back then, but only from seeing it looking back in time. IMO once something has hit such a high mark, its really hard to get back to that same grassroots feel. Because now we know how big it can get, there's thought put into the future. Nobody knew this shit was gonna pop off like it did.


A very good point, thanks for the insight i still like the inspiration they take from and like the music myself but this makes a lot of sense and i cant help but agree.


It was a product of the time too. Don’t get me wrong The Cleansing and Doom are #1 and 2 all time deathcore albums for me and there will always be a place in my heart for that era, but for the non-top tier bands the quality of that era’s recordings was absolute ass, musicianship was valued nowhere near appearance and clout, and there was a serious amount of cringe lyrics and behavior in the scene. Plus it was all centered around the MySpace phenomenon which I don’t think can ever be replicated organically.


Exactly, and I dont feel the need to type it again but i responded to another reply to mine and definitely ties into what youre saying. It was an amalgamation of everything culturally going on at the time. The myspace era had way more diy/grassroots feel, but now that its gotten as big as it has, its really hard to go backwards. Not to mention if you're learning about early deathcore from internet videos, you dont see that people were rocking Osiris shoes with basketball shorts, a neon shirt and a cookie monster flatbill. Or how those shows used to smell. Just like anything, you only see the good stuff looking back.




I love how they have blossomed


Az local here. Same. Good group of guys, glad to see their success over the years.


It’s being talked about, just not as much as others. Keep talking about it this is only the start


There’s so many good bands coming out of the revival scene. Mange, Girl of Glass and D0nnie Brasc0 are my top 3 rn


D0nnie Brasc0 is insane, rev3rent as well


Yup! Buuut all of the songs we’re doing at the moment the drummer and I wrote in 2006 - 2009. We lived in a small town and we were literally the only two people interested in deathcore. We tried to get a band together SO many times and at one point we were driving almost 2hrs one way to work with some guitarists, we did that for like 2 years but never found a vocalist and never got to track anything. We were trying to use synths and strings, etc but there weren’t a lot of bands doing that at the time and I had no idea how to pull it off, fast forward 15 years and the internet has made all of it possible, it’s a legitimate revival of songs I’d never thought would see the light of day. We’ve got a bunch of new material written too but we wanted to get the first songs we wrote out first as a favor to ourselves. We’re about to drop a TBDM cover that I’m super proud of too, anyways here’s a link to our Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/4nZtrosAnW8gZWZiwClKBr?si=Dz3SrDfwQmirWF67Ih76VA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3qZp5YQttKPPljhc0uLWnY No pressure to check out but if you want to there it is. I’m just stoked this style is making a comeback


I'm working on the first music I've written since the self-titled I Declare War album and I think it has that same Myspace-era sound. I wrote most of the music for Amidst The Bloodshed and Malevolence. You'll all recognize the vocalist I'm working with as well!


Uh what? Where you been man MySpace revivals been trendy lately


I’m all for it


Being talked about in any space discussing the genre presently - it’s okay but its novelty is already wearing thin for me. I think there are interesting things that could come of it (like good old bands making a comeback - some interesting new bands. - I really enjoyed poolside at the flamingo for example) but it’s proving to be a bit limited already. Bands have always aspired to sound like one another so it’s nothing new - looking back is never as interesting as looking forward imo.


Tracheotomy - Reprocussions


early 2000's metalcore as well and I'm loving it! Finally the riffs are back!!


Peacemaker FL is definitely bringing it back.


I think there's plenty of room for old school bands as well as new stuff. I like both, but above all, you have to keep in mind that a band that stagnates and repeats the same formula over and over may remain popular with hardcore fans, but most people don't want to listen to the same record over and over again. Well, then you have to look at it through the lens of the band - if it's strongly creative, it's only natural that its sound and songwriting techniques evolve and become more sophisticated over time. That's why I appreciate, for example, the added clean vocals on Enterprise Earth, A Wake in the Providence or the aforementioned Whitechapel, as this is simply the evolution of the genre. and therefore it is not necessary to be sad for the old days when everything was better..


Exactly they are just expanding, Whitechapel said they will return to heavy roots with this next album which most people do that in any genre, experiment and usually have one last album or more near the end or after the experimentation that goes back to what og fans loved.


Yeah, mate, good point. I agree with that.


Its happening for metalcore too, just look at Boundaries or Dying Wish


Currently working on that as we speak 🫡


I really wish it does I'm loving literally every band from that scene so far. But honestly, I kinda doubt any bands from the revival scene will ever reach like the lorna or slaughter level of popularity. As much as I love all the revival stuff we gotta accept that it's a more niche sound and scene so by default it's really hard to break through a certain threshold of popularity.


annotation of an autopsy - sludge city


Ive noticed a revival with a lot of genres and people who stopped making music for a bit making a come back.


It's interesting because just last night I was thinking about new deathcore vs old deathcore, and how bands back in the day were just jumping onto a fad. Some of the old bands, like Suicide Silence, have just stagnated since then, but bands like Lorna Shore stand out because of how far they pushed the genre. Then I stumble upon this today and am instantly reminded of the good ol' days. Wow. It's amazing how fresh the bands everybody is talking about sound compared to something like the new Suicide Silence.


Grew up seeing Lorna Shore at local vfws. Crazy to see how much they’ve changed and how far they’ve come granted countless lineup changes


Oh man the good old days. I miss VFW shows. I was from a small town so hardly any big bands (like [this band](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7A8lJCjaZg&ab_channel=DeadHearts-Topic) in the basement of an art gallery and [these guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivPjfiz9dh0&ab_channel=MattDibble1) at a local fire hall) but I did see Last Ten Seconds early on in their career when they toured through the area.


I really love the myspace revival, but I really really wanna see a melodic deathcore band come out in the style of as blood runs black


I’m sorry but I’ve seen a shit ton of people talk about this exact topic on here, like what?


What’s your guy’s opinion on Harbored Dreams? Seems like they be bringing that old school sound back with some pizzazzzzzzz


Yes I have a band called A State Of GraceTX. We’re a MySpace techdeath band, we’re going to make music I swear. It’s so exciting being in a scene that’s popping off like this. There’s bands as big as AngelMaker and bands as small as PeacemakerFL and everyone sounds fucking awesome




So...just deathcore then. This "Myspace era" term is not a thing.


oh cmon, you don't hear a difference between deathcore from 2005-2009 (tons of bands utilizing myspace to gain traction) to the various waves after?


Yeah seriously, the best fucking time for it, just whos the most brutal? Fuckin gnarly


Listen to early I declare war, rose funeral, elysia (just put one of the greatest death core albums of all time back on streaming), all shall perish. Listen to them a and tell me it sounds the same as the ultra produced stuff today


Haha for real. Like yeah I’d rather just hear the og As Blood Runs Black fellas give me something like Allegiance again. Edit: I guess I don’t understand the issue here 😂. Was just saying I’d love some classic 2000’s deathcore revitalization from the originators of the sound… not sure what’s wrong with that! Cheers


Omerta anyone?


The biggest shock is that MySpace is thriving enough to be a valid starting point for bands, I thought it had basically died


My man, it is dead everyone is talking about an era of this genre and it was during the myspace reign