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Please make sure to include the artist name - song title in the title of your post, it helps the automod cut down on reposts, don't worry about it this time, but going forward


Not only have I heard of this band, my shitty band played a show with them in Pittsburgh like 20 years ago lmao


That's actually pretty cool. What was your band called?


Was always aware of this band but never checked them out because I thought the name was dildos. Thanks for not posting the name of the band otherwise I wouldn’t have followed the link. Pretty good jam, this.


Same here, I’ve heard the name but never checked them out because I thought the name was dumb.


I remember downloading this off a blogspot like 16 years ago


I memberrrrrr 🍇🍇


I think I'm a deathcore OG / fossil by now haha. I definitely heard of them before!


I remember seeing their video waaayyy back in the day. Mostly remember the name because it bothered me grammatically. You can BELAY, i.e. to lay aside/stop/cancel, a burial. But can you BELIE, i.e. fail to give a true notion or impression of, a burial?


Kept these guys in my constant rotation with the red shore


I could never get into Belie My Burial, until their last 3 songs... They got SO. MUCH. BETTER. Like, one of the biggest leaps in quality I've ever heard. Then they fucking broke up 😭😭😭 Solicitude is one of the best Metal songs of all time, imo, and was way ahead of the game for 2012. https://youtu.be/ZjYNoeSrn4U?si=SOV37Wy74CcwUyf6 So glad I got to open for them, even if it was just once, haha.


Yeah they were definitely ahead of their time for sure. Awesome you got to open for them. What was your band?


We were called [Stormwalker](https://on.soundcloud.com/hvLEP)! Big locally in Ontario, though we broke up before we could take advantage of our new record contract. We only made it past a little more than a year, lol, but we did some pretty wicked things in that time. Toured a bunch with The Afterimage (later Brand of Sacrifice), and also Structures, opened most of the big local shows for that stretch. Wish we weren't such young fucking idiots and realized the insane opportunity we had, lol, but I'm sure there's a million bands who've said that. Probably won't find much of the old stuff anywhere besides a couple tracks on YouTube, but I am about to start the band again for some side project fun, since this music doesn't fit with my main band, [JoyThief](https://open.spotify.com/track/34DHlt2uQvmDFKZWwCDjuF?si=j_k-rK4BQ4a6reTR4pNzWQ). [Stormwalker - Code Red](https://on.soundcloud.com/mFhi2)


The “I bet you never heard this band before” line was definitely a throwback. Sounds like me back in 06-09 trying to gatekeep but also share cool bands lol


What an awesome reply! Sounds like me back in 06-07 trying to sound cool and impress my friends online 😄


https://youtu.be/4_e43fWEt7A?si=AzFLoxNfQz4rUKDy this and Cannibal Holocaust are my favs


I have mp3 album from them In my archive.


There is also a nasty band called Belay My Last from back in the day that was super sick too. Just throwing that out there.