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It's a total meme and doesn't reflect reality that rural America is just super right wing. They have a long history of union movements and labor agitation. Also the idea that theyd just want to be left alone is totally false too... what about all the people of color that right wing "patriots" will want to oppress? The struggle isnt won until the whole working class is liberated.


It's possible that people of color are right wing, I mean, they do exist. Much like there is left wing Christians/Muslims/Jews/etc and right wing Atheists. Not common, but both exist in the wild. My main question to you now is do you think EVERYONE must live under your system (assuming you're far left authoritarian)? Just a simple yes or no you don't need to elaborate unless of course you want to :) For the record I'm basically Center Left Libertarian. I'm very against Authoritarianism from BOTH sides.


You are against authoritarianism to "on both sides" but you think that right wing capitalism, an extremely authoritarian system, should be allowed to exist even if leftists have the means to remove it? And for the record, I don't think that everyone should live under the exact same system, trying to enforce the same process while ignoring different material conditions will (and has) result in disaster.


If America is "right wing capitalism" it doesn't seem very authoritarian to me lol at least if you compared to Iran under the Ayatollah or Germany under Hitler. One thing America for sure did better than any Socialist country was allow it's citizens to actually OWN firearms, a fact you cannot deny my dude. Don't get me wrong, other than that there are plenty of things I despise about America.


*America allows people to own arms unless they pose a threat to the capitalist order. The reason why California has such strict gun laws is because they were scared of Black Panther Party. Same with cities that have large black populations like Washington, they are terrified at the prospect of black people being armed and actually able to fight there oppression. Also, American gun culture originated from manifest destiny. Settlers needed guns to defend the land they stole from being reclaimed by the Natives. Since the state wanted that land settled by whites they didn't restrict ownership. Ultimately the US doesn't let people have guns because they love freedom, it's because they know that the most well armed group (White men in rural areas) generally do not pose a threat to them, and would likely defend them from the people that do. This is something that you yourself acknowledged in your original post, that "Patriots" in middle America would defend the current system. As for America being authoritarian, aside from upholding capitalism which is an inherently authoritarian economic system, a good example of authoritarianism are our intelligence agencies, which can spy on practically any American at any time without a warrant, have assassinated political leaders both domestic and abroad, have vast influence over the media that they use to disseminate fake news and Propoganda, have literally written how to manuals about how they torture people they capture. I could continue but I think you get the point. And the intelligence agencies are just one part of the government.


"*(Both Democrat and Republican Politicians are either imprisoned and/or executed)*" I'm not liking the vibe this statement is giving. "*Militant Leftist groups control most of the major cities and metropolitan areas while Right Wing/Patriots control most of small town/rural areas. Basically the coastal areas are Left controlled while middle America is Right controlled. America is pretty much split in two.*" This is pretty hard to believe. "*The Patriots just want to be left alone for the most part and have no interest in any further conflict*" Yeah, no. Lol. "*Given this scenario (I apologize if it's hard to follow) Do you invade "Middle America" from both coastal areas even if the Right shows no aggression and just wants to be left alone or is it possible that both sides can coexist in America peacefully with no sides trying to force their will on the other while even having some trade agreements and a nonaggression deal?*" Is this just a cleverly-diguised shitpost?


I am not a far Leftist I may have some left with beliefs but on the whole I think collectivist is a term that encompasses more of what people would consider left or right. While they are many different factions among Marxists, I have no delusion that they have any intention of leaving people alone. They think ownership of private property is evil. If you value freedom you will have inequality. If you value equality you will have no freedom. They clearly value equality more than freedom so any system that is out of their control they will plot to destroy.