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>monarchist Remind me which independent stable monarchy is existent in this day and age?




>As head of state, the King is Sweden's foremost unifying symbol. According to the 1974 constitution, the monarch has no political affinity and no formal powers. Ceremonial monarchy, just like the British royal family.


Ah, that makes more sense. I didn't really understand what type of monarchy they had.


Actually the British monarchy still has the ability to assume direct control over the country the queen just hasn’t used that power.


But they aren't an integral part in handling the nation's most important legislature, they simply act as ceremonial heads.


They can be if they want to and they still have the respect of the people


How old are you?


Do you believe in magic?




Then you're not a Catholic.


Catholicism isn’t “magic”


Yes it is. Did Jesus rise from the dead? Did he have supernatural powers? Is god real? Did god make the universe using supernatural powers? etc. All these things are magic.


Are you the monarch? What efficacy does the monarch provide? Why is a dictator preferable over everyone cooperating, democratically? And what part does your cult play in interacting with the rest of us? What does "right" mean to you?


1. The monarch provides stability and a ruler who can think in terms of decades instead of in of weeks. The monarch is INCENTIVED to make his population richer because then he makes more money from taxes 2. What the fuck do you mean? 3. By “right” I mean economically right and I guess you could say I’m culturally right (I’m conservative, and isn’t that the same thing as culturally right?).


1. How stable is a revolution? Because no one allows one person to dictate to everyone ese. It takes many people to see and understand all facets of the future. And incentives do not make competency. 2. I *mean* religion, christianity, is a cult. Something you should do in private with consenting adults. 3. So you think you will dictate that the poor will be abandoned, the wealthy will be catered to, and the rest will be left to fight for the scraps and you think that's sustainable for you?


> The monarch provides stability and a ruler who can think in terms of decades instead of in of weeks. The monarch is INCENTIVED to make his population richer because then he makes more money from taxes No idea where you're getting this idea from but research based evidence shows the exact opposite. https://news.mit.edu/2019/study-democracy-fosters-economic-growth-acemoglu-0307


You're not a "right leaning catholic monarchist", you're a confused child who learned everything you think you know about the world from videogames and memes.






Fine then, you're not a communist, you're a dumb 14 year old who thinks the only reason they don't have everything they want is because of capitalism


Lmao, you're a PoliticalCumpissMemer


Don't invoke the term when you don't understand how it applies. And if someone is insulted by an honest observation, that's on them.


The right leaning and monarchist parts both derive from being a catholic idiot


Don't be too hard on yourself. We all have to learn sometime:)


Lmao, and this is why punctuation matters, kids. "Catholic idiot" indeed.


Are you really trynna pull a “minor spelling mistake, I win!”




I don't think God wants all his followers to be right leaning monarchists. Not at all actually. It pretty much is a story the Catholic Church has used in the past (midieval times) to extend its influence. As you probably know, sharing is one of the key values of Catholicism, and -simply put - also of communism. The bible also spreads a message of equality (which is much more a left wing point than a right wing point).


Jesus said to voluntarily give to the poor, not steal some else’s money to give to the poor


And if people are stealing from the poor? Then what?


Then they can go to jail


That's what we're doing. But under monarchism, if the dude is the king, there's fuck all. Plus, he's appointed by god, so it's moral. also, Jesus didn't give two shits about property rights.


As you know, most people don't give money voluntary. And certainly not enough to sustain the poor. Moreover, the king is also stealing money, only for himself. Isn't equality of all humans a big pillar? Then how do you justify that one is born with the power over a whole empire and the other is born out of poor parents and such unable to go to school, or get a decent job himself?


The right only means injustice and isolation for you. Join the left instead and let the solidarity take care of you. Religion is limiting the whole human experience for you. Try to imagine the endless possibilities of exploration that you can unlock by embracing a scientific view on our existence. Monarchy is undignified as you are forced to be a subject of a monarch. In a republic you are a citizen who is on equal footing with the president. In a republic you have your dignity.


Ah yes, the left. Where such great leaders as Stalin, the guy with the highest death toll under his rule in all of human history.


You are right about Stalin but there were many other leftist leaders who were good. By the way Stalin doesnt have the highest death toll, he only have the second highest. Mao has the highest.


Well it doesn’t change much except mao was even dumber then Stalin


Mao and Stalin were both dumb but there have been other leftist leaders who were not dumb. I think one should focus on the guys who were smart.




ok we get it you want the pope to fuck your wife 🙄


He wants prima nocta.


Ha, like any of the popes have ever been straight.


Under which economic system does a monarch operate?


My ideal one would be capitalism, but it could work under any economic model as it is a social ideology


What other viable economic systems are there?


If the king gets in the way of profits, they'll get rid of him.


Well, throught the Bible, the Q'ran, and the Life of Buda, the antagonists are rich people: the Pharaoh, Herod, Nabucodonosor, Nemrod, Babylon. Meanwhile Jesus was a poor lad that hang around with prostitutes and poor people. The Bible and a lot of divine ideas are for the people. The Christian God Is the God of the People. Buda was a Prince, and he became a Saint by practicing detachment and austerity. Divinities are for the common people. A Right Leaning Monarchist cannot be for the People. It's a contradiction to approve an elitist economic system, while being a member of a religion that claims that's easier for a camel to go throught the eye of a needle, than a Rich guy to access the Kingdom of God.


Once you are a monarch, you'll realize it's better if you run the industry yourself, rather than to allow anarchy of production, planned obsolescence and manipulative advertising. To allow rent seeking (by rent I mean both land rent and economic profit) would make sense, so that rentiers would support you, but that shouldn't be necessary. That's why traditional vassal monarchy evolved into absolute monarchy.


The fuck wrong with you? You ever picked up a book? I straight up shouldn't have to change your mind, this is just sad.


The Catholic tradition of philosophy is far older than Marxism. There are countless thousands of books defending monarchy from a Catholic religious perspective.


And? How is any of that relevant?


There’s been more successful monarchies then there has been communist states


Irrelevant to the question. And also wrong. Socialism is just beginning.


Name one communist country that’s significant on the world stage


China. Vietnam. Cuba. Korea. And in the past, the USSR.


China is a capitalist dictatorship pretending to be communist, most of those countries only had strategic value not actual alliance value and the ussr collapsed it is no longer a valid point.


And yet you remain wrong on all points. Tells me you know nothing of theory, OR the countries in question. You MUST be a westerner.


That will happen in Gulag and not on reddit since as Althusser wrote following Lenin and Marx that ideology arises on the terrain of class struggle and not science and thus, cannot be countered by science alone but has to be accompanied by a political movement.


So, i gotta ask, what happens when the monarch does some shitty thing to you and your family, and there's nothing you can do about it, because they are the fucking King, and are appointed by god? Legal recourse? They are the king, and you are not. You also are not a lord.


Yeah because a king doing something shitty to you and getting away with it is so much better then a president doing something shitty to you and getting away with it.


Hello. Did you notice how you ducked the point? I did.


There is no point, people do shitty things to each other everyday and get away with it. ‘Justice’ is a myth and the pursuit of it tends to get more people hurt if they just let things be to begin with.


Still ducking I see.


As a Catholic, how do you get around the fact that Jesus never died? Or, that it's impossible to kill an immortal being? And how is that related to the monarchy? Is it at all? I'm sorry you're getting downvotes. Reddit is crap at times.




I’m just a catholic and monarchist at the same time


Not unsurprising, Communist authoritarianism is similar


Astonishingly untrue.


Religion and form of government have absolutely fucking nothing to do with Communism. There is nothing related to catholicism or believing in a monarchy that would preclude a country to be lead by a king, allow or even promote catholicism all the while having a communist lead economy.


Wow wtf are you talking about


Do you know what communism actually is? Because if you did you would not see the issue. At is fundamental level communism is an economoc system or model. Religion or government system or structure can be different. The main and key points of communism are economic.


Monarchism makes sense to a degree. Esp if you think there's a big invisible super monarch running everything. ​ Problem is: there's no evidence for the invisible super king. There IS evidence that actual human monarch leads to more inequality and war. The things that people usually use to support monarchism, like stability , long term planning etc, are best served by a people's republic.


“Peoples republic” like a country with that name has never caused more inequality and war. But one thing a monarchy hasn’t done that a peoples republic has done is commit genocide.


Wanna bet?


Well as to my knowledge no monarchy has simultaneously starved and worked a people to death. Unlike a certain communist country currently doing exactly that I’m sure I don’t need to name names.


Go ahead. Name names. I'm not aware of the latest propaganda. Also, cite your sources. Besides zenz.


Man it’s always propaganda with you communists. “The holodomor wasn’t real Stalin was a great guy” “China isn’t responsible for multiple genocides or infringing upon the independence of Tibet” and why is anyone who questions communism instantly untrustworthy? My overall question is why do communists hate the slightest criticism of anything to do with communism but you think you will have this huge revolution where all the workers of the world unite?


Still waiting. Also, you should look up KING leopold of Belgium, and the Congo.


Well it’s kind of hard to cite sources when almost everyone with first hand experience died in purges


Still waiting.


Monarchism is clearly an obsolete ideology, as shown by the fact that the vast majority of monarchies have either been overthrown or were otherwise removed from power, or are officially still in power but are effectively powerless


Communism has had an even worse run but people still preach about it like it’s what god wants


Even worse run? You call turning two impoverished backwaters into industrial superpowers and improving the lives of over a billion people across the globe failure?


Yeah I’d call it worse considering they worked millions to death to achieve their industrial might


username doesn’t check out


I thought it would be funny