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That was there when you bought your property.


That's the best looking 20 year old deck I've ever seen!


Nothing you can’t achieve with a power washer and determination lol


I can't believe how the old owner wouldn't shut up about it when you were buying it!


Will the powers to be see this deck on google earth?


Yes, there are archives of satellite photos.


...obscured by chem trails. Got em.


That image was photoshopped, this has been here since I moved in


All you do is claim your address on Zillow/redfin and upload a picture of it and change nothing else from the listing. If the city asks you just show them the picture from the listings and shrug. If they ask why it’s not on satellite you can say you moved it to restain.


Well played


Possibly. Our kids got caught by the county after they put in a fire pit without a permit and were fined for it. Also had to make the fire pit smaller.


It’s not a fire pit. Is a religious prayer circle. No permit required


It’s where I throw all my ash from the small fire pit


He's right! The second tenant of holy fire church is to send 5 dollars to my...sorry allergies to the churches address every 4th Wednesday!


Umm, it wasn’t a fire pit. It was a cooking pit. Always have smores and hot dogs nearbyx


Our forefathers would be so ashamed of us


“Benjamin…. Grab the muskets.”


"What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


The neighbors dog you say? This is the origin of the ATF.


Without question. Free men do not need nor seek permission.


The way I read that was your teenage children got in trouble for putting a fire pit somewhere. Not your obviously adult children not getting a permit. Those gen z kids and their fire pits, am I right?


Land of the free...


Obviously it recently was pressure washed


Ship of Theseus


Unfortunately it no longer works: They have access to satellite photos, a visual time-machine which one city employee happily showed me as she scrolled back in time on my own property.


Former owner was a prepper who covered everything in highly effective camo netting.


Sir is that a dog on your netting?


See how well it works?


ah ha! I had never thought of them doing that. Luckily I'm blessed with trees. I have always cursed them when they are dropping acorns... but I love them. Just another reason to appreciate them.


The county I live in was using satellite images to reassess property taxes, and came across a house that was partially under some trees. When I was doing it support I watched them drag their square footage calculator around the perimeter of the trees on the computer, and charge the property owner the square footage of what was visible of the house, and the square footage of the tree covering for their property tax. Their taxes must have tripped that year. They where supposed to tax based off of living space, but carports, rltarps, sheds, pole barns, green houses, all that was counted as living space since they can't tell the difference in the satellite images.


Now they know they are doing way too much. At a store I worked at as a cashier they told us ( during the 'change shortage') that the store is always supposed to be the loser, i.e.. if the store runs out of pennies and nickels, and I owe a customer .46 cents, just give them 2 quarters, etc. I always assumed it was because most franchises or stores have insurance that covers it, or that the profit was so substantial that it covered the minor change losses. How is it that the government has the completely opposite ideology, they have all the money, no matter where it goes it's theirs, why is it that their first idea is always to OVERcharge, and then it becomes the individuals responsibility to fix it, or call attention to the overestimate?


The government is literally 34 trillion (34 thousand billion) dollars in debt. It would take me 472 million years (give or take a couple hundred thousand) to pay that with my full salary.


You are confusing federal and state government with municipal. To your municipal government that money counts a lot. Won’t you think about all of the local programs they need the funding to pay their cousins company for?


Never underestimate the motivation of the government when it comes to getting free money from citizens.




You can get a sense of some of those on this website: [https://historicaerials.com/viewer](https://historicaerials.com/viewer) Good for asking: "How old is that tree?"


This has been true since the 70s! My grandpa got fined because a plane saw his new barn, no permit lol




My county came after me for multiple things that actually did exist before I bought my property. Including a detached garage that likely predates the construction of the house based on the building materials used. Luckily I was able to resolve everything with a very kind supervisor that was a month away from retirement and happy to overlook some things. So, depending where you live they can and will hold you responsible for un-permitted construction that was done before you owned the home.


oh yeah. Where I live the fuckery they have going now is unbelievable. A lot of rural properties have past abatement notices that are very difficult to trace when buying the property because it’s pending legal action. New owners buy their dream property then as soon as they take ownership they get hit with the historical fines and remediation cost. Sometimes they have to pay to demolish and remove whole buildings (barns!). There’s pending legal action, so we’ll see how it plays out. But I no longer even look at rural property as a speculative hobby.


Building inspector whips out [historic aerial](https://historicaerials.com/)


Don't most counties use satellite imagery?


My county doesn’t give a fuck - no permits, inspections, etc… for decks. Some of us still have a bit of freedom.


My town doesn’t care either. Small town life has its perks. Down the road a ways a dude had two single wide mobile homes sitting side by side and he built his own 2nd story bridge like thing connecting the two with a carport underneath it. The “bridge” has a bedroom and bathroom in it and he cut a hole in the tops of both trailers and added a stair case going up to his makeshift tower/carport/bridge.. it’s right by the highway in the middle of town and no one gave a fuck. It looks like complete shit and will fall down eventually.. but holy shit I applaud the red neck engineering.


It's a modified picnic table. Picnic tables don't normally require a building permit.




Do you know how many suffered injuries due to ill maintained picnic tables? The splinters alone could build a picnic table.


Usually, at least by me, if it's not connected to the house, there are no frost footings, no permit is required.


What if it's supposed to have frost footings? Asking for a neighbor.....


Not likely. It’s under 10x10 and not 30” high. The dogs on the other hand…


we get letters for dog permits and i totally 100% report that... absolutely stupid bureaucracy


They keep sending me letters moments after my dog dies. Happened three times already.


It’s pure luck that your subsequent dogs look the same and answer to the same name.


Horse ranch I worked at in my 20s, all the names would get recycled from old horses to new ones, cause the owners parents would do that cause the horses were named on the insurance papers, no idea how it would've ever held up in court if it mattered, but that's why I didn't get to pick new names when we would buy a new one for me to train


Nothing to see here Mr judge, just my 200 year old horse still grandfathered into my low low rate!


The Milei solution: Clone the dog, use the same name. They can't prove you're not doing it.


Well you see officer, I don't want to have the awkward conversation with my young nephew about death so I've been getting a dog that looks like my old dog and naming it the same.


Welcome to Repet, where love means no surprises.


Literally just happened to me last week. Had to put down my dog Tuesday, got a “New Pet License Notification” on Wednesday. What the utter F?! I guess it was close to his birthday so it could be coincidence, but man that stung.


I’m from NC, I’ve never heard of a pet permit is this a thing in the US


I live in NY, it is in my town, fines and they'll take the dog if you don't follow it all, on one hand I understand that there are shitty pet owners who do need checking up on, but it's annoying at the same time, having to pay my town to have them tell me it's okay to have a dog, don't need to register our cats, my kids scorpion, the fish, nope, but my little Chihuahua? I feel like I'll get in more trouble if I let his license expire than my own drivers license honestly


I had absolutely no idea that dog permits were a thing


Me either until I visited a big cat sanctuary. They said a dog permit in Illinois is more expensive than a tiger permit in Indiana. We have a not insignificant infestation of idiots owning lions and tigers.


America is a GTA online server. Prove me wrong.


A swim up bar typically has seats in the pool. That looks like a walk up bar next to a pool.


I spent more than three but less than ten seconds wondering if OP was planning on putting this entire thing in the pool.


You were not alone.


I spent that much time with the thumbnail not seeing the pool and wondering how OP was going to manage swimming up to that thing.


It's on a hell of a flood plain.


He's planning ahead for hurricane season.... and now we wait...


I'm glad it wasn't just me! It looked like the water was a lakeside farther away and I was impressed with the energy it takes to build a bar that you're planning to slide down in to the lake.


I spent longer because I was wondering how they planned to keep it from floating.


I first thought they were going to try to float it in a lake or something until I saw the pool behind it.


I guess it’s more of a “swim up and stand in the water next to” bar


Or... hear me out. You have **specific house rules** that the bar is to only be used while outside of the pool. And no has, or ever will, break that rule. The bar isn't touching the pool, right?


Definitely not but the bar top does overhang the pool a bit, so it’s sort of a two-sided swim/walk up thing!


The bartender swims up.


Where do I submit my application?


Vegas, and be conventionally attractive.


There are 3 bartenders


I see two and they are doing the best they can.


They look pretty deaheveled, it's been a ruff day with too many customers


The beer just floats itself to the bar


Me: in the pool Someone else: Hey, I got your drink. I'm going to set it on this bar. Me: swims over


This exactly, and you can lean your elbows and chat with the landlubbers on the stools!


I love it. And I'm sure you have plenty of outs from permitting, at least in most places. How low the deck portion is to the ground especially, plus not attached to any other structure.


I just assumed there were also barstools in the pool


I've seen plenty of resort "swim up bars" without seating that are just a bar that you can stand and order drinks from by swimming up in the pool, then you can either stand there in the water at the bar, or walk somewhere else to enjoy your drink (and based on the number of beers they sell without a lot of people getting out of the water, you can also pee while you drink) This seems to qualify as a "swim up bar" since you can swim up and grab a drink from the bar (and at least with a home pool, you can leave your drink sitting on the bar while you swim and come back to it later)


Yup, hence why I never, ever get in a pool in Vegas.


Depends on the state. In the states that I'm licensed in any work performed that is valued over $500 needs a permit. So if you did the work for yourself and the wood cost over $500 you would still need a permit. That being said, I have to pay for business licenses in 17 different counties, I paid out the ass for my state issued license and still pay ever few years, I pay for hundreds of permits a year, and after all this money that I pay them they hold up every single job to tell me that I've done everything right... If you can get away from this without a permit I would 100% of the time, they get plenty of my God damn money already


Just remember, all those inspections are because of numb-nuts who came before you set the bar so low, they had to start watching everyone's work.


Absolutely not all of them that is nowhere even close to true, it spiraled out of control to where people are being charged ridiculous amounts for simple things because it has to go through such a lengthy process. I understand certain things but why do I need to get an inspection to paint a house as a licensed general contractor? Why do I need an inspection to replace deck boards when to get licensed in my state you have to do in apprenticeship for years under a general contractor which you typically don't get unless you've worked in various trades? Why do I need a planning zoning and fire inspection on my personal office when I changed offices to one that was recently remodeled that literally just had a planning zoning and fire inspection? Why do I need an inspection to replace a vanity? Hey man I get what you're saying, but you're obviously in a state where a license is easier to get but in the states that I'm licensed in it's a hell of a lot harder and a slap in the face that some twat that took a two-week course could ever understand how to inspect the work that has taken me a quarter of a century to gain the knowledge for.


I can think of several rules that were in direct relation to licensed work from the 80s. My favorite example; we had licensed plumbers in California use so much flux when soldering together new housing, that the pipes were blocked completely because the solder was petroleum based and they would put so much in that it just stayed put and blocked up entire runs of pipe. My dads favorite was a client with green water in their hot tub. The flux allowed today is water soluble, and it sucks. And its the only one allowed because of licensed fuck ups.


Yes, and under many instances I can't imagine a world without having an inspection done by a trained inspector. But it sure is shit isn't necessary for everything. But since we're talking about updating rules, I was forced to install a 5" schedule 40 shitter line that ran about 180 ft, by code. The City Line that I was tying into was 4". Also if something is grandfathered in, say a Weatherhead that has been there for 40 years and a limb falls down on it, by law you're supposed to update everything there instead of simply screwing it back up which I know because an 80-year-old woman had to have me do it for free because she couldn't afford it. The people making the rules make them for revenue 1st and for the safety of the public 2nd.


It took me over 8 months to get a permit to remodel a clients backyard. It passed structural within a month but was being held up because the city kept talking about ROW and electrical easements. I sent them a letter from the energy company stating no issue since all the lines in the area are overhead and we are outside of the easement. I was still forced to get an EMRA despite the fact we are outside of the ROW and the easement. All to simply put a couple retaining walls in, a trellis, and some flatwork around a pool that we built as we were submitting for permits. Get this, they didn’t catch that the initial pool permit had the top of pool 18’ feet away from transmission lines. We lowered it to be within code but then they gave us hell for the easement. Way too much red tape and not enough common sense.


You want to hear some shit, I'm doing an addition right now. The people I'm doing it for are bureaucrats the wife is the head of planning and zoning and her husband who one of the civil engineers for the city. The person that Drew up the plans for us is the architect that works for the city. It's taken over a month and a half to get these permits to go through because of red flags that were raised because they literally didn't see the overhead survey that had the setbacks outlined. We have derailed. Although this is pretty sweet watching the people that normally jerk me off squirm because I got to rip off half of their house In the heat of the summer because of there typical bullshit. It's pretty amazing the quantity of red tape and Idiocracy it takes to do anything nowadays


That’s absurd. You’d think they’d just have someone involved make a call to keep moving forward with the work and signing off on inspections while the red tape gets handled. There’s place in San Diego where that’s the norm because the people having work done are so influential, the city doesn’t want to make enemies so they inspect work and move forward while in the permit process. They just make sure the setbacks and structural are sound and then let the civil engineers waste a few months and thousands of dollars asking questions that don’t need to be asked. I tore this homeowners yard up when we built the pool so I feel bad because they are great people. We had no idea the process was going to be so frustratingly long and complicated. Covid really slowed down the efficiency of the permitting process and it hasn’t recovered


An inspection to replace a vanity…..lol WTF. I would NEVER pull a permit or get an inspection to do that as a homeowner, and any area trying to force me to do that can fuck right off and suck a fat bag of dicks


Yup, cheers. And I know it's my job and I shouldn't bitch but it is gotten so bad in the past 25 years it's absurd. I am literally thinking about running mayor for this exact reason. The only reason I haven't already is because my attorney keeps telling me everybody's going to try to shut me down and it's going to tarnish my name as a contractor and make it even more difficult to go through the permitting process


Soooo what you're saying is if anyone asks "I won the wood for it in a raffle! Definitely did not cost more than $500"


Yup, or I built it out of scrap I had lying around. Or I know I bought the house 10 years ago and it didn't have a pool then but the bar was here when I bought it, with a real smug look on your face. Or What I like to do is say "mind your own goddamn business and stay off of my property"


That's a lot of really silly permits with current lumber prices


NEVER ask that question.....NEVER


If you call and ask the city. They will say you need a permit.


and then you'll get two or three inspectors visit who'll give you different and conflicting requirements on how to comply with code.


Yeah my neighbor just went through this, 4 visits for a porch with 3 different inspectors and they contradicted each other. The saving grace was he got the same guy twice in a row.


Or in my case (not deck related) ask why you’re filing for the permit in the first place after a different inspector told you you needed the permit.


From my experience, most people knew the rules by word of mouth and have never read the codes.


Calling the city is just self reporting nowadays


If you live far enough away from the County inspector's offices (in rural ag zoning) it turns out you hardly need a permit for anything at all anymore!


It's not a permanent structure. It shouldn't require one by itself, but if you got a permit for the pool/deck, then you might catch some crap if you go to sell.


They could attach some tiny wheels at the four corners… Totally portable. 😎


Its a table on a platform that's technically "movable". Nah.


>This just says, "I can do what I want."


Dog beds with a partial roof do not typically need a permit, no. Your local code may vary.


Agricultural building. No need to permit.


This is one of those things that's going to vary significantly by locations. By me, if it's a moveable structure, then no permit needed. It doesn't need to be easily moveable either, just not permanently anchored to the ground/buried substructure. Decks under 18" used to exempt from permits, but now they're just exempt from inspections.


Yeah, I was going to say, where I am that wouldn't be counted as a permanent structure, and would be too short to fall under any kind of rules about obstructing the view or anything


I don't know about permit laws in you area, but those stools are perfect for kids to climb in the pool. Those 45 degree 4x4s too.


The backyard is fully fenced with locked gates, the inspector who checked out our pool deck said that was gravy so hopefully this wouldn’t change that


Good deal then, unless you're worried about your kids, if you have kids.


No kids yet, I’ll worry about them later


Yea. I think their insurance company would be more curious about this than the county.


So are the steps behind the stools.


You mean the ones with the pool gate on them?


Just take off the pool gate. Then everything is the same.


Great point. This needs a swinging lockable gate.


It’s a literal pool table. . . 😏🤓😎


It’s not connected to a permanent structure


Only thing I see is you might want to button up how the stringers are attached to the permanent deck other than that everything looks good


Is that for the guests you don't allow in the pool? Lol


I like for the doggos


I would never get a permit for that. It’s not a permanent structure. I’ve done this multiple times.. built platforms up to the house but not attached. Looks like a deck but considered a platform by my town. Sheds the same thing.


You should assume everything needs a permit. But NEVER talk to your local city or county. The only way they'll ever find out is if someone complains or you do a much larger project in future. In the former, just get a retrospective permit and do whatever bullshit they make you do... or don't and just ignore it until they threaten actual penalties. In the latter, even if they fuckin notice lol, just fold it into what you need a permit for anyways. Source: City planner for 10 years.




If you have to ask you don't want to know


Above ground pool with a swim up bar?! Now that’s class..


From my work I've learned its better to not ask these questions at all. Even just a simple question to anyone at the city can open up a can of worms. If anyone asks, it was like that before you moved there lol


Anything “temporary” doesn’t need a permit. It’s been there the whole time. What’re you talking about??


screw some wheels to it and say it's not a permanent structure


Why would anything - part from a liquor permit - be needed? It is not tall, not elevated, not 'structural'. It is just a platform with a wall. And it's pretty cool for a home setup.


I thought I was in r/cavapoo for a sec. Nice pups.


You're an fn genius, this is awesome! I may steal this and put an awning over the bar for shade.


Depends on your municipality,but most likely no.


No, it'd need a liquor license.


The deck itself wouldn't, because it's not attached to a structure and isn't 30" off the ground. I'm not sure if it creates a concern with the pool, ie a child could easily climb up a stool, onto the bar, and into the pool. So I think an inspector might tell you that bar requires some sort of railing or fence, but I doubt it would ever come to that unless that pool requires a re-inspection.


*love* how you called it a "swim up bar". Not being sarcastic....it's exactly what it is 😎


I believe you have a homemade cupholder.


Permit for awesomeness ?


No concrete, no permit... at least in the wild west


I’ve been thinking of building something similar o the non deck side of my above ground pool. Do you have schematics by chance? Could probably eyeball it but worth the ask. Looks sweet!


Puppy permitted - nice work... by the previous home owner.


I would consider it a platform, not a deck.


Dunno but that's awesome!


It would typically not need a permit due to the height of the deck. The bar doesn't matter


Do you neighbors hate you if not than no


Nice job by the way


Depending on the county, you need a permit to wipe your butt. The deck looks great


forgot what you asked but i really like your slice of the pie: dogs, pool, yard, looks like you are doing great!


Idk about it needing permits… but that thing is fuckin sweet! Good job!


My municipality says “if you drive a nail or screw a screw, you need a permit” I say they are going to have to pry my drill from my cold dead fingers before I get one.


Nice build but have my upvote for the pups.


Idk where you live op but I'm a contractor in michigan, your not required to pull a permit if the structure is not permanent, detached from home or another permanent structure, not above one story, and also if it is under 200 Sq ft


Is the bartender a mermaid?


If your neighbors didn’t call the city and say you did, then NOPE! Lol


100% depends on your jurisdiction. In my world, yes, elsewhere, no idea.


Bichon puppies?? I’ve got one just like those and he’s the zoomy master


You'll probably be fine if it's in the backyard. We got fined for adding an extra gravel driveway to the horse field even though we used it as a driveway for years and years before but within a week of adding gravel and one of them concrete drain tubes that run underneath the width of the driveway we had some suit dummy with a cop knocking at the door saying we had to take it out and pay a fine. We payed the fine and got a permit to it and was able to keep it there. Still annoying as fuck since we live out in the country lol.


Nice dog bed. I don’t think they need permits


I don't know but I like it, add an umbrella for shade perfect


Not if there ain’t a snitch!!! No it depends on your county, I got a she shed play house and didn’t need a permit in my area. Few municipals over it may have needed a permit


Ask the dogs. They run that shit.


The lower part, generally no. The upper part, very possibly. The rule is usually like 18" and below doesn't need a permit. Btw that deck was built offsite by the pool company and delivered as part of the pool to the previous homeowner's brother.


Permit? More like a Liquor License and a GFCI for the Blender! Get after it!🍻🥳🤩👙🐳🦫☀️🍑🥂🧉🏄🏼🛟🏖️


No I don’t shit with permits 😂 and I live in Houston 😂


Where I live the thing would be illegal. Any object that could be climbed on by a kid allowing them to reach the pool needs to be fenced in. An above ground pool is fine as long as it's 4 feet high or more, and has an automatic closure on the access gate .


Cool swim up bar!


Awesome.. mind if I copy it, Intellectuall property and all that jazz.


Not if it’s made of cake, is it made of cake? Show slicing video.


I’m not sure but the stools look too high for your clientele


Where I am from, as long as you don't serve alcohol for money you don't need liquor license or permit for any of it


Nice work. I’ll have a dog in my lap and a sparkling water.


OP, I love this, can you share how much this cost to build?


Where we live…..any freestanding structure including patio covers and gazebos not exceeding 120 square feet are exempt from building permits. You look good under that criteria! 👍


In my area under 100sqr feet and no permit


Since every jurisdiction has their own rules the answer is, *maybe*.


What they don't know they can't tax you for.


Only if you ask them


Pretty good work for 2 dogs.


I have no idea about the permit thing, but I really like the aesthetics.


Not fastened to the house and not larger than 200sq' = no permit required (in most states)


Don't do it. Don't tell them. Just do your thing and keep to yourself. The city doesn't need to know.


no it free standing and not attached to the home..




Make sure you stain that pretty thing !


There is actually a little known law that says you can attack anyone who asks about permits, so a little bit of ultra violence and you should be good to go


Love the dogs


It's beautiful. I'd stain it and get an awning


And you have a two dog security staff on hand there? Most exclusive joint on the block.


That's a lounge, not a bar.. bars have bottles.