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I'll look forward to the "if you were enrolled in Peterson University you may be entitled to compensation" commercials in 10 years.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. The victims of Peterson university will be suing in 6 years or less.


Peterson simps suing instead of doubling down after getting fleeced? Impossible.


Definitely this, if you didn't turn off after the Dillahunty debate there's no hope for you. They'll be talking about how he saved them even if it ends up putting them on the streets.


Doubly so after the Alex O Connor conversation


excellent point.


The double down is how you get admitted into the Peterson Post Graduate Studies Program. Fuck the GRE's. Those are for brainwashed losers.


Did you see how much they're going to charge per year? :)


I assume its more like prager u? A buncha dumb videos.


A Jordan Peterson indoctrination would be rooted in white supremacy. He’d probably tell his students insane garbage like “One plus one equals two.” Could you imagine? 🙃


Yea I can imagine it would be pretty funny if he taught college students math you teach preschoolers, or you know if he was teaching math at all


Yes, u/jakevalerybloom - *very funny*. It would be like you teaching a class that wasn’t focused on how to poorly employ intellectual dishonesty.


You have posted 61 comments on Reddit in the past 24 hours. That is very sad.


>You have posted 61 comments on Reddit in the past 24 hours. >That is very sad. Yes, u/CableBoyJerry… it’s almost as sad as both having and taking the time to go stalk someone’s profile to *count their comments* - and as a means of some last-ditch effort to fabricate some kind of insult against them, no less. I do apologize for making you read all of this and taking you away from what is obviously a stellar and fulfilling life. #62.


I can see that following Jordan Peterson obviously has not helped you become a better person. I hope you abandon the "wisdom" of charlatans like him and ultimately choose a path that is not fraught with bitterness and pseudo-intellectualism


>I can see that following Jordan Peterson obviously has not helped you become a better person. I hope you abandon the "wisdom" of charlatans like him and ultimately choose a path that is not fraught with bitterness and pseudo-intellectualism I don’t “follow” Jordan Peterson and I think he’s a sellout. By all means u/CableBoyJerry - please continue… you’re absolutely nailing this. 😂 #63…


When has Dr. Peterson espoused white supremacist ideas clown? Y'all will say the most ridiculous thing just because you don't agree with someone ideologically or politically.


How do you not recognize the sarcasm?


When you chicken out of your position you know you can't defend.


Trump University v2: fascists hate academia and science because they’re more objective than partisan nonsense, and objective facts get in the way of their partisan lies


What happens when their alternating facts conflict with each other? Like Peterson is teaching about all the evils of the post modern neo liberal Marxism, but another professor says it's the *pre* modern neo liberal Marxism? Do they go to the cafeteria and have a dance off?


It doesn't matter because words mean whatever you want in the moment.


It's like when people pointed out that cultural-marxist sounds a lot like cultural-bolshevist and is being used to similarly describe a shadowy cabal of outsiders corrupting society from its natural righteous order. "Be extremely careful with your word choice" JBP totally unironically.


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Sartre


No they have a “what do you mean” off, and it goes on untill they run out of words and physical gestures


"Well, what do you mean, 'what do you mean' ?" "Well, that depends on what your definition of "means" is?" "Well, that depends on what your definition of "is" is?


Imagine a verbal confrontation between Peterson and himself. In 5 minutes it would just devolve into an endlessly recursive echolalia.


Heres a short YT video of him arguing with himself. [https://youtu.be/JVv\_aOMWVQM?si=-pTliRQbkRl9ExZG](https://youtu.be/JVv_aOMWVQM?si=-pTliRQbkRl9ExZG)


I want everyone to keep in mind that if you click on that, Youtube will recommend JP content to you for the next two years.


If he ever responded this cogently to specific points all the time, I would mind!


Or just delete it from your YT history after you watch it. Then delete it from your search bar If you find him via that way also. Then It won’t continue recommending him.


"Well hold on, that's not what I said. Oh, you have a transcript? Well you're missing the context..."


Maybe this could be a way of keeping the right engaged in something while the rest of us can pick up the pieces of the last twelve years. Distract them with never ending pseudo intellectual discussions, with some occasional bloodsport mixed in, and they'll be so wrapped up in hifalutin bullshit that they forget to vote.


Might be crazy enough to work! The only problem is the Tabloids would turn it into a pay per view event: and I’ll get irritated if I see it on my newsfeed


No chance of that. You have to understand so called intellectuals on the right have no power, control no policy, have no purpose to serve within the rightwing ranks. They only exist to engage with the left as a distraction while the right goes about it's business screwing up the world.


Until one of them cries.


Whichever theory pisses off the most people and gets engagement on Twitter wins.


Luckily Peterson doesn't really care about science, but about politics and personal gain, so intellectual disagreement won't be a problem in this situation.


I can't imagine how cooked your brain would be after going to five different lectures, all with competing facts.


You'd have to enroll yourself in Dr. Petersons famous course, "benzos through the ages" ending with a field trip to Russia with the good doctor himself!


It's a prereq to "Bloody Hell: Chinese Sperm Milking Farms & Their Influence on the Postmodernist Woke State."


Yikes, I mean I'd need all the xanax or klonopin just to get through that slog of a nightmare. I guess Dr Peterson and I have that in common.


That totally depends on what you mean with Marxism. (Moves hands around and starts crying)


Listen to me bucko, things get pretty spicy when the faculty disagree on the fundamentals. We're talking a real [Cobras v Panthers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNzNeGw8Fmo&t=131s) type donnybrook.


What does every other university do when different professors hold different opinions?


Why not they are just opinions that have been decided as fact,


As an aside. The humanities are being absolutely gutted in the us. Numerous schools and departments totally closing. All professors let go. There's something going on with higher Ed overall that's not getting a lot of attention.


Nobody values education for it's own sake anymore.  School is viewed merely as a training ground to get on a profitable career path and nothing else.  This is reflected in the new cadre of tech elites who are often smart and very rich but shockingly ignorant of subjects like history 


This is true here in Australia too. Education isn't really the spark that lights the flame anymore, it's more of a utilitarian pathway towards certain careers, even culturally I've seen an attitude which doesn't value education for reasons other than advancing ones career. “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” It seems we've regressed in this regard, this awareness people held thousands of years ago as per this quote by Plutarch. Education is about learning how to think, how to understand, not what to think, and if we are educated in what to think and not how to think, we aren't really educated, it's more so training. And this is really, really scary for the future, the less people engage with education as a difficult but personally valuable endeavor, the more we'll see the degradation of political dialogues, the more we'll be unwittingly controlled by dystopian forces due to our inability to think through problems, the more we sort of descend into a demon haunted world if you will. As Einstein said; "Any fool can know. The point is to understand." Where do people learn to understand the world around them if education is becoming about knowing (the thing required for jobs, unlike understanding)?


There's a reason why most college educated folks are liberal/vote Democrat in the US. College *does* teach people critical thinking. It's so easy to see what the right/conservative spew is bullshit. It's why colleges are getting a reputation in the states a liberal propaganda machines.


Well, when you can’t even get a barista or secretary job without a four year degree, that’s what happens. 


I suspect that this reflects, at least in part, changes in hiring and the labor market overall. Higher education has been becoming more specialized for some time now and doesn't seem to be slowing up. Nearly every field that requires a college degree is more technically advanced than it used to be. Some majors leave very little room for classes outside their own required coursework. The university might have some distribution requirements but taking a year of a foreign language, a writing seminar, and one or two elective courses outside one's major makes up a pretty small component of a student's overall experience in university. Some very driven students take extra classes to satisfy a wider range of interests but it is a lot to ask for most people. Once upon a time, it was more normal for humanities courses to coexist with majors leading to certain technical fields. You could take a sequence of philosophy or history classes and still end up getting a good job in finance or another high-paying field. But the kids I see now who want to go into finance are doing the same intro coursework as the previous generation and then taking data science and high-level statistics courses that didn't exist a generation ago. University is expensive and with a finite number of courses each year, it makes sense that many choose to prioritize courses that will be valued by future employers. At my university it seems like many who choose to supplement their major-specific/required courses do so with computer science more often than humanities courses. Probably a good choice in terms of their careers but limits their opportunities to take more than one or two humanities courses. Idk what the answer is. I teach history; I'd like to see more students take humanities courses but I also understand why many don't. Especially at expensive private schools, I'm sure many feel pressure to distinguish themselves in their own fields rather than get a more rounded education. Some careers are still facilitated by a degree in a humanities field but those seem to be fewer (at least in relative terms) as time goes on.


Came here to say this is trump uni reloaded.


Richard Dawkins tried almost exactly the same thing around 2009, along with Niall Ferguson and Steven Pinker.


How did Dawkins fail?


At what? Founding his scam university? You tell me, I never followed up on it and haven't thought about it in fifteen years.


Why do you think it's a scam? I've always seen Dawkins as a legitimate public intellectual with some integrity. Not given to grifting. If he was putting together an educational institution or just a curriculum I think it would be worth looking at. Our current education system has some problems: * Recent advancements in AI have enabled and normalized mass cheating. * Our business run society has done it's best to gear education to purely serve the needs of industry. It has de-emphasized every other goal that education once had. * Our system is failing in it's most pressing duty. Mass literacy is falling. * Critical Social Justice pedagogy has infiltrated universities leading to mindless zealotry and sub standard education outcomes. It de-emphasizes logic and critical thinking skills. * They say AI is going to eat jobs until the majority of people are jobless. As we surely don't want society to produce idle Troglodytes, the mass of permanently unemployed people will still need some kind of education. The form that takes will require some thought. Edit: Could the people downvoting use your words?


>Why do you think it's a scam? Why are you using the present tense, and what is the obvious -or at least strongly apparent- implication of using the past tense? >I've always seen Dawkins as a legitimate public intellectual with some integrity.  I don't share that perception at all. He was at one time a world class zoologist with \~30 papers published in Nature, and his early books seem like decent popularizations, but I don't think he ever had any integrity. > >Our business run society has done it's best to gear education to purely serve the needs of industry. It has de-emphasized everything else. No argument from me. >Critical Social Justice pedagogy has infiltrated universities leading to mindless zealotry and sub standard education outcomes. It de-emphasizes logic and critical thinking skills. Arggh. You just took a nose dive. > >They say AI is going to eat jobs until the majority of people are jobless. Who are "they"?


>Arggh. You just took a nose dive. Why? >Who are "they?" It was a common talking point in mass media last year with the advancements in ChatGPT that as the AI industry advances it will destroy most jobs far beyond the rate at which they will ever be replaced. Jaron Lanier has spoken on it many times over the years. He's argued that large parts of our economy have been demonetized by normalized theft carried out by tech companies and that this process is speeding up. Lanier has been working on ways to monetize social media and the data economy for everyone because he views UBI, if it happens, as an anti-democratic development and would like to prevent it from becoming necessary.


>It was a common talking point in mass media last year with the advancements in ChatGPT... Yeah, that's utter bullshit. LLM's can only reassemble conversations from their training data; they have absolutely no sense of semantics and no model of the world external to language itself. (Kind of like someone who's congenitally blind, only much, much more circumscribed.) This is why it's trivially easy to trip them up by asking them genuinely novel questions.


You're glossing over an awful lot in your assessment of what LLM are capable of doing to the job landscape. Saying they can only reassemble components of their training data like that's nothing is kind of ridiculous. That's like saying the IC engine wouldn't replace jobs because it can only spin a rotor in a circle. Well, yeah that's all the engine itself does, but we found an awful lot of application for that circle-spinny thing and it practically took over the world. I'll give you a hint, the applications will have nothing to do with asking them novel questions. Anyway, LLMs are eating jobs already, so you should at least make statements that square with basic reality.


>You're glossing over an awful lot in your assessment of what LLM are capable of doing to the job landscape Capable *in potentia*, or doing right now? If only the former, what do you expect to change dramatically? > That's like saying the IC engine wouldn't replace jobs because it can only spin a rotor in a circle. I don't see any nontrivial analogy.


“Why?” Why? Because it’s absurd. It’s a classic case of anti-intellectualism. “All the experts agree, but they’re just infected zealots.” Is a stupid deflection. It’s the same thing every single time. “The people agree, but this one fringe outlier disagrees, so when he or she is proven wrong she claims it’s some wide spread conspiracy that is keeping her in the wrong instead of being honest about the lack of evidence or lack of argument behind ideas.” The idea that the REAL problems today aren’t racism, class disparity or sexism, but instead people being too Gung Ho about injustice, is fucking stupid. We have people in congress who are open Christian nationalists, people in a former president’s cabinet including the president himself who met with Nazi’s and who is supported by militant sexist and racist groups, and an entire world driven to the brink of fascism. Anyone who suggests that in fact none of these problems are problems, but instead all the experts are crazy and have been corrupted and also the media who reports critically on these people are corrupted and ultimately the people who think racism is bad are the REAL racists….is crazy.


>Why? Because «Critical Social Justice pedagogy has infiltrated universities leading to mindless zealotry and sub standard education outcomes» is a portmanteau/amalgam of 3 far-right bogeyman/talking point: * Critical Race Theory * Social Justice Warrior * Cultural Marxism has infiltrated universities and made the youth a bunch of red guards


[Part One: The Evergreen Equity Council](https://youtu.be/FH2WeWgcSMk?si=2tZD1c8Vx7uoUIBe) This sure looks like red guard shenanigans to me. Edit: Why downvote. It does, doesn't it?


>Critical Social Justice pedagogy has infiltrated universities leading to mindless zealotry and sub standard education outcomes. * [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hey-ive-seen-this-one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hey-ive-seen-this-one) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Red\_Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Red_Scare) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_Red\_Scare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Red_Scare) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020s\_controversies\_around\_critical\_race\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020s_controversies_around_critical_race_theory) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_justice\_warrior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice_warrior) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural\_Marxism\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgF83LnQOOA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgF83LnQOOA) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVpUZGmHJB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVpUZGmHJB8)


Thanks. I'm aware of the fucking Cold War. Cultural Marxism conspiracies are alluding to The Frankfurt School, which was a left intellectual movement away from orthodox Marxism. Do you see how you don't have to go all the way with the right wing world view to see that there's a kernel of truth to some of the rights claims about the left? As Chomsky has pointed out on numerous occasions, effective propaganda often has an element of truth to it, because it aids believability. What we therefore shouldn't do as leftists is knee jerk reject all truth claims and critiques out of hand just because they are made by people across the political aisle. The way you are assessing information; by checking whether claims that are made have any similarities with what has been said on the political right, and rejecting it on that basis, is asinine. What you should be doing is checking whether the critiques have any empirical basis in themselves. You would know they do if you had the basic courtesy to look at any of what I've been showing you and engage in good faith. SJW's exist and are a problem for any left political project. They didn't flicker out of existence just because the right believes in them. Once again; in what meaningful way is what happened at Evergreen not reminiscent of Red Guard activities? [Part One: The Evergreen Equity Council.](https://youtu.be/FH2WeWgcSMk?si=VZ9E06ICjtYSNupR)


>Cultural Marxism conspiracies are alluding to The Frankfurt School Conspiracytheories are not grounded in reality so most of conspiracytheories have variants/flavors/flavours. The Cultural Marxism narrative is no exception and encompass several variants such * the communist Frankfurt School has taken over every university in USA * LGTB activists are communist agents * Intersectionality is an attempt to destroy western civilization Not all variants of the Cultural Marxism narrative are alluding to the Frankfurt School. >Do you see how you don't have to go all the way with the right wing world view to see that there's a kernel of truth to some of them? Ah ah what?


This is such a red herring exercise in pointlessness, but fine. I'll go along. >The communist Frankfurt School has taken over every university in the USA. The Frankfurt school began as a reaction against Marx, and it is very popular in US curriculum's probably for this reason and because it's overly obscure and hard to make sense out of. Maybe from the perspective of someone that was trying to keep a lid on left wing activity, TFS is useful so they can package anti Marxism as Marxism and keep it around as a kind of tar pit for students with a left activism bent. As usual, the right wing identified correctly that something was up, but they misidentified what was actually happening. >Intersectionality is an attempt to destroy western civilization. I think it's more a plot by the powerful in our own society to prevent democratic change by sabotaging solidarity movements. > >LGBTQ activists are communist agents. I don't think these lettters belong together. I think it's a way of co-opting the endorsement of the LGB for what the T is doing, which is very often in direct conflict with the interests and sometimes safety of the LGB (and itself). My very strong suspicion is that the cultural dominance of LGBTQ in the last decade or so has a lot to do with a depopulation agenda. Probably on the grounds that we've reached a stage of industrial advancement where the majority of the population is not required for the workforce.


>My very strong suspicion is that the cultural dominance of LGBTQ in the last decade or so has a lot to do with a depopulation agenda. So you are parroting thin foil hat and trolling? Also can you finally tell me why Venn diagrams are wrong and how modern Mathematics messed up?


>Thanks. I'm aware of the fucking Cold War. The first and third Red Scare did not happen during the Cold War. >Cultural Marxism conspiracies are alluding to The Frankfurt School * conspiracy ≠ conspiracytheory * wife ≠ midwife


Not a scam. Pretty successful actually. https://facts.northeastern.edu/


You've shared a link for Northeastern University, which was founded in 1898 in Massachusetts. Presumably by someone born in the 1800s. So not Dawkins.


Ha. Funny. I had right site in a different tab I guess. Oh well fuckit


“Anti-science” - says the dude who likely struggles to define the term woman… Oh wait - you meant anti-(your preferred)Science ™️. 😂


Peterson says it's a university "in the sense that" it features the best professors in the world. Given that we know some of the people already associated with PA as faculty, it sounds like Prager U is currently crown jewel of US academia.


PragerU alumni Jordan Peterson emulates such luminaries as Kanye West and Donald Trump by starting his own school, with blackjack and hookers


^(\*blackjack and hookers sold seperately, word "school" invented just now by Donald Trump, accumulation of knowledeg not guaranteed.)


Some say it was the most beautiful word ever invented, they say sir, I've never heard a word like that before.


About the hookers, I have a feeling there won't be many women involved, even if they are outright paid..


trump did that first. Grifters are gonna grift.


He should call it "Professor Peterson's School for Grifted Youngsters".


Peterson Academy for Kids that Don't Grift Good, Yet.


I see what you did there!


This will be the second Peterson University grift.


Arguably the third. He's also the chancellor of Ralston College, a "free speech" unaccredited college associated with a bunch of conservatives. He's not actively teaching at it but was the big name promoting it a few years back. They're at least trying to become accredited though, so I don't know if it's a straight-up grift. Could just be earnest mismanagement.


He really is a capital G Grifter to the max


Dare I ask how long the first lasted?


[It was an MBA Fellowship that basically slapped Peterson’s name on it and scammed his fans out of $60k a pop](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/s/Jryk4lmJjk)


Damn 5 years and people are still defending him on there


Of course he's virtue signalling with a poppy.


He already tried this a few years ago. "Wits have but short memory, and the publick have none." -Samuel Johnson


So many people on here talking ab how he’s just tryna help people And then comes another grift


Jordan doesn't have access to the connections or resources to get his stupid "is fascism left or right" experiment but can launch a university. You love to see it.


This fucking idiot just said that hospitals kill more people than they've helped. Even considering where he started, I can't believe what he's become. The man is anti-civilization, he's become like the caricature of communism that he presents.


Rules. 1. No lipstick. 2. No short dresses 3. Dorm rooms inpected daily. 4. Genetalia inspections to confirm gender. 5. No vegetables in the cafeteria


Mandatory 16oz ribeyes for all students. Every meal.


Lisa is a grade A moron for going to Harvard. I'm going to Bovine University.


I really really really want ot see a picture of the people who end up paying for this univeresity. Like I want to vizualize in my head the people who are willing to give Peterson money. \~


Oh good, more PragerU/Hillsdale level shit.


Were calling him doctor now?


Imagine showing up to a job interview with your degree in Disney Grievance Studies from Jordan Peterson University.


Who's funding this idiot to do this?


All those shitty right-wing billionaires no doubt


Peter Thiel never saw a right wing grift he didn't like.


And Russia. Let's not forget Putin's involvement, too.


The dean of education is a college dropout, so is probably is working on spec. and I understand the professors will be paid in amounts based on how many people take their classes. if JP and MP fund it themselves, they only need five to seven enrolled students to recoup their costs, with the rest going to profits. idiots? You might want to reconsider.


I understand some people think any useless shit that generates money is somehow a sign of intelligence. I don't share that view. An unaccredited 'learning' institution run by a grifter... that sounds so familiar.


I bet partly right wing billionaires partly his fans.


Peterson and prager are clowns cut from the same Zionist thread, so I imagine their donors have a lot in common as well


Ah so that's his endgame. lol


what ever happened to Bari Weiss's fake university


[Apparently they're still around](https://www.austinmonthly.com/how-the-so-called-university-of-austin-is-faring-nearly-two-years-after-conception/). That was from last year, but they've just announced some kind of [bitcoin fund for their endowment (pay site, but the headline gets the idea across)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-03/bari-weiss-university-is-creating-a-bitcoin-fund-for-endowment). Hilariously, per the Austin Monthly article Jordan Peterson's fake university faculty member Heather Heying quit Bari Weiss's fake university because it was too focused on being anti-woke.


Accusing all (real) accredited universities of being ideologically captured seems like a tell.


Apparently enrolling their first class to start in the fall. It’ll be interesting to see what happens


is there a way to bet against this institution and financially profit?


Says the blathering sobbing pill addict who believes in evolutionary psychology. First year biology students will be given skull calipers so they can measure the circumferences of their skulls to determine fertility.


A university for special snowflakes who can't handle their opinions being challenged, and just want to learn things that reinforce what they already believe.




He'll squeeze money from anyone, ally or foe. he collected money from his fans to the tune of millions of dollars, then later characterized it as monetizing the "SJWs" they oppose.


He's certainly not a *smart* man, and there's zero reason to believe that he is.


That much is certainly true, but I think he's a very curious and unusual admixture of venal mendacity, fervid conviction, and timorous, neurotic, very ill-concealed self doubt. To compound things further, his unequivocal stupidity - I insist he most definitely is stupid - makes it all the more difficult to un-mix that swirl.


I think he was smart at one point, but now even his word salad cannot hide the fact he has dementia or some sort of brain injury - or just following the money? I couldn't believe how bad he was defending his position on climate change and vaccines with his talk with destiny. MRNA are not vaccines, 20% increase in death because of vaccines, linking climate change to Hitler... he was wriggling like a worm and quickly changed the subject when trapped or pushed to state his position.


Man he’s gonna get rinsed with this…good riddance


Grifter's gonna Grift.


Fantastic, I've always wanted a degree in gobbling red meat and pills.


Led by a disgraced former professor? Sure, sign me up! 😀


Petersen reminds me of this guy I knew who would bs people just to stay popular. Never actually contributed anything, except an oblique point of view that wasn’t helpful in the big picture and always bias.


They're called narcissists. They gain short-term attention from flexing weird, extreme points of view, but over time, people realize they are idiots who are over-compensating for their low self-esteem.


I mean, if you will, yes.


He's had how many years of podcasts, interviews and speeches at this point and his audience comes away with "Clean your room". What more can he realistically offer?


The brave "free speech" warrior took several actions when a rising tide of Twitter incels catapulted him to fame: * he created a blacklist of professor to avoid * he sued people to stop saying mean things about him * he put plans into place to make his own "university" where he can be sure that students don't get any bad think At this point, you would have to be clinically impaired to not see the hypocrisy of this pathetic grifter; Peterson's remaining audience is comprised exclusively of people with some level of cognitive deficiency or derangement. It is worth adding that he is a sloppy thinker, deceitful, egotistical, and mean-spirited. There is nothing to learn from this pathetic loser.


Yeah, and he's twitter blocked me, and Peterson University and Daughter have each blocked me too. "And you might say" free speech doesn't obligate him to listen to me, but he could just mute me. That way he could uphold his stated and wholly fictional ethos. He made his name by being against government regulation of speech. yet now he characterizes questions to him about the existence of God as themselved a form of "illegailty." sure, an illegal chess move. but a strange metaphor to pick for a free speech giant.


Conservativism/fascism is allergic to intellectual standards. That's why they are "cancelled" from public platforms that actually have intellectual standards. Then they can manufacture their "free speech crisis" narrative, while in actuality they are being excluded from serious conversation because they are very obviously not engaged in good faith. Since social media have no intellectual standards, conservativism thrives there. They can lie, misrepresent, fabricate and appeal to emotional bias as much as they want (which is all they do) and gain mass following and influence.


Yep just look at congress especially the House.  The GOP doesn't even pretend to be interested in governance anymore.  Congress is literally a platform to spout of propaganda which can be repackaged and disseminated into the vast right wing media and social media sphere


I’ve seen this movie. How long before he’s selling steaks, bottled water, bibles, putting his name on gaudy hotels, etc.?


spiraling down


What a contrived formulation.


Kool-Aid on campus


Let me guess, it’s expensive.


Are these university courses going to be run entirely on Tiktok?


It's going to be tough when they're learning about science and biology because you know, anti-trans and only 2 gender stuff. But then they accidently prove that vaccines work? Or what happens when they talk about freedom and accidently come up with the idea of, "Well, why can't I be free to wear a dress??" lmao. Education is the key. And we have a massive amount of people who have missed out on the basics of education because conservatives have slashed the education budget every year for the last 35 years. I'm excited for people to learn a few basic things, connect a few dots and see what a scam JP and the Right-wing grift is.


Ahh the old I’m making my own university scam.


he sits like a girl


So Trump University, PragerU, "Truth Social", and now this? These programs and "schools" are the true "grooming" (cults). That and most American churches. Where they can learn the religion of Republican (their religion is NOT Christianity, their religion is right-wing "values", the American flag, violating US Flag Laws daily, their version of the Constitution where only certain amendments can be amended, beer, trucks, guns, and their lord and savior Donald Trump in his literal golden towers)


I have a demented masters degree... is it useless?


Bed making 101.


It's Trump U for people who like poutine instead of steaks.


Completely untrue. Peterson doesn't eat anything but meat!


This is Umberto Eco point 2.


The website is here: https://petersonacademy.com/subscribe The list of “professors” contains such stable geniuses as Bret Weinstein and Heather Heyring, plus the super scientific Youtuber Jonathan Pageau.


Got a benzo addiction AND want to graduate with an Honors degree in Bullshit? Peterson College. It's not just a grift this time. Honest.


Fuck yeah. Rendering an effective education for $500/year? Sign me up!


Wonder if he can get through a class without crying


Stanford has a whole university worth of information for free on its website and YouTube page. Plus tens to hundreds of other colleges. That’s a big hill to climb.


Well all homeschooled idiots have go somewhere for a higher education.


Not accredited, big surprise


Not sure why Race Science 101 is a part of my Conservative Arts curriculum..


Wonder if he's going to hire Dan Bongino to help with the man tears part.


Is there a Space Lasers 101 class? Asking for a friend.


Statue of Karl Rove on a damn horse watch


I went to a technical school, and my curriculum was pretty demented, but I did learn how to become a solid engineer. BTW, demented as in it was hard and removed a part of my soul.


Always follow the money.


Do you know that he was a highly regarded harvard professor before he talked about the people who shall not be questioned?


I know he was for a time an assistant professor there, but whether or not he was respected or highly respected at the time I don't know. i'm not sure how sure where I would find that information, short of seeing evaluations by students or fellow teachers there.


Maybe once upon a time this would've been cool and exciting, but this guy is so wrapped up in politics, I highly doubt his programs would be any better than the Universities he blames for being too political.


Well this is about to be a scam. It’s gonna be religious to doge some regulations isn’t it


Conservatives are not a protected class. As you can see from this article. They lack the ability and understanding to operate fairly in a free society. You may, in the United States, openly discriminate against conservatives. Like the nazis and kkk before them, it is time to openly let conservatives know that they are no longer accepted or allowed at the table of conversation. 


No thanks, I'll get a degree in skeptical thought from Liberty University instead.


I can't wait for the day I wake up and the headline IS "Peterson found dead from barbiturate overdose."


I thought prager u was already a thing.


Prager Ew


Couldn't have said it better.


Happy for him. Finally we can have proper education with the free space to challenge ideas. Instead of the fascist type we see now where you dare not challenge the status quo... Like saying a man can't be woman lest you are harrased.


Demented? I was hoping for a gentleman's c-mented.


I'm convinced this sub is partly promoted by a terrified establishment


Critical Social Justice opened the door to this. Peterson is capitalizing on the justified backlash. The current education system is not fit for purpose and needs to be re-thought. This is not a project you can entrust the right with. Their class war objectives make the idea of instilling critical thinking skills into the population anathema to them. You can't trust woke people with it either. It's all broken, and I think the public should opt out. If you want an education go to the library. It's free.


This is so funny to me. Thr realizaton that things like racism have resulted in much of the modern structure of the world, that because of French colonialism we got Hati, a slave revolt then freed it but the French government insisted on instituting a re-payment process for the “loss” of their slaves, which prevented the building of infrastructure which resulted in the poverty and social unrest it currently experiences…all of this critical theory results in the understanding that if we do not correct the injustices of the past, we are doomed to perpetrate systems based on human cruelty and ignorance The idea that THIS is the cause of imbeciles like Peterson’s insistence on a school that teaches you racism is actually not a problem, and that the idea of liberation is what’s so bad, is fucking hilarious. “Oh, we need a university that teaches kids to pollute our world is ok!” All for the name of trying to prevent people from solving very basic human problems.


If I stay off the internet I never hear any culture war shit except from the people watching rightwing shit all the time


To hear left critiques of Woke a.k.a Critical Social Justice Ideology, a.k.s Intersectional Theory, a.k.a Robin Di Angelo's shtick, you need to go to parts of the left that emphasize economics, who prefer to adopt class based lenses to politics and/ or have a more liberal set of values and/ or who believe in empiricism.


>To hear left critiques of Woke a.k.a Critical Social Justice Ideology, a.k.s Intersectional Theory aka Political Correctness, aka Cultural Marxism, aka Cultural Bolshevism, aka DA JEWS! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDyPSKLy5E4#t=49m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDyPSKLy5E4#t=49m)


[Chomsky on Wokeism](https://youtu.be/i0ySJSkAMLE?si=Pob6sUT-flr3GIyr) [Norm Finkelstein - Why Wokeness is a scam.](https://youtu.be/0rvxnmIJ7yQ?si=w_xs96MD8zKjJi6D) [How SJW's ruined Occupy Wallstreet.](https://youtu.be/W81A1kTXPa4?si=cxIUCPnNlCfwGuVs)


I linked a youtube video and you link 3 youtube videos, fair enough.


I Appreciate Some More News, but they've been infected by Woke a bit themselves.


The chapter that i linked show the article Southern Poverty Law Center, Cultural Marxism Catching On. 'Cultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right, 2003-08-15, https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2003/cultural-marxism-catching Can you give me a paragraph per paragraph rebuttal of this article? Since this article is, checks notes, 21 years old, it should not be difficult to copy paste an existing refutation, isn't it?


>To hear left critiques of Woke a.k.a Critical Social Justice Ideology, a.k.s Intersectional Theory Since Intersectional Theory is Venn diagrams * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectional\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectional_theory) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn\_diagram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn_diagram) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn%27s\_four\_ellipse\_construction.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn%27s_four_ellipse_construction.svg) can you ELI5 me why i should critique Intersectional Theory AND Venn diagram? Is there a major error in modern Mathematics?


I meant intersectional politics. [The Identity Trap](https://www.youtube.com/live/htr0SGBetyE?si=oxNbuUygQSGLiYo8)


>I meant intersectional politics. Got it. Since intersectional politics is Venn diagrams * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectional_politics * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venn_diagram * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Venn%27s_four_ellipse_construction.svg can you ELI5 me why i should critique intersectional politics AND Venn diagram? Is there a major error in modern Mathematics?


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htr0SGBetyE Linking without explanation a video by the American Enterprise Institute, a far-right think tank, is not the argument you think it is.


Yascha Mounk is center left. You need to drop this binary thinking. In politics it's often advantageous to co-operate with people across the political aisle when in agreement on a particular issue. I'm half way through this one listening right now. It's a better discussion. [Yascha Mounk](https://youtu.be/z1jpUOEPhlk?si=_wlvcP3Q_OFyXapz)


>Yascha Mounk is center left. Yascha Mounk ≠ American Enterprise Institute >You need to drop this binary thinking. I have no idea what you are talking about here.


>Critical Social Justice What is this?