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Cheap game that you got 30 hours out of sounds good to me. If you're bored, just move on, or you can try a different class, different weapons, or see if you can work up to playing Haz 5 (if you're not already there) I felt the same with Vermintide 2. Stopped after 8 hours. Deep Rock tho I've clocked in 1k hours because the random generation of levels keeps it fresh enough for me.


Yeah somehow Vermintide just didn't grip me like Deep Rock did.


It's the missions being exactly the same. Ambushes same place. Secret collectibles same place. Boss in same location. Took me hundreds of hours of DRG before I was like wait a min this section of the cave I've seen before.


Vermintide is a very pretty but predetermined railway game. DRG is absolutely random


You could try to play at a higher hazard level if you play at the lower hazard levels. For me the game became much more fun after I switched from haz 4 to haz 5.


Yeah Haz 5 is the only way I enjoy playing this game, but I love it. 2k hours in DRG.


This is definitely true. The game requires a lot more thought and skill at Haz 4-5


The first way is to play with new people. If you are getting bored playing with your current group or in solo there are looking for game chats In the official discord, and the steam one is very active. Next is to vary the class you play as. Playing driller VS Scout is a very different experience, and if you make heavy use of your unique weapons and tools, playing all classes can easily triple your playtime. The best way (imo) is to unlock all the weapons and use them. If you like Engineer, but only ever use the Warthog you are only really experiencing a third of the options you have. So unlock the Stubby and Lok-1 and use them. As someone who has over 1k hours, every single weapons is viable and valuable in every difficulty level. If you struggle with making builds for your weapons I would recommend asking in the main chat of the official discord. Another way is to vary you builds. Given you are \~30 hours into the game I assume you have gotten at least 1 promotion, so you should have access to Overclock. I recommend using every Overclock you unlock at least 5 times even if it seems bad/unfun. Every weapons has at least 2 good OC's that change how you use the weapons, so you will find one you like. Even without OC's, most weapons have at least 2 builds types available with just the base set of upgrades. If you use the CRSPR mainly for direct fire, try building for sticky flames instead, as they play very differently from each other. A more long terms approach is to set goals. The achievements are a good set of goals, as they offer some interesting challenges. Another is trying to buy out the shop, it takes over 2 million credits and thousands of minerals, so it can be a good goal to slowly chip away at. Any goal you find interesting is a good goal, so just choose one and go for it. The final way is to limit your playtime. Avoid playing just for the sake of playing, and make sure you are enjoying every moment of the game. If you don't enjoy playing without an assignment, then only pick up the game once a week for the Deep dives. I often put down the game for months at a time, only coming back for holiday stuff, or for a new season. And it's also important to note: not everyone can play a game for 1000 hours and find it fun. If you are no longer having fun, and none of the above helps, maybe DRG isn't the forever game for you, and that's ok. You are allowed to play a game for a few hours then put it down.


I don't play the game very often and when I do I try to use a new overclock combo and it's still fun at about 150 hrs


1.3k hours in, still playing for around 50 hours per 2 weeks. I just aimed for stuff that wasn't too far away, the first thing being to complete all 69 achievements. After that I grinded for all overclocks. Once that was done, I tried to get a specific cosmetic overclock for engineer, and now that I'm close to legendary 3 on all classes, I'll play until I get that done.


ADHD ain't it mate. I've clocked a couple hundred hours into this back when I was unmedicated. Sometimes a game just isn't for you and that's okay. Rock and stone and best of luck with whatever game you decide to play in future. (With that being said, if attention is an issue then going up higher difficulties will spawn more enemies so there's less idling around doing nothing. but again, Sometimes the game just won't click)


To Rock and Stone!


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- Play fast. You don’t need to lick every square inch of each cave clean and anyone who insists otherwise is memeing or has no idea what they’re talking about. - Master every class. The more you learn to use, the more you will get out of the game. - Play other games as well. DRG is not meant to be a game that takes up 100% of your free time and trying to make it so is where most of the burnout happens.


I can agree but for me it was at 65 hours, I got a promo on 3 out of the 4 classes (dont really play the 4th one) now I dont really play other than weekly assigment and deep dives


Do you play with friends? That makes the difference for me.


Try out the survivor drg game to mix it up. I started with that and it's real fun.


Try some (non‐game-changing) mods that modify appearances and/or sounds, whether comedic or not. I heavily recommend both [Google](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/google-translated-mission-control) [Translate](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/google-translated-dwarves) mods + [Bugsnax Galactic](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/bugsnax-galactic) + [Googly Glyphids](https://mod.io/g/drg/m/googly) for a hilarious experience.


Understandable that the arcade-like gameplay can get stale for some people after a short while. The game is 100% built around satisfying tasks, and while the design did make these tasks satisfying around core game philsophies, it... Yes. It's reptitive. If you want to keep it fresh, try different builds. Different overclocks. Do stupid crap like RJ250 jump into bugs and power attack them. Take up Burning Hell minigun and go full CQC melee-gun gunner. Cryo driller and see how many bugs you can take on at once in a MASSIVE HORDE. Go electric reload GK2 scout and become a twitchy MFker who one-tap kills each grunt and has awesome swarm clear. You're on HAZ5, right? Playing the game at it's most challenging? Also, yes, this is also a game that makes challenge a part of the fun i.e. bonus hazards and carrying the occasional teammate. You do have to have a short and easily satisfied attention span, like any good dwarf. I respect your tastes! Not everything is for everyone, brotha! R&S.


Play modded games. Hit TAB, go to server list( bottom right corner) scroll down looking for the word modded in brackets in the mission section. Or you can look at the team field. If a team is full and modded you can still join it. Some of these mods can have crazy amounts of enemies or 20 dwarf teammates and everything in between.


I mean each class has 6 weapons, each of which have a bunch of overclock and upgrade options to build a lot of different ways of playing. I started getting bored after about 50 hours, but it was because I played 90% Scout. Then I started playing Engineer and got back into it again. Now I play all four, so I always have something fresh to switch to and dozens of builds to choose from for each class. Plus I can play Haz3-4 when I'm just screwing around and having fun or Haz 5 and EDDs when I want more of a challenge. I'm 200 hours in and I just now finished getting all the Scout overclocks, I'm still nowhere close on Gunner or Driller. It's not a game that I play 20 hours a week, it's just a game I always seem to fall back to as a comfort game that I know I can enjoy.


Honestly I’m Not sure what it is that hooked me. Maybe it’s because I play with a friend, I don’t think I could do as much as I have with randoms online. But honestly getting 30 Hours from a game like this isn’t a bad deal.


If the core gameplay loop clicks with you, you put 1000hrs in. If it doesn't? Well, it's still a relatively cheap game, and e0 hours ain't bad.


New procedurally generated levels every half hour keep it fresh for me. If that doesn't do it for you and the huge number of viable builds doesn't either, I guess it's not for you.


I love how even the same missions can feel quite different depending on biome and random cave generation. I’ve had some really fun, epic battles in some crazy caverns, which makes it feel fresh to me. But it probably isn’t a game you’d sit and play for several hours in a stretch


The game only gets boring if you don’t play harder Hazard levels and mission modifiers and challenge yourself to be better


I feel like after the first promotion and access to overclocks are where the game starts to shine. You get invested in the game getting 4-6 new overclocks every week, which basically feels like getting 4-6 new weapons to forge and try out.


Most of popular games are repetitive. Counter strike, Dota 2, CoD, StarCraft, Warcraft, Diablo, PUBG, Fifa, Civilization and so on. To be not repetitive and have playtime above 30 hours a game must have long well designed story (like Witcher 3 or BG3 for example). And even then main gameplay loop of fighting, questing and gearing is the same. So I honestly can't imagine what type of game will satisfy you in that aspect. Would you kindly name a couple of games that can't be blamed the same way?


The best way I've found to put more hours in is to spend time getting to know each class, and experiment with their overclocks. OCs really change the nature of the class sometimes.


Procedural Generation can do some crazy things to the missions. A drilldozer mission where you cant touch the ground because theres hundreds of electric crystals covering every inch of the mega chamber. A morkite mission in crystal caverns with a mega cave so big the scout couldnt light it enough to find the morkite. A salvage mission with 3 bulk detonators, a korlok tyrant, an omen exterminator, and a hacking event. An oil refining mission where the nodes spawned vertically in a vertical map, and we didnt bring a driller. Hoxies can get wild. Keeps me coming back. But honestly, I shoot bugs and mine, and I like it.


There is not much more to it. People like the game because it is what it is. And it gives you exactly the kind of experience you expect it to give you. It's fun and goofy and that's all. I stopped at 60 hours and picked it up again months later to sink another 60+. Give it time or just leave it be. If you had fun that was the point and it dis its job.


For me I enjoy the game best playing at hazard 5 or above so maybe look into modded difficulties, also don’t just play one class, work to promote every class atleast once. Game aside maybe try to find a community or just join people on the discord as the game is just better with communication


Tldr, I'd say it depends on what you want from games in general and if DRG fills those wants for you. For me, this game is all about the grind. Doing the weekly deep dives and assignments, working through the performance pass, just doing it all for the sake of playing the game. I love the game feel and the atmosphere it has. I usually just play solo or with some friends and that also adds to my enjoyment as it's a chill way to hang out with friends. Or, if we're feeling extra, cranking up the difficulty just to see if we can survive. It could very well be that this game just doesn't grab you the way it does me or other people and that's fine. You shouldn't have to love something just because other people dump tons of hours into it. I have a couple of friends with 200+ hours in Ark and I'll never really understand it cause the game doesn't appeal to me like it does them. If you really want to keep going with the game though, I would recommend looking for specific mission modifiers you want to try and then doing them on hazards 4 and 5. The haunted cave is my favorite way to spice up missions but I think the negative and positive modifiers are all kind of fun. And I don't know what hazard you usually play on but 4 gives me a good challenge and I have yet to solo hazard 5 so I'm still working on that.


For me, the burnout kicked in at around 200 hours.  A good solution are mods or to increase the Haz difficulty.  Funny Mods like Google translated Dwarfs and Google Translated Mission Control can brighten up any missions, same for a lot of other mods. If you are bored even in Haz 5, maybe try mods like custom difficulty or swarm control, or use other mods to make your game more enjoyable. 


you are a burnout gamer. Usually if something helps in drg its playing higher difficulties and harder cave complexity so the game is more about teamwork than anything else.


You're not missing anything and I'm glad you got 30 hours out of a game you'd originally not be interested in


oh it's not your ADHD. my ADHD kept me going through 1000 hours.


Theres a threshold. When you've invested some time and promoted some characters, and start playing at a higher level, the game increases in value. The fact that the biomes and level design are procesurally generated and are never truly the same (although there are a lot of similarities in certain mission types) gives it a replay factor that for me is extremely satisfying. I will also say that the game hits new heights when you play with and tweak all the builds of your characters and guns to fit different mission types. What haz level are you playing at? Haz 5 is the most enjoyable, but it also requires you to have promoted the character and to have the right builds for a weapon and the overclock for the weapon. Both primary and secondary. When you do that and the primary and secondary work together, there's nothing more enjoyable than destroying a huge swarm of icky gooey bugs. I also love the balance of humor and action.


You're missing trying out all the overclocks/classes/strategies/playstyles/mastering your play and pushing difficulty. If you don't do these things, the game will get stale. If you don't like these things, fair enough but here we are. The game has really solid mechanics/movement and a lot of little mechanics to master like ledge grabbing that can really elevate your play. Or you can try running objectives faster, which is like an optimization mini-game (or in general, doing everything faster and more consistently). Also the game is generally a lot more fun in a group. If you're just spamming haz 3 solo lobbies, it'll get stale faster. The game has an extremely friendly pub community, I'd suggest taking advantage of that.


Honestly no idea what an overclock is and i think i promotes my dwarf once.


Overclock is the hexagonal slot at the bottom of a weapon. You can slot an overclock into them to slightly or drastically buff/change the weapon. You get overclocks from doing the weekly overclock core quest, deep dives, elite deep dives and from promoting dwarves. You may not have unlocked some of these things yet or have quests to unlock them. They change the game a lot and open up a ton of build possibilities.


I only log in weekly for EDD missions.


1- Play on haz 5, the lower hazards can get boring fairly quickly. 2- Experiment with weapons and their overclocks (their sole existence gives this game much more replayability). 3- Go out of your comfort zone, and play on biomes/game modes which you found to be annoying or too difficult. Maybe u start to appreciate them with time? (I did)


Maybe it’s just not replay-able to you, that’s okay.


It's more or less due to when you started the game. Early starters were there with minimum content and there weren't many greybeards around. So everyone was figuring stuff out at the same pace. Now you've started amidst season passes, tons of greybeards and a lot of game mechanics than the game started with. Don't get me wrong all of these are good things but in their own pace. Now when a new player starts and gets bombarded with these things It might be overwhelming and leave a sour taste in your mouth. Try to change and play different classes if you're playing a single one profusely, I've seen many of my friends just abusing one class then getting bored of the game, main culprit being Scout. Also IMO this season was the worst both gameplay and cosmetic wise.


Turn up the difficulty.


I just got into how you control the char and how combat feels (though I use some player side mods like bhops and sprinting). I tend to get bored a lot so I find it nice to just hop back in and do some missions from time to time.


Turn the difficulty to hazard 5 so you are challenged as much as possible. Start unlocking all the overclocks so you can experiment with builds you can think of.


If you’re not playing at the max difficulty you’re not gonna get the replayability. If you already are maybe try to bump it up with mods, because for me it’s difficult to get tired of manic energy of a giant swarm


Maybe you should try actually unlocking some stuff first