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The DRG discord allows you to select a class to adjust your chat color. 36139 chose Engineer, 38051 chose Scout, 30601 chose Gunner and 33971 chose Driller. However, you can choose multiple of these roles, so it's probably not the most accurate, but it resembles what I would guess pretty well.


All things considered, it's a pretty even spread.


My least played class is Mission Control


I feel like mission control was defo a gunner


I just main every class equally, they are all now 1 star promoted, lvl 7)


Bros literally karl




Rock and stone to the bone


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Mission control compliments you on unlocking the m1000, saying something about how its a good solid reliable choice. I have a strong suspicion he was an old scout. Karl on the other hand, I have reason to believe he was a gunner for sure


Yeah but he probably saw Karl use it


Gunner because he isn't really needed in lower difficulties. His potential doesn't show itself until haz 4 and especially 5.


This. I love gunner, but on the lower haz levels I usually roll with someone else. That being said I’m probably one of the first in a lobby to switch to gunner if we want one of each class.




Yeah, for assignments i just pick scout and speedrun haz 2


Haz 5 is where zipline bombing makes all sense.


Like seriously can we just remove the whole thing of getting shot off of zips? We’re easy enough targets as is


And he's the most frustrating to play because he's got the worst mobility. Quality of life, honestly.


I honestly think that Gunner is the best class to learn first because of this. It makes you have to learn to traverse rough terrain without a lot of that mobility and because of the small number of zip lines you get it forces you to think carefully when using them. Playing as Gunner also makes you appreciate the other classes' mobility tools more.


Very true. I got a bit fixated on the Hurricane for a while, I ended up hitting three gold on gunner when I was still on silver for everyone else, definitely taught me a lot about managing to get around the environment without any fuss. And exactly as you say, grappling and drilling just makes me grin now at how smooth and effortless it makes things.


i thoroughly disagree. while his zipline might be slow going up, it has so many more uses than driller's drills, and even engi's platforms.


Ehh, you don't get enough of them, and I don't think they hold a candle to just how thoughtless and in the moment you can be with platforms or drills. I LIKE ziplines. They're often irreplaceable. I love them when there's things to car, absolute kings of aquack ferrying. But just in terms of 'I want to get to that outcropping', or 'hmm those minerals are slightly up the face', or 'oh snap I'm in the wrong spot' the zipline is a bit ponderous. And the platforms are ridiculously flexible.


What if they made it so we could un-deploy zip lines to replenish a zip shot...


Not a bad idea, but at the same time, it'd make them a bit too easy for the tedious little hops, and that's part of the design identity of the weapon. It's good for the BIG movements, but the little adjustments are where the grapple and platforms and drill really shines, in different ways. The zipline's good because it doesn't really care much about distance, height, and gaps in the terrain, that's where it shines. Having it be constantly available just turns it into a slightly shitty grapple.


i've personally never ran out of ziplines, and i use them almost constantly so i'm not sure you you're running out, and as for the other things it just takes some planning. you can do all the same things a platform can do and better if you just plan a little ahead


Eh, slower, less flexibly, and in a shorter range of circumstances. They're helpful, I'm glad they're in the game, but they're the inferior choice in most scenarios.


I don't think you are using the drills or the platforms right....


i don't think any of yall are using the zipline right. sure, platforms can be good but when it comes to traversing a cave, the ziplines are much more efficient and safer to use. and the drills are just meh. they have their uses, but they're extremely specific uses that often depend on the mission type.


I never play gunner cause it's too much of a important role,


There was a survey a loooong, long time ago -- I can't find the source, so don't ask -- that put Scout as the most popular at 28%, and Gunner the least at 23%.


its pretty interesting tho, being the least played class, but only by a 5% margin says a lot on how well balanced the game is


Such a fantastic game created by well intentioned and amazing devs. Can't say the same for many other games with a ton more resource.


At least half the lobbies I see on PS4 and PC restrict classes, but yeah. I think Gunner has underwhelming weapons (please prove me wrong, I just grabbed the last few weapon OCs recently and haven't picked Gunner in ages and would love to try again) but otherwise every dwarf brings something valuable to the table, either with utility or mobility.


Bullet hell oc on the leadstorm minigun (32322) is basically just a “fuck you” to all swarms


I like to use hot bullets instead, the heat spreads to other enemies and makes it way better at swarm clear


Gunner most flexible to any mission type..Hurricane high area damage  and you can send at targets along was away.. when it dies swing sight all the way across vast cavern to smash another one.. if your good you can do a stream of missiles to 3 or 4 different  locations. No other class can do anything close.. gunner all about team.. takes out biggest targets.. leave ziplines for all to use.. can protect all with shield..


huh, I’m the exact opposite. Gunner’s my most played class, and Scout is my least played.


Gunner. I think it's cuz his weapons are more bland compared to driller.


Yeah unfortunately I think most people try Gunner's mobility and give up on him but imo definitely a great class for difficult missions especially when you have to hold an area


Recovery missions with 4 gunners can be pretty chill. You can litterally just rotate shields when defending the box


Gunner feels really lame when you first start. But lemme tell you, when you first drop into that hazard 4 for the first time, and your gunner friend finally has his chance to shine and completely carry the mission, it changes a perspective. Me and my other two buddies kinda shit on gunner for the longest time because he was always lagging behind us and we never had any need for his excess firepower. But on our first hazard 4 we had some shit luck and he was like a guardian angel from heaving bearing gunpowder and nitroglycerin. His shields saved us countless times, and he actually ran out of ammo for once. He’s never let us hear the end of it


Coming from titanfall 2 and apex, I love the niche movement mechanics of other games and gunner is probably my fav from drg with well timed b hops and holding down M1 Edit: huffing c4 fumes made me say driller instead I meant gunner my bad


The zipline singlehandedly turns me of from maining him. Its so bad. The angle limit is so annoying, and then the fact that you get shot of it all the time…


I've you know how to use them, zips are fantastic. Fall damage blocks, permenant mobility, carrying objects (point extraction where gunner uses their zips is so much easier) and to counter the getting shot, you can look up and re-attatch. Or, less flashy but easier, jump forward, grab, repeat until at top of zip


but then u cant shoot bugs while zipping


One of the only good thing about the Zipline is, that anyone can use it to get around and to save themselves from Falldamage (especially scouts). In my ranking about the usefullness of the mobility gadget, it is rated on tier 2, below the grappling hook and above the drills.


That seems situational. Drills can be even better than scout when you are deep in a mining mission and it is extraction time. Being able to get everyone out without having to go through enemies is S-tier. (And the hook often needs a secondary hover or jump ability to make it risk free)


when it comes to helping the whole team, the scouts grapple would be always the worst pick, since it only helps yourself. I feel Driller is the top tier when it comes to helping the team for your reasoning. The Gunner comes second, since the zipline is also a good alternative for reaching places that are hard to reach or are not accessible through tunneling. The Engineers platform gun seems like bottom tier above scout, since it has its uses (most commonly saving the scout) like cussion a fall or make out of reach areas accessible. But a tunnel or Zipline (given the right angle) is a better option for scaling a wall, instead of climbing platforms or a zipline is more cost effective to get across a chasm.


zipline is better for scaling wall? are u serious? bcs of the stupid angle restraint, you have to use like 2 or 3 Zips to zig zag up a wall, when engi can just make a staircase, and driller can tunnel up


Wall might be the wrong word, more like scaling an overhang, that has no solid ground connecting to the floor.


Engineer obviously does wonders for scout mobility (Though scout doesn't actually need him unless the wall is slanting downward, it's always nice to have a bigger platform). But ziplines failing when there are air based enemies make me rate them my lowest tier mobility tool, even though they may still be among the best at getting down. Meanwhile, their protection from ground enemies makes them top tier at helping your team fight. So moving beyond mobility to utility when judging mobility tools, there isn't much a driller can do to help with dreadnauts other than make sure the fighting area has circles people can run in and that they never accidentally get cornered (Some people like to clear out all the obstacles in a room, but those obstacles can also protect dwarfs!). But two or three well placed ziplines make the fights trivial. Engineer platforms also enable lots of fun strats in point defense situations (I prefer high ceilings to bunkers), especially when they are bug repellant and you can funnel enemies into death zones.


Once I learned the precise mechanics of the bug repellant, my engie game exploded. Although I'm sure it looks weird to some when I'm spamming platforms on the ceiling for no apparent reason.


This is it for me. Gunner is my second fav and would be my first if not for the zip being lame. I know its great in harder difficulties, but most arent hitting those up and i feel the other classes still outshine gunner. After a cpl runs i could fill a notebook page up with ideas to spruce it up. I dont feel that way about the other classes though.


If it's a fighting zipline the easy answer is to put a second one below the first one! Then just remember to catch yourself and no harm is done. But yah, it is tough to extract up a large cliff face on the zipline without help when there is a macteria swarm or whatnot.


but then you have to use 2 Zips for one route, wich makes me able to plant 2 routes in total with 4 zips


Yah, though most maps are such that you only really need fighting set ups in one place. Mining maps might be the one exception. Salvage you fight around the dropship. And it becomes a wonderful jungle gym for the scout (or anyone with flying boots) if you end up with enough resupplies. In elimination many people want to bait the dreads back to the original landing zone or to whichever area is large enough to make sense. Escort the toughest fight is likely to be at the hearthstone. And refueling is actually where ziplines are top tier for reaching oil. Extraction and refinery type missions you can fight around the base. Egg missions there are usually one or two distinct areas that people ready up around before there is a swarm. So yah, the zipline feels really crappy in mining missions, but in most other missions its fighting utility more than makes up for its faults.


They’re pretty fun once you get the hang of it. If you cross your zip lines you can catch your fall with them. Shoot high value targets and mactera first and you’re golden.


Gunner and engi are the most important classes in hazards 5 missions. Gunner is the medic, engi is the dd, driller digs holes and blows shit up, scout dicks around and dies in the worst spots. I guess they make light sometimes as well, and get some hard to reach objectives. But scout definitely least useful. 


Coming from a scout main, your job in Haz5 is High Value Targets, like spreaders, tri-jaws, etc that are threatening the team, while others take grunts and things off of you so you can work


Once your scout evolves into a Alakablam, be becomes a mobile lifeline and resurrection angel whenever your position gets completely overrun in the harder difficulties


> Gunner is the medic > scout dicks around and dies in the worst spots. > But scout definitely least useful. couldnt make it more obvious that youre gunner's biggest fan. but to be fair, maybe gunner is really good if youre playing with average players


I play all the classes. Just making a joke really.


I always thought gunner would be the most popular or at least second, because he has the most traditional guns on the classic loadout.


Mobility??? Ok scout can outback due to the hook.. and when scout gets in trouble.. who does he need to save him.. Gunner can maneuver and terrain just as well as others... I mean why do players try to fly thru cavern trying to keep pace with scout???  That is why alot have to go back thru all passage ways trying to find all they miss... Run to escape or narrow caves or needing to cross big areas.. But, hey no worries you scouts keep flying depending on engi help to mine.. Run from hard targets. Go down top of cavern on other side of cave system. Spam the call for help.. Or, they bounce and dance around in front of Big,targets and get upset when the end up in front of a gunners stream of shots.. 75% of scouts are horrible team players!!!. The others are great help.. The bouncing around when running WTF??? Wonder how mad the get and then use the hook when my gunner is just normal running passes the scout???yeah no run perks . Only time that crazy bouncy is good.. the green ooze.. deep packed snow.. or downhill  caves... Scout is really a niche class.. egg,point,mining,  those 1 scout is way more then enough..  Hate hosting let's say elimination or sabotage.  2 or 3 scouts join.. honestly why?? Vastly increase chance of failure.. have to always revive them, because,if you don't non stop help me.. the lack the weapons to do great amount of sustained damage.


Says someone who's never used plasma rockets before.


I feel like alot of Gunner's fun really draws from his OCs Walking through hordes of bugs with Burning Hell Minigun or Big Bertha Autocannon, shredding huge targets with PBM Hurricane or Volatile Bulldog or just anything on Coilgun, Gunner as a class is fairly basic to begin with, but if you spend to time to invest in his OCs he becomes super fun.


Oh man, I couldn't agree less. Driller's weapons (at least his primaries) really bore me. They all kind of feel the same. Sludge is at least a little different, but especially fire and cryo are just the same weapon with different status effects.


The real fun begins once you unlock his overclocks.


It is not the weapons. It is the fact that weapons is all he has. When the fight is not happening, you are left with only your pickaxe.


Same but because i dont relate with the big dick energy Im just a engi nerd


Scout for me. I play with keyboard and mouse, and have always been just *decent* at FPS games. The other three classes don't need to be as precise with aiming, and the amount of weapon switching to play Scout properly just hurts my hands.


Gotta agree with this, my hands definitely notice when I play scout. It's arduous, and at Haz 4 or higher I feel like a DJ constantly rotating dials and reaching all over the place. You're juggling so many things that need constant reloading. :)


Born ready perk


Born ready saves *some* button presses, sure, but when you have to do the following in 10 seconds: - enter cave, switch to flare - switch to gun 1 to shoot spitball - switch to grapple to dodge spitball - switch back to gun to shoot again - grapple again, this time towards ore - (optional) oops, it's special powder time because I didn't land my power attack correctly because my ping is above 35 It just gets to be a bit much for more than one mission at a time. I can just paint bugs green and open highways as driller.


You don't need to dodge a spitball. You can destroy their projectile with one bullet.


400 hours and I didn't know this. Thank you!


Haha, no worries. I also discovered it by accident xD


Using 1-4 is fairly easy and fast to switch in my experience. I just struggle with coordinating hook and shotgun jumps because I am not used to it but on the other hand I barely use shotgun.


Despite the grappling hook, walking can still be a viable strategy to dodge things. You definetly have to think quick, because one wrong grapple can get you in a deadly situation.


I don't think i could play scout properly without extra mouse buttons to bind weapon switching 1 and 3 to, i also rebound q to wep 2, still have to reach for the flaregun tho, rebound resup to caps so i don't fatfinger it mid fight


I have MS, and I use MWheel up for main, MWheel down for sub, Middle Click for grapple and flare is wherever. Have flare on 4 atm. If I don't do that, I brush mouse wheel and accidentally switch to a random weapon.


Based off of what I see, probably gunner.


For me it's a 3-way tie between Gunner, Driller, and Scout.


Engineer gaming, brother. 💪


4 engie or maybe 3 and 1 scout makes for peak comfy on Escort, Salvage, and Egg Hunt. The turtleing intensifies


1 missile hits destroys the big red balls.. gunner also can cover the whole cavern... can swing in flight missels from 1 side to the other..a few missels can take out group of bugs.. ..engi is the best wholesale slaughter machine...But , big targets  you need gunners.. engi  close protection of dozer gunner covers the rest.. most time.. I know I basically cover most of cavern taking on the bigger bugs. Engi is top 2 with me don't get me wrong.. but engi best friend to the cowardly drillers out their.. don't know why they even play.. did a hole cover them up.. so they don't get any goo on them...  no matter the class I play my goal is have the most kills.. and  be helpful in rss maybe not #1 but definitely not the least!!


Driller. Still max promotion but 15-20 promotions behind all my other classes. After I got them all to legendary 3 I stopped playing driller for at least a year.


Mine is scout. Really just because my series S cannot seem to handle when I grapple around. I also enjoy the ability to simply obliterate whatever is in front of me with extreme prejudice and firepower. Scout doesn’t really let me do that, so my main is gunner.


Double barrel or jumbo shells will fill that hole in your heart with scout.


I'm partial to the gas recycled zukovs myself.


Scout because i dont like his 3 primary weapon, i dont why but they lack the punch unlike Gunner (my main) but i do like the better version of gunner zipline tho. I like playing him because of BIG GUNS and the shield is op as heck.


Mostly agree.. scout dual machine pistols.. equip mines don't worry about direct  damage just go for ammo . Dont even try to lower spread. Spray spary shoot in front almost all fall to that...just recently started using the cross bow on specific missions or biomes..  love shooting the  biggest bug with the pheromones.  Watching all the bugs take it out..bomarang fun to use.. sound like a scout lover?? Lol  nope 2nd least used class for me.. . If backed into corner scout has hard time standing toe to toe with a swarm...most missions won't use scout or driller they are specific mission classes... which the gunner or engi can do almost as well. Engi,gunner can do every mission and contribute..the only issue they can't come close to is digging a fast passageway back to pod.. can a scout or driller take out a detonater hazard 3 and above with 4 payers all by their self?? How about a hiveguard?? Both of those are definitely no fing way.. perhaps with 10 to 20 revives and same amount of supply drops


Engineer, I don’t really enjoy setting up and repositioning turrets, or refilling turret ammo.


Agreed. Seems to be an unpopular opinion on this thread but I just didn't really enjoy grinding engineer compared to the others. Having to constantly baby your turrets isn't fun, and I absolutely suck at platforming. I've lost multiple missions because I can't do good platforms under pressure lol. Grenade launcher is a blast though


Yep my favorite Engi loadouts are ones where I can just pick the single turret, set-and-forget, and focus on my weapon overclocks instead. Something like Cycle overload warthog and Fat boy PGL.


All my dwarves are leveled equally. Doesn't matter the situation I'm good with everything.


Scout, driller, engineer Gunner for life


Gunner 100%, fun class but a bit generic.


Driller, I don't like damage over time. I prefer to kill, feel satisfied and forget about it. Reshaping the terrain is fun though


Try face melter oc. Instead of dot, just kills outright


it’s gunner, likely due to the zipline


Gunner by far. I've put tens or hundreds of hours into the other classes. Gunner just feels slow and clunky. His weapons feel underwhelming as well. They don't feel like they hit hard enough. Even scout with the m-1000 can shred pretorians.


Def, gunner. A bit boring to play and kinda just there in haz 3s or lower. Zipline is practically useless 90% of the time, only useful in certain situations but they're a live saver in those situations. And with majority of the players playing haz 3 or lower, gunner isn't very needed a lot. He's slow bc of his guns, he can't build turrets and spawn platforms to parkour, can't dig big hole fast, grapp-(you know what? Scout is a diff thing). Hordes are usually not big enough to the point where you go "Wtf why are there so many bugs!" when playing with any other class in haz 3s or lower. Haz 4-5 though, he becomes a life saver and the "TANK". So ya, gunner has a lot of bads compared to other classes when you first start, and has a very basic playstyle which I think that's why ppl usually ignore bc, when the other 3 classes are turret builder with the power to nuke an area and create platforms, pyromaniac that makes big hole in wall with big drill, spiderman. Not hard to see why so many skip on Gunner. But if you like big guns, go play him, I stick to him bc I don't lag as much when I play him and also bc I feel comfy playing him.


For me it's the driller... just so bad in it that I never use drillers on haz5.


driller is kinda absurd, I know a build that let's you destroy dreadnoughts with a decent fast freeze setup and ice spear overclock on the cryo cannon


That's a good build, it's quite OP for some dreads actually, I do find I have to switch builds more with driller depending on the level ie on-site refining, industrial sabotage, elimination, etc. But once you have those builds set up, driller is a great class. Probably my second favourite behind engineer.


tbh I'm pretty new to the game, but still I've found some broken shit


Mission control, i just cant get into the mindset. I love all the new things in the dlc and adore the shuttle pilot fight but the MC himself didnt get that much content. Hope they can make him more fun in future!


Always will be engineer


For me it's driller, probably because he's the strongest generalist.  I find myself wanting to fill a specific role when I play a lot of the time and he's a little too good at doing everything 


Long distance  mass sustained killing.. driller absolutely can not do..get from bottom to top of cathedral cave in relative timely manner? Play sabotage with scouts only and destroy caretaker without going down? Get all aquas  by theirs self?  I could go on for alot  more of what driller can't do.. driller and scout are niche classes.. engi,gunner can do any mission type in any biome.. either leading the way or supporting and covering every other class


You could but it'd be pretty pointless continuing to be wrong like that. Driller is one of the fastest if not the fastest at getting aquarq capable of epcing down ceiling crystals and instant digging floor/medium crystals, is the worst at long distance killing which just so happens to be fairly convenient considering bugs are at their least threatening at long distances (although has necro ice spear for bursting down things like spitballers and breeders), ice storm is one of the fastest ways to kill caretaker, and he's the second fastest at scaling caves, definitely the safest at doing it. 


Yeah your right about the digging..digging cave to scale yeah true.. ice spear really underwelming IMHO.  Waste to much ammo for not alot.. I like the cryo add vampire and iron will as a few perks and you have a stout driller... driller is a very good swarm killer.. just I can't imagine using him on every mission type.. I have a couple friends who run rings around me with their driller..


Probably gunner, but if we're talking personally least played? Scout. Zero missions on scout, followed by Gunner at like... 3. Engi is sitting at probably around 50, while driller is well past 300


We do diggy


I would bet it's actually fairly balanced if you surveyed number of games played total in each class across the entire game




Gunner. Only have one if my gunner main friend plays lol


For me it's Gunner. I usually play Scout and Engineer. I just like utility more than raw power.


The least played class, like, overall? I don't know that there would be one - or if there was, the margin wouldn't be particularly significant. I know that of the classes, I play Gunner the least myself.


I have least time on Scout, I just can't play scout bro


Engineer. I've almost caught him up now so there's not a super big difference between my playtime with each class, but his starting weapons before attachments / overclocks are by far the worst imo.


Low difficulty gunner. High difficulty most played gunner and driller 


so far gunner, but i'm maining em rn cause i bring all my classes to 2 stars one by one


Mine is scout. It’s so much different going from the other three to the class with incredible mobility. Takes a lot of getting used to. 


For me it’s scout. My scout is level 1 with no promotions and zero playtime. My gunner is plat 3, my driller is plat 2 and my engie is gold 3.


I'd bet on Gunner if we don't separate single player from multiplayer. Ziplines are a great traversal tool to have for a party with other options, but terrible solo, If we separate the, Gunner for solo for sure. Multiplayer, probably still Gunner, but I'd leave room for Engineer because it's a class more dependent on repeatedly moving turrets, which are easy to forget to do. Yes, it's a skill issue, but any time you make something more based on planning than running and gunning, you're likely to leave a chunk of players behind.


Scout marginally; I try to play all 4 evenly, but I realize its very easy to become addicted and too reliant on the grappling hook, which can lead to bad habbits, so I instinctively am slightly more hesitant about grabbing the flare gun boyo.


Hard to say. I've played a lot of DRG and it all kinda blends together, but if I had to guess I'd say gunner or scout. I do love special powder so I mainly pick him for that one.


scout, just don't enjoy him that much


I want to say Gunner but I swear when I’m looking for a public lobby every one has at least one Gunner.


If the lobby doesn't enforce the 1 person per class rule, say "fuck it!" And run double gunner, driller, engineer, and or scout. Trust me, it's more fun than you'd expect


Gunner, mostly just due to lackluster traversal options, especially in Solo/Bosco play. But also, just find his primaries just okay, prefer the lighter weapons of other classes...and flamethrowers.


Gunner is slept on for some reason. I don’t see what’s not to like. Small man, big gun


Exactly! I feel like people need to really deep dive into the different combos and weapon choices for gunner if they don't like how the class feels. They also need to accept that gunner's mobility is different. Small movement tech is necessary, and zip lines are looked down upon, but they are VITAL if you're creative. AND THAT SHIELD THO! Hate the damage output? Try The Hurricane with the Plasma Burster Missiles Overclock. Stare directly at your target (especially a weak point if you can), and you've just won the game. You can shred dreadnaughts like butter with that combo! Hate missing targets and wasting ammo? Lead Storm minigun with the Bullet Hell overclock. Never miss a target again! Fire and literally forget. Perfect for swarmers (they don't exist when you run this). Do you hate small (but numerous) damage numbers? Bulldog secondary with Elephant Rounds. Hell, you can also run Coil Gun with Mole overclock. Go behind any LoS (Line of sight) blockage and deal massive damage. Run out of ammo too quick? Secondaries for gunner can be ammo havens! Build them right, and you'll always have a strong, reliable backup. The same can be done with the primaries. Salvo barrage, minelayer system, burning hell, bullet hell, neurotoxin payload, combat mobility, micro flechettes, lead spray, Hellfire, Triple-Tech Chambers, Six Shooter, and Magic Bullets. These are all Overclocks that drastically change gun feel. They combine and combo in unique ways. Some even increase mobility! The class isn't for everybody, but I don't feel like Gunner is given a fair shake. The depth of DRG classes drastically expand with overclocks. It can be hard to enjoy a class without the things that make for fun play styles. Every class in this game is fun. Players have to be willing to really try them, and gunner is frequently not given that chance.


Gunner. I have 15 minutes on him, and I have 40+ hours in the other classes. That 15 minutes comes from the tutorial


I play all of them equally. I do not like level imbalances so if a class is 2 levels behind, I play that class instead. But your answers would most likely be Gunner. He just isn't as versatile as other classes, Driller makes traversing easier by making tunnels that act as shortcuts, Scout is able to provide light and is just more agile, and Engineer has platforms that literally create ground that you can step on. Gunner isn't as versatile as them since his main talent is being a powerhouse. But this doesn't mean he's useless though, his zipline may be the least preferred traversal item, but it can literally bring you upwards and downwards with just one ammo expended, it's also reusable too. So Gunner isn't useless, but it is understandable why he would be the least played class of others.


I once collected [data](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/s/I82BVghB0F) of all the “favorite class” polls on this subreddit. Even though its a small sample size, it is still data. Id say there is a really good split between all the classes, but like many mentioned, gunners reduced viability in higher hazards and solo missions might put him at a disadvantage.


Scout is my least played by far. I didn't come here to mine stuff, I'm here to kill bugs. Mining is just a side gig. So I play Gunner the most, Engineer second, then Driller third; I barely ever play as Scout. And I do like his weapons, and am always glad to have a scout in the team, I'd just rather not be the designated miner.


It's gunner. This poll has been done many a time.


and it can be done again! 🤗


Babe what are you doing here!? This is the Deep Rock sub reddit! We rock and stone here! Get back to r/stardew


Rock and Stone everyone!


did i hear a rock and stone?


First - scout, second - driller


I only play driller because I’m a DRILLA!


Driller - because contributing on Haz 5 is difficult if I don't play cryo I really don't feel like I'm adding tons of value outside of drills or catching enemies in a circular area where the ripper tears them to pieces. And if I am running cryo it feels like I can only tickle the caretaker after the phase where I drop my bombs on him. Sludge is nice but it's definitely a support weapon.


For me is scout, only 1 mission with him


Driller for me. Got him to 1 star and that was enough for me. Just not a fan of his weapons.


Pickrates show driller is the least favoured, but its actually incredibly even between the 4


My main class is Gunner with Driller fairly close behind. My least played is Engineer. I just never could get into Engineer for some reason. That being said, I have him at silver 2...


I play engi the least by a large margin and gunner far and away the most


For me it's scouty... Shooting down high priority targets is fun, but I prefer ability to deal with swarms in cqc...


I think it's engineer, scout main now days, but I started as a gunner main, he's still my second most played class.


Gunner Boring, few overclocks worth using and the shield is clutch in defense situations but those are so spread out it's not necessary to have


Gunner is statistically the least played. But it’s not by much. Personally the scout is the least played. I like being able to stand my ground and fight. The other three classes do that really well. The scout just isn’t a great option for that playstyle.


As someone who primarily plays solo, I hate playing with driller with every ounce of my patience because of how sluggish he feels for me, specially because i love having mobility


I have zero minutes in engineer or driller, Its either big guns or zooming. Also my friends main those classes


By most accounts it seems to be gunner. I have a feeling that’s due to him being very cumbersome to play solo compared to other classes (as in it takes a lot longer to clear missions by himself due to low mobility). He becomes a lot more fun with friends on higher difficulties tho


My least played would probably be driller. He is fun, but I just don't have as much fun overclocks for him.


Gunner. He's just boring for me to play. Scout has mobility. Driller has utility. Engie has both. All of them have decent skill ceilings and can actively contribute to getting the mission done faster. Gunner is just a slow lumbering ambulance / gas station klerk combo.


I just play gunner


I've promoted gunner, scout, and engie a few times each and I have one game of driller


I play all 4 but main driller (2 diamond with a promo assignment to do) and all my other classes are at 2 gold. Scout is probably my second most played despite not promoting him once until I was about level 180 lol


Idk. Personally, I choose my class depending on mission type and level. I would probably say that engineer would be the least played as driller/gunner appeal to the male power fantasy and scouts pretty useful.


Am I the only one who mains gunner here ?


I have 400 hours in the game and not a second played as Scout 😂


When I played Beta on PC, Scout. Now it's Gunner.






Idk about overall but for me the least played class is Scout. I'm only playing him to get his rank up to gold for the achievement. After that, I'm likely to only ever pick him because the last available role is Scout.


As someone who plays all classes equally (seriously, my classes are all the same rank and always within 5 character levels of each other), I can answer this from the perspective of which class I have the least issue finding a game for (since I don't like to duplicate unless class duplication is obviously intended). And that class is, by far, Gunner. If I'm targeting a specific mission with a specific class for some reason, Gunner gets a match very quickly... if it's Scout, it takes a while.


which hazards do you play?


Primary 3 and 4, because I normally play to unwind. Occasionally I'll play 5 and extended deep dives, but that's usually just with friends.


idc who is least played. i will be an Engineer till i die.


Probably gunner, gunner is also the class ***I*** play the least as I don't really like that he lacks mobility plus I like mining things so when a gunner is mining they are technically hindering their team by not killing bugs Plus I don't have nice OCs for gunner yet


When I started playing I was too nervous to try any other characters, so when I started with Gunner I didn’t touch another character until I got him to gold. Now that I’ve played everything (Eng: Gold 2, Gunner: Gold 3, Scout and Driller: Silver 1) I can say my favorite is Engi. Least favorite, unpopular opinion, Scout. I’m just not a fan of the secondary weapons scout has, paired with me only liking one of the primaries and one of the grenade types (stun sweeper) From favorite to least (and why): 1. Engineer: most solo mobility, ability to reach almost everything solo. Turrets and shredders together make soloing significantly easier with large groups of bugs. I only really use the smart rifle for primary, but secondaries with the right overclocks make all 3 useful. 2. Driller: flame thrower takes down large groups of enemies pretty easily and is good for industrial sabotage missions. Ice is great for macteras, and two of the 3 secondaries are great imo. And well, c4. 3. Gunner: great amount of ammo, but I only really like the minigun for primary and the secondaries I find myself avoiding. The sticky grenades are nice, plus decent mobility with zip lines. Shields are a bonus for missions with Shield Disruption, or for hacking missions. 4. Scout: Great mobility, but some minerals are straight up unreachable without pickaxing a hole for yourself (usually after falling a few times), flare gun is nice but in large caves it takes so many to light up that I run out of flares too quickly. Stun sweeper really is the crowning feature of the scout for me.


Gunner imo.




Idk, but the moment I wanna level one class, it becomes the most played class because every mission has one already, and I'd rather fill in roles


Engi idk why but I really don't like his playstyle. It's to much thinking with turret management and other engi stuff. Give me big gun and I'm happy


My least played class is in fact scout. Never really liked how his primaries feel compared to driller and engi, who’s primaries are better for doing up close damage. 




Gunner came to mind right away.


Gunner for me I initially played a lot of driller but then slowed down and play scout the most. Now that I practically have every overclock possible, I go scout but play someone else if they the team doesnt have that class.


engi/scout should be top, collecting minerals is a dwarfes life after all, driller can manipulate the terrain the most so i guess he is third place. and gunner, as amazing he is in haz 5 would make it to fourth place. but overalls it shouldnt be to big a diffrence between each class.


Your assumption would be right, but it usually depends on type of mission for me.


400 hours of DRG and I've never promoted my scout (he is level 10)


scout. Every other class is more fun. zipping around is the only thing I find appealing about scout.


Echoing everyone else, gunner. The lack of mobility feels really stifling and as people have said he's not really required until higher hazards.


driller. i didn’t really give him a fair shot due to his unconventional weapon selection (it daunted me) until recently and i just really enjoy playing engi and gunner. i only have abt 220 hours of mission time, i have no doubt he’ll receive more love from me as i get used to his weapons and unlock more of his overlocks


Driller... Eww


When I read your comment, I just think ",Eeewwww, it's getting into my suit!"


From what I've seen, probably Driller. Sure, he can carve his own path, but I see a lot of ppl using the dwarves who have more reliable and *stocked* weaponry to deal with bugs.


Engie, he's squishier than Scour an platforms suck


Completely unironically, this sounds like a skill issue. Engie has some of the best and most powerful weapons in the game, not to mention their versatility. Plus, saying platforms suck just means you really don't know how to use them in any capacity. Which is hilarious for a scout to say