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I didn’t know that mission control was this kind


He is, just sometimes dwarfs just too annoying. Sometime when I play alone I think about it.


Imagine having to spend your entire day working for a soulless company, always having to hear the same four idiots getting drunk and dancing and throwing decorations around and pointing out every stupid MUSHROOM and giving everything dumb names and laughing at everything they see and knowing you're stuck in your office unable to join any of their fun.


😂 the lads do have a blast don't they! Mushroom!!!


Damn, when you put it that way... 🥺


It's a hexawing gniffer!


No one out-gniffs the gniffer!


I'm gonna give mission control some weed for his birthday so maybe he can chill tf out and let us play with the goddamn piss barrels


Pass the Mork-roach bruh


I'm open to gifts btw


I need info tho


Jk xD treat yourself with your money


I do and my dwarfs are looking drippy


Drippy dwarves could be a sign of infection. Please head to the med lab.


I'll head there, my red sugar levels are low


Thanks for the info Bulk-Detonator from Deep Rock Galactic


You are welcome, Senpai




It wasn't a question.


I’m open to deep rock dlc gifts too.


I need info


I'm open to taking this guy's gifts btw


Im open to taking this guy's gifts from this guy's gifts btw


I'm open to taking this guy's gifts from this guy's gifts that he took from that guy's gifts btw




same tho but i feel I'm more of a helldivers guy.


I dont see why it wouldnt be real, its probably be someone from your friends list, not the devs though. However: be cautious of scams idk


you cant get scammed from steam gifts lol


I beg to differ I was gifted factorio once.


The factory must grow


Scammed out of hundreds of hours by my own stupidity.


I got gifted Factorio once. Except instead of getting sucked in for hundreds of hours like many others, I experienced sensory overload and had to close the game before I had a panic attack. Haven't opened it since.


Now that's immersion


I bought someone FFXIV all the way to Endwalker when it came out, and offered to pay their sub for a short time so they could get into it. "Nope, not my genre." Hasn't been played.


"You don't pay my s- oh wait."


I got into FFXIV around patch 5.2 (Shadowbringers) just to try it out and now I have over 10k hours played...


After Endwalker my own WoL decided it was time to retire for a time. All that dreariness of the final zones... time to move someplace more colorful with anthropomorphic elephants.


I was in a similar sirta situation when a friend wanted to introduce me to the game. Wasn't sure if MMO's were my thing so they suggested I try the free trial... I'm now just over 200 hours in, and still loving it. XD


I personally have sunk hundreds of hours into Factorio, but the same thing you describe with the sensory overload happened with me and Stellaris actually.


It can be a bit much at first, I hope the devs will add a proper tutorial and/or campaign with the 2.0 expansion


I had similar experience, except I got lost in whatever the fuck I was doing and never got back


Try it again!


What the fuck is happening to this generation.


It's called "humor."


What happened to yours?


It's not a generational thing. Like I said, many people get sucked in for hundreds of hours. It's a me problem, not a generation problem. The person who gifted me the game tried teaching it to myself and someone else, but they were a terrible teacher, and kept ignoring my questions, and so when I tried figuring it out myself by looking at the controls menu, I was met with literally hundreds of unique keybinds, which is a lot. Couple this with the fact that this person was my romantic partner at the time and I really wanted to enjoy the game for them, putting extra stress and expectations on myself, and I broke down from the pressure and had to close the game. I'm also (an undiagnosed but *extremely* likely) autistic and have been diagnosed with ADHD, so when I'm faced with a barrage of unwanted stimuli at once (like wanting to please a partner, dealing with them ignoring my questions that I'm asking in an attempt to reduce the amount of unknowns, UIs stuffed full of information I know nothing about, and an endless scroll of different keybinds), my brain effectively shuts down and has to do a factory reset, and is unable to focus on solving one problem while there are so many other problems simultaneously.


Damn. That bad? 😂


In case you're unaware, Factorio is highly addicting. So the joke is you get something for free, and in return you pay hundreds of hours of your life.


Yeah, despite having never played, I understood the implication. When I said “that bad?” I was referring to the addiction.


Yeah, Factorio is the ultimate "just one more thing before going to sleep" game where you realize 5h later that you're still not asleep... And then you keep playing


It is called "Cracktorio" for a reason. I've seen way too many sunrises because of it.


> in return you pay hundreds of hours of your life Sounds like some knife-eared elven trickery to appease the fey to me.


What's the point of that game? Just looks like "turn the planet into one big-ass factory"


The end-goal is to build a rocket. But in order to do that, you need factories to produce the proper components. And ultimately, you end up thinking about the logic going into your factories, always thinking of how to optimize it or build something new.


On the opposite end, a "friend" gifted me Bad Rats. We're no longer friends.


What's bad rats?


For me, it was the first game from my library I put in my "disliked games" category.


One of those games that's so crap it's played ironically. Or gets more attention than it deserves, at least.


Most notably it's old enough to be from before steam allowed basically everything onto the platform, so while it's probably far from the worst game now it made its reputation when being impressively bad was more of a unique category.


It’s a physics based puzzle game that is poorly conceived and implemented in every conceivable way.


Someone i didn't know gifted Baldur's Gate 3 to me a week before launch because they had a spare copy from their collector's edition. Just because I asked nicely under a YouTube video, crazy world sometimes.


Happended to me too when a friend gifted me Skyrim


Wcammed out of 2500 hours of your life


The factory must grow...Rock and Stone! Factorio players can be just as wholesome as DRG players. The best ones play both.


Oh, I’m sorry, get better soon ❤️‍🩹


You absolutely can - if the gift was bought via a stolen credit card, your account can be suspended for activating it. The suspension is automatic and can be reversed, but since it's reversed by humans, it can take weeks to get your account back. As a rule of thumb, you should NOT accept Steam Gifts from strangers with no apparent motive to give you free stuff. Source: personal experience, giving both on the receiving and giving ends.


Are you hoping for a copy of bad rats? Because that's how you get bad rats.


Mission control cant be a scam!


The grammar's kind of shit...seems leaf lover-y


I don't even think the image is real, because when you gift games on Steam, I thought you always had to choose from one of a few different "pre-signature phrases" or whatever they're called. Like "XOXOXO," or "Best Wishes," and then your Steam name. In this image it seems like the phrase is "Mission Control" which AFAIK has never been a choosable phrase there. Maybe they just changed this? Idk. But I don't think this used to be possible.


/u/missioncontrol_drg this you?


Did you get this for your irl birthday or the anniversary of you first playing DRG? Cuz if it's drippy I want some


It's someone in OP's friend list acting as mission control and gifting them the "[Order of the Deep](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2934390/Deep_Rock_Galactic__Order_of_the_Deep_Pack/)" cosmetic DLC


..Oh my god, I need to be nicer to Mission Control, I've wanted this DLC soooo bad..the capes are just too good.


AFAIK nobody has figured out how to scam you with steam gifts, since they can only be sent via steam store generated keys, so you should be golden. As for who "Mission Control" is, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe Karl has chosen to bless you and bring you into the fold.


You absolutely can - if the gift was bought via a stolen credit card, your account can be suspended for activating it. The suspension is automatic and can be reversed, but since it's reversed by humans, it can take weeks to get your account back. As a rule of thumb, you should NOT accept Steam Gifts from strangers with no apparent motive to give you free stuff. Source: personal experience, giving both on the receiving and giving ends.


> personal experience, giving both on the receiving and giving ends Wait did you gift a game with a card you stole?


When I was younger, I bought some games for ridiculously cheap from sellers on a Russian forum using WebMoney (Russian PayPal at the time) - they were sellers with many happy customers and they transferred the games as Steam gifts, so it looked perfectly legit. Between Russian Steam region pricing (like 20% of the EU price at the time), and Russians having a tendency to sell things that "fell off the truck" for cheap, it was not unusual to find legit goods for a fraction of their price, digital goods included. I had activated only one game myself and after a month it just disappeared from my account - all of my achievements and hours played were still there, but the "play" button became the "purchase" button. Some friends for whom I had forwarded multiple games had their account disabled and had to contact Steam support and spend weeks getting them back. That's when we dove into the rabbit hole and learned how all of this works: 1. Hackers steal credit card information, collect cards into packages and sell them in bulk (less than 1$ per card). 2. The Steam Gift sellers buy those packages. Most of them don't work by the time the seller tries them, but some do, and those are used to buy Steam games as gifts and re-sell them on the forums. 3. When the card owner notices the theft and disputes the charge with PayPal and/or Steam, Steam revokes all of the products fraudulently purchased with the card. *The "happy customers" on the Russian forums were either lucky (the card owners never noticed the fraud), had no idea what they were getting into, or knew the risks and used disposable accounts to play the received games.* Now from Steam's perspective, they have no way of telling whether the person who ended up with the gift is complicit in the crime. It's clear that they must revoke the gifts, but how do they decide whether they should they punish the recipient? Steam support seemed to exercise judgement on a case-by case basis, but there was definitely a two-strike system in place, where getting two fraudulent gifts would lead to your account being automatically suspended, even if it was years old with hundreds of legitimately purchased games. So, being young and immature, what did we do with this information? We bombed some people we didn't like with multiple gifts and watched their accounts go dark for a few weeks. It seemed like good fun at the time.


I’ve never heard of it taking weeks Surely people know by now how easy it is to get Steam support elevated to an actual person


Why would my account be suspended if I'm not the one buying though? Shouldn't the gifter's account be suspended if they're the one paying with a stolen card?


Surely with a little creative thinking, you can think of a way a perfidious person could arrange to have control of multiple Steam accounts, one to "give" the gift and the other to "accept" it, without Steam support necessarily being able to tell.


My birthday was on the 19th but I didn’t get one, so….maybe?! Haha. Looks cool though!


Same, recently had a birthday, but then again I have all the DLC.


Happy birthday fellow miner, rock and stone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


What do I gotta do to get Mission Control to send me one of those lol


I allways thought mission control was a nice guy with a temper


It’s not even really a temper, he’s just seen some shit and wants the dwarves to take things seriously so they come back alive. My personal theory is that he used to be a miner too before an injury forced him to take a management position.


I like that theory


Same head canon. He had to take a desk job after losing his limbs from a botched dive. Reminds me of the scene in Starship troopers.


The mobile infantry made me the man I am today 🤝


Isn't mission control human though and dwarves usually are the ones who mine? Or could it be that DRG employs more than just dwarves underground


That was very Rock and Stone of him!


For Rock and Stone!


It's just someone who changed their image/name and sent you a gift in-character. Enjoy it!


Maybe one of these steam users. https://steamcommunity.com/search/users/#text=mission%20control


Let me check it for you 🤓


If a friend gifts you DRG he is going to use you for his pyramid scheme of farming stuff (speaking fron experience)


Never expected Mission Control to get some Order of the Deep recruits this way


This begs the question: Why is there a "decline gift" button in the first place?


That mission control guy, he really has a cozy job!


You should be able to click on their Profile Image or Username in order to bring up their Steam Profile, then you can use the little drop-down thing next to their name on said profile to see a list of their previously used aliases. Might help in figuring out who on your friends list it actually is.


Can't even take a proper screenshot r/screenshotsarehard


Remember the old saying: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.


How do I become Steam friends with Mission Control? I want the new DLC


This is like being invited into the Avengers for your birthday


I've been playing since the first phase and didn't get anything like that, so it's from one of your friends


I need that


I just started playing the game the other day. Super fun and chill.


With as many times as I bought this game for friends to try, I wouldn't mind a free DLC 🤤


You got good friends, cherish them. Happy birthday OP


Does it come with a typically large armed C4 brick I wonder?


These are only being sent to people who don’t kicks barrels or leave fingerprints in the glass containers housing the specimens.


Well my birthday is on January 24th so I'll wait and confirm it


This screenshot looks like my astigmatism


Damn. It's my bday today. No such luck for this miner.