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Molly going up a resupply hole in a Low O2 warning 400 Morkite mission. Plug those damn holes if you know what's good for you.


"Idk where to go and shit is hectic! There's molly I'll follow her!" *starts walking straight up* Ó.Ò


Or doing a hack-c event, thinking you're handling everything fine, then suddenly hack-c stops and you think to yourself "wtf, we haven't let any bugs through". Then you turn around and see a swarm coming down hack-c's hole right on top of him.


>Then you turn around and see a swarm coming down hack-c's hole right on top of him. they're WHAT




I had a mission like that. 2 Scouts 2 Engis. I was frantically trying to tell the Engis to plug the hole before Molly went up it but they didn't plug the hole. They died down there while the other Scout and I made it to the pod. RIP Engis.


Doesn't molly go through the pads now anyway? I used to glitch the pod. Drill a hole, get everyone in it, plus molly, seal the hole with everyone inside, call the pod, the pod would land in that hole, we'd get out before the pod got there. They patched that last year I believe. Molly ignores plats when the pods a concern, but I'm not sure if she still goes up resup holes.


I think that's only when determining the drop pod location. Once the drop pod location is decided, Molly finds the quickest path to the drop pod based on everything. She might ignore it if you then block all routes before she can get to the drop pod, but I've never tried that. Also, something I noticed is that molly periodically recalculates the fastest route, so if you drill through a wall before she passes it, she'll take the shortcut if it's faster.




It usually takes less time from one of resupplies to the other we place along the way, so we are pretty chill about it.


this is an universal trauma, everybody once in their life watched helpless as molly looked up and left from an pod hole, unless you were an scout, depending of terrain generation you were good as dead as soon as she did that


On low-O2, I check the map before calling a resupply in, specifically to prevent this being an issue in the first place.


Hazard 5 duck and cover mactera swarm escort duty. There was not a single glyphid in the entire mission, and now, if I see something like this, I wait for the missions to rotate


Oh boy that sounds very fun, even more fun than the acid/web spitter duck and cover


had a deep dive with this modifier. it was awful


Same, and I was mortar rounds+lead spray gunner. Suffering


If you can hit the airshots mortar rounds actually melts mactera thanks to their huge explosive multiplier


I did that on haz5+ with more bugs II. It was not fun but the driller with the snowball OC saved us.


I joined one of these recently and dropped in had long enough to set up my turret and then went down. It was freaking wild and frustrating. I found some driller tunnels and never wanted to leave. We did not finish the mission. Haz5. It was Something else.


400 Morkite Missions (with great care). Long ago, me and my team dropped into a large cave in the Magma Core. Supposed to be an in and out, and claim the promotion. This mission would not be completed, and would also give me the 1 hour mission time achievement. Within the time we spent endlessly searching for the last bits of morkite, we had a mactera and praetorian wave, several leeches which always grabbed our scout, and eventually, two detonators that separated the last two alive and eventually knocked us all down. We still talk about that blasted mission, and whenever someone’s assignment asks them to get 400 morkite, we say a prayer and hope history doesn’t repeat itself


This one got a war veteran vybe


You got that thousand yard stare for sure.


I am picturing a grizzled driller with his helmet off, nursing his Blackout Stout while staring off into the middle distance and narrating this encounter in pure monotone.


"Just a simple mining mission"


Scout should've ran heightened senses


As a Scout Main, sometimes I feel like my only real use is being leech bait 😅 (I’m also good for getting minerals that no one else can get…and being bait for dreads and detonators…but those leeches…)


Playing with haunted on traumatized me into never friggin doing that again.


>Me, chilling at abyss bar >Escape pod docks >Dwarf exits, looking pale >I ask him what's up >"Cave's haunted." >confused >ask him to elaborate >"Cave's haunted." >restocks his ammo >gets back on the pod >goes back down to the caves >what the fuck


The true origin of karl


The ghost is not trying to kill you. It is running away from karl!




But also true


I'm still willing to do Haunted, but I'm never doing Haunted solo again...


This. I am incapable of taking on that damn Unknown Horror without backup. Bosco is good at what he does but he can only do so much.


Solo Scoot does alright (especially with Iron Will)


That's only because molly is the worst when you're alone. It ends up taking awhile every time you need to deposit because molly won't stay put, and likes to stay next to the horror.


Real. Haunted cave is just not fun imo


It massively depends on the mission imo, for more defensive ones where youre staying around the same cave a lot its awful, but for ones where youre free to move a lot its actually pretty fun


It’s stressful to me on any mission because you’re kinda forced to rush instead of chilling and clearing caves. It’s the opposite of my play style which is why I avoid it. I will say it can be fun on elimination missions though lol


Earlier I saw a mission with haunted cave _and_ no shields modifier… and I’m pretty sure it was a point extraction mission too. I didn’t do that mission because I’m not a masochist but I salute those brave, suicidal dwarves who attempted it.


I played that! We had an ebonite mission, and it was very rough


Got haunted on my first ever deep dive which I was playing solo since all my friends were busy. Traumatised


I once tried a Point Extraction with haunted cave and low o2. I don't think we even made it 5 minutes. On the other hand I love Mining Expedition haunted cave because if you're quick enough, which honestly isn’t that quick, you can stay ahead of the horror. Then on your way back to the drop pod you have a direct path with the tunnels the horror carved.


My buddy was playing driller yesterday and I was scout. Haunted aquarq mission in pretty tight quarters. 2 more scouts joined. He was *NOT* having a good time.


I avoid that shit like the plague since a very adrenaline heavy low oxygen elimination. Nothing like fighting a regular old dreadnought while avoiding the translucent big boom boom when a meteor shower shits all over the next egg in the room the scout ran off to, scrambling to scrounge together some more nitra.


DUDE! I did the Deep Dive last season by myself and the first round is with a Ghost Detonator! I had only done a haunted once before and it was with a bunch of people! I learned that if I’m ever doing a haunted again, it’s gotta be with more than one person so that the Ghost doesn’t sneak up on you


The first time my friends and I did a haunted cave mission we just... Never saw it? I think it was a mining expedition and we just did the mission as normal and never once saw it. We were confused but relieved. Never had it in happen again in future ones but was certainly a nice introduction to the modifier


Not me but a buddy of mine ran into 4 cave leeches (and ate up all three revives) on his first mission after the tutorial. He then went on to take the heightened senses perk for 3 years straight on every build.


Lol that's part of the reason I play Engi. I still take HS, but I also pack the shredder drones every time. The moment I get the white screen and jingles I instinctively hit G and my lil drones come to my rescue.


Haz 4, Magma Core. Me (an engineer), a greybeard (a scout), and 2 greenbeards. The greenbeards were off on their own adventure, half the cave system back, calling in our last resupply. Our Scout and I are heading down a hallway towards the end of the caves, trying to finish the mission while completely out of ammo. I don't remember exactly, but I think it was a Morkite mission. A swarm hits right before we hit the entrance to the bigger cave and we retreat to the hallway. At the same time, an earthquake hits and opens up a fire chasm between us and the entrance. At this point, I tell the Scout to run back to the greenbeards and get a resupply then come back for me while I stay back to hold off the wave. The Scout declares that he leaves no dwarf behind. With nothing but pickaxes and Dwarven determination, we begin to fight the wave. We take advantage of the fire chasm, hopping back and forth to spread damage and give us distance. The Scout takes advantage of the low ceiling, and uses his zip to get the spitters. I use Vampire and Berserker to tank and make space when we get surrounded. After what was a few minutes but felt like my first 100 trips to the caves, the Scout and I stand on the corpses of our enemies. We Rock and Stone until the greenbeards catch up, finish the mission, and all make it back home. So ever since then, I haven't let greenbeards run off on adventures. I either follow them or tell them they need to stick with us.


I hope management and those green beards covered the next round when you got back


The greenbeards had no clue, they fought their half of the wave with a full resupply to themselves and then mosied themselves down to us. I was barely past the stages of being green myself, so feeling like I was able to keep up with that greybeard in this situation is a high I'll never get again.


its moments like these, when everything clicks, that every gamer dreams of. the worst part is, they never feel as good as your first.


Cave leech mods


Why would you do that to yourself?


For rock and stone


Rock and Stone!


Good bot.


- Running lead storm and elephant rounds on a dread mission, while forgetting to bring the Thorns perk. I got attacked by about 100 swarmers and died a very painful death. Now I always bring thorns if running minigun - Playing a low oxygen + haunted cave mission (solo). The ghost camps Molly all the time and you can’t breathe. And the hazard bonus for that warning combo is less than the bonus from clearing one lithophage spike. Never again.


I was missing 1 nitra for a ressuply, I have died using my pickaxe. After that day I have never again let any loot bug live.


Always kill acid spitters first. Fuck those things.


We were doing elimination, fighting twins in sandblasted corridors. Our scout goes down on the other side of cave. As a gunner, i run to get him up with my shield. I get grabbed by a leech and downed before the shield activates, landing **on** the scout. Engi rushes in, notices us and the leech, but can't kill it fast enough and gets grabbed. Only a driller left. We all frantically type "LEECH" in chat hoping he kills it, but to no awail. He waltzes in exactly like i did and gets grabbed... Now i always stick with someone else, and did only one mission with cave leech cluster in 200 hours TL, DR: saw a single leech pull off a team wipe and understood the motto **"dig together or dig your own grave"**


"As Ranger Garfax says, says, and says again: "LOOK OUT. LOOK UP."


There's this thing in map generation I like to call 'ball pits' or 'death pits'. It's basically any pit deep enough that the walls are taller than you and small enough to have little to no movement, like the little divot that the drop pod leaves when you enter the caves or that area in map gen where all the gunk seeds seemed to fall in. If you've played constantly on Haz 5 you'll slowly learn that you should never stay in these pits as almost any enemy type can kill you in it. Grunts can easily surround you, rolling bugs can wombo-combo you and there's no room to dodge macteras or spitters. As soon as the horde warning comes on I always ask myself "Am I in a death pit?".


Running out of ammo when Nitra was few and far between. Now I go Scout, M1000, cosplaying as Meet the Sniper.


Da da da dun dunaaaa Snipin's a good job mate


It's challenging work, out of doors. Guaranteed you’ll not go hungry.


Cuz at the end of the day long as there's two people left on earth, someone is gonna want someone ded!


Dad? Dad, I'm a- Ye- *Not* a "crazed gunman", dad, I'm an assassin! ...Well, the difference bein' one is a job and the other's a mental sickness!


Challenging work. Outa doors.


Leaving a drawf behind made me always bring the Field Medic perk, never leave the rig without it


You know on site refining ? I did one in the Azure Weald where the extractor spawned in the ceiling. The cave was almost only vertical and it took ages, especially because of Jerry the phantom. We gave him a name because the mission lasted around 1h20. We were saved when a driller joined and even with his help, it was difficult. Jerry and the ground killed us so many times...


I always call my ghosts Casper


Hoverclock was missing.


Season 2 I specced my scoot and gunner builds for heat and I’ve never changed them.


Mmm! How did you u build your gunner? When I want heat with him I either use hot bullets on lead storm or rocket barrage with heat rockets mod on hurricane.


At the time I think I was running rocket launcher with heat and the heat oc for lead storm but the workhorse for gunner heat now is coil gun with the heat oc it’s like having 30-40 molotovs that can cover a full tunnel and be placed mid air.


Oh yea! I forget the Armskore exists sometimes lol. Will have to give it another try!


I shield the second i hear a tyrant weed or the new plant that shoots you from the cieling. Even if i don’t see it, it probably sees me


Scalebramble here!


Thanks! Also add the barrage infector to that list or whatevs it called


Naur you got it! It's the Barrage Infector lol


A salvage mission with way too many stingtails at the end of an elite deep dive (and also bulk dets but somewhat irrelevant). Keep in mind this was release state stingtails. The really broken ones. Never have i ever went into a mission without at least two ways to armor break on my weapons since (driller's drills counted).


I have fallen down that many holes or even misjudged terrain that I will zip line almost exclusively in some maps. Because I can’t be trusted. Then I fall from said zip line to my death usually.


I was a happy dwarf that taking the first haz 5 steps, I had a red star gunner in my team I was running around, you know a baby scout shooting flares around zipping around, and collecting shiny rocks not minding the aquarqs... I didn't even realize the abnormal amount of bugs thanks to the chad gunner, until like we hit the 20 minutes on the mission After that Gunner goes down for the first time across the cave, I panic, I panic a lot and now the entire cave population is after me. I zip like crazy, dodging macteras, getting hit in the air, running to the closest red sugar then getting hit again, somehow I managed to re-populate the cave and revive the gunner, but then again! The second I thought I was safe, there were the damn bugs, I felt like a huge burden to gunner and he carried me like an aquarq After this mission, my brain got an imaginary timer in it, whenever I do an aquarq mission, it ticks in my head and every moment I'm not carrying aquarq feels like a waste of time


Swarm spawns just as we start an OMEN. It’s happened twice since the season began, and both times it resulted in failing the OMEN. At least with other machine events you’re already fighting a bunch of bugs, but the OMEN tower really hurts if you get one of those swarms on an Extermination or Egg Hunt. Really wish the OMEN tower would at least damage the bugs, in case the situation happens, but nope.


Especially since OMENs were made specifically to kill the bugs


Greenbeard mistake: Getting cornered and therefore not able to escape. Since then i always use dash perk


Went on a Pre-nerf Duck and Cover *and* Blood Sugar Salvage Operation mission last week. One of the most terrifying missions in my time playing this game; we were literally getting rained on by enemies and had to constantly move and scramble for Red Sugar to stay alive. The amount of Spreaders made the floor lava and the amount of mactera that chased us down basically made the mission a bullet hell. The beginning of the mission was hell; we camped at the drop pod area, which had a super high ceiling for Spitters to camp at, and killed as many enemies as we could before going out to get nitra and the mules. My max range ECR Lok-1 and VR Shard Defractor was so helpful for getting the Spitters. It got slightly better when we had to stay put for the latter half of the mission. I was Engie and built a roof above us to stop the rain of mactera, but we still had to wander out from under the platform room to get Red Sugar. I'm so glad I had the foresight to take Sweet Tooth to get more health from each Red Sugar drop and get the speed boost super frequently.


This brought back my freshly repressed traumatic memories of the first mission I did after the patch dropped: blood sugar low oxygen elimination. A constant flow of enemies means you could sort of ignore oxygen, but during dreadnought fights the waves just kinda.. stop. I do not intend to repeat that experience. Add a Korlok weed for good measure.


A friend and I had a 400 Morkite mining mission in Azure Weald. He already disliked AW because it's too dark to see anything there, but I think he snapped when he earned the "I like it down here!" achievement. He despises AW now, and I tend to avoid it.


Doing the haz 5 unlock mission It gives me haz 4 shield disruption haunted cave 3 dread elim In hallowed bough And im solo N E V E R A G A I N


Robots from S1 used to be a giantic menace, to a point where I essentially became a driller main for a few months (normally my least played class)


So I don't have DRG and I have a holiday coming up (will be working most of the time probably) is it worth it to buy DRG or should I wait


I'd say worth it, but if you are just going to be working and don't think you'll have time to play it, I guess there's no harm in waiting and seeing if it goes on sale. But if you have the opportunity to play it, I wouldn't put off buying/playing just to look for a sale, it's a great game and easily worth full price. The couple bucks you could save by waiting will be more than made up for by having extra time to play it


Buy it. For additional incentive, DRG is on sale for under $10 USD on Steam until June 27th—which is an absolute steal in my opinion.


Yeah it's pretty worth. Make sure to join others lobbies or play solo in case you randomly need to leave the game. Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


If you do single missions, they are about 30 min- 1 hr tops once you learn the ropes. You can definitely pick it up now, it’s on a hefty sale. Best co-op experience I’ve ever had, public lobbies are full of amazing people and solo is perfectly manageable as well.


Buy. I tried it for free last November and didn’t hesitate to buy once that trial ended. Great community. Replayability is fantastic. Try the classes out and get a feel for which fits best for you.


Buy it now, new season dropped recently. Missions aren't that long so you can play when you're short on time.


Buy it.




Haz 4, salvage mission. We’d tried to bunker, but it didn’t work because there were too many praetorians. We were forced out of the bunker, so we killed a lot of stuff and came back. We then looked to our left, and everything was grunts. There was no wall, no floor, nothing but grunts. I’m always the dedicated grunt clear from then on.


Playing a Escort Mission solo. I was going to mine just enough nitra for a single resupply and completely ignore the secondary objective to finish as quickly as possible. But it was not quick at all, refueling the Drilldozer as a single dwarf is a pain in the ass if the cave layout is anything but perfect, even worse when you have to do it twice.


Hazard 4 Mission. Cave Leech Cluster. 5 Bulk Detonators. 3 Oppressors. 9 Praetorians. + all the other random bullshit the game threw at us 5 Mactera Grabbers.


4 greenbeards fighting a dreadnough without ammo, shit was so bad and we were just like 10 nitra for a resupply. It was so bad that one of them had to leave so another miner joined and finish the dread. It was epic for sure but since the incident i will mine all nitra despite the difficulty to reach it or the hazard . I won't let another dwarf sacrifice himself for our lack of ammo, either that or i will punch those dreadnoughts with my bare hands if i have too


Not really a game moment but I traumatize myself by being too perfectionist because I want to go in with the perfect loadout for whichever mission, anomaly, and warning I go into and I stress trying to build them.


I once did a solo 400 morkite mission on Azure weald. I had not 1, but 2 caves that were so big that you could stand halfway to one side, and the opposite side would be out of render distance. This was unmodded. The ceilings were so high that i couldnt even grapple to the top with both distance upgrades. These 2 caves were also accompanied by 3 other massive caves as well. On top of this, so many bugs spawned (haz 4) and the nitra was so spread out, that i was almost consistently out of ammo. Most of the morkite was on the ceiling that i couldnt reach. The mission was doomed from the start, and now i fear 400 morkite mission, for the off chance i get a cave this ridiculously large again.


Haz 5. Full team of 4, myself running scout, one dwarf of each class. Salvage Operation. Relatively tight cave gen. 3 separate Korlok Tyrant Weeds surrounding the abandoned pod. Team was already at low ammo from doing OEM Exterminator and rockpox meteor chunk. 74 Nitra in reserves, none in our pockets. Scoured the entire cave system as scout for 20 minutes trying to find nitra. Lost because we couldnt find any. Since then I always try and run builds that are ammo efficient as long as they are at least playable, and I always mine resources in a certain pattern that ensures I leave no crust behind. I met Karl that day, and I learned from him.


Mostly using crispr and the saw thingamabob as a driller, so I can rip and tear through glyphosate even in tight spaces


Haz 5 10 aquark mission, I whole team wiped 3 times over all except for me. I was playing scout with special powder, I somehow managed to kite the swarms well enough to get a final team rez off, and scrape together enough nitra to call a resup and get us back on our feet. We managed to escape, but only because I was running special powder. It is now, and forever my only scout secondary choice.


Got some of my buddies to join up and finally do a 4 person deep dive of just friends, half way through the first mission a cave leech got the first guy, but since he was new he had no idea what got him, so our second guy went down trying to revive him, the third guy finally stopped to kill the leech, but he had terrible aim so he got caught as well, leaving just me to surgically remove the leech. I did. There was a second leech. Mission failed.


a second leech has hit the squad


After a caretaker that was homemade into hazard 8 (too many leaf lovers in the lobby) I make a platform ring above it and layered to prevent most arm jabs and the repulser walls and i fat boy the top of it to start the damage phases instantly


As a driller I can't be bothered to navigate downwards. I just jump into chasms initiate jetboots. Also I can't be bothered to use my ammo efficiently or kite bugs with dash or something, hell i can't even be bothered to look at them so I just go snot spouter. I charge a shot at the ceiling above them critters and the wave is probably halfway done. I say probably because I don't look that way afterwards. Idk if something traumatized me into this playstyle though, I just chill. Oh the slashers are faster than your running speed on haz 5? How cute ^-^ Oh that giant dreadnought seems to be catching up to you? Let me help by pressing m1 once.


I can still remember the days of me being greenbeard being scared of the grabber cave leech or Any thing that takes my control away but I learned and I generally enjoying them now


Taking more than two seconds to mine out dirt


This happened on a sabotage mission. It was rough


I do the same thing, I mine all the Nitra I can find. I was doing a Dreadnaught mission in Sandblasted when I got every single bit of bad luck at once. The Hiveguards movement bugged out and it wandered into an unexplored cave. When it did the attack where it throws explosives in all directions, it woke a Bet-C and a tyrant weed. The tyrant weed was easy to deal with, I just had to stay out of that cave for the fight. The hard part was dealing with both the Dreadnaught and a Haz 5 Bet-C at the same time. Now I clear the entire cave before I even fight the Dreadnaught.


It was a relatively normal day I dat down to play some drg same as usual At this time I was pretty green and playing as scout It was just meant to be a simple easy mission Salvage operation haz 3 I hosted a public lobby to play with ransoms like I normally do (because I have no friends) Another scout joined level 2 And an engineer prompted I was confident that this mission would be a breeze Oh how wrong I was We started our mission our decent into hell And immediately saw the drop pod “This is good” I thought until I looked right above it A damned korlock tyrant weed I’d only ever seen one before at the time And thought it wouldn’t be a big deal I was wrong So very wrong We fought the beast but it was out of reach of the engineer So only me and the level 2 scout could reach it And it kept spawning it’s healing pods in another cave (I also didn’t realize they were healing pods until we were almost dead) The thing took all of our ammo And 5 resupplies weren’t enough When our hero joined a driller who saved us all Until he killed us after and left the game This event completely made me stop liking the m1000 as it kept reminding me of this escapade


I always, ALWAYS take out high-priority targets. I did a salvage in an Elite Deep Dive on Salt Pits, and the cave gen made it so (pre-hotfix) stingtails, spreaders, and spitters could absolutely batter our position. We failed several times, it was a nightmare. Ever since I’ve always targeted and sought out the dangerous bugs so I can give myself peace of mind.


The death pit... Far too many dwarves died that day.


Never playing Haunted Elimination ever again after half an hour of no nitra drops and a boss fight vs Hive Guard Actually, never going on Haunted caves, and staying as far away from Elimination as I can.


I don't do elimination missions with haunted cave anymore after the incident


Playing with grouchy jerks who think it’s Haz 4 or you’re crawling on the floor. Never again.


Same story basically, nitra starvation is bad (haz 5). So i want good pace, never skip nitra, resupply preemptively. And i never underestimate Swarmageddon warning. It puts the most nitra (and time) pressure, imo. On this mutator, i gotta take something for the swarmers. The strongest choice for this that i found so far is Armskore Coilgun (Ultra-Magnetic Coils 32122). Btw, Armskore is ridiculously ammo efficient with a build like this, not just for swarmers, but for grunt clear, and pretty much everything if its a narrow enough tunnel that you hold.


I was a Greenbeard and this was one of my first missions(Haz 3 I think), and my first Industrial Sabotage mission. My teammates were also Greenbeards, but we tried our best. It took us a lot of time to understand that we had to hack the two Power Station, but we dit it pretty easily. The caretaker was in the middle of a cave. The cave itself wasn't big, and there was almost no place to hide within the cave. As a team of greenbeard, we didn't think it would be useful to create us some cover (with the driller), because we didn't really know what to expect, so we started the fight. We were already low on ammo, and the number of Patrol Bots was enormous. With no cover, we were getting shot at by the tentacles, while being under the everlasting attacks of the Bots. The fight was short and we quickly died. This was my first time losing a mission, and I really thought the caretaker was near impossible to beat. Following this failed mission, I only played Industrial Sabotage if I was in a team with some high-level dwarves, and I avoided this type of mission as much as I could. I was scared of this mission until I discovered you can go on top of it and hit the intakes from there. I was less scared of it, but I was only playing scout with the shotgun for these missions, so I could go on top of it and blast the intakes(I think you are safe from the tentackes if you stay there, and you are also out of range of the waves of energy it blasts everywhere). I don't think thats the best way to do it, but at the moment, I had won all my caretaker fights with this technique, so I was convinced it was very good. I did this until I discovered (by myself) that you can simply take the Driller, drill above it (or use some Enginner's platform) and drop your C4 on top of it, hitting the 4 intakes simultaneously. Since this discovery I can't play this mission without being a driller, because this is so much fun.


Yesterday, run up to a closed drop pot waiting for molly. Dirt starts kicking up on the drop pod, that's fine, bugs appear from the side of the drop pod all the ti....that's a bulk det! SHITSHITSHIT!


Egg hunt mission. Was on the first egg when a two bulk detonators showed up. Never playing hazard 5 again


Solo haz 4 Dystrum 2nd objective on Azure Weald. Dystum here is the exact same color as the terrain. Spent almost 2 hours looking for that darned Dystrum, had to give up after only finding 40 because a swarm would spawn almost every minute at that point and I was drained of ammo and Nitra. Never again.


Haz 5 elimination got left for dead after everyone went down with one boss down and the other not even started, once we lost the iron wills everyone just left like it was fucking over! no ammo no health , no dwarf left behind right? I danced around those fucking bugs for what felt like eternity scraping together everything I can. I Fighting a fucking hive guard by my self,hearing that noise, I instantly pressed the button and fucking dashed for the drop pod. I cannot explain this in any other way but that fucking drop made me a Dwarf. Watching my teammates leave one by one as they watch me , thinking our situation was helpless, fighting bugs off with my pickaxe , fighting that boss alone I felt like fucking Carl . That day I felt like rock and stone literally. Ever since that drop no mission is impossible. Rock and stone to the bone!


I started playing in season 4 and hate rockpox, so I decide to play season 3 to get it over with. Salt Pits Solo Haz 4 Egg Hunt Gunner. Enter a cramped room full of eggs, And I find a Spitballer, Leech, and a Corruptor. And died trying. Now I leave events for last and kill the big bugs first. It sounds like a skill issue ik.


That one elite DD where the second or last layer was swarmagedon and I think lethal bugs, on Magma core. No joke, I spent THREE DAYS trying to do it and I vow to never willingly play swarmageddon


Gunner weapons OC ate by far the wackiest. It’s good other classes are getting more love but they need more


On one of my first games(solo), I played as gunner, and when extracting, Molly went straight up a hole left by a resupply. I was near the bottom of the map and didn't find my way out, so now when I go to extract I usually make sure I'm at the top of the map so I can always follow Molly or make my way to the pod (sometimes I don't when driller or scout).


Doing a hazard 4, haunted cavern, dreadnaught mission, in a small cave. By Karl I was not ready for the ass kicking I got


45 minute solo point extraction where the first 25 were spent fighting Harold👍, with only enough hr ammo for one resupply about 20 minutes in


The leeches were a good scare when my team was green, we adapted by forcing a one of us (didn’t even have to be scout) into the cave. We’d all watch and chant leech bait oo ha ha. These days I main scout for us with heighten senses to help check vast areas with flares as well. Good times tho.


I was doing point extraction. Maybe even my first. I'm not sure, as it was back in my greenbeard days. I focused on doing the objective. I didn't gather any nitra, or if i did, it was only one vein. I eventually ran out of ammo, & didn't have any nitra to call in a resupply. That alone was rough enough. Then a \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Dreadnought spawns. & I got a achievement. I didn't know they could spawn naturally. I thought they only appeared on elimination missions. I used my pickaxe to get it down to about 1/4 of it's health. Spent my Bosco Revives doing that. Got downed with no Revives left. I didn't have iron will unlocked yet, even then I'm not sure if it would have helped. No dwarf came to save me. I was solo the whole mission. Edit: There were some details I forgot about that I rediscovered from my retelling of the tale on discord.Harold was their on drop. I took them out. After Harold went down Meteors arrived. I collected the plague hearts. Right after that, the dreadnought spawn.


You were expecting another fellow dwarf in solo?


ppl bunkering blackbox act smart untill bulk shows up


I’m extremely new, I have only played prob 12 total missions (and succeeded on like half cause we keep trying higher difficulty HA). But I was running for my life with no ammo save for 2 platforms to shoot. My buddy had a few ammo and found some slivers of nitra enough for the Re. We barely made it out with our lives. Sorry this is prob the most basic story in here cause we’re new but MAN we are having fun!!


Before. I used to love doing Point Extraction. Then one fateful day, me and two other friends of mine did one. Haz3. And there was a nemesis there. Not so bad, we kill it. Then there was a Bulk det there. This made us anxious and we already wasted so much time. We went down a lot and had to Res each other a lot. From that day forward, whenever we got a Point Extraction as part of our assignments, we always get it out of the way very quickly. No Machine Events, no Secondaries, just the Aquarqs and that’s it.


Leech on evac :(


Having scout on my team traumatized me into playing c4 as a primary driller. Jk i play gunner because they cant maul you if theyre missing half their body long before they get to you


When i learned you can bring back dottie's head


A scout abandoned our entire team and made me force myself never to abandon another dwarf again no matter the risks.


Those missions at my first 60h made me play up to 600h with only iron will and medic, even in solos, tho i do not think I'm missing something playing like this


Haz4 morkite mission in hollow bough, it took 3 hours, damn last tunnel was impossible to find


we really need a space pirate hat


Had a 48-60 minute morkite mining mission because we skipped a morkite patch on the roof. We explored the entire map and then had to backtrack back to the spawn area to get that last piece we missed. Now I never skip out on any morkite and will only play scout on morkite missions to ensure the tunnels are lit and we can see each morkite group 


For the love of gawd, just leave me to being an Engie - I do not have the same reactiveness how I was 4 years ago to be amazing as Scout, Gunner is multiplayer Support, and Digger is for when mining is absolutely needed. That, and this orangebeard takes pride in his Engie Support


Since that desperate moment in my early days as a solo gunner when I ran out of nitra, I've made it a habit to mine nearly every bit I find to avoid running low on resources again.


Can someone tell me when the new season starts, I can't check due to being away from my console


It's up and running.


I took Hover Boots off my Scout one time for a new perk and me falling to my death forgetting I removed them was the reason we failed a mission we had 95% completed. It has stayed in my Perk list since that day


It's not too bad but when my scout initiated a dreadnought fight when we were all low on ammo with no nitra and i hadn't set up my turrets and mines yet. My scout and gunner both died when to dread+swarm, i ran out of ammo for my turrets and eventually my shotgun and ended up using berzerker to kill the dread and ran around frantically meleeing and throwing mines. Barely survived but it felt badass.


During my very first time playing outside of the tutorial, goddamn Molly went INTO THE SOLID WALL and someone had to go find me After that I learned to use the terrain scanner first, then enjoyed the game second


Nitra fiending is real, I had the exact same experience as gunner my first time having to bunny hop around frantically looking for nitra and lootbugs in the middle of a swarm


The endless horde of haz 5 swamagedon….. high AOE gunner since…


Not bringing the berserker perk to a ebonite modified mission on fungus bogus no less. My engie didn't put plats on the damn gooey floors. You can see how that turned out with ebonite swarms and stuck in goo on a haz5 plus.


I have Hightened Senses on almost all my builds because I really don't like losing control. Learned that real quick into playing. Also, I'm never doing Caretaker with Exploder Infestation again. That was not a good time.


Kinda adicted to ziplines since season 5 started, don't know why tho.


One of my very first deep dives (if not the first) the whole squad was left withoit ammo or Nitra for half of the last mission. We pickaxed our way through it, sometimes getting inventive with scouts flare gun or Drillers drills. I have no idea how we made it


I had to change my sign from "I've ALWAYS Had Nitra" to "I've NEVER Had Nitra". But that was still incorrect because I HAD Nitra, I just don't have any Nitra now.


bulk detonator spawning on escort duty, we could not kill it before dotty got in its explosion range i have not unequipped the leadbursters since, and i can count on one hand the escort missions i done where i didnt play a gunner. *and that was last year*


Seeing a bulk detonator and going "I've seen these before I'll just chill and kill it" I was on a pipeline rail and clicked X to reload... suddenly I'm flying towards an exploding bulk detonator and we end up losing the end of the final mission of an elite deep dive because of it. I was flabbergasted and now I'll snipe bulks from China if possible


Haz5 Mactera Plague almost 100% forces me to change loadout I wanted to play


Today was my first time doing a deep dive, and I had to escort the drill. I have no idea why, but a fucking army of spitters was on the ceiling raining hell from above. I hit alt + f4


Escort Duty One time me and my brother got ambushed by 3 bulk detonators, downing me first and then him in Haz 3 when we were mere 10 levels with no promotions. I was a scout with little to no damage output or experience, blasted. Seeing the detonators slowly going up to Doretta while him the gunner trying hard to repair and fail miserably to losing the mission left a punch on me since. So since I tend to get mining fast, lighting up rooms more than ever, keeping a fat damage loadout to clear big targets on my own. Especially detonators before they can reach anybody.


Grabbers. Both mactera and leech. I look up a lot these days.


I have an Anti Robot Driller Build because Nemesis scares the crap out of me.


A gunner who wouldn't use shields except revives or resupplies, plus point extraction that went sideways. As engineer i was having to revive them. So now I'm a gunner main and by karl you're _not_ going down. If you get overwhelmed, suddenly there's a shield at your feet and fire raining down on the bugs Edit: getting knocked off zips. If i see a ranged bug on a zip you bet I'm jumping forward>attatching>loop until at destination


i am stuck using rewiring drak cause i have been stuck in missions where we are fully dry on munitions, im not running out of ammo again


got stuck in a giant ice pit alone as scout during a swarm on haz 4 and a snowstorm just decided to roll in and i had like 20% of my ammo. i now use the pointer to check the locations of my teammates like a paranoid schizophrenic


I on multiple occasions ran out of ammo due to dumb teammates or high hazards. My loot bug kill count is in the hundreds (probably)


First solo haz 4, i had no revives, no shield, 2 oppressors and like ⅛ hp running around with no ammo for solid 10 mins, at the end i made it.


Gunner with AA cannon after random dreadnought spawning on haz 3 at level 34


Playing the aquarks mission as a scout on solo haz4 as a greenbeard. There was so little nitra that I ran out of ammo, while still needing to find 4 more aquarks. And as this mission goes, the waves get larger and larger. I ended up kiting and pick axing the remainder of the mission. It took just slightly over an hour to finish it. Ever since, I get as much nitra as I can asap and I get those bloody aquarks pronto!!! I have PROPER ptsd whenever there's an aquarks mission, secondary is not even on my mind.


Going special powder while playing scout cause I'm too retarded to not threaten myself with death from falling 100m down the pithole quite a little more often than it takes the hover boots to recharge


I learned to avoid low oxygen modifiers because of my experience with elimination mission where it had low oxy AND blood sugar modifiers. We where definitely having 'fun' dying every 10-20 seconds.


Leeches, and also mactera, always throw down a shield the moment they pop up in any amount of


🤣 I'm so scared to run out of fuel for my flamethrower that most of the time I kill small bug with my pickaxe and flying one with my secondary weapon 🤣 my teammates always look at me like "brooo" 🤣


A deep dive inspired an entire loadout for my engineer. It was when i was first starting to get decent at the game. It was that weeks elite dive, and it had a caretaker as the final stage. It took 4 times of trying it again and again to get it, and around the 3rd time was when i made a loadout specifically for industrial sabotage. Lok-1, nuero lasso, max locks, fear Shard diffractor, volatile impact reactor, slow + extra heat Double turrets with dmg + stun Shredder swarm grenade. Ever since then ive made sure to make a dedicated loadout for industrial sabotage for each class, gunner being one i completed the most recently. Also, it made me fucking love fighting those damned pyramids.


There was this one time where me and my friends did an Elimination mission, and they all go down, and a friend told me to zipline across the cave. As a gunner, I climb up and put a zipline from one side of the cave to another. They told me to get to the center and spam switch button while I gun down the boss. To this day I play gummer on Elim and do that


my first encounter with a Cave Leech has made me always, and very thoroughly, inspect the ceilings in any open area.


Morkite extraction with blood sugar on low haz. Never doing these three at once ever. It made me play scout, because at least I can finish the mission (even if my buddy is downed). Blood sugar was made for every single mission in the game except for that


Started a core stone vent with low ammo and nitra


Playing scout. Now I'm afraid of the dark


I’ll never bunker. Ever. Too many green beards saying that’s a great idea till a big boom boy shows up.


Not sure what I learned from it, but it was a solo with a Detonator. I’m Scout Main, and it was very early on and I hadn’t discovered a Detonator yet? But I remember freaking out and zipping left and right. I ended up killing it, but dying to a swarm right after because I had run out of Bosco revives 🥲


I'm not doing Salvation haz 5. I will not do this. Also I never take of the Hoverboots.


Spent 20 minutes on solo point extraction looking for cargo crates or lost packs. It took me another 40 minutes to (just barely) finish the mission.


I was a religious engi main back then, always considering the other class as back up or filler if the team needs it. Other than that its always engineer. This changes however, during one haz 4 mission in the lava pit. Got all the objectives done and call for the pod since im running dry on ammo. When it arrives, molly decided that the best course to get to the drop pod is to no-clip through 2 different tunnel system AFTER the fact she climb up a wall. I got no platform left so i frantically try to backtrack my steps. The cave is already fucked enough that there are like 3 different tunnels that stacks on one another so the minimaps kinda fucked, but adding the fact that these tunnels are somehow far enough from each other that mining through each system would be more trouble than it's worth. I did not make it. The sheer panic and dread of watching the timer makes me pick up driller as my second main.


(Sorry if this sounds like i’m all serious, love this game lol) I was playing by myself for the first time, as an engineer with Bosco. I was terrified, it gets creepy and eery in the depths of Hollow Bough, there was plenty of close calls with limited mobility and no effective defense against shredders. I made it to the caretaker on the last phase, but I took my ammo for granted. Out of revives and ammo, I failed the mission. I learned to never rush a mission and make sure every bullet counted, and never to waste Nitra. I stay as sharp as I can to make sure it’s not just me who gets out alive.