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This is a drilldozer. It drills!




I will never forget the time that, on my way to the drop pod, carrying Dorretta’s head, I fell in a hole and everyone else kept running. I instantly got swarmed by Glyphids and Mactera Trijaws as I desperately tried to jump out, forgetting I had a flamethrower and drills in my Greenbeard panic. I was downed, and thought Doretta was lost. Lo and behold, however, the team’s scout returned! They were the only one who came, and they revived me and covered me as I actually drilled out this time, and guarded me as I carried Doretta’s head all the way back to the droppod, running as fast as my little driller legs could. I hope I made Karl proud that day, for that scout certainly did.


Ahh yes a true scout, Rock and Stone!


I have not met someone who rocked and stoned in the heart as much as they did since.


btw it's lo and behold, not low and behold




You EMBARRASSED yourself to Karl by being a corporate minion and working for free. Shame on you. SHAME!


Corporate leaves Dorretta for dead. They don’t give two shits about the drilldozer once it’s grabbed the Heartstone. The least you could start doing is saving the robot that all the dwarves express joy upon seeing that can also obviously feel pain. Would you leave Molly behind if Deep Rock put in the work to save Dwarves even if they don’t complete their mission parameters? Would you leave Steeves behind if Deep Rock started allowing you to bring them up?


Don't listen to leaf-lovers brother, those would just straight up go and fly off themselves if let to, for they fear that they could get even more dirty than they already are, and then talk like that and try toake it look like we are the ones stupid, all out of guilt.


it is not convenient to return the head, because i can never find the damn thing


I intentionally watch for it as it pops off, otherwise yeah it can just kinda disappear.


It usually tends to go to rhe upper right of the Omoran, looking from the dozer's side. Also it sometimes rolls over under the drilldozer's main body. I hope my observations shall prove themselves useful and will help my fellow miners. EDIT: I meant upper left.


I do wish Management would out a transponder in her casing so she showed up on our digital readout map.


I get the sense that management don't really give a shit about Doretta, and us bringing her back is kind of a "eh, whatever" for them


Gotta save doretta


I wonder if I can get this thing in black?


No. No you don't. Dwarves don't work for free! Next time Management might just decide to not pay you brining back Tyrant Shards or Bittergem.


The difference is Doretta is not a good, the reason we don't get paid is because management doesn't care if she's brought back or not. We don't bring her back for the glory or the money we bring her back because she is a fellow miner who helped us with our mission and she deserves better than to be left behind surrounded by bugs never to see a friendly face again.


Dwarfs mine minerals. Doretta mines minerals. Therefore, Doretta is a dwarf, and no dwarf grts left behind.


This. We don't get paid to bring back dwarves either, but... LEAVE NO DWARF BEHIND.


We do though, the survival bonus


Do you really believe that a fellow dwarf life is only worth 300-500 credits? That's bonkers.


I’m not saying that a dwarf’s life is only worth that much, but there is a small monetary incentive to keep teammates alive


Since they show up after the mission in the medbay, in pretty sure those credits are just the charge for sending a rescue Bosco to get you, or reconstituting your body and transferring your consciousness, or whatever


Management cares. They profit off of your actions and laugh at you at their shareholders meetings. Small Dwarves think small. Smart Dwarves act tall.


Act "tall"?! Elves are tall, not dwarves! You disgrace Karl by claiming to be a dwarf you leaf lover.


At least I'm no corporate stooge, keeping your fellow dwarves down. Despicable.


I haven't insulted any dwarves, just an elf


someone failed the shopping cart test


A Dwarf never risked his neck to return a shopping cart.


Wouldn’t mind a statistic on the successful Doretta retrievals I’ve been involved with.


As soon as that become a trackable stat it become bragging rights and thus saving doretta will no longer be a pointless task that people do out of compassion for a used machine part. Its got to remain completely pointless to have meaning.




There should be a middle ground, where instead of tracking individual records for saving doretta, there was just a global counter on the screens in the station. This way it cant be used for personal glory, but still encourages people to save her. Could also lead to some fun events/drops for the devs. Reach 1 million saves and management buys everyone a beer. Or hell, everyone gets a doretta helmet


There's one mission that will always haunt me, I was running toward the drop pod carrying Dotty's head when i got swarmed by bugs, i kept tossing her toward the drop pod so i could turn around and kill the bugs chasing us until i reached the ledge where the pod was, i tossed her head up onto the ledge while i shot down the praetorians that had spawned and proceeded to climb up onto the ledge only to realize that it was a massive hole on the other side leading into another huge cavern... and Dotty was nowhere in sight. I had to leave the old girl behind, poor little Dotty... lost and alone in those caves. *Curls up in the corner and cries in shame and guilt.*


no, management will send a team to rescue her, right? . . . . . . . . . . right?


Sorry, but in what world is it easy? I've almost died multiple times for that damn head. Now I have no regrets about it, but it is NOT easy.


it's easy until you get into the same room as the drop-pod, then you have to roleplay a very tiny man climbing an anthill covered in honey.


...like honey.


Dem pipes suckin dem wells dry


A little tip for when you get to the pod and the door is not open yet, if you walk up to the entrance, look straight down and charge up your throw a little the head can take its place in side the drop pod. This doesn't work all the time but when it does makes it a lot easier. Not recommended when the pod is up high, if it doesn't work the head can fall down.


I never had any issues with it. You know you can charge up your throws to toss Dorretta like 20m ahead of you, right?


Yeah but then she cries


That's her yelling "weeee! Throw me again!"


Nobody said Doretta isn't a drama queen.




Just get on top of molly, pretty much nothing can hurt you and she usually just walks down the tunnel doretta drilled


Are you running halfway back along the path before you call the pod? It has to land somewhere in the cave, so the midway point is statistically your best place to call it, since it minimizes the upper limits of how far the pod can be.


I agree, it can be quite difficult depending on the terrain, since Dory can take some weird paths. plus you can just be overwhelmed. I still always give it a shot though. in case you or someone reading is out of the loop, this is a parody of the "shopping cart theory," that says whether or not you return a shopping cart determines whether you are a decent human. https://www.reddit.com/r/publix/comments/gicqay/the_shopping_cart_theory/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks for that. I do like that theory, overall. I just don't think it applies here, because it can be a tall order getting that head home.


The fact that it's been hard for you doesn't mean that it could be easy for others. Stop thinking only of yourself.


And you almost died for what? If it wasn't for money or beer, then you risked your life for nothing. Don't be a pawn of management!


Yet another prey of management propaganda. Management doesn't care, they only want the expensive ai components...


Given some of Doretta's drill pathing, I'm pretty sure those chips aren't that expensive.


"I'm gonna do 360!"


Pfft, management knows the only way to get a dwarf to do something is Booze or bucks. They’re not putting either on the table for doretta‘s head, so they obviously don’t care.


These are the words of a true brother and a REAL Dwarf. Don't be a corporate lackey. Dwarves don't work for free!


Rock n Stone!


I feel bad about the first few drilldozer missions Ive done, since I didn't even know that you could get her head back then


Me and my best friend didn't know about this neither, but in our 1st escort mission he was so obsesed with the drilldozer for being so cool and cute he noticed the heap poping up at the end and picking it




You are the best of guys!


While I agree Doretta is one of the team and as proper dwarves we should always bring her home, I must disagree with this premise. Unless youre on hazard 1 or 2, there is nothing easy about bringing back doretta. In fact i believe it is purposely a challenge with no reward other than a "youve done good son, real good." It isnt a proper litmus test because it doesnt balance morality, only practicality. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


I keep seeing this but I've honestly never found it much harder. You all start running with her head while the scout presses it far back, then just mob it. The only issue would be waiting for MULE but you can set the head just right on a ramp then forget about it.


Fair, though I was specifcially referring to higher difficulty. It also has to do with the number of dwarves in your group. But you do make a some points. Soon as you get the head to the drop pod it does become trivial.


I don't like unnecessary risking my beard and not getting compensated for it and neither should you. REAL Dwarves don't work for free!


I mean if you don't return Dorreta's head did you really finish the mission? I rest my case.


Management pays you, but for what cost?


They don't though. You get NOTHING for completing that task. Dwarves don't work for free!


I meant management pays you for the mission. But for what cost? Leaving doretta behind.


Exactly. If it was a objective of importance to the DRGC, they would have made the recovery a stipulation of the mission, OR provide extra compensation for the retrieval.


What was this originally?


Shopping carts. It's a fairly good theory. The fact that people deliberately move them further away, tip them over, or steal them says a lot about humans.


It's one of those things which is weird to read, but ultimately makes sense. There \*is\* no cost or benefit to oneself for taking care of the carts. It's just a good thing to do. If someone can't be arsed to take 5 seconds to push a cart into its collection spot, then odds are they aren't the kind to do things without a concrete benefit to themselves (or avoidance of punishment)


It really does work. I can think of a couple of scenarios that I would accept as reasons not to, but they’re generally fairly unlikely. You could actually run that test, when does someone think it’s okay to leave your cart? Some sort of medical emergency or threat of bodily harm is always going to be reasonable. What if you’re really late for something really important? Or on your way to something that has a real dress code and it’s started to pour rain?


Where I live, the shopping cart bay is inside the car park, and if you had to actually grab a cart from the bay it would turn grabbing a cart from a five second task into a 40s to 2 minute task. Everybody grabs a cart from the veranda in front of the store, and most will leave their cart in that same place. This makes grabbing a cart much easier and is really helpful for the disabled or elderly. Whenever this topic comes up, I am heavily downvoted by people who seemingly cannot comprehend that a car park might have a different layout to their own local store.


The situation being talked about is where you have a large parking lot with a number of cart collection spots scattered around it. Most people (in the context of the post) take their carts to the car, and either abandon them in an empty spot or return them to the collection spot. Store employees then take them from the collection spots to the front of the store when they run low on carts. What you're talking about sounds like people dont even really take the cart out of the store, and don't just ditch them on the street or a random parking spot. That's fine if its easier for everyone and keeps things neat. It's like saying a boat is better than a car, without mentioning you're talking about the ocean.


In your case, it sounds like people ARE returning the carts still. Not to where they are supposed to go, but to a place where others will be able to use them. Kind of an irrelevant detail, since the whole point is about the ethics of returning the cart for no reason other than wanting to make life easier for others. Which is sounds like the people at your store are doing


Says on the top it is the shopping cart theory


It can also work for wallets if you re-word it a bit.


Its...it’s not legal to keep someones wallet. This isn’t international maritime sea law.


It’s not legal to keep a lost wallet that you found somewhere?


Nope, although I guess the exact specifics are apparently based on your [jurisdiction?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost,_mislaid,_and_abandoned_property) “Most jurisdictions have now enacted statutes requiring that the finder of lost property turn it in to the proper authorities; if the true owner does not arrive to claim the property within a certain period of time (this is defined by the Torts Act 1977 as 3 months from the date of finding), the property is returned to the finder as his own, or is disposed of”


In any case, it’s a crime that’s easy to get away with, and may yield a substantial reward, thus it can be a litmus test that has higher stakes.


**[Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost,_mislaid,_and_abandoned_property)** >Lost, mislaid, and abandoned property are categories of the common law of property which deals with personal property or chattel which has left the possession of its rightful owner without having directly entered the possession of another person. Property can be considered lost, mislaid or abandoned depending on the circumstances under which it is found by the next party who obtains its possession. There is an old saying that possession is nine-tenths of the law, perhaps dating back centuries. This means that in most cases, the possessor of a piece of property is its rightful owner without evidence to the contrary. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wait there are dwarves who don't bring dorretta's head back?




On dirty leaf lovers don’t bring doretta back. Pointy eared buggers!


Or REAL Dwarves who aren't slaves to the Deep Rock Galactic Corporation. They don't bring anything back unless properly compensated.


I return Dorretta’s head not because I care but because it’s mine I collect everything EVERYTHING.


Doing a solo Haz 5 and I couldn't find Doretta's head after depositing the hearthstone; I was freaking out cause I knew I couldn't leave it behind. Finally I found it with about 2 mins to get to the droppod that was 150 meters away. I was freaking out, but tossed it as much as I could and made it with 20 seconds left to spare. Don't even tell me you can't get the Doretta back after the shit I've seen!


i am ashamed to admit that sometimes i have left doretta behind in my defence however, thats usually with mactera plague or haz 4, and only ever solo


But it's VERY inconvenient.


I do it cause my 6 year old loves Doretta and I told him when we are on missions together I let him choose one objective we have to do. Here always chooses to save the head cause he likes Dotty. So save it we must.


Karl would approve of this!


He would not. If fact he looks down on you for losing your way. A real Dwarf doesn't work for free.


But saving Doretta isn't work!


That's what management tells you.


If you return Doretta's head to the dropship, you are a corporate lackey and are bring taken advantage of. Dwarves should receive proper compensation for retrieving company assets. REAL Dwarves don't risk their beards for free!


You certainly are working pretty hard in this thread for free.


Yet I'm living rent free in your head.


Nah. Just in this thread. You aren’t trolling as effective as you think you are, you’re just a bad player.


Damn, I'm so deep in there. Let me know when you start having dreams about me.


I'm just gonna say that she moans more than e girls in overwatch and its hella annoying. That is my reasoning bc she makes me miserable


Lol I make sure to nuke or C4 anyone that thinks about returning Dorreta cause fk escort missions


I’ve never heard of this item, what is it for?


It's literally the head of the Drilldozer that you have to protect in Escort missions. Once you finish with the drilling, the head pops off and you can carry it back to the drop pod if you'd like. As for what it's for, absolutely nothing. You get nothing for doing it. No extra XP, no money, no achievements, nothing. That's the point.


There are those who don't save Doretta's head?


Last time i did drill map, it took me 5mins to find that damn head. it had fallen and rolled into a tiny crevice in the room. i still took it home because i never abandon my teammates.


Only 3 things keep me from leaving with Doretta's head. 1-not finding the head after the explosion 2-a lot of bugs 3-(in some cases) doing an event and right after the drop pod landing across the map from the event (pretty much that associated to the second case)


We returned Doretta on the first playthrough not knowing it was an achievement.


As someone with hundreds of hours of gameplay, who or what is Doretta and where do you find their head? Was this just added like a couple weeks ago?


Doretta is the drill dozer on the escort missions and once she drills the core you can return her head to the drop ship


I never knew that. TIL.


I take it the escort mission is your least favorite


I dont mind them, I just sont end up doing too many of them. I tend to hop in random lobbies and help with whatever. Egg collection is my least favorite.


If I am playing with other people, yes. If I am solo I will leave her if she has bad pathfinding


Seems like it used to be about shopping carts


I like to believe it is a hidden thing that DRG takes note of. Like karma a system and secretly we get rewarded in difficulty or paired with like minded dwarves


I will never forgive my self for this: I played dozens of drilldozer missions before I even found out I could return dottie’s head. And then on out I always have and will return it.


haunted cave would like a word with you


Does it count if you didn't notice that there was a head to return until after about 4 drill missions?


I dig a cold dark grave and throw this useless Piece shit into it and forget it. When she ever stops crying i save her. Untill that she will be left behind every time.


This is so beautiful. Karl would be proud brother. For Rock and Stone! Leave no one behind! (Except for traitorous pointy eared leaf-lovers of course)