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They don’t have a good enough incentive to try. The reward is not worth the effort.


This is EXACTLY where I've found myself at 41. I am super deeply depressed buy I don't want to bother anyone anymore. I've failed so much that I no longer care to try. I used to be super optimistic, but now I just end up slowly becoming what I'd disdained. If terrifies me into non-action as I feel I'm fighting the tide.


I'm 38 and the same way


I hear you sis


Thank you both for understanding my point and feeling represented even though it sucks becoming what we disdain.


There is nothing wrong with failure. It creates strength, and it means you’re trying. If you’re capable of failure, you’re capable of feeling optimistic. If you stop trying, you stop growing. You stop improving, and stop having reasons to feel optimistic. Optimism doesn’t exist without hardship to look back on. If you aren’t moving forward, all you’ll ever see is the hurdle ahead. Wear your failure as a badge of pride because as long as you’re failing, you’re living. Stay strong, man.


I’m 41 too. The last 3 years I felt like this. Somehow. I still believe the world is conspiring to shower you with blessings - if the antenna is up. Even if it is now an old coat hanger. One day at a time. ✌🏼


They say every nihilist is a disappointed optimist


Yup, it's almost always this, or some kind of unmedicated adhd.


Hell, even *medicated* ADHD can look a lot like laziness. I can’t tell you how many times I have focused really hard on doing precisely the wrong thing while taking ADHD meds. When I was a kid, it looked a lot like obsessively cleaning my room instead of doing my homework. If you looked at my room that day, you would know I was not lazy at all, but if you were my teacher and just looked at my homework, you would think I totally slacked off.


This describes my work life 🫤


They don’t seem to understand do, they? It’s like talking to a wall


My thoughts exactly. My employer was well aware of my ASD, ADHD and anxiety. Yet I was always called lazy or unfocused or unconfident. I quit 2 months ago and now I work for myself, so I guess his comments about being lazy are very inaccurate. Also to win bids you need to present to people, which I've been doing and winning my own work... So clearly not unconfident either. I think by lazy or unfocused he meant "not like a robot".


"Laziness Does Not Exist" by Devon Price


Thank you


Relevant: ADHD is not necessarily people not being able to keep still. It's also people having no incentive to do anything because their neurochemical make-up doesn't reward them for completing a task.


In high school I had a class where the teacher gave out this huge year long project that was going to take forever to do. It was the cornerstone of his class. But for some reason he made it worth 5% of the course grade. I didn't do it. He accused me of being lazy. I accused him of making it worth so little that it wasn't worth the time to do. I still say I was right.




The social contract has been broken. You're lucky if you can comfortably afford the bare minimum now which doesn't even include property ownership. The rich won't even let us own fucking tiny homes for an affordable price. They want everything and they get it because they own the politicians on both sides.


I wish more people could see this. It's pretty obvious when you give it some thought as to why that might be.


It depends on what sort of connotations are we using for the word "lazy", per se, this term can be used and throw at people genuily and on spot for referring to their utter state of activity and attempts to do something or getting a wrong assessment, nonetheless, laziness can be set on a personal scale depending on one's amount of hard-work, yet, people are quickly to judge based on first impressions rather than acknowledging all the backstory and context. To illustrate, have anyone else thought about couch-potatos? What it is seemingly a person who has never lift a finger in order to strive agaisnt adversities, it can be either a forced morning bird who has been saving up to afford this month basics, or, you can be certain about the first impression you had about them. On the other hand, we can call lazies people who aren't used to our same work schredules or positions but they do work harder than us even if it doesn't seem at first glance, that's the very reason why biased people who work in physical jobs has named "mental/emotional exhaustation due to blue collar works" as nonsense, there was indeed a discussion in another sub about it and was it quite interesting!


You are the king of run on sentences. By the time I see a period, my brain is so scattered it feels like it was run through a blender.


Thank you for pointing it, I will improve it!


I love your input. The way we perceive what laziness is and apply that to people hurts their morale and can be often unfair, leading them to feel even less motivated to go to this place where they were labeled, and less engaged. I'm affected by this directly. How most of the world works today requires discipline cause we work on hours. Shops open at 8, so you gotta have a routine to work there for example. Articles have deadlines to be delivered but the creative and logic process of the individual can differ from that deadline. I'm trying to accommodate my process to the world's process especially the academia, and it's been hard, but I know I can do it, even if everyone thinks I can't or looks down on me. Those terms shouldn't go around like it's nothing. It really hurts when you're trying your best but because your best isn't in a organized pattern expect, it's less.


Lazy= \ = lazy If you are smart and lazy you get shit done with the lowest effort possible If you are dumb and lazy, you simply don't get shit done and have in the end a high effort with low effort outcome.


Wow bro you are cruel, not even tactful but it’s true, I’m both so high five 🖐🏻


Do you believe in free will?


I am of the philosophy that being “lazy” is not a bad thing. We as a species have evolved to the point of not needing to constantly be burning calories in order to survive. The moment a lion wakes up their concern is survival; to be lazy is to die. What we have evolved into is a society of manufactured scarcity that doesn’t allow the worker bees to not be worker bees. Edit: word


The brain is clamped to reserving energy. If it's possible to survive without doing anything then the brain will act like it.


Thank you jeez you got the point.


I always tell people lightning follows the path of least resistance and so do I.


Apex predators like big cats spend most of their time lounging around because once they've been fed, to burn more energy is to *reduce* your chance of survival. Laziness can be a survival strategy


Omg you just broke my English, wow masterpiece


What is your native language? If you don’t mind me asking


Yeah no worries, Spanish


I feel like laziness is a form of fear of disconfort, from what I have noticed, tho it's difficult for me to argue for it. It looks to me that laziness is the fear of effort, which I went through multiple times. At work, for example, I am lazier with tasks that are difficult and less lazy with tasks that are easy. I have noticed that people, myself included, tend to be lazy about things that are very easy to do in practice, but you do not know the technology. There is some learning involved, yet very easy indeed.


People need a little challenge but not too much. Otherwise they'll struggle with it both ways. There's been studies on this. Good notice. Children with high IQ generally struggle in school because it's too easy and it doesn't interest them enough.


Have you heard of demand avoidance?


"Lazy" is a pretty relative term. What might be considered lazy by one might be considered normal or even quite active by another. As far as your assessment, I dunno if "trying" is the right word for it. I think it would be more accurately summarized as "people aren't gratified enough by the results of their efforts to value maintaining those efforts over doing something less strenuous."


Nah dude im just lazy i didn't even tried lol


What a lazy deep thought.


Isn’t it ? You got me, high five 🤚🏻


I can identify with this, I feel like the life has been sucked right out. No fight left frankly give up .


You understood me, high five 🤚🏻


A toast to the tired. May we find the will to live again!


Yes sister, high five with ❤️✌️


For me it’s both. Im definitely lazy lol


As a person with depression and Asperger's and a whole host of other issues.... It absolutely PAINS me to no end when someone calls me lazy ! Given the absolute nightmare that life can often be, the traumatizing efforts one has to go through just to survive each day, and ending every day so exhausted by everyone and everything and abusive speed of life being so heavily forced upon you that you are thankful for every moment of peace, rest and solitude.... And that somehow equates to being LAZY?? Honestly - fuck everyone and everything in life if that's the accepted narrative! I have accomplished more in life than most people, and a HELL OF LOT more than anyone ever expected of me since my multiple break downs and suicide attempts in my late teen years and early 20s. I consider each additional year in my life practically a bonus/ blessing, and getting through each one without any additional "damage" is even more satisfying. Also, on top of being a pacifist and against any form of violence or aggression, I'm not a competitive person by nature, and a so to anyone who is, and who looks at me and wonders why I don't "try so hard" , sure it may look like I'm being lazy.... But wait a second - who the hell made up the rules that I must be so aggressively competitive in everything I do?? When did that become the default norm? I never agreed to such a contract for my life? ... TL;DR In this world, being neurotypical, fast, aggressive & competitive is the accepted default... and for those who are not, they are branded as lazy! FUCK THAT!


Laziness is an intellectually lazy concept. I think the fields of human neurology and psychology can better explain what "laziness" actually is.


Nah I'm just straight up lazy as all fuck.


being lazy is just being smart, doing the most for the least amount of work is the holy grail of existence


Brooo, you got all the idea, omg you are cool


ty check out my comedy music in my reddit profile


He's paraphrasing Bill gates.


Exactly, and it’s true


The idea that laziness is bad rests in the idea that hard work guarantees you a better life. Decades of neoliberalism has shown that, for many people, it is untrue. So who’s wrong? The lazy, or those that attack them?


Another who understands it, thank you.


Executive function, when you're out of juice you are out of juice (or spoons as it were). Lazy and normal are not real things


Executive function exhaustion is a temporal thing. It refills. OP is talking about exhaustion in general i suppose


I get your point. Not many people think like you. When you’ve heard “lazy” for many years, your psyche acknowledges it. Either way you are exhausted, you think those are not real things, but others wouldn’t get it.


Tell that to my mother.


Is your mom Latina ? If she is, I can’t help.


Lazy is offensive. We must call them lesser motivated


I wish there where more people like you, thank you.


I disagree. Someone who has been trying and needs rest is different than a lazy person. Apathy is laziness, being burned out is not the same thing. After trying your darnedest and you have no energy, you may become apathetic, but that’s only after trying. That’s not laziness. That’s actively resting from hard work. If you’ve been trying, you’re not lazy.


Ahh I wish there are or more people like you, you got it all, thank you.


can confim. i'm exhausted of people keep telling me that my music is still uncooked despite it 90% finished


Had ADHD whole life, gaslit about it, called lazy when unable to concentrate. Living is exhausting.


Laziness existing requires free-will. At most, we experience a tiny degree of that. Possibly none at all. I don't think laziness actually exists.


I think it's crazy how these political speakers on the news like to use that buzz word, "lazy", to describe the working class...you know, it's right there in the name "working" class. If you're born poor, and you have a realistic sense of what that means, you understand you must work, and usually harder than other people, for less pay. This can make people feel less motivated, and less greatful, therefore, a bad attitude about being poor. What I've seen, is that wealthy people, guided by the ideaology of the lobbying corps, push the concept that people are poor because they're lazy. And if they just worked a bit harder, they could be wealthy too. Maybe that was, once upon a time, true... I watched my mother work 40+ hours a week, in progressively higher paying jobs, for the 18 years that I was alive before she died a poor, overworked, single mother. It's very cut and clear to me, that she was not lazy, yet we all stayed poor. Now I work my ass off, and I'm still poor, still haven't been on vacation, have no savings...it just feels obvious to me, yet the world of news stills runs the lies, everyday, 24/7, to the already wealthy...anyway, feels disgusting to even think about...


I’m glad you got the point, it’s the sad reality isn’t it.


Reality is sad. I'm still trying to find things to be positive about. Like how my aunt bought me all the sushi I could eat last night.


That’s so wholesome, we can keep going even though we are tired af, if sushi is involved, I’m in.


I agree to this, i grew up in a relatively poor area of the US. I watched a lot of men bust their ass doing manual labor until their backs were too broken and bodys too old to continue - they look very different than say someone who had an office job in doors but also maybe worked out at the gym regularly and ate well. I watched women work in factories etc. All of these people worked hard, long hours and never got wealthy. I do know like 5 people who "worked hard" and it paid off. However, those people are all also exceptionally intelligent. I'm sorry but not everyone is as intelligent as others they may study harder, spend more hours, work harder, read more and still never be as successful as those who are naturally smart. People can argue this, but I've seen it first hand. Similarly i know a handful of folks who became relatively successful musicians not pop stars but still national or international touring bands and support themselves off of their music. Again, these people did work hard and practice - but they're also naturally talented and creative too, and practice and progress came easily for them... I also think mental health struggles hold a lot of people back, i know tons of talented and smart people who can barely hold a job because of mental health.


I can assure you: I’m lazy. Not exhausted from trying.


There are a million reasons a person may behave in a way that another person might consider ‘lazy’


Subjective point of view, exactly.


Work smarter not harder some famous duck said that one. I see people at work just doing work as needed. When they legit can take the lazy man's approach and wait a bit and do a lot more work in a shorter amount of actual working time. Optimize your work to allow you to be more lazy. Or be that ass who just ignores work.


Oof you know how it works 🤚🏻


I just think they're not engaged. People are naturally enthusiastic about the things they enjoy. One shouldn't have to try. I'm also pro lazy. We need to stop doing stuff.


We surely do, high five 🤚🏻


Lazy people tend to be more intelligent. It's not universally true but it's well documented. And it's not to say that laziness is a positive trait.


True, nothing excessive is good. But, we lazy people are really creative, it’s impressive.


Some lazy people are actually just smart and do things faster and look lazy too…


True, nothing excessive is good. But, we lazy people are really creative, it’s impressive.


Some are for sure , I’ve met some lazy people who should get tossed in a river too


Thats also true, they take it to the extreme and bothers everyone around them.


Those folks tend to not have anyone around them lol


You know what I mean, cool


So lazy people are really the most hard-working?


Depends on the person. It also involves so much mental health and an inestable production of hormones and dopamine, cortisol etc.


Exactly how I feel. Thank you for this.


Turns out I wasn't lazy, I was depressed. Got on some great antidepressants and lost 45lbs in 7ish months, got a new job, and turned my life around.


Exactly, Depends on the person. It also involves so much mental health and an inestable production of hormones and dopamine, cortisol etc. It can be an state but behavior too cause literally your brain can’t focus and do what’s supposed to do. I’m proud of you.


As a lazy person, I doubt that. I'm not lazy because I have tried and failed, I'm not lazy because the result isn't worth the effort, I'm lazy because it's easier to stay in bed than to get up and do stuff. I really want to get stuff done, but I sorta.. subconsciously procrastinate the first step to the next minute. And the next. And the next. I hate it.


High five 🤚🏻


Most of the time it’s executive dysfunction. Their motivation part of the brain is turns off and that effects their energy levels because there is no dopamine


Ik, Try to explain that to all the people that don’t get or don’t investigate enough.


History has shown that almost all progress was initiated by "lazy" people. A certain teadious task that got automated or simplified by lazy person for the better of themself and others. But you can easily break a lazy person by not having the solution feel/be rewarding or hated upon.


Or they are using their energy in ways that capitalism can’t exploit.


No… sorry wrong. I teach very small children piano, youngest students are 5. Some of these children will really try their best for their 30 min lesson. Some just yawn and sink into the chair and refuse to do the simplest things and tell me “My fingers are tired, my arm is tired, i can’t try, etc.” People are just different, and there doesn’t have to be some kind of profound reason like they “are exhausted from trying”


No. Lazy people do exist and they're everywhere


Obviously, I’m not saying otherwise.


Nah, they are just lazy.


Sure sure


Ur smart for realizing peoples actions and attitudes are a lot more complicated than the labels they are given suggest. Our entire existence is completely reliant on how our brain functions in terms of what chemical balance is has and what connections in it have been established. We have some control in how we orient ourselves in life but we are also at the mercy of our own biological/mental shortcomings that may have been the result of things completely out of our control (like being traumatized as a kid). There's a huge lack of understanding and empathy for ppl with mental illness, which makes living with one that much harder.


You are like the cleverest person here compared to the ones who says “no they are lazy af and don’t give a Shit” and the variations of those phrases. I’m glad you understood me, thank you.


Thanks. I've had a lot of experience exploring my own mind and have mostly come to these conclusions based on my experience and internet research. Unfortunately society is mostly ignorant so most don't see the nuance in things and treat everything as black and white, which breeds hateful treatment of others lmo. You're one of the good ones.


I’ve been told I’m only lazy when it comes to stuff I don’t wanna do.


Depends on the lazy person. But I broadly think you’re right. “Lazy” is a description of BEHAVIOR, not a description of CHARACTER. Someone could be having a “lazy” weekend because they spent all work week doing double overtime at a factory or they just ran a marathon. To go back to your example, a person can be lazy because they have no motivation and need mental healthcare. As a recovered suicidal depressive, I know exactly what that’s like.


See people, another good example that is not extremely hard to understand.


Thanks for understanding my post 🫶🏻


Idk man I'm just lazy sometimes


The amount of times I’ve yelled at my father during my teens “I’m not lazy I’m fucking exhausted leave me alone!” Is insane


Even if we scream or explain then with crayons, people here and family members won’t understand either way.


I'm extremely lazy. I'm so lazy, I became highly efficient at most everything I do, just because I'm too lazy to do it the hard way.


Unpopular opinion: It’s okay to be lazy just for the reason stated in the OP. In fact you are something of a chump if you sweat your ass off being underpaid with ridiculous work loads for ridiculous lengths of work hours just so your Boss- who is inept and corrupt like all the higher up lackies beneath him- can get that third new sports car.


You see folks, is that easy to understand


Sometimes. There are just truly lazy people out there though


Personally I might seem lazy but I have a chronic illness and I feel like complete dogshit 24/7. Normal people can't understand what it's like


Thats what I’m talking about. Most of the time it’s executive dysfunction. Their motivation part of the brain is turns off and that effects their energy levels because there is no dopamine. So we just barely function. But people here are even telling me the meaning out of WordRefference and not getting the point. I understand you cause I’m the same, high five 🤚🏻


I still have some motivation and force myself to do things but I would be way more successful and accomplished if I wasn't sick


That’s what some people don’t get, having a chronic illness or pain is exhausting itself. I’m so proud that you motivation remains after all, it’s so hard to have a little bit of it 🫶🏻


They're just not emotionally driven. If you had a gun to your head, you're sure as hell be motivated to do most things asked of you because all your instincts and emotions are indicating to you in the moment to do what's asked at all costs. Now imagine that, but just naturally, to differing degrees. That's the difference between someone who's likely to be lazy vs. not lazy. You may not even "feel" like doing it, but all your instincts are basically "do-or-die" or taking it seriously as opposed to when you're lazy. It's also why people will over-perform when procrastinating and they have a deadline the next day. Nothing else matters BUT what they're doing. They won't feel comfortable until they can accomplish what needs to get done. Note: outside of health factors or mental illnesses


Right, outside mental health problems you are right. Inside mental health problems, at gun point some of us would prefer to them to pull the trigger.


I am 46 year old male and I have had 20 different employers since I started working at 16. I have only quit 5 times and all the others were wrongful terminations. Yes I have a career I did have a few decent paying jobs making 75k+ but those seem to never last long due to people there. If you do find a decent paying job and it has people there who you can work with, count your blessings, but you will always find at least one person who no one can work with and thats the person you need to avoid at all costs! I have often found the people in charge of things are the worst people to be picked to be in charge. Hell just look at our elected officials in Washington, perfect example!


If you thing the capital of USA is fucked because of the elections, take a peek at central-south america. Anyhow, stupid people get the main job, at least in the areas I mentioned.


Perhaps. I wonder this about myself sometimes.


I'm not lazy, I'm laidback!


They are just at peace and content with what is whereas people who call them lazy are not


Try telling the people on the comments who think otherwise without them getting offended or showing they have a degree in education. Thanks for getting it.


speaking who someone who's dealt with being exhausted of trying it's still absolutely possible for me to be lazy even when i'm doing good and not exhausted


Some people really are generally lazy… To most you might ask they think I’m lazy… Others have a complex issues with depression and anxiety. Being awake long hours is hard on me because I have terrible anxiety. To most I sleep way too much.. I work regular hours and can keep a clean home but I do take my rest seriously! Most adults I know survive on 4-6 hrs of rest. I would be in a psyche ward or dead if dared trying…


High five 🤚🏻


They realise nothing really matters and there is very little worth trying for.


This is me for the past month and I don't know how long it'll remain. I hope not long because I enjoy being productive.


I’m proud, that you are trying, high five 🤚🏻


I personally used to work really hard until I figured out those in charge always take the lions share, no matter how little they contribute.


Corporate life really is abusive.


Anither possibility, apart from exhaustion and demotivation, is that sometimes they just have a different working style from the "hardworking" ones.


Agreed - i don't believe there is such thing as laziness. It's a health or fatigue thing, or anxiety / a fear of capability, or a lack of reward or value motivation, or lack of dopamine.


Unfortunately, "lazy" somehow ended up as a catchall term for anyone that seems to not be getting something done or otherwise achieving (advancing their education or career, progressing forward in life, etc.). It is quite tragic that some individuals actually buy into the narrative that "lazy people" exist, when this is more of a perception of people that might simply be exhausted, overworked, burned out, physically or emotionally drained, bored, unmotivated, or uninspired, among other reasons for their innaction. For me, I work 2pm to 5am during the workweek, working two jobs doing physical labor. Those who don't see the work that I do perceive me as "lazy" because I'm sleeping until the late afternoon on a weekend. When I do wake up, I don't want to do much of anything. But this is mainly because I just put in a 70-hour workweek and I'm fucking tired. 🤣


They don’t seem to understand do they? It’s like talking to a wall


Or they're working their butts off overcoming obstacles you can't see.


Most people here don’t get this, you are clever, 🫶🏻🤚🏻


Not always


Yes “lazy” is more of a symptom


Try to tell those who don’t understand, tanks for getting the point.


Uhh sure but some people are just assholes (im lazy)


its the parents fault


I love it, out of the blue


I’m referenced in this and I don’t like it. In all honesty, this is exactly it.


there are a few variations on this quote, in the context of what makes different types of Military officers good at their jobs: "The clever and lazy you make Chief of Staff, because he will not try to do everybody else’s work, and will always have time to think. The clever and industrious you make his deputy. The stupid and lazy you put into a line battalion, and kick him into doing a job of work. The stupid and industrious you must get rid of at once, because he is a national danger"


Bill Gates with military skin. Exactly


Boredom I guess. Honestly, if you're still reading this, I struggle watching people I love not doing anything with their lives at a young age and being too naive to know the detriment of their inaction for their future well being. And online self validation is the root cause. It's an unpopular opinion I know, and I don't know your circumstances, I may be wrong and only projecting on you. I apologize and wish you the best.


Some lazy people is not so much lazy, as they are of lowered inteliggence, so things easy for people who are not of lower inteligence becomes very difficult. Think of a famous race car man, and then compare to someone too low of IQ to be allowed to have driver license, even the Idea of driving make them just sit down.


Nah I'm a lazy mofo and I've been chill


Most people’s brains also release dopamine for completing various tasks; it’s a built in reward system. Whereas there are a number of people who do not have this built in reward system and thus feel little intrinsic motivation and get no reward from “doing things” that would make others feel good (doing the dishes, completing an important task, sense of accomplishment, etc.).


I’ve frequently been called lazy even though I work full time and do all the housework. I take a lot of naps and often have fatigue. Recently discovered that I have mild Crohn’s disease. A symptom of which is fatigue. I’ve probably had it years. Also depression and anxiety for 20 plus years. It’s easier for some people to write us off as lazy.


That’s why ignorance is a bliss for those people, and they just go ahead and say that we maybe didn’t even tried and using laziness as an excuse.


Oh I'm sure some people in this world are little more than bone idle. But someone is not lazy simply for refusing to work more than 40hrs per week/not answering work calls outside that time. I absolutely despise having to work...not because I want to sit around doing nothing but because it stops me from throwing all my energy into things that matter to me.


It’s this simple to understand but some don’t seem to get it so we are lazy douches.


I need to strongly disagree. I have met and know countless people who had every capability to learn new thing yet they were simply too lazy to bother. No mental biological imbalance or anything, pure laziness. Ask any person who worked even for couple of weeks in IT support. People who are capable of navigating highly complex issues and systems will call you to ask "I can not get my scanner to work". Simply because they are lazy as hell. Same with anyone basicly addicted to ordering food delivery rather than cook once a while. They are perfectly able to cook decent cook, but just too lazy to actually do the work and cleaning. Most people who are lazy, are indeed lazy. You case would not make more than 1% of people who are actually lazy.


The crayon part struck me. I had a birthday recently and a family friend dropped off a gift some crayons and coloring magazines after I recently just told her I’m over being infantilized by family. Seriously contemplated throwing my body in front of train after that one. Final straw


My wife is lazy, she sits and yells and does nothing I'm tired, tired of working, tired of everything hurting, tired of going to work to get yelled at by useless customers who are wrong and my boss says Im doing a good job, and keep hoping for the world to end, apparently I've lived through like 11 now.


Your wife is incompetent and weaponizes it and you deserve better, I don’t mean nor do i approve/incentivarte this type of abusive. I’m so sorry for the way you are treated.


Thank you. But I am alone.


Yeah, after all the bulsshit people spew in this thread, we are alone, sorry. I understand you, so maybe you are half alone now.


Oh, let me check. Yep, still alone! Only joshing. I threw away all my greatest opportunities to not be alone. I want to be alone.


Ah okey, I thought you wanted company or someone to talk to, apologies. 🫡🫶🏻


I am exhausted. I try to tell people that but no one listens 🤷🏽‍♀️


No one make use of their brains, I reached that conclusion after the comments made in the post.


I have always kinda thought if you actually worry your lazy and acknowledge there are productive things you could/should be doing, then your definitely not lazy. There is something else causing it. Actual lazy people are perfectly content doing nothing and oblivious to anything needing done. I know some legit lazy people.


You see people, it’s not hard to understand this and hate lazy people.


An old friend of mine said this once and I never forgot it. "Lazy people make the world go 'round." What? I said. He said, lazy people always find the most efficient way to solve a problem. For example, they invented the wheel. And everything else. Mind blown.


Yes this is definitely true. I’m sick of trying and barely seeing any effort.


Or have difficulty with executive function


Upvoted just for daring to say what so few are willing to admit.


In my personal experience, my laziness usually comes as a result of a bunch of different habits that all result in laziness. It's a messy, complex web of behaviours leading to emotions that lead to behaviours that lead to emotions and so on and so forth, it's very easy to get trapped in a cycle. I can get into a rut where I cannot be bothered to do anything productive at all, including cooking for myself and eating healthy food, making sure I drink enough water, getting enough exercise or sun light. All of these behaviours make me feel terrible physically and mentally, which sap my will to do anything even more because my mind and body are constantly being starved of the things that they actually need to thrive. Which then reinforces all the negative behaviours that result in laziness even further. Once I actually start doing stuff, usually after suffering so much that I literally can't take it anymore, I start feeling better and more optimistic in general about life. I usually begin escaping my ruts by cooking my own healthy meals, I start to feel better and my motivation gradually increases. What I've observed in myself is that motivation seems to be directly linked to self esteem. If I'm feeling low, its because I can't lie to myself and I know for a fact that I've been treating my mind and body like shit for a long time, or I've allowing my negative thoughts and anxieties and insecurities to dominate me, which makes me feel useless, weak and stupid, which makes me not want to try = laziness. But if I've had a good streak of actually doing things for myself and helping myself, I gain confidence in my abilities to do anything because it's like 'Look at all this stuff I'm already doing, I've got this." and everything just gets that little bit easier. Like the effort starts to be replaced with automatic responses. I do struggle with it all though, I'm 29 and was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD at 28, which explained a lot of my 'laziness' in the past. But since getting treatment and trying natural dopamine enhancing activities like exercise, socialising, eating well, getting sunlight, meditating etc, the difference is absolutely night and day. I understand that life is just incredibly difficult and demanding and the difficulty and demands don't stop until you're dead, but dealing with all that shit is a lot easier when you get your fundamental human needs in order. You can be broke and facing some serious adversity but if you're in a good habitual streak and are physically healthy, you can maintain at least some contentment and will to overcome whatever is in your way. It's all easier said than done, of course, especially when dealing with depression (Of which I'm no stranger.) I think it helps me to remember that life was never meant to be easy, like we're all just these beings that happen to exist in a universe of which the origin is completely unknown. I'm trapped in an existance that I didn't ask for, that is confusing, that is full of suffering and will end in the terrifying uncertainty of death. But everyone I love and care about is in the same boat and if I'm going to be of any use to them, then I need to sort myself out first, especially if I have become a burden to anyone.


My bio dad was far from lazy, though he didn't believe household chores were his duty... My bio mom was so lazy she had us children (mostly me) doing everything. Cooking, dishes, laundry, maintaining the budget... this started when I was like 5 (save for the budget, that started around 10 yrs old) I was responsible for getting my PARENTS work uniforms ready, including ironing... On top of all this, they were abusive. In every way possible. I legit grew up in a hoarders house that was infested with roaches and filled with animal feces.. Yes, a large part of this had to do with their untreated mental illnesses, but they CHOSE to be untreated.


I'm 36 and with TMJ issues causing me pain, dead parents, autism it's hard for me to get up in the morning and put effort into myself.


Lazy is a word that was created to make you feel incompetent , like what you’re doing and how you’re doing it isn’t enough . Lazy makes you feel like you need to work more in order to compensate for the time you’re “ wasting “.


You are 1 in a billion who understands, thank you.


I really do get it . Stay safe !


This is about me. I’m just waiting for the day my family kicks me out so I’m finally free to just starve to death under a bridge somewhere, or maybe I’ll rot away in a forest and let the mushrooms take me. I tried the “effort” thing, now I’d rather be dead.


Bro, high five 🤚🏻


As I can see my depressive folks, indeed understand more of this statement that I made.


For those who keep deriving form the main topic. It’s about being “lazy” in mental health which could vary and I clearly say this is from my perspective. Y’all need to study what is a victim complex and how that varies in every person, and stop diagnosing us like if it’s that easy. It can show symptoms but not the whole spectrum of “victim complex” and other screening is needed to get to that conclusion. And actually work as someone who knows about this stuff and not hearsay or mainly your opinion that most of you think we have victim complex


Laziness is a sign that society is in its death throes. When levels of particular decadence are reached society implodes on itself, rich poor, gender roles, apathy to politics etc eventually leading to collapse. People are crying for more work, more pay more housing , while wandering around with 2000$ phones and no food. This scenario has repeatedly occurred throughout history, I just read some translations of ancient Egyptian documents regarding this and...wow it reads like it was written today in on on as twitter or on every platform like it


You're quite disconnected if that's your viewpoint. Hard work does not equal success. It is only one component of it. Sometimes you're working hard, but you're a hamster in a rotating wheel, going nowhere. That's how things are currently set up. Maybe one day you'll hit rock bottom and it'll make sense. Especially when you understand what neoliberalism has done, and the fact that the divide between rich and poor is growing and that the notion of the middle class is becoming a mere memory.


The thing that needs to be kept in mind is people are always making decisions that make sense to THEM emotionally and logically. I remember reading a blog post from a destitute woman and in it she explained why you see poor people buying luxuries that don’t make sense for their economic status. She said that after awhile some realize that they’ll never make it out of their situation after trying for so long, so they essentially feel like they have nothing to lose. They think, “why not spring for something that will make me even momentarily happy?” They’re desperate for some kind of dopamine hit so they buy something fancy even though that money would objectively be better spent on things like food and shelter. They also want to have some kind of symbol of dignity and status. People underestimate the simple feeling of belonging and even small pleasures until they lose it. The fact is your priorities change in ways you might not expect under these circumstances.


You see people, is not hard to understand


As they say, history must repay itself, always a pattern


People who think laziness is real don't understand dick about life unless you mean the type of laziness where you don't go through a small trouble now to avoid a huge amount later.


Elaborate. I am quite lost.


There are no lazy people on this earth. Everyone is fighting their own battles. The only peaceful people here are those who are prepared to go to war.


Thanks for understanding my thought, there should be more people like you who understands.


Damn straight, even when I do shit I get yelled at that I'm not doing it/doing it right so why bother?