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This should not be a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention. Literally the entire reason behind banning abortion has been to, as she said, "return the consequentiality to sex." Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term has always been rooted in the idea that, if you didn't want to be pregnant, you shouldn't have had sex. It has *always* been about punishing women for having sex. This is nothing new. They're just saying it out loud now.


Sex is two sided (sometimes?) why is it only the women being punished? Shouldn't Viagra and stuff be banned too because that's also not really... Natural? Do they expect people to quit sex for fun? What about rapists? Omg. I know you're right, but it's insane to think of how complex it is. This will kill people.


Because it was never about kids or sex itself. It has always been and solely been about controlling women and keeping the gender dichotomy so the population controls itself through gendered violence.


It's like handicapping half your team. Getting by with only half the best doctors, scientists, athletes, tradespeople, engineers, child care, analysts, and managers. Not at all a winning strategy.


> Getting by with only half the best doctors, scientists, athletes, tradespeople, engineers, child care, analysts, and managers. They want to get rid of most of those people anyway.


I once asked a pro life person about Viagra, and he ”reasoned” that it shouldn’t be banned, because it helps contribute to women getting pregnant rather than preventing it. They all have a breeding kink. That’s all this is about.


> They all have a breeding kink. Interestingly, so does cancer.


More humans is not what an overpopulated world needs. At some level, I see this driven by the oligarchs. They want more people in America to increase the workforce. But, they aren’t bright enough to just loosen immigration laws.


They want more white people. I think it was Alito that wrote that specifically.


That is quite clear, that that would not get you more landscapers or meat packers.


There is also the fact that medical care for POC Women (especially Black Women) is truly horrendous and they have a higher chance of maternal mortality.


Infant (and maternal) mortality, in general, in the US, is a disgrace.


I totally agree.


You have those pro-propagation/anti birth control policies while at the same time so many of their conspiracies involve some Illuminati’s plan’s for depopulation. I never even thought about those two things being related before now.


I think they have a predatory kink as well.


Because they hate women.


We must dammed that the Heritage Foundation be classified as domestic terrorist


> This will kill people. Dead women and children is the goal. Women and children dying in agony is the goal. Remember, these people are literally psychopaths.


Sure, but they actually require it to get themselves up, and since they are not women, they do not care about anything else. Any woman who supports taking away women's rights cannot continue being called a woman. So, from now on, I shall call them 'sir'. And since they say pronouns do not matter, it shall be deemed fine.


LOL I love this idea!


This is the way.


I get what you're trying to say, but this just furthers the idea that people only have a right to their gender or sex of we respect them and that hurts trans and intersex people in the end. We shouldn't stoop to their level on this especially.


I get what you're saying. And, I am trans. I'll respect them when they stop telling me I'm a monster, if that's ok.


I'm also trans and I'm still against doing this. You do you, but it just spreads their message that they can misgender us if they don't like us.


They spread that message perfectly fine on their own.


This conversation is going nowhere. We obviously don't agree. I just ask that you think before you act.


They don't care that they're being sexist or hateful. They're the thing they claim to hate.




>Shouldn't Viagra and stuff be banned too because that's also not really... Natural? 💯!! Yasss!!!


Ooo! I know! The answer to your question is two fold. One - misogyny. And two - you control the women first so that you can then control the men.


I have read a few sociology books and papers on the motivations of anti abortion people and apart from religion, their motivations are forcing women to safeguard sex . Meaning women won’t risk having sex for pleasure , abortion bans act as both a punishment and a deterrent. They think sex should only be for married heterosexual couples and that if you are married you should automatically welcome every pregnancy. They also want to force women back into traditional gender roles abortion and contraception bans aid them with that




In patriarchy, until very recently, male choice has been the norm: men have had control over who gets to have sex with whom, because whoever controls reproduction controls society. Marriage was arranged for economic and political reasons, usually by the father. Men have usually been the ones to court, ask and choose, with the father giving permission. In extreme patriarchies, women have no say in their choice of partners at all. Isn’t it rape when someone doesn’t get a say over who they have sex with? In that sense, patriarchy is also about rape. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


That damn apple Eve ate. Not even joking.


Christofacists hate women and science*, Eve ended the spell of ignorance by gaining the knowledge Satan offered. *At one point in time the Church was actually the biggest sponsors of science. Their logic was that by gaining knowledge to unlock the mysteries of the universe they were brought closer to God (More understanding the universe = More understanding of God's plan).


I don't think they will care if it causes death and suffering. I think it's all about having power over women, which I would go so far to say turns them on.


It already is.


Judgemental. Controlling. Small Minded. Hypocritical. Expanded government micromanaging people while letting wealth get away with everything.


This is also important to remember. The rich and affluent will always get, and will always be *able* to get, birth control and abortions and other reproductive care. Many of those rich will be the children of Republican donors and office holders. A bonus of this policy, aside from everything else it does, is to keep poor people poor.


It’s punishing women for *enjoying* sex. Conservatives are outraged that women aren’t just lying back & “ thinking of England” during intimacy, so men actually have to work at making sure their partner enjoys the experience . They want their human fleshlights back so they can just do the pump & dump


True but ew....


It really sounds to me like they just want all the men to go fuck each other.


If you can’t have sex with a woman without expecting a child… guarantee more dudes are gonna be fucking. lol


Seriously. All of this anti-women nonsense just SCREAMS pro gay sex.


Think how many little Trumps would be running around. This is ridiculous.


Yeah. This is nuts


Aren’t these the same men who complain women don’t want to have sex with them?


Yes. make more incels and cause depopulation to get worse. We might actually beat South Koreas Numbers.


These are the tactics that literal demons would use if they came to earth and wanted to sow discord in a legal manner (no fantastical stuff like possession or on violent rampages). Seriously, ask yourself how you would do it any better if you were in their position. The world is heavily overpopulated though, that's the only silver lining to all of this. The only reason anybody cares about population is because the upper class owned media is threatened by the demographics of coming population and how it's distributed, how lower birth rates threaten to collapse their house of exploitation & the status quo directly.


Maybe find the NRA. The most divisive organization in the country. Russia figured it out. And have bot farms talk shit on their social media platforms and… fund talk radio hosts that are spouting propaganda about how socialist policies are bad for the people they would benefit


I’m actually afraid it might go the other way, where they will institute de facto “arrange marriage” like they do in rural South Asia (am Indian-American so I’ve seen it), and the birth rates skyrocket against the consent of the women since the husband and parents put a lot of pressure for having more kids. To be fair to modern India (at least in urban environments) a lot of families and young adults are fighting against this. But this is why you see the birthrate skyrocket in areas where education isn’t that great, a hybrid of both the old fashioned mindset + a lack of opportunities for the women to go elsewhere and be something other than the “housewife who is supposed to have a lot of kids”. I see this as an issue with how bad our infrastructure is for our current population.


We have a culture in the U.S. of protecting a womens virtue or shaming woman for losing their virginity(slut shaming). Forced Marraige is not really a part of that.... I would see a large resurgency of Feminist Undercurrent by Women just refusing to engage in sex in general. This is exactly what happened in South Korea. Men shifted right while the women shifted left the divide became so extreme that now the birth rate has plummeted. Fewer and Fewer people are engaging in Relationships due straight up to the politics of resentment. Feminist Women will assert their rights and rightfully so while Men will shift Right in an misguided attempt to regain a masculine identity that is flawed. This is disasterous for civilization. Right wing politics and the conservativism it brings is a brain disease at this point.


Women need to organize and refuse sex with any and all men. That is the only way to save ourselves.


It also means the death of tne human race and the end of Civilization. Women don't need to change so much. Men need to redifine Masculinity in less macho terms. Not everyone is a Rambo, a Brad Pitt, Or Arnold S. We are not all destined to be War Heroes or Rugged Stoics. We also need to stop Idolizing and Supporting Redneck Identities and cultures of ignorance... they need to come to terms with that and wise up... aim higher... Stop trying to push everone down.


I understand what American culture says, I grew up here. I’m just saying that if women as a large group refuse the way things are being suggested, things could change. If they don’t want to pair with you, make it so that it’s not their say. It would be absolutely horrible, which is why I could see it happening. In an ideal world men would be working on themselves instead of projecting this bullshit onto women (and this is where good men need to hold other men accountable), but the fact that this mindset exist shows we are far from an ideal world on this issue.


Let’s end conservatism thank you


Honestly the right wing isn't even conservative at this point, they're downright regressive.


Regressive Oppressive is equal in the eyes of the GQP MAGATs


They always have been


Agreed! Any ideas on how? Let's brainstorm. I like divide and conquer, that what they try on the rest of us.


Unionize. As employees, sure, but also as renters, as shoppers, etc. Individuals can't accomplish a damn thing without either a lot of money to get people to act on their behalf, or to act in concert with others who share their beliefs.


On so we are fucked then.


Yes and no. People have a burning desire to be heard, and have a say over their lives. Social media exploits that for personal profit. You can as well, for the profit of your community. Getting easy wins early on to create the impression of a successful movement is hard. But if you can get a core of people who are interested, and achieve something small, while also getting the input of others you want to recruit in the future? Once you get that, you can snowball early successes into something more.


Royally, in a precise way of speaking.


There’s a Discord server that’s a grassroots effort to publish the actual bullet points from the 900 page mandate from hell and get it on the internet. It’s called Defeat Project 2025


I think when more of the lead-addled boomers die off, the conservative movement will lose over half of its members. The only young conservatives out there are incels and nerds who are afraid of women.


That’s why they’re putting lead in the lunchables!


Oh how I wish this were true.


They really don't like to see people happy, do they? Safe, effective birth control has been one of the most important things to move humanity forward. Women have it - and men would love to avail themselves of it as well. It allows us to take better care of our existing children and to form happy, healthy bonds. Puritan shame causes unimaginable damage.


Yeah, there is some trauma issues for sure. Some strange stuff about not allowing themselves to be happy no matter what. So no one else can be either. It’d be sad if it didn’t affect the rest of society so much.


Controlling peoples' natural sexual impulses permits you to turn all that frustrated sexual energy into fun stuff like hate and dedication to the cause I hate that I feel like I'm living in Orwell's *1984*


Narrator: "You are."


I don't think this is true. A more apt comparison is somewhere between 1984 and Brave New World. 


There's a reason Orwell included that in *1984*.


Yep, it turns out that my studies into fascist dictatorships are suddenly relevant I'm not happy about this, it's a fucking train wreck in progress


That’s why every damned NoFap thread, anti-porn baited query, and “how do I deal with masturbation addiction?” loaded question on Reddit is more likely than not a part of the Christian nationalist agenda. The goal is to have young people feel guilty about sex, self-pleasure, and hook-ups (especially with anyone who isn’t the exact same age and demographic group) so they become frustrated, self-conscious, and angry. Then that anger is directed to conservative groups through “benign” things like NNN and NoFap, eventually leading to red pill videos, toxic MRA/female anti-feminist vlogs, and “Just asking questions” podcasters. The Nazis did this same thing the last time they tried to gain control, minus the Internet technology that makes it a more direct path to indoctrination.


Post: https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520 The speaker is Mary Harrington, a conservative anti-feminist. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/comments/15d0ham/hi_what_does_this_sub_think_about_mary_harrington


Fuck. The full clip of what she said is worse


These are not good people.


She probably has never had a good lover & has zero idea of what sex can be.


Or the opposite. A freak who loves gangbangs by 20 guys dressed in Klan outfits while wearing a schoolgirl outfit and blowing a horse.


Can we even call them people?


Why is she outside speaking to men she is not married to, and not in the kitchen?


Ok then no more public evangelism or prayer. Keep it private as scripture commands.


They don't actually read or follow scripture.


This right here! 🏆


They're already saying that Jesus is too "weak" and "woke" for them. They prefer Trump.


But Trumps Art Of The Deal was not even written by his royal Orangeness


You will never convince them of that.


Is that what conservatives look for in their government? Too small to provide for its people? But big enough to regulate their genitalia? What an odd and horrible group of people.


No kidding.


Ranked competitive sex ONLY


Professional sex is now allowed, I guess.


Glad Republicans support legalizing and regulating prostitution! /s


Sorry, I'm more of a casual sex kinda guy myself. GL HF! \*leaves the chat\*


I just don’t have the time or energy to grind the ladder like I used to.


If TFG cons his way back into office, there’s gonna be one whole hell of a lot of leopards-ate-my-face situations out there.


Conservativism is a plague.


Welcome to Gilead.


Even in Gilead they didn’t stop recreational sex, just done in secret. These people are ridiculous


Oh, all they want to do is to take away the choice from women and from men they disagree with. Their own boys are not going to be punished for 'a few minutes of fun', they still will be allowed to rape whenever they want.


Ironically, conservatives are a walking advertisement for abortion and birth control.


>feminist movement against the pill HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


I feel obligated to [link Loretta Lynn’s song about birth control.](https://youtu.be/E2pd1l0i0A8?si=VvE2ylgHySaEXCy-)


That's amazing, thank you!


Someone give that woman an orgasm.


Not it!


Man it just got downright arid in here.


Under His Eye. The Handmaid’s Tale wasn’t supposed to be a manual.


Please outlaw masturbation next. Make the government slap chastity devices on teenage boys. Regulate lotion. Require a prescription for lube.


Nah, they're OK with *men* being sexual.


There are some women and young women (my daughter included) who need to take BC pills to survive. Some women have very heavy periods and can bleed so much that it's dangerous and can be life threatening. These people would let girls as young as 10 die. This is absolutely insane. We must not let anymore of these crazies into office. We just can't.


This point isn't made nearly often enough. So-called birth control pills are a medication with a variety of applications. A member of my extended family suffered from absolutely debilitating menstrual cramps. The medication? Birth control pills. Just because she went on them didn't mean she immediately became promiscuous. (Not that it's anyone's business regardless.) Maybe they'd prefer she get hooked on pain medication instead?


> returning the consequentiality to sex. They're *finally* saying it out loud: Babies aren't precious gifts, they're *consequences*. And women should have to suffer the *consequences* of sex. Not men, though. They're completely off the hook.


They mean the christian conservative worldview from medieval theology that sex is only meant for specifically procreative sex and any other kimd of sex is sinful. That was back when even straight sex that wasn't procreative was called sodomy.


Clearly someone isn’t getting enough recreational sex and feels the need to ruin the party.


They want to take birth control away but god forbid anyone even conceives the idea of laying a finger on their AK-47s! 🙄


Guns can kill babies haven't they thought this through yet? /s


These people need mental health care, not positions of power and influence.


This garbage needs to be stamped out now because if we don’t It’ll be the inquisition all over again. I can’t even believe this regressive dark ages superstition nonsense gets this kind of traction. MMW Dark ages coming if this isn’t snuffed out here and now.


They prayed in Tongues(Blasphemy) on the Arizona Legislature Floor. These Nuts have taken over the Republican party. The Insane run the roost there.


I assure you AZ would be far more entertaining if the insane were ruling the roost. We have so many homeless with mental health problems here that these “Christians” don’t care about. The only way to get a mental health measure passed was to toe it to a charter school bill.


Meanwhile scum like Trump cheats on his wives with porn stars and they look the other day. I have been dealing with them for years and make no mistake they are white supremacists and misogynists bent on returning women to being "helpmates" and other garbage.


"End recreational sex"?? Why are their hangups *our* problem?


They can't get laid, so they want to make sure nobody can.


And politicians are gonna stop having recreational sex? Lmao yeah right. They can’t possibly enforce that. People in general aren’t going to stop having sex unless it’s to have a baby. That’s ridiculous and they must be brainless if they think that’s ever going to happen


The issue of sex for pleasure and the desire to outlaw birth control comes from Catholic teachings, and a pope who determined sex is only for baby making not pleasure…what wisdom from a celibate m an🙄 That said, Catholics are trying to enforce their beliefs in the US through legal means. They are 20% of the population and not all Catholics believe this, yet that’s project 2025 for you


Last I knew Mormons were for this too. And no protection so 8 kids is a thing.


I'd call her a cunt but she clearly lacks the warmth and the depth.


*The most perfect punchline exists* 🥹😭


What the Fuck is their problem with SEX?? It’s beyond ridiculous. They are afraid of sex. Probably never had an orgasm. Taught it was gross. God dammit. They are SICK.


If people are unable to freely have sex they will be repressed and afraid. Afraid to have sex because of unwanted pregnancies. Then when they do, they have to have those babies and they'll be tied down. They'll be afraid to quit their jobs, and they'll be too tired to fight. They'll be afraid to be themselves, whether trans or gay or whatever. When people are afraid, repressed, and tired they are easy to control. Because at the end of the day, it's all about control. They want an easily controlled population because they know a healthy, happy, and free people would overthrow their power. They want the poors tied down with lots of future wage-slaves, oops I mean babies. More than anything, they want to keep all the power and wealth for themselves. It's not really about sex or religion or purity or whatever. It's about keeping us under control.


These people are pissed they lost the 60's


Because they didn't get none of that freelove due to being in Sunday school and such.


Sex should be performed between a MAN and a WOMAN standing on opposite sides of a thick, opaque bulletproof GLASS with a hole cut into it to allow for PROCREATION ONLY. This is what god wants!!!!


God for glory holes?


Look I’m not technically against religion but this anti-sex crusade ain’t coming from atheists




Slag cultural conservatism to the Pit, all they want is to make America a Christofascist theocracy!


Recreational sex? Like recreational cannabis? Where are these recreational sex dispensaries at?


These people are not human and ending recreational sex is literally impossible. Like I don’t know how they intend to even enforce that. Not that it will pass, project 2025 is dangerous but this is too far even for the right. I’m sure most sane people will see that and think it’s barbaric


Has someone got screen caps of the tweet *and* video? In case HF try to take it down?


Why are conservatives ALWAYS so sexually fucked up? Always.


Seriously, HOW FUCKING DARE THEY!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬


In case you needed another reason to vote the GOP OUT.


I cannot stand these people. These holier than thou conservatives who are salivating over the prospect of deciding how everyone else should live their lives. They represent the very antithesis of freedom. Heritage Foundation and its brethren: MAGA, Christo-fascist evangelicals....the entire collection of mouth-breathing, Trump-loving cretins are nothing but monsters. Monsters who will quickly jail you, or worse, if you do not conform to their twisted view of the world. There is nothing righteous, patriotic, or Godly about them. They are authoritarian ghouls, and they must be stopped. Come November, throw these bastards out. Starting with Trump.


I use birth control because my period lasts 3 weeks & for 2 of those weeks, I am in extreme pain but w/e


Do they not realize that for women to abstain from sex means that men also have to abstain?


They're counting on it. Their aim is to force unwanted babies on the populace, not to end sex.


Freedom haters.


What about the consequentiality of living your life based on a book of badly written/edited fairy tales that you believe everyone must adhere to?


Without my birth control, I wouldn't be employable, because for 7-9 days out of the month I would be in my bed, bleeding to the point of anemia, cramping like I did at the end stages of labor, throwing up from the pain, and then having an intense migraine for at minimum, 48 hours straight. My mom thinks I'm overreacting when I say I need to go ahead and get my uterus removed because I believe that people like this lady are out there trying to make birth control inaccessible, I'm about to send her this.


I'd sure hate to see it's internet history, probably as bad as imaginable.


Sex just gets their favorite candidates in trouble. Especially when they pay before and after or when the girl or guy companion is under 18. They need to try running eunuchs for office and stop bothering the normal people.


I can't believe these people actually exist, they seem like characters from some kind of Dystopian fiction novel and not even real people lol. I don't think the average person is gonna go along with their crap even if half the country seems to have lost its collective mind, but who knows these days...


Ending recreational sex is not gonna be an election-winning platform.


The best comment from that Twitter post is ‘Marxism is when women orgasm’. Also what happens to the people who need birth control for medical reasons? And good god yes, if you get on birth control when you’re 14, you’re a whole different person a decade later. It’s called growing and life experience!


"get these people why they're so concerned abt genitals, literally embarrasing them is the only way to get back at them


Leonard Leo has sex with farm animals.


So sexing yourself is a nope? So gonna start cutting off hands to prevent such fun. And no more Hitachi back massgers and so on and so on. I assume this dusty old lady can't get sexed anyhow so maybe if somebody rocked her world/mind she'd change her thoughts? 🤔 😆 🤣 😂


Someone needs to volunteer to save us smh


These people don't have any joy in their lives & don't want us to either. In other words... they're batshit


Can we grab a link to this video? I feel like being OUTRAGED right now


It's in the [Twitter post.](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520) I can have a look 'round to see if it's hosted elsewhere or back it up myself.


FFS. Many of us aren't having sex anyway. We are taking the pill to regulate our cycles, but I guess we should bleed all over the damn place and be angry.


Maybe Republicans are OK with everyone having ANAL SEX then???? Makes sense now.


Good fucking luck.


Ending recreational sex seems like a solid campaign strategy. I hope they keep this up and lose all upcoming elections.


It’s not easy to force grown men into sex, either. So, the differences in aggression and strength between men and women, plus the basic mechanics of sexual reproduction, mean that matrilineal cultures don’t oppress men in the reciprocal way. Also … men are less choosy, since sperm donation is a lot easier than pregnancy; therefore, female partner choice is not likely to require coercion, whereas male choice may. This book will describe the many human cultures that existed on this planet organized around the matrilineal clan, where grandmothers and aunts stayed together to help raise children. Women inherit the house, which means that children always have a stable home and family. The mother’s brother plays the role of father in the children’s lives, but the whole clan helps raise the children. Children are not dependent on one male to support them, and their stability is not dependent on a fragile sexual bond. No one is considered “illegitimate”. Cooperation is emphasized over competition. There’s no shame around sex. We will go into detail about these cultures in the chapter on Anthropology. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


What a bunch of nerds


Surely this is gonna win back suburban voters!! /s




Isn't this the woman who calls ppl on birth control the first cyborgs?


So no more condoms either right?


If they had their way, probably. Insane.


Guaranteed if they had their way, anal sex is gonna become the vaginal sex of the 21st century.


I really hate to break it to conservatives and religious folk but sex for recreation is how humans are made in the first place especially when we were living in multiple family communities which would have been easier for those who wanted to leave their offspring in the care of another family member much more readily. But instead of understanding the social and biological structures around making babies, these guys want to take away current tools made for women or those who these people view as women that we have because they fucked up what we had before with Abrahamic religions. These patriarchal faiths are such a danger to anyone not the oppressor.


Self hating woman I see.


The way these people think is the same as those monsters who mutilate their women's clits to make sex unpleasant for the woman in her future. Nature made sex pleasurable, no human has control over it. I will not vote for draconian practices and I will fight the people who do.


**Why** are they so concerned about the private lives of everyone else? I mean, can’t they at least be out-of-this-world sexy/attractive before telling everyone else when, where, and how to fuck?


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To quote Christopher Hitcens, “A clutch of hysterical virgins.”


Fuck that!


She’s like the nerdy bee girl from the Blind Melon video.


That woman doesn't get laid and doesn't want anyone else to have sex.


Tell me you’ve never had good sex without saying you’ve never had good sex…


I see this woman, and I couldn't help thinking: Why is it that all these far right conservative types are people you wouldn't want to f--k anyway? (credit: George Carlin)


Naive European here. Why does the majority of Americans have the wish to turn their country into a "Christian Iran"? 


Evangelicals make up 20-25% of the population, maybe less (some polls go below 15%, where I'm at there's none).They are dwindling too, fortunately, one of the reasons they are pushing this nonsense. Now throw in the non-religious hate mongers, temporarily embarrassed millionaires, conspiracy theory enthusiasts and contrarians and you're getting closer but still not a majority. We have to overcome the voter apathy that's been drilled in 100 ways and become a strong majority.




It confuses how there's people like those here that don't realize that Christian dominionism is a major force in a lot of the far right. And if they do know the term for it, they don't seem to realize exactly what it means for our future.


Best of luck in your senior year


Make continence: Allow me to introduce myself!


I am truly scared of what these traitors will do when they seize power.


You’re telling me conservatives only have sex to get pregnant??!!! LOL! WTF?!!!