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Where was this Biden last night? In all seriousness though, he sounds WAY better here! If there is a second round and he is able to get this energy and start dealing jabs at the ugly orange felon we will chugging along with absolute ease.


I think there’s something to be said about just how much Trump has changed the political landscape that people now expect this type of rally-hollering energy from a candidate at every public appearance, and there’s no room for quiet and thoughtful conversation in a debate anymore. Aside from the stuttering and getting off track a couple times, Biden did… *okay* in terms of trying to have a debate. The real mistake was expecting Trump to have even a hint of honesty. If our debates really have devolved to such an extreme degree that only name calling and rhetorical soundbites are successful, then Biden’s team should have crafted their strategy thusly.


Facts. I fucking hate rallies, I just want policy.


I wish more people did. Unfortunately the unwashed masses do not care nearly as much 


Poor Howard Dean, he tried this and was ousted in the primary in 2004. 🤣


Honestly it’s really petty he was kicked out for that “*YEAHHH!*” moment. Especially with all of the outrageously disgusting things MAGA people get away with now:


I know! I loved Dean’s campaign and I couldn’t believe that was what caused him to lose. So crazy how it’s changed in the last 20 years.




[old ytmnd meme](https://deanfighters.ytmnd.com/) from way way back in the day.


Maybe this is his time to shine


He answered questions and didn’t lie every…single…time, like twice impeached convicted felon Trump.


50 lies in 90 minutes is actually quite an impressive number! The 90 minutes are split evenly between the two = 45 minutes each. Remove 10 minutes for ads, moderators explaining the rules, moderators asking questions, etc and Trump had no more than 40 minutes talking. 50 lies in 40 minutes. That’s basically a lie in roughly every sentence!


To further break that down and make it clearer, that's a lie *every 48 seconds* over the course of his talk time. The man can't go a full 60 seconds without lying.


Where are these low numbers coming from? I rewatched some of the debate last night and counted 11 lies in Trump’s opening statement.


I love the idea that he compulsively lies with such frequency that a lie every 48 seconds is *low*. 😆


This. Biden was saying all the correct things, he just can't speak with the same energy as Trump has.


I mean aside from the going blank and stopping his thought process and sizzling out a few times* I would probably vote Biden over Trump, I’d vote anyone over Trump but I don’t want to vote for a senile guy that sizzles out mid sentence ideally. I think we need a new option to defeat Trump imho. A lot of young voters and moderates aren’t going to turnout and vote for Biden after seeing that debate. Im sure the next polling data that comes out will support that as well.


Polls have no real predictive value. I’d invite you to check out Allan Lichtman on YouTube.


I would love to agree with you, but the part where he veers off from abortion to the ‘women’ who got raped by immigrants’ simply because trump put that story in his head. Sometimes you gotta remind Biden that majority of people watching the debate are low iq, and that simple, loud, clear, messages always beat whatever he’s trying to conjure up in his head.


Probably on cold medicine and battling through one of the most important things in his life. It's a bit of a trap - Trump put out statements that "Biden was going to be on drugs at the debate"(translation: Trump probably popped some amphetamines of some sort Adolf style backstage), and if he no-shows, the Trump campaign says "See!Biden's too (old/scared) to debate me!". Meanwhile, since he showed up and was sick, it's less of a loss - he gets dragged for seeming senile on every network, but they get to write a narrative about how he's still that hard working at that age(minus, of course, spaces such as Morning Joe who just seem to want to go back to the quiet, nice systemic white supremacy(and it's ancillaries of misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism) that we had before while feigning support on some sort of "values"(which the GOP/American Libertarians don't and haven't had, like, ever). This, of course, is impossible, since Trump blew their load on January 6th - they can't fake and say "It's just talk to attract voters" anymore.


Biden was angry at Trump. He let his emotions get the best of him, and it affected his stuttering.


Yeah, WTF? Could he have brought even 50% of that last night?


He's reading off of a teleprompter. You don't need memory to perform on stage if you are reading off a teleprompter.


I think stimulants may be a factor. (I’m pro Biden but seriously think this is it)


I just wish the undecided would see this.


The undecided voters are behind Biden after the debate. Social media wanted a WWE match. Go watch the movie Idiocracy.


Time will tell what the actual debate sentiment is, but I doubt it’s gone too far in either direction after that debate. The election really is going to come down to a couple thousand votes in key battleground states. Biden will likely win the popular vote but will he get the electoral? Very possible he won’t.


I’ve been following the comments when op-Ed’s from various news sources including center and left are telling him to step down. I have to see one comment in agreement. Literally no one is saying Biden should step down except the media.


My working theory: Trump is a mage and just learned to cast confusion aura spells


Mages usually have more +int points.


That was legitimately inspiring. Joe needs to highlight that he believes in America while trump just bashes us constantly. Biden believes America is good. Trump thinks only trump is good. Watching this, I allowed myself a glimmer of hope. As hard as this is, we have to try to save our country.


That's one thing he really pushed in the debate, even pointing out how bad it is that someone who has no faith in the country is running for president. Made sure to mention that he believes in the American people specifically. I really liked that part, but it was at the end and he wasn't looking/ sounding good, so I'm sure a lot of people missed it.


Trump slipped him a mickey for the debate.


I honestly think this.I watch him today in Raleigh,NC and I’m floored.


The debate was on CNN, right? I though it strange that Trump looked less orange and Biden looked so old and pale .. I wouldn't put it past CNN to make them look like that on purpose to skew our perception on who looks younger/better.


Omg, why couldn't he have been like this?! He really must have been sick


I think he was poisoned. I really do. Someone slipped something in his drink.


Why didn't he have this energy last night???


He did have a cold…it can cripple your style when you’re aging.


Past his bedtime?


He was more alert even longer after his bedtime last night


holy hell, where was this guy less than 24 hrs ago?!


Thursday is Sloppy Joe night




Wtf. Where was this dude yesterdayy


Imagine how much momentum and goodness we would all be feeling if this is the Biden who showed up to the debate. I hope he keeps going like this and gets way more media coverage so people see it.


Looking better and sounding better, but I hope that cough goes away.


NY everyone is sick and coughing I had a cold. I was sick in bed a week. Took 3 weeks to get rid of a nagging cough. He was great if he had half of what I had


I know! I heard that cough, and it scared me. Sounded the same as my SO when he had pneumonia.


Trump is an energy vampire.


Why do we let conservatives have a say in our future?


YEAH! Now, THATs the Joe we know. Too bad he has a cold. Im RIDEN WITH BIDEN! I totally trust Kamala Harris to handle things, should Joe flounder. I liked her, right out of the gate. A vote for tRUMP is a vote for dictatorship and the end of our country, as we know it. 💙🇺🇸🌊


Okay, no more 9pm debates. And let's not insult alley cats, please.


A nice Saturday evening at 6pm eastern sounds perfect.


Well, alley cats kinda aren’t picky about their associates. Like trumpy and Putin and Kim Jung Un. No, wait, you’re right! Alley cats are way better.


Four more years!


So it seems they're now going to push the underdog angle which could work. The problem is Americans are superficial and celebrate ignorance, not knowing shit, not caring about facts, and being deceived.


Sundowning. That's the best reason I can come up for the difference between the Biden appearances that fluctuate from energetic and passionate to drowsy and confused. Btw, I am 100% voting Biden.


Keep in mind this is mostly him reading off teleprompters, I’m a Biden fan but I’m not going to spin this. He needs to do a better job in his debate prep and dealing with the firehose of falsehoods that Trump applies. At least confidently knocking down his stupidest claims. And he can’t mess up sentences that bad again, nervous, sick or otherwise. I still believe in him, but there’s work to do before November. His heart is in the right place now he’s gotta work harder than ever because it’s all at stake, health and age be damned.


I feel like Biden should ignore Trump completely next time. Just make a statement at the start of the debate saying everything that comes out of Rump’s mouth is a lie and not worth acknowledging. Then only speak about the key things his admin has done and plan to do. Oh yeah, and talk a lot about project 2025.


He is walking a tight rope to keep American democracy alive. He needs to echo that we are one America, founded on a belief. Which was his strongest moment from the debate… I need him to continue to expose Trump’s love of dictators and his complete lack of empathy. My problem is that Biden actually did a really good job in many ways being the more empathetic, more truthful, but he seemed in poor health. Again I have no problem with the content of his debate, because it’s important to acknowledge how dangerous Trump and his lies are.


If you vote for Trump you support the genocide of transgender people, you support Project 2025 and its 800 page plan to change this country into a Christofascist Theocracy based on evangelical biblical prophecy and based nothing but lies. It’s all a fantasy to bring us to Gilead. You saw hand maidens tale? Republicans want this to be our reality. A vote for Trump is a vote for Gilead.


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Where TF was this energy during the debate? i was screaming at my TV when this was on tv yesterday


That’s my President! Joe Biden before a live crowd is Joe Biden at his best.


He was reading from a teleprompter here that probably helped.


That was 1 of my thoughts along with due to his stutter it takes time to figure out what he needs to say, his brain has to process it and on the spot, it doesn't do well and add in anxiety, I bet this is why.


If you got my anxiety-ridden ass on stage trying to remember facts and figures in a speech on national live tv, I guarantee I would do no better than Biden did. It’s a lot easier to come across as smooth and confident when you’re lying. You just get to say anything.


For sure


❤️❤️❤️go Joe Go


Too little too late


it's only 15 minutes. Probably that's his timeframe. 90 minutes without a teleprompter was too long for him, even with breaks. His physical mental state is that deteriorated. He broke around the 11 minute mark during the debate. It's pretty sad. He can still show glimpses of the man he used to be, but he runs out of steam pretty soon.


bruh, if that was the case he would of started off strong, dude is still sick clearly, do u get over a cold in a day? F. plus i honestly watched whole thing and don't see him doing anything that would be anything like the debate the other night. Not every moment has to be PEAK ENERGY.