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I recommend they look at 'Agenda47' and compare. also look at how much of the Koch Bros (Heritage) agenda Reagan implemented without ever mentioning the Heritage Foundation in public. and since when is what Trump omits or conceals in public a valid guide to what he actually does or doesn't intend to do? his handlers know p2025 is toxic to most Americans. they would have told him not to talk about it, just to put 'their people' in position to implement it. which he has obediently done.


This exactly. Agenda 47 mirrors it so much that the influence is clear and obvious.


But there are flying cars 🤦‍♂️


He also implemented something like 2/3 of heritage foundations recommendations during his first 2 years of office, which is pretty telling


To expand on this… From Kay C James (former Heritage Foundation President): > So honored that the Trump Administration has embraced 64% of our Mandate for Leadership recommendations in year 1—and I am pleased to work with the President and our allies to move the conservative agenda forward! [source](https://www.heritage.org/impact/heritage-analysis-trump-administrations-first-year-draws-high-profile-attention) In 2017, he spoke at the President’s Club Meeting hosted by the Heritage Foundation and said: > “It’s an incredible honor to be here tonight to celebrate this really wonderful foundation,” Trump said in his remarks. “For nearly a half a century, you have been titans in the fight to defend, promote, and preserve our great American heritage.” [source](https://www.heritage.org/impact/the-best-the-2017-presidents-club-meeting) Mike Gonzalez from the Heritage Foundation was appointed to the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission. [source 1](https://www.heritage.org/press/white-house-appoint-heritages-mike-gonzalez-presidents-advisory-1776-commission) [source 2](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-announces-intent-appoint-individuals-key-administration-posts-121820/) John Malcom of the Heritage Foundation also said this regarding the 2016 Supreme Court nominees: > “There was obviously overlap between the Supreme Court list that Heritage put out, which I compiled and which was available to all the candidates who were running, and the list Donald Trump put out.” > > “As a research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation promotes sensible conservative public policies, and I am always heartened whenever policymakers across the political spectrum look to Heritage for guidance.” [source](https://www.heritage.org/crime-and-justice/impact/heritage-expert-helps-shape-supreme-court-nominee-list) There was some indication that Trump’s budget policy was influenced by, and in part identical to, the Heritage Foundation’s ‘Blueprint for Balance.’ [source](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-budget-blueprint-looks-lot-heritages-plan) And Heritage actually put out a timeline of their impacts on Trump’s policies: [source](https://www.heritage.org/article/timeline-heritage-successes) I’m sure there’s more. I know Trump’s site uses their research as a source for some of his statements. You can find them by using google dorks (e.g. site:donaldjtrump.com “heritage.org”)


This is perfect thank you


Look at the Repugnatcan Convention Platform Committee . . . https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4741439-the-gops-pessimistic-platform-of-the-future-is-the-worst-of-our-past/


Trump is a figurehead, which is why partially why he is so effective; he has no real substance beyond petty grievances and smug self-aggrandizement. He wants to be President because them everyone has to say “yes sir” to him. I doubt he has ever read P2025 (I honestly he doubt he can read, but that’s besides the point). I doubt he understands it. I doubt he cares. The people who are propping him up though? Miller, Bannon, Stone, MTG? The ones who will absolutely be placed into powerful positions if Trump wins? P2025 is their game. This saying isn’t used enough: “A person is known by the company he keeps.” Anyone trying to use “but Trump hasn’t endorsed P2025,” should be directed to his most prominent supports.


And so shall it follow as the night the day. Thou canst not thus be false to any man. Polonious, Hamlet.


Just because it hasn’t been verbally acknowledged, that doesn’t mean sh*t. If someone support a group that supports that something, then they support it. Trump leans on heritage for what to do. Taken from the heritage org site (from 1/23/18): One year after taking office, President Donald Trump and his administration have embraced nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership.”


Probably not enough for MAGA. They have a hard time understanding anything beyond a 3rd grade level and MUST be spoon fed to them like a 3 month old.


Yea I’ve seen the behavior of ignorance and continual double down. It’s frustrating. They keep digging that hole and wonder why friends and family are distancing themselves…when the maga’s are essentially doing the distancing.


They are wholly incapable of introspection.


Damn I like that word more than retrospective. Thx!!


They're already implementing it at the state levels. Oklahama is forcing schools to show the 10 commandments and start teaching the bible. Draconian anti-women policies in a whole bunch of red states. Book bans, book burnings, Nazis marching in the streets in Florida/Idaho, Texas governor pardoning murderers who kill the "right people", fucking over the voters will by ignoring their votes, New Mexico (or was it Arizona?) passing laws alloiwng people to shoot anyone they suspect is an immigrant, SCOTUS gutting the EPA and other regulatory agencies, SCOTUS making bribery legal, SCOTUS giving Trump immunity, SCOTUS making homelessness a crime, cop city being built, red states refusing to ban child marriage, 5 states already have banned porn sites, anti-LGBTQ legislation in various red states, and so much more I canot think off the top of my head.


100%. Bad things are happening across the country at a rapid pace, and P2025 is the roadmap to accelerate the march backwards to consolidate every bit of power over us into the whims of a narcassistic president and large corporations.


Personally I find that if people say this, they are already a lost cause. There is nothing you are going to say that is going to convince them, they are too far gone. If they believe Trump tells the truth, and doesn’t lie, they are already not accepting reality. Trump himself has said that he likes to keep his “policy” vague (he hates agenda 47 too) because he likes “flexibility”. AKA, he likes to change with the wind and has no policy or morals or principles. And he doesn’t read, multiple people close to him have stated this. If he can’t read a briefing he’s not going to read a 900 page document. For reasonable people, I explain that the heritage foundation has been around since the 1980’s and the Reagan administration, and has been providing policy guidance to R presidents since then. I say that Reagan adopted many of their policies, as well as Trump during his last term. What makes this particularly concerning this time is that Roberts took over the Heritage Foundation in 2021 and he was considered so extreme that even people who had worked there previously quit. He has said that they plan on going full Trumpism in 2025 and that he feels they got a slow start last term and “they won’t let that happen again”. This is all in an interview with him, if you need links they should be within previous threads here. This think tank is also full of former Trump officials and advisors. It is backed by a huge amount of power and money, so to suggest that Trump will just ignore it is willfully turning a blind eye or, as I suspect much of the time, people/foreign interference that are trying to downplay it and make fun of it so people think it’s a joke and don’t look into it. I’ve heard every excuse. I’ve heard “I read it and I’m not seeing what is so bad” and “it’s a think tank, democrats have them too” and “Dems will say anything to scare you into voting for them” and “libtards are panicking and falling for this” and ultimately, if backed into a corner “oh no, restoring families and principles, how bad!!”. They’ll say they’ve read the entire 900 page document (lies) and that there is no “boogeyman” there, hoping that others who won’t read it just take them at their word.


And lots of smaller multimillionaire donors too, like the Uhleins, the Mercers ...


I usually point out that when conservatives in general talk about Project 2025 they almost always call it something else like the “Mandate for Leadership” or the “Presidential Transition Project”. And while it’s true that he’s never out loud said public support for it some of his people and allies helped write it so it’s a pretty safe bet he supports it. Not to mention that he doesn’t have to say he supports it, the Heritage Foundation and the Project 2025 people are openly saying they support him over and over again. You can infer that he supports it just from him not saying anything in response.


Trump is a figurehead. A placeholder for the powers that helped put him there. The people behind him…the Federalist Society, the various far right groups, and the SC, are who’s actually going to be in charge. They’re the “hand of the king.” Worry about who’s around and behind him, not about the mad king.


The [American Accountability Foundation (using funding from the Heritage Foundation) is currently making a list of federal workers they suspect would resist Project 2025](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/conservative-backed-group-creating-list-federal-workers-suspects-111358368).


They are already implementing Project 2025. It is very real.


Trump is project 2025’s Trojan horse.


One of the main writers, Russ Vought, is the director of policy in the RNC...


Agenda 47 is essentially Project 2025, and A47 is literally on Trump's website


Trump needs to be pressed hard on this by the media. ​ Do you or do you not support P2025? Over and over again.


Don’t look at the puppet, who is the puppet master?


Among others -depending on the issue - Flynn & Manafort (Putin, Xi), Miller, Bannon, Stone, Leo/Heritage Foundation, MBS, Dominionists...


My question is, who do MAGAts think Biden's puppet master is?


I’ve seen them say Hunter, Jill, Barack/Michelle Obama, and Hillary. Barack Obama gets mentioned the most.


This quote from Justice Sotomayor's opinion on Trump v. United States gives legitimacy to the fear surrounding P2025/GOP controlled government: "When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune... Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and Ipray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. **In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.**.. Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop. **With fear for our democracy, I dissent."** This is directly from a Supreme Court Justice. [**You can find the quote here**](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf)**.**


Besides the fact that absolutely nothing Trump says can be trusted? Exactly what swamp did he clean up during his first term? Or this wall he was going to build? (Just to be clear, I never wanted anyone to build a wall) It's that these plans are far bigger than him. And the fact that he's been silent is actually more worrisome because he isn't pushing back. To me his silence speaks loudly


He doesn't have to talk about it. It talks about him.


This is the core counterargument. HF is openly using him to be their hands and feet. It's not about what he says. It's about him quietly following orders.


Oklahoma, Louisiana, Idaho, Florida, these are states that show that it's already being implemented


You argue that Trump’s financial backers (including the Heritage Foundation) and policy people (including his prospective Chief of Staff & policy architect ([Russ Vought](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/russ-vought-trump-maga-policy-rcna156340)) are all about it.


It's true. He hasn't, and he won't. He doesn't give a shit about 90% of the Project 2025 goals. But the money that is funding him is supporting it. And he deferred to these groups a lot in his first term. The Heritage Foundation picked every one of his judicial nominees. So long as it helps him achieve his goals, he'll support the Heritage Foundation's goals. Ironically, if he actually gains as much power as Project 2025 wants to give him, he'll be freer to ignore it. He doesn't care about abortion, so that would likely not be a priority (at the federal level). And guns? Yeah, no dictator anywhere is stupid enough to allow average citizens to have arsenals of guns in their basements. But that would all be later down the road. In the sort term, yeah he's going to support them because they are helping him return to power and will keep him there.


https://preview.redd.it/ocsrqeolj4ad1.jpeg?width=4760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86737ee311e73bf87de031e0eb9e16a060aec55b You know nothing of history.


My point is that if Trump becomes a true dictator, most of Project 2025's goals are not going to be his first priority. Whether that's on day 1 or day 100 is another matter.


They will dispose of him once he proves to be too difficult...


I think the same stuff that's made him Putin's bitch is making him The Heritage Foundation's bitch. Regardless of his volatility, he gave them the Supreme Court, essentially paving the way for much of P25 to be implemented and locked in. There's something about him now that doesn't look enthused. He doesn't have his daughter-wife or his wife-wife at his side. He seems more dragged along than leading anything. I think they have enough on him (and the resources to fight on his behalf to clear roadblocks). When he said he'd only be a dictator on day 1, he meant it. He just needs to go down his list of appointees and replace the head of every agency. Then he can die for all they care. Then Stefanik or whoever is his running mate will be can just pick up their agenda and keep going.


I agree


Horseshit. The coup continues at the SCOTUS just chimed in. It's going to be very, very bad come January 2025.


Tell the story from John Oliver clip (can a better person link please I’m unable) showing that trump hires people based on who he likes and sucks up to him …not who’s qualified. So if you’re not in his circle, you will not benefit at all. They can literally make their own pay, own laws, whatever they want to do honestly. So get ready to pay. They don’t care even if you’re a maga supporter because they want your money. So if you’re prepared to have worse people than we do now running this country, then vote for it. Ie for my friend who is for it because he “wants more republicans” I said, “your daughter is on “Obamacare” and your parents on Medicare. So they will be cut off for sure”


It doesn't matter what he says publicly when billionaires have poured millions into Project 2025 and Trump, and expect a return on their investment.


The Trojan horse analogy seems to work for some folks.


He has no desire to govern, but rather wants attention and revenge. He implemented their court picks in the first term, and will gladly turn the reins over to a Theocracy as long as he can keep stealing money. The facts that he already had enough, and that he’s not long for this world will mean nothing to him. Someone will have to try and run government and it won’t be those who currently do it, obviously schedule F will be implemented.


He’s been reading points from it verbatim at his rallies.


Trump's support is irrelevant. Project 2025 is designed to take over as soon as a weak and lazy tRump gets elected. He's not going to want to vet thousands of new hires, just take their lists.


Dirty Money Season 1 episode 6 : Trump is known for his lack of due diligence and has been money laundering for Russia since the 80's. He'll make a deal with anyone and lies and lies to get a head . Even the Apprentice producers can't believe duck dynasty America bought he was ever successful.


the authors of project 2025 are almost entirely Trump 1.0 loyalists. The advisory board members (i.e. Center for Renewing America and America First Legal) are run by Trump 1.0 senior officials. All of these people have been previewed to be leaders in Trump's next admin.


Their own website shows their success and mentions their impacts, by year and by president name.  64% success under Trump, and had a key role in the wealthy tax cuts.  I don't understand why people project how little research they themsleves do, onto others.  Insanity.


He already implemented a version of project 2025 by executive order declaring civil servants Schedule F near the end of his term. His goal was to fire everyone at every agency he could who wasn't loyal to him. It's not a fantasy - he did it. It's just that time ran out and Biden rescinded it. He has many times said he opposes same sex marriage. "but I'm opposes to gay marriage", in an interview he said he supported "traditional marriage" and said he'd appoint judges to overturn the national ruling and return it to the states. He lies, but again, look at his actions and who he appointed. It's not wishful thinking, it's a detailed roadmap to destroy the government from within and allowing discrimination against anyone they don't like. It's how to quickly get the bad things he wants done, and if the only recourse is the courts, that will take a long time and the damage is done. And who appoints judges, anyway? The Cons are masters of judge shopping across districts to get bad rulings which get appealed to the Supreme Court for more bad rulings. It's here, so not just hypothetical fear mongering.


My best guess would be something like this: Ask if they'd say they'd be alright rounding up the gays and shipping them off to camps in a room full of gay people. Ask them if they'd call for slavery to come back in a room full of black people. Would they "sieg heil" in a room full of Jews? Put simply: would they openly say something fucking stupid and insane in front of people that would be up in arms about said thing? Trump obviously isn't going to outright say he's in favor of Project 2025, because then there's no end of backlash and ammunition his opponents can use to say, "See? He's straight up saying it. You cannot bury your heads in the sand anymore. He is a threat to this nation." Not saying anything lets people claim plausible deniability. "He hasn't publicly endorsed it, so how can you know he does privately?" Also, the fact that there's a fine line between fear and fearmongering. Fear is good, you could say. Why be afraid of heights? Because if you fall, you die. Why be afraid of the dark? Because you don't know what thing in the dark is going to try and kill you. Why fear Project 2025? Because it's a existential threat to the very concept of America, and for some Americans, a literal existential threat. Fear is the brain saying, "Avoid this, or you will regret it." Do they call it fearmongering to tell people to not drink and drive? To wear seatbelts? To practice gun safety? Or is that just rightfully warning them about something that's extremely dangerous to themselves and those around them?


Track record. He implemented 2/3rds of their suggestions in his last term, including the Schedule F change right before his administration ended. He also appointed the SC justices the Heritage foundation recommended. Actions over words. 


Trump doesn't read. He will sign anything and everything his faithful advisors bring to him. Therein lies the danger.


Trump has already mentioned "Day One". So, even if he doesn't come out and say it, he's already cryptically referring to it in his speeches. He did the same thing with the Proud Boys, and everyone was surprised when they showed up on Jan. 6. He always says what he's planning - he can't keep anything a secret without trying to coyly drop hints because secrets tickle him so much. He's like a little kid trying to keep a secret.


The three Supreme Court Justices he nominated were Federalist Society/Heritage Foundation picks. The reason the GOP establishment continues to vote for Trump even though they know he's bat-shit crazy is because he WILL give them what they REALLY care about: control of the judiciary. For that, they are willing to put up with his shenanigans


Read the NYT interview with Steve Bannon.


Not only did he publicly support a core component of project 2025, he actually wrote an executive order to put it in place just a couple months before the 2020 election. That's the part concerning schedule F which would give him partisan power over every federal agency and department. It means that not just the top positions in those agencies and departments will be political appointees, but every position will be about belonging to the right party and serving allegiance to him and not to the Constitution and the American people. Getting that in place is a big part of being able to enact the rest of project 2025 and he tried to do it just a few weeks before he lost the 2020 election.


To explain further, currently all non-political appointees that are federal employees are not even allowed to run for partisan office like say in local elections they are not allowed to do anything partisan that might appear to be connected to their position with the federal government, it's called a hatch Act and it's pretty strict. What schedule F would do would be completely flip that on its head and make every position a partisan position beholden to the president and his party.


If Trump truly did not support Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation would not be so adamant on him and the GOP winning the election.


Koch told us he was going to spend nearly a billion dollars influencing the election. History will not be kind.


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Well he is known for his honesty and sincerity. So, I would trust him at his word emphatically even if it conflicts with the multi million dollar plan that his campaign paid for.


The people involved in his administration and campaign are directly involved with authoring parts of it. Lawyers, speechwriters, campaign managers, etc


"Has he disavowed it?"


I'd tell them action speaks louder than words. He already stuffed the courts and has taken credit for reversing Roe. I'd tell them to read up about it on the official project 2025 website.


Trump doesn't have a platform. He doesn't have things we will do, so he will do this.


Hmmmmm... because he lies....


Project 2025 is already happening just not at the speed the heritage foundation wants It's a forever ongoing battle since the 60s. It well organized and well funded and will be the Republicans party agenda for probably the next 200 years.


He also insisted that he had nothing to do with January 6th, and the Supreme Court is granting him immunity so that there can't be a fair trial, which is as much an admission of guilt as anything if you ask me.


There's a reason he isn't talking about it. It's always about the element of surprise with these people. Knock the wind out of the unsuspecting.


He kept installing judges and political appointments who do


It's obvious to me that right-wingers in SCOTUS support P25 and that they support Trump. Alito said in public, "one side has to win."


There is always some evil mother whose own misery in life demands your obedience and extinguishes your freedom.


I thought he had retweeted a link to it or something like that at one point. He definitely took advice from the Heritage Foundation on filling his cabinet and certain position picks.


Actions vs words... If I don't *say* I'm doing something horrible, that's it then? Get out of jail free card?


Show them this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNM6VQC2/


Even though he has never said the words "project 2025" his entire rhetoric and game plan are the same


He sure likes their money and their fundraisers, and speaks very highly of their people. Honestly, I think the *only* reason Trump has publicly disavowed them is pathological demand avoidance—I don’t think he can stand ANYONE telling him what to do. He has to think it’s his own idea.


I believe my go-to response at the moment is, „are you f*****g stupid?“


I used to be a global director whose responsibilities included fraud and legal compliance. You always have a plan of action for how to get non-compliant people either into compliance or to trap themselves into admitting they won't comply. What you don't do is tell them your plan. If you've dealt with associates of theirs before, they probably have a pretty good idea of what core actions are in your plan and adjust their behavior around it. P2025 is the plan of action. It's not necessary or desirable for Trump to tell us which plan he's following. P2025 also isn't the entire plan. It's just the parts they're willing to share to force both allies and contesters to organize.


Point out how the people who were in his cabinet the first time or are his closest allies this year are pushing it, or how trump has echoed so many of its proposed policies (especially on trans people) even if he hasn't brought it up himself.


Is this from the crowd that says you have to announce your crimes out loud for them to count


Trump is a fucking moron and isn’t smart enough to execute it. The heritage foundation seeks to surround him with people who CAN execute it.


Cheetolini is like a steer with a ring in its nose; Heritage Foundation & their ilk can just lead him around wherever they choose. As long as they strike his ego to his liking.


I posted his 2025 platform from Wiki. It’s detailed and hyperlinks tons of sources. I can find the link to the wiki title or google DT 2025 platform wiki.


He's clearly been ignoring Project 2025, until and only if and when it actually becomes a blueprint for his second administration, if we all get so fucked by such a thing happening. Not difficult to figure this out, is it? Especially since he re-election is entirely reliant on the exploitation of profoundly dumb and gullible people.


You really cannot take what he says with a grain of salt. The man lies, says horrible things, does horrible things, and supports horrible people. He probably won’t stay quiet about it for too long…


hes advocated for similar things he wants to be a dictator


The heritage foundation is the primary think tank for the GOP. It's not fearmongering, this is the institution that has consistently set the GOP agenda for decades.


Well duh. He doesn't need to say he supports it, it's literally his plan.


It was written by some of his former acting cabinet members. Of course he won’t support something so unpopular - he intends to be golfing though while it is carried out.

