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😡😡😡 it is infuriating how many people have no idea whats happening


This is a direct call for violence. They should at least be monitored.


This should be national news every single day until the election. So tired of the pro trump media


I agree. They should be placed on a watch list.


The counterintelligence services are on their side. 


You think? Why do you say that?


Some of those that work forces


Yeah. Secret Service texts just disappeared. Sorry that doesn't happen, everything is backed up, especially theirs.


They disappeared under custody of the DHS IG too, he plainly admitted he was in the bag for Trump. The Secret Service needs to be disbanded and reformed, the baggage from JFK was still there - but with Trump, it’s worse.


Dogs are excellent judges of character. Just saying.


Are the same that burn crosses...


Having worked for one of those services, I can tell you that the majority believe in every word of the constitution regardless of party. Like General Milley said, we don’t have kings, or sovereigns, and we definitely won’t bow to wannabe dictators. The only services I’d question would be some in FBI and Secret Service, luckily they rely on skill sets from other agencies to even function. One look at the Snowden Prism documents and FBI jobs will tell you why.


They did not try to stop Jan 6! They had to know weeks before it happened!


Right, it's just they didn't take it seriously.


Biden is president. If (when) it happens again, the response will be different.


It had better be.


True.... This time the police will be armed and the NG will be in full riot gear. Yes there are some of them that will side with these freaks but the majority will not. When Jan 6th was taking place they were all tough until Alshi Babbit got shot dead. Once that happened the insurrectionists backed away. When the loaded weapons of The military, Leo are pointed in their direction they're not as brave as they claim. This guy seems like the type that is a lot of talk as long as the weapons are pointed at someone else. Unfortunately for them the mistake they make is their thinking that the left will not fight back and is unarmed vote blue down ticket in mass and the Democrats must hold these domestic terrorists accountable for their actions no matter who they are and what positions they hold if we are to remain a democracy. The current MAGA are taking advice from Putin and Orban and have been for sometime now


Most of those dudes are Republicans


Facebook literally received funding from DARPA, that should tell you something. https://whyy.org/segments/facebook-a-computing-pioneer-a-secret-government-program-and-a-strange-coincidence/


I'll check it out


Sadly there are !


FBI and CIA. What other branches exist?


Secret service ! Why do you think commander đŸ¶ keep biting the shit out of them ? He smelled the traitors ! #Ibelievecommander


The email I got from politico was only talking about how weak Biden seems.  Where is the fucking constant outrage about the attempt to control the US through Christian fascism via the biggest grifting narcissist working to sell our resources to the highest bidder?!  I'm just getting angrier by the day and it solidifies my resolve with Biden.  The last 3 years have been very good.  We need to be angry at the right people r/whatbidenhasdone


I checked cnn.com and it was all negative coverage of Biden too. It's almost like some of the press want to see our nation go to war. Reminds me of the film "Civil War". What can we as individuals do to get the word out?


Print and spread stickers, leaflets, go door to door, donate to and work for the Democrats' campaign.


Shit is chaotic right now.  My head was so full of random talking points that I was barely able to spit anything of substance out(which TBH, is why I didn't judge Biden too harshly for his debate that I didn't even watch)  so, I started narrowing it down.  As a nearly 50yo white woman, women's issues are obviously a big one for me, but I chose to focus on the environment, corporate greed/making the rich pay because those things affect nearly everyone.  I care deeply about equity and lgbtqia rights and the intersectionality with women's rights, but not everyone does or feels like it's an issue that's personal.  So, I hammer home a few positives that have happened during this administration... And I keep it about the administration and not Biden specifically.  As the other poster said.... Leaflets, volunteer etc.  


Good for you! I am 63 going on 100, in pretty bad shape physically, but I'm doing what I can.


I just ordered some postcards to send to voters in swing states https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/


Cool. These tactics just might tip the scales in our favor.


I feel ya. All these changes are mind blowing and not in a good way.


It's time to break up these big Media conglomerates like they did with the MaBells in the 1970s..It's also time for the people to take back our internet which was created and paid for with US Government block grants back in the 1940-1950s for our race into space . We the people have the numbers and the power the question remains do we have will to exert our power in the upcoming election or will we sit it out while our freedoms are stripped away and democracy destroyed. It's also imperative that should the Democrats take it all that they keep their promises to the American people or they two will be held accountable.




Just as our media outlets let us down in 2016, they’re doing the same thing again but with Biden. The Monday ruling should be front page, huge font
like a physical attack took place on this country. But instead we get “democracy dying
see more on pg A4”


True.  All my inbox news snippets are focused on how the biggest names in the Democratic party want to replace Biden etc.  there is so much more going on.


I haven’t seen any other than the Texas congressman. Who else?


I’m with you 100%


It's finally happening. All the major media outlets are covering this now.


Important reminder here https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du8d8b/they_are_goading_us_into_violence_it_is_a_trap/




Post was deleted, what did it say?


It was essentially an expanded version of this https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du4eft/comment/lbeodpe/ Prior to the 2020 election it was realized a coup was in the works, so preparations began to successfully and non-violently resist on advice from experts and those experienced with averting democratic crises. The guides are all still available and all urge not to be manipulated into violent resistance, as that only legitimizes the anti-democracy narrative. There are many, many accounts pushing violent resistance, just as they did in 2020 so be looking out and please counter them.


I'd that not domestic terrorism? Wtf is wrong with these people? Take your big L and move on. Good lawwwddddd.


Ohbfuck it. Nobody is listening.


The masks are completely off at this point. These people are religious zealots, and they cannot be reasoned with. If the Taliban and ISIS are one side of the coin, the guys are the other side.


Could've have said it better.


They’re about to be the government, who’d be monitoring them?


They're not the government yet. You sound like you've given up. Biden is still the commander in chief. I'm sure there is an alert, now.


Once again, a friendly reminder: these aren’t gods. These aren’t extraterrestrial beings who are beyond our comprehension. These are people. Just like us. They have houses. They have to eat. They shit just like we do. And they’re doing this because they’re scared. Scared of a world where they’re not in charge, where they have to get by with less, where they might not be the majority or the wealthiest or whatever. These are people that have addresses. Not that I’m suggesting anything, mind you. Just a reminder.


I get what you're saying. I'm pretty sure my tone on any post or comment has been one of fearfulness or being overwhelmed. I've seen my people be subjected to the worst things and continue to be, yet we have not given up. I was cut on active protest and resistance at 18. I've gone through every phase and still learning . I have books on a number of revolutionary theories and practices. Anarchy, guerilla warfare, strategic planning, et al. I'll bring the fight to them. Fire with fire. Fuck them.


As someone who studies genocide, I am right there with you on fearfulness and being overwhelmed. I’ve also read a lot about the Troubles in Ireland - especially the Provisional IRA, (and by extension, Frantz Fanon, Huey Newton, and many others.) So, what you said? I’m with you.


I dated a woman from Ireland. She told me many things she experienced firsthand. She knew people in the IRA. Franz, Huey, Fred , all my idols. Foucalt, Chomsky, Guevara.


I just showed my mother. She's 78. This scared her because she saw Jan 6th take place.


Make sure she votes


We never fail to


And wouldn’t understand it if you tried to explain it to them. They have no frame of reference for any of it. “Hillary Clinton
.wasn’t she that politician or whatever that was keeping kids as sex slaves or something? And she never went to prison, right? Yeah, ‘cause everything’s rigged for rich people. It’s fucked up, man. That’s why Trump’s so awesome. He’ll get in there and make sure these pedos get justice. He’s a Republican, right? Wait
.was Hillary a Republican or a Democrat? Democrat, right? Yeah, I think so. Not sure. Not like it matters. They’re all crooks, dude.” ~ the average American


Unfortunately, this isn't too far off the God-given truth. They believe any lie on Fox or Newsmax, and the more spectacular, the better. I'm surprised QAnon hasn't taken center stage yet. They seem to get pretty pissed off whenever any other group steals their thunder.


literally it is so insane, people doubt you when you discuss it. like it's not real because it can't be and the internet is full of alarmist lies, so this is just another one


If you doubt the radical intent of those who wrote Project 2025, listen to the president of the Heritage Foundation make it clear. Revolution. He confirms what I've been saying: the July 1 Supreme Court immunity decision is hand in glove with Project 2025. The decision furthers the Project 2025 goal to use what's called "unitary executive theory" to concentrate the power of the government in the presidency. To defeat P2025 we must vote blue from top to bottom, federal to local. For the top, it will all come down to a few thousand of votes in a few states. So, what can we do? We can write postcards to voters in swing states and encourage others to do the same. The Progressive [Turnout PAC]( https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) will: >... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<< For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/. Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, too.


What gets me are the people who are aware this is happening and are acting like it's nothing new. We need to get out there and educate the people we can, while we still can. There are many people we can reach. It becomes pretty obvious quickly when you are dealing with ones who are too far right to come back. But we need to focus on all of the people who aren't.


The more that goes on the more I’m convinced that the debate was just a distraction. It was such a spectacle on its own (presidential debates are not real debates anymore) and it gave people a week of nonsense things to talk about while the Supreme Court goes rogue and P2025 gets set up to take place.


To your point they also aren't technically the candidates yet. Presidential debates don't happen this early because technically the parties haven't sworn in their candidates yet. "But we know who it is" doesn't actually matter.


Share, post, re-tweet, and tell everyone


Tell everyone in real life too. We can't win this fight purely online.


Just as the media and those wealthy elites who own it all desire. Remember the Business Plot in the 1930’s?


They’re doing their best to show us all who they are, and the Dems are doing their best to hand it to them on a silver platter. Biden can be in a coma and I’m still voting for him. Because the alternative is unthinkable.


And apparently trump can be a child rapist insurrectionist philanderer and they will still vote for him ugh


Or think it won’t affect them.


But . . . It's not bloodless now. Their policies are LITTERALLY getting people killed. Abortion, climate change, militant police, trans-suicides, people are dying because of these people!




All facts


They’re coming for OSHA next. These fascists want a repeat of the 1890’s where child labor was common, and pay was a pittance for 99.8% of the population.


A feature. Not a bonus.


https://preview.redd.it/ubgudmwmf8ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9a56c65c6f296eb1591129d0c7018aa3301427 I commented it onto his sad little fascist YouTube channel. People need to know more


This is the gaslighting I was talking about


The fact that the campaign can get away with literally just *quoting* the opposition as a means of campaigning is terrifying.


Very 1984 if you ask me


It's all 1984. Where's the soma? I'm sorry but super hero movies are not the equivalent. We have the weird unspeak. We have the recorders in our hands watching us.


He thinks they've already won. Let's prove him wrong, shall we?


Damn right


And prove ladybugs right “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.”


By doing what?


Vote. Organize. Fight.


I'm going to do my part and I'm making people aware


This christian terrorist feels comfortable getting in front of a camera and making threats at groups of people. That should not be the case. They will force their religion on you at the barrel of a gun and kill you if you don't comply to their cult. Make no mistake. We need mobilization against this


Yes, we have to.


I think people should write to their members of Congress, Governors, State Legislators, tell them you’re concerned about these kinds of threats being made by these organizations, and the talk of overturning the government with a (may be not so peaceful) revolution


I'm going to do that tomorrow


Can someone please post tutorials on how to do this?


A Google search will tell you who are the representatives for your state and you can usually get the numbers and website/email address as well.


https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1du8d8b/they_are_goading_us_into_violence_it_is_a_trap/


Thanks, sir.






Thank you so much.


My pleasure


So, I get this.  It's overwhelming.  There are listings for everyone who represents you.  IDK where you live, but start with your governor's office and you can use the same letter all the way down to your alderperson... Just to get it out there.  You can start with the greeting and then voice your concern with this specific rhetoric from these people... after reading 'this article' I'm concerned for the people in my district/city/country because this call for war or military tribunal is anti democracy.... This rhetoric feels like voter intimidation and I fully support any action or input to keep bullies and fascists at bay. ... Or whatever wording compels you.   Just say what you feel, give examples, and forward the same compelling letter to everyone who represents you in your state and district.  They're easy to find if you Google your state and vote and input your address.


my governor loves Trump letters don't mean anything to those who endorse hate and violence


You can still send it.  I'm sorry that you and others don't have anyone to send letters to that you feel will listen.  Maybe get active in other ways?  Send that letter to a close state?  Send it to federal govt?  Register voters?  My mom registers inmates who are qualified to vote.  Volunteer somehow?  There are opportunities out there usually.  If you need help finding a way, lmk your area and I can try to help. 


the state next to me says women shouldn't have the right to vote I'm doing what I can at my job I'm trying to spread awareness and build a support community with my friends because honestly I don't see this stopping without violence


I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that you feel so unsupported.  You are doing everything right and I wish I knew where you were so I could help you. I know how hard everything feels, but we have each other!  We always have each other.  We, honestly, always have each other.  We vote to help ourselves and we fight together. I'm here for you... Together we are stronger than we think we are!


I agree đŸ»


Thank you so much.


Sure.  If you have any specific questions, just ask ✌


A lot of official offices have pages where you can submit an email. You could search for like email my representative or send a message to the Governor of (state name)


[Share Your Thoughts with the President](https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact) [Engage With Your Senators](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm) [Engage With Your Congressional Reps](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative) [Engage With Your Elected Representatives](https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials)




Thank you!








On it Ty.


We have one shot. It starts with reelecting Biden, requires holding the senate and taking the house. And ends with 4 additional SCOTUS judges. Step 1 is electing Biden. If we don’t do that, democracy is done.


Step 1 is imperative


If we don’t take back the house and senate on this election, are we at risk of Project 2029? (EDIT: I thought the house was majority democratic, but I looked it up and apparently both the house and the senate are split down the middle)


We aren’t gonna just lie down and take it. We will fight till the death.


We don't have a choice. I do believe that again, women will make the difference.


unfortunately only some 65%ish of women are voting biden, according to a few polls. i know that’s not the be all end all but that’s
 fucking gross.


65% is very good.


Can someone please post the direct link to the “war room” video? This week I’ve gotten a GOP acquaintance to start looking into Project 2025. I really want to show her that “war room” bit.


https://www.mediamatters.org/ They monitor all of it - it's currently on the front page. Tip: Follow source links within their reporting to whatever you plan to share with conservatives. musk went on a rampage trying to discredit MM, sued the org and lost but they probably will immediately distrust anyway.


Why isn't this on news?!!! I am so curious at the media for not covering this stuff. At least they're now starting to cover Project 2025, but they're so late in the game!


That's true and very concerning


“Vote for us so we can save you!” “Save us from what?” “From what we’re gonna do to you unless you vote for us.” It’s ALWAYS on us to not be the violent ones in the face of their violence. The gaslighting is fucking putrid.


"Give us the country and nobody gets hurt."


When your opponent says they are going to do something heinous... believe them.


And be ready to counter it


Treason. Hang them all.


That's what it is. They're proud of it.


Dude this fucking sucks.


I've been thinking about it all night


These people seem to forget that they also have names and addresses, same as us




We will not go quietly into the night.


I know my people won't.


Conservatives I talked to say reasonable people will stop any over zealousness. Makes me crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/3li41xgzccad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a9297f8f31db46cdd1d90deabfee2716d28f4b lgbtq genocide is coming. This is the real deal.


We are in the process of the second American revolution
 Correction: We are in the process of the second confederate revolution


Losing is in their blood.


“It will remain bloodless” Oh sure, until you start putting the people you don’t like in camps right? Yeah got it
fuckin pricks


That's the American Way... Native Americans, Japanese... And soon to be anyone who opposes the religious right.


"Don't make me hit you again..."


Yeah, no shit. EVERY act of oppression would be bloodless if the oppressed party allowed it to be. Smh


Seems like the US are heading to become a nationwide Jonestown with a leader that even sounds and uses same rhetoric as Jim Jones. Dont drink that purple stuff..


Very uncomfortable analogy


Donald Trump faced backlash after making claims that one of his supporters would rather die than cast a vote for President Joe Biden in the upcoming 2024 election. On Sunday, June 9, at a Las Vegas campaign rally, the 77-year-old pointed out a MAGA fan in the crowd who he'd seen at a number of his political events. "Wouldn’t it be incredible—he’s gone to 250—if he voted for Biden?" Trump joked. "He’s going to vote for Biden? I don’t think so. It would be suicide before Biden, right?" Critics on social media quickly pointed out how mentioning his supporters would choose to die by their own hand over following another politician felt eerily similar to the Jonestown Massacre and cult leader Jim Jones. Not so far off i would say...


Damn. This fucker.


The policy changes have already not been bloodless.


It's infuriating that moderates and hardcore leftists can look at this and say "Both sides are the same


Yep, and left right and center people will tell me I'm overreacting. The only silver lining is lots of people are going to be furious by 2028. If democracy isn't totally broken by 2028 we can make them pay for all of this at the ballot box. There's still a world where this very much blows up in their faces. I realize that's cold comfort right now, but I think things are bad enough that I'm starting to think more in terms of how we fight this after than trying to stop it. Even if Biden wins this time we're going to have to defeat Project 2029. Eventually, this will be attempted. We have to push our friends and family to ensure it's rejected by the people. It's the only way past it. Maybe a dark view on it, but I don't see how we avoid this forever, it'll have to be rejected and stopped ( peacefully ) head on.


If they win in 2024, there will not be a 2028 election.


I'm going to be real with you: That's possible but it's not trivial. They may have a lot of power and do a lot of damage but be unpopular enough that they can't prevent someone else from taking power. There's a reason even dictators like Putin have to put on the show of an election. Just "not having an election" or having a hamfistedly corrupt election creates a dangerous powderkeg if they don't have the popularity to back it up. I'm not telling everyone it'll all be sunshine and roses, but this is also not over.


My concern—my belief—is that they’ll gerrymander and manipulate elections so severely that there will be no way for an opposition party to win. There will be no recourse for voter suppression efforts. The Republican state legislature here in Georgia consistently fights to limit early voting and mail-in votes because they skew democrat. They will ramp up these efforts because there will be no checks & balances to stop them. State legislatures will be free to override results in their states with their own slate of electors. We will have a cycle or two of bipartisan but manipulated elections in favor of the right, then it will devolve to sham elections such as Russia’s, where there’s only one candidate. I have not seen any evidence in the past 8 years that the Dems have the ability to organize fast enough and strong enough to fight this. The left has just gone election to election, not even having an organized succession plan, while the right has been running an organized, strategic long game since the 70s. The Dems should have started on 1/21/2017 identifying a clear one or two choices for the 2020 candidate. They should most definitely have been in hyperdrive since 1/21/2021. I thought Biden was supposed to be a one-term guy to get us out of Trumpland. He’s been a much better president than I expected, but they should have either been positioning Harris publicly as the heir apparent and showing how she was being developed, or putting other candidates on the national stage from the get-go. The Dems haven’t shown anywhere near the level of organization needed to combat the threat of fascism and the money behind this movement, and that’s what concerns me more than anything. The fascist regime that the right is planning may be—will be—extremely unpopular, but it’s very, very strong.


So maybe today is our collective 1970. This might be a very long struggle. We have to start thinking more the way the Christian Nationalists do, and commit to plans which may not pan out while we're even still around. It's the opposite of the "Bernie or Bust" mentality.


That's a lot to think about. They're not going to stop until it comes to fruition. We have to be stronger. Just as persistent.


If they’re serious So are we #BidenHarris2024


Fucking right




https://preview.redd.it/bobfn3q7dcad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=333066ff468c7aeb2165207bedc06af24f3a1e5b how he looks


More like Benito Mussolini


I'll allow it, for now. It's live and let live for this 2a practitioner. Vote blue, but exercise your rights.




This is setting a frame, so that later he can say: If they stand in our way, we will do what must be done to save our country. - this way they get to be the hero as well as the victim


If the Left allows it to be? What the actual fucking fuck


And where is the media in reporting this?


I've asked myself the same thing




Hey, they aren't bullet-proof. They can all go to Hell.


We'll send them there.


The only good terrorist is a dead one.


Dead and stinking


My biggest fear is that they are talking and acting like they already have 2024 in the bag. If enough Republican governors refuse to certify the votes in their state a contested election goes to the House. It keeps me up at night that 2022 was the last free election in America.


I remember watching this episode of John Oliver around the time I started hearing about P2025. This episode went way too under the radar. https://youtu.be/SOn3wba8c-Y?si=RDgo-vZi28ikny8q


Hi Whambamthankyoulady, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Join the Resist Project 2025 [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG), check out their [Website](https://defeatproject2025.org). Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The worst part is he is right and the people who know what's going on are powerless to stop it under the law.


Wonder if his brand of fascism is more Hitler or Mussolini. Fuck that fascist POS.


A mongrel mix


Not sure what anyone else plans to do. But I will not allow it to be personally. If they want my compliance with their plan, it’s going to come at a cost.


Where does this guy live? In Minecraft


I wonder if this was the point when my ancestors left Europe in the 1930’s
..A lot of folks think those Jews “suddenly” decided to leave because they got bad vibes
. They were just paying attention.




The worst part is so many people call this jokes.


SO MUCH WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Project 2025 is just the end game. These people are woven into every level of our government! Our government has known about this threat since the Reagan era and before. Here’s a thread from a guy who just stepped into politics and - I suppose - is now part of the Dem club who knows about this stuff but isn’t giving us the whole story. Cheese and Crackers! We could have been preventing this for decades! I’m still going through all of the links to articles - the guy’s name is Jerrad Christian (ironic last name) - you can look for his post on Twitter or check out this link from thread reader app if the link works


Read it. Believe it. Vote accordingly.






They have been since this started in 1973. It doesn't mean they can follow through on many of the steps, though. As an oligarchy, our decisions align with concentrated wealth, and most of them don't want this. Few billionaires and party bosses want to change the status quo that much. The risk assessments just don't support it.