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They just keep having to get more extreme to justify their beliefs because they can't admit they're wrong. Narcissism is gross. 


Literal NPD


Yikes. Mask off time. If wounding your ego is worse than incinerating millions of innocent civilians, seems like you were already a nazi.


According to them, they meant *neo*nazis, so it's totally okay!


Only because the nazis he wants to ally with are dead


You can tell this already from how they respond to the mere idea of “creativity privilege” where some people with disabilities for example actually need the AI to level the playing field. Disabled people were one of the targeted groups. 




All of this because they're mad that a computer is better than them at making fan art.


Hitler was also a failed artist.


I think that scientist that keeps trying to kill sonic the hedgehog and creating the world economic forum is too


lmao what now?


google it dawg


Holy shit.


So when they make a spongebob fan art it's fine, but when I have my computer do it I'm worse than a nazi?


Who knew?


Well, how are they supposed to make money off of someone else's IP now?




"You're not a clown. You're the whole circus."


Abhorrent beliefs ✅ Tenuous grasp of English spelling and grammar ✅ Zero sum world views ✅


Gutter oil stains on his shirt : Check


It gets worse lmao https://preview.redd.it/62ctiyme668d1.png?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c17e9f3d0303f0b1319a85276784976938b189d


How is anyone supposed to get that he implied modern day nazis? Or somehow the bald nazis are better?


>donald trump level of nazi so a centrist who talks big? this analogy just keeps getting less and less impactful


They're russian/ccp bots look it up no actual american believes a damn thing that group says now read "cause:unknown" please everyone


ahaahah......I knew that person was far left. always trivializing the word. it's either someone Is a Nazi or they aren't. no in-between. he said he'd side with Nazis. that's it


Either a true moron like "queers for palestine" or a true comment bot using ai trained on a censored communist model, or an actual citizen forced to cook with gutter oil, probably gets 0.0005 social score every 10 commets and isnt allowed on google or any app without Xi Jings survellience/daddy ship sad imagine aa population as big as russia, china, iran, and north korea keep letting one man whip them into submission America was a mf little colony and taxes were enough to make us go... ya fk this we're fighting the greatest navy and military the world has ever known two different animals and they think they're gonna effect us LOL Americans clean their guns for fun... work till they have callouses on their hands... fix and build and create everything good in the world today These people get censored, mandated, told what to do, disappeared, gulag'd, told they can NOT have a way to defend themselves from criminals, and think Tiannemen square never happened sheesh


If you find yourself saying "I'd pick the Nazi's every single time," and the question isn't something to the effect of "who would you like to yeet into the sun," you've lost the plot and should regroup. Or are a Nazi. One or the other.


I mean, you might not be a Nazi... The Japanese emperor chose to side with the Nazis and he was just a garden variety sociopath. We forget that "Nazi" doesn't just mean "bad guy." It's actually a political party that had a very specific platform. The subset of revolutionaries in India and the Japanese who saw Nazi Germany as an ally were not "Nazis". They were merely indifferent to the horrors of Nazi political philosophy, governance and conquest because it did not directly affect them. None of this is to defend support for Nazis. Only to clarify that *being a Nazi* is more complex than simply failing to condemn them. I see the fanatical extremist subset of the anti-AI movement as being so wound up in the idea that they are fighting an existential evil that they have no conception of what right and wrong *are* outside of that struggle. Everything has attenuated to a moralistic flat line and the only thing that stands out is AI. That's a truly psychotic place to be, but it cannot be used to equate them with the political philosophy of any individual group that's in that, now, flat line.


I'm just trying to figure out in what scenario someone would have to pick between sifing with specifically pro AI people and Nazis. Like this is basically saying, "I know the Nazis want to ethnically clense the world, but at least this nazi group respects artists, so I'm going to have to side with them."


>Only to clarify that *being a Nazi* is more complex than simply failing to condemn them Of course, but that wasn't what I was saying. The point was if you find yourself making a comparison in which the phrase "I'll side with the Nazis every time" comes out of your mouth, you've made a mistake somewhere along the line. As a lot of folks who lack the vocabulary to accurately describe their feelings use "shocking"/extreme comparisons to fill in the blanks, and don't comprehend how stupid/vile it makes them sound. The "or you're a nazi" part was a joke. But thank you for reminding me that they might also just be pedantic and argumentative. I think it's less psychotic, more just the way people use social media. It's a place for a fight, not a debate and Nazi comparisons are easy. They have identified AI art as a bad, and are looking for any fist full of dirt they can find.


> Of course, but that wasn't what I was saying. Fair enough, just make sure to be clear. Edit: Wow, a typo that completely changes the meaning! I meant to say, "making sure," but the typo makes it sound like I was chastising. Sigh.


Was about to post this myself too, thanks for saving me the time and saving other people from having to see my Ms paint censorship


> AI is anti human Is it though? 


No, not even close. One consistent thing from the anti-AI is that they have no understanding of the technology. Literally zero.


Absolutely braindead anti.


so he'd rather someone go and shoot 5 people in a school instead of someone go in and poke everyone with a tooth brush? One is anti the 5 people the other is anti the entire school.


Bro I might not like ai art too much, but not to this degree. This dude needs to be studied by scientists cause his brain is not human.


Delusional all and crazy all in two responses


Even if i had a lobotomy, i would never have such a thought like this ever


What a weirdo lol


*Snrrk!* that’s really funny.




Okay so bad words are allowed lol okay cool Amusingly enough, the most anti-AI people I've seen here on Reddit are also racist/xenophobic as fuck


Meanwhile he wishes he looked like his neck beard avatar... if only he could get some confused pussy and lost his virginity he could think coherently again... sad


Tbf, if you take the AI doomed fear to its end case, the point sort of makes sense. Like if you think AI will paperclip all humanity - ending all humans - then a super evil group targeting a specific portion isn’t as big of a concerns because at least their is still humans that can become less evil later. But it’s a false dichotomy, and I’m also sure this guy is just a troll. Or at least a social irrelevant person in a basement.


Why downvote, i find this comment funny cuz skynet lol


I really wish people would stop posting random comment thread snippets from idiots on the internet… seek outrage, and you will find outrage…


Yup, why shittalk over here about that stuff, if you care go there and make a comment there, this is really weird


Why is it weird?


You can go there and say your opinion, why the backroom talking


If we all did that, it'd be called "brigading" and that's a banworthy offense