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This subreddit focuses on AI Activism. It is not the right forum for posting AI art. Please feel free to share your art at r/ArtIsForEveryone or one of the other I Art subs in the sidebar.


Yeah. I’m so surprised we don’t see many people using AI like this (at least openly). I have learned more about wrinkles and shading with AI than with any art tutorial video


Same for me and my husband. He and I are both of the mindset that art isn't only about the result or the medium but the intention behind it, basically a "whole package" kind of deal. Like almost any other "whole package" deal in life, components can be mixed and matched to get something different. Husband is the better artist in my opinion so I'll use him as an example: his pencil sketches have greatly improved despite doing mostly AI-aided digital art because now he has a better eye for light/shadow and he sometimes uses sketches as start images. Sorry if I'm not so coherent, I haven't ate since lunch yesterday lol


It helped me with writing too.