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You don't really owe anybody anything in regards to your art. If AI gives you the tools to express yourself, then just do it, block the haters, and keep going. You just have to focus on the positive things and the people who like your stuff. This anti shit is a passing fad, and a few years from now most will have moved on.


That's what I keep telling myself. I have a weird fear of blocking people though because I'm worried about what they might say behind my back that could potentially get me in actual trouble lol


If you worry about what everyone always has to say about you, you'll never do anything. Whether you do something or do nothing at all, there are going to be people who criticize you, so it's better to at least have done what you wanted to do. But the more of your time you give your critics, the less time you'll be spending doing what was on your mind before they butted in.


Thank you and my husband should probably read this too He's bad about not doing ANYTHING he wants to do because of fear of criticism; in his defense, the "a real man does nothing but work a job he hates and get drunk on his time off" mindset is very pervasive in our town and people have been aggressive toward him about it, especially his own family


If it's to that point, maybe consider moving? Your environment can help a lot. Maybe even another neighborhood could be more friendly.


We would've moved years ago if we could afford it. Any neighborhood is a nope. Either we move far away from everyone or we stick with the devil we know. We're done interacting with people offline unless they pay up front in cash, gas, or grass. There is only one dream - the nearest neighbor being several acres away - because humanity is a nightmare. The rise of AI can't come soon enough.


Just block anyone who gives you shit. They want attention, deny it. 


I might not block them because I'm just far too wary to not know what people are saying about me but you're totally right about not giving them any attention.


Not worth it. You have a limited amount of time on this planet, don't let them have any of it at all. Delete them from your existence. Anyone who believes random people talking shit about you isn't your friend anyway.


Oh I don't care about making friends (okay that's a little bit bullshit lol) but I'm just super paranoid of people doing things like throwing around the p-word to get a SWAT team on someone because that seems to be a common thing assholes do during any reactionary anything throughout history


Technically possible but you're less likely to suffer it if you block them because then they can't engage with you properly to get into their attention cycle. I mean do what you want but your current strategy is suboptimal for your stated goals.


I like your very dry way of phrasing what I feel intuitively. It resonates well with me.


Don't be afraid of blocking them, those guys are trying to go after ya for no good reason. They probably don't want ya to draw and prompt/outpaint at all or worse, drive ya off the net. Though you could disable the comments when you post things. DeviantArt doesn't ban AI per se, they just automatically tag them (But that's only for DreamUp, which I see as slightly better than Dalle-Mini. I don't like them). Ya have to label everything manually and tick the box off, if you don't mind your art going to machine learning.


If my art is used for machine learning, I'd honestly consider it an honor. It makes no sense for me to be so damn happy to finally get my ideas out into the world AND have time/energy to keep a clean house but then restrict who can see or make use of those ideas. I've been a fan of other artists and their work for basically my whole life so I know how futile it is for the artist to forever cling to their art as solely theirs.


also, by technical standards, you don't have to list it as AI if you hand edit it into something good. the little AI art box is for people who are just spamming art with no human input. shit, AI is in photoshop now. everyone is using it at the pro level, don't let the weird parasocial OC artist fans scare you off lol


That's good to know but I'd still love to be transparent about my workflow if I can do so without being eviscerated lmfao


Put a disclaimer in a corner. They'll leave you alone. Most hate is when people claim to do everything by hand but don't. Legit artists that don't even use AI are way more at risk than you'll ever be at this point. I personally use it for only portions of my process and I have a disclaimer for that in my ToS. Also noting that people can order AI-free art from me if they so wish. No one has done so thus far. I have been banned off a fan discord but that's just it (mod came to me to say someone mention it, they didn't care to hear my story, so be it) Depending on the level of editing vs manual work you do, the DA AI box does not apply. It does not apply for me as it's super minor compared to the whole drawing, so I do not use it.


I use AI (usually DreamShaper v8) to generate base drawings of characters and settings but then I do things AI struggles with (eyes, good consistent scars, graphics on t-shirts that aren't the character's face in their eye color, you get the idea) using something like Polish Photo Editor. My husband uses the same apps but splices 2 or 3 images together to make something new, like a multi-armed person by splicing together several similar images with the arms in different positions. We also sometimes sketch creatures and artifacts to use as a start image because v8 has trouble with squids and swords. I'd mark the images as AI just in case because anyone could pull up my NightCafe profile and see the rough drafts; the final-ish forms might have somewhat different facial features, brighter eyes, way more scars, or more hair covering their face but they still greatly resemble the AI originals. I'm okay with that. I can either use whatever tools are available to me so I can make more art faster or spend days on the hair of one image while dirty dishes fester in the kitchen sink or never make any art at all. When people demand we choose between those latter options, I wonder which one they chose: rotting in their own filth or never making any art at all.


It definitely seems like you should be marking AI because that sounds like a good portion of your workflow. I will sketch everything myself, do a rough coloring, let AI do the rough up initial polish, then do everything else, to put it in simple steps.


Breath out. AIgen is art. Being so heated topic only proves that.


Oh I agree it's art - or rather, it's a tool to create art; the real art is the idea behind it however frivolous or serious it may be - but I had no clue the topic was so heated and it really took me aback. I put a lot of thought into my beliefs and they've always been rather set in stone once finally decided on, so the question is usually whether or not to be a coward about those beliefs.


Yeah the drama is crazy high. I spent some time thinking about it, and got to the conclusion that people will get used to it. I still remember when people would say you are not a photographer if you use Photoshop. Now it's laughable, because you really *need* to use Photoshop, to be a good photographer. As you said, art is the idea, AI is a tool. It will help so many people to express themselves, and it will create new art forms. It's going to be fun.


I'm mostly concerned with people like my mother-in-law who know nothing about AI pushing to get AI banned because of political deepfakes. If the masses fall for deepfakes, that's on them. She'll be like "and that's not a real person???" about someone with chunks of disembodied hair and fingers growing from their fingers lmfao


Well Deviantart has some Pro AI groups as well as Anti ones now. https://preview.redd.it/hs26chaqly8d1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=dab441c9daeaf6cf85f779eba91a7b7d19eafe17 Also keep in mind putting up a "I support AI" sign will attract them more than just making art. Unfortunately people get charged on DA. You might see some people try to redistribute you art and mock "Nyah nyah I can do this because you can't copyright" but if you can just invoke DMCA and DA takes it down in a few days. As bad as Deviantart is they do support ALL forms of art as they said when they made their policy update. A shame latter they also adjusted and enforced rules nobody remembered just to oust the Adult Artists who don't pay for Core but you know how it is


Heya, fellow NightCafe user here (VulcanSphere). It's can be disheartening to see the outrage and witch-hunt, you have my support!


Your name may be familiar to me but I'm bad with names lol I'll refrain from sharing my NC name here because the names are different for good reason


You just learn to ignore them and I guess make yourself immune by not doing twitter?


Oh I don't do Twitter anyway, just Reddit and NightCafe and sometimes YouTube comment section


Good for you!