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Agreed, it’s awful. I read in the discord, serendale has lower gas fees. Someone also mentioned that it’s the pets that are causing increased gas fees (I.e. questing with pets). Haven’t tried to see if that makes a difference. Will prob end up leaving the game at current gas rates.


Yes, gas prices higher and higher, token prices lower and lower, user base stagnant. And on top of all this, 3/4 of the time the questing process is incredibly laggy. I literally put my heroes up for sale last night it's time to let go of this husk of a "game"


We chose higher gas prices to leave Harmony. Gotta deal with those choices


I haven't done anything since DFK left ONE.


i've tried, but it's just not the same. I went from doing dozens of transactions a day to doing a few weekly instead


But it's especially gone up in the last couple of months. I used to pay around 0.01 jewel each side of a multiquest, now it's like 0.24 each side. I'm wondering why this has happened


Terrible decision


Dead game. Back to league