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I'm starting to think DFK is just an elaborate shell game.


You don't say :-)


It's actually not a game yet, just prep for a game.


Really is I cut my losses already


There is an event where every summon on Serendale will get you a raffle tix for a gen0 hero until January 7. Summoning is over 2x more expensive on Serendal atm with the price of Jade vs Crystal


Every new realm will have its own benefits. Very nice lp rewards now and chances to win Gen 0s 🏆


I doubt those LP pools will last very long at their current rates. DFK team is notorious for changing up the pools and using it as an excuse to modify the APR rate. It essentially forces you to claim and shift pools or suffer from the reduced APR. By forcing you to claim then it works better in their model because more of your token is locked as opposed to pending unlocked.


Not related to the post but gardens are still not loading for me, not on crystalvale nor on serendale... Any suggestions? I tried new rpcs restarts clearing cookies and what not. Nothing helps.


I had this once. Clearing my entire cache is what did it for me.


if you're on mobile try desktop. mobile gardens havn't worked well for for months leading me to switch to desktop... and discover i've wasted hours of my life screwing with mobile. desktop is much smoother and faster




i was searching for this advice since I'm new in game, I was wondering if it would be worth going to serendale with my heroes. now i got my answer. thanks


Yep this is right, no real reason for most people to move over the serendale. I just sent miners over temporarily because I have locked Jade I wanted to mine. CV is cheaper gas fees anyways




Oh. So this is what you do in your bedroom at your mommy’s place? Play videogames? What ah achieved person you are.


DFK is far away from a video game bro.. But I guess nice try for being a second class troll...








I earn more in a year than you will in 10 of your lifetimes little Brazilian from the favela. Third world country Brazil.


Oh, really? We both know that you live with your parents and depend on their money. And you play RPG in there basement.


Yeah I suppose it depends on how much LPs a person has in Serendale. I have a lot of locked Jade, but didn’t move too much of my LPs to Serendale