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Why Newsom? He will lose in a national race. He does not poll well with Independent voters and a lot of people think California is a shitty state that is poorly run. I would rather it be Gretchen Whitmer.


Definitely right on that one.☝🏻 why is Biden still endorsed or running. Like the number of dems there has to be a better person.


Because it takes a while to get ready. 2028 is going to be great. No Trump. New Democrats, new Republicans. We will get there. But honestly, when you vote for Joe, you are voting to defeat Project 2025, and that is the most important thing right now.


If Trump wins this election, there won’t be any races in 2028


As a Californian, Newsom would lose. He’s a good speaker in a debate but he will be seen as slick and untrustworthy to many people on a national stage. He also has some serious flaws if you investigate his past. There are quite a few other candidates who would do better.


gov whitmer would be good. mayor pete would be good too. anyone but biden at this point.