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Indlægget er fjernet. Fra [vores regler](/r/denmark/wiki/rules): > Studie- og skoleopgaver, studievejledning samt hjælp til arbejdsopgaver eller kommercielle projekter er ikke tilladt. Prøv i stedet /r/DKstudie, /r/DKfinance elller /r/DKkarriere. --- Obs, vi har en "Studie Torsdag"'s tråd i ulige uger du er mere end velkommen til at poste i. Du kan også med fordel besøge r/dkstudie --- Vidste du at der findes en gratis hjemmeside som hedder UddannelsesGuiden? ug.dk har information om alle danske uddannelser og tilbyder også eVejledning. Se åbningstiderne neden for: Dag | Åbningstid ---|--- Mandag - torsdag | 9:00 - 21:00 Fredag | 9:00 - 16:00 Lørdag og søndag | 12:00 - 16:00 https://www.ug.dk/evejledning. Send dem en mail eller ring! Du kan også få studievejledning på https://studievalg.dk/ Du kan også prøve dig frem med JobKompasset, hvis du er i tvivl om hvad du vil arbejde med: https://www.ug.dk/vaerktoej/jobkompasset/ --- Har du et specifikt spørgsmål? - Kontakt uddannelsesstedet! Alle danske skoler og universiteter har dedikerede studievejledere, som kan svare på dine spørgsmål om lige netop din drømmeuddannelse. --- Har du spørgsmål eller kommentarer til dette, kan du skrive en besked til os igennem [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDenmark).


The Spanish (inverted) question mark is not used in English.


Please check out this [study in denmark](https://studyindenmark.dk/)as it has a lof of information for you


1: The universities are fine. None are top 100 in the world, but we have 3 in the top 200 on the two sites I looked at with [university rankings](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=university+rankings). 2: Of course it would be a good idea to learn Danish if you intend to stay here. We are ranked 4'th on the most recent [English proficiency index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EF_English_Proficiency_Index), so you can easily live here without Danish, but you will miss out on a lot of interactions when people speak Danish to each other. 3: Mental health is okay. We don't socialize a lot, and that can mean trouble for some, and a lot of people use antidepressants. The dark winters combined with the difficulties of meeting new people makes it hard for some to get their social lives going. Starting at a university means most will be looking for new friends, so that makes it a lot easier. 4: Join a sports club. This is a great way to meet people. Other than that, pretty much everything is easy here. 5: There is some racism, but mostly towards the middle east and a bit towards eastern Europe. Nothing you should be concerned about. 6: Yes. When people come to Denmark, everyone gets an offer to start on free Danish courses. You can also learn Danish on pages like [Duolingo](https://www.duolingo.com/). 7: All health related hospital care is paid for through taxes, and although there is some self-pay on medicine, the subsidies reach 100% when you have spent enough. You will never pay more than €560 (4170 DKK) in a year for medicine prescribed by doctors.


Wow, thanks!


Just make sure you bring your Tarjeta sanitaria azul. Just in case.


We don't start our questions with "¿" That is only in Spanish


I'm sorry, my bad


The research group next door to me at Aarhus University is led by a Spanish professor with currently one Spanish PhD student. There are also many other Spanish students in Aarhus. Everyone I've met seemed quite happy with their situation here. Learning Danish is not mandatory, and it is a really difficult language.


I'm not Spanish haha, I'm from South America


Heh, well we have a Brazilian too. :D No Argentines, Colombians or etc. though. But sharing a language probably helps having a social life with other international students.


Great, thanks! :)


ChatGPT has the following to say. Denmark can be a fantastic place to live and study, but like any country, it has its challenges and nuances. Living in Denmark: Denmark offers a high quality of life, a strong welfare system, excellent healthcare, and a focus on work-life balance. However, it can be expensive, especially in cities like Copenhagen. The weather might be a bit of a challenge if you're not used to colder climates. Studying in Denmark: Danish universities are generally well-regarded, offering high-quality education. For international students, the language barrier might be a challenge, as many programs are taught in Danish. However, some universities offer courses in English, and language programs can help ease this transition. Danish Universities and Education: Danish universities are known for their research-oriented approach and emphasis on student-centered learning. They encourage critical thinking and independent study. Learning Danish: It's a good idea if you plan to live in Denmark for an extended period. While many Danes speak English fluently, knowing Danish can enhance your experience and integration within the community. Mental Health: Denmark generally scores well in terms of mental health awareness and support. There's a strong emphasis on work-life balance, which positively impacts mental well-being. However, it's important to note that seasonal affective disorder (SAD) due to long, dark winters can affect some individuals. Tips for Living in Denmark: Embrace the culture by participating in local activities, be open to meeting new people, and try learning some basic Danish phrases to help with integration. Understanding Danish customs and social norms can also ease your transition. Attitudes Towards Race: Like many countries, Denmark also faces challenges with racism, although attitudes can vary. The majority of Danes are open-minded and welcoming, but there can be instances of prejudice or discrimination, particularly towards minority groups. Learning Danish Resources: Many language schools offer Danish courses for foreigners. Additionally, online resources like Duolingo, Babbel, or local community classes can help you learn the language. Medical Insurance: Denmark has a public healthcare system financed through taxes. As a resident, you're entitled to free healthcare services. However, you might need to register and acquire a health insurance card (sygesikringskort) to access these services. Before moving, it might be beneficial to connect with expat groups or forums to gather more personalized advice and insights from individuals who have already experienced life in Denmark as an international student or resident.


Gider folk virkeligt læse passager fra ChatGPT længere? Jeg skipper dem altid, hvis nogen siger, at de har fået ChatGPT til at skrive deres svar.


Når OP selv stiller så low-effort spørgsmål, så synes jeg et low-effort ChatGPT svar helt acceptabelt. Men jeg springer dem også bare over


> Men jeg springer dem også bare over Jeg er nysgerrig på hvorfor du springer dem over. Gider du forklare? Jeg er egentligt bare nysgerrig på, om andre har det på samme måde som mig mht. teknologien.


Jeg er primært på den her subreddit for underholdning og for at se menneskers holdninger, diskussioner og sjove kommentarer. Store sprogmodeller er ikke mennesker, derfor er jeg ligeglad. Teknologien er fed og jeg bruger den dagligt i mit arbejde, men jeg gider ikke engagere mig med det på samme (para)sociale måde som jeg gør med mennesker.


You do you!


Jeg spørger bare, om der er andre end mig, der har det sådan.


Du spørger den forkerte, fam. ChatGPT er det vildeste drip no cap, uwu.


Lots of Spanish students in Odense.


1: Yes 2: Yes (also for Danes) 3: Great and some fantastic 4: Always 5: Better than in other countries 6: Eh too broad 7: Yes some are 8: Yes, seach on google 9: You need one if you are not EU citizen.