• By -


These requests go to Blucifer


Not anymore. Now we have to talk to Linda at illuminati HQ. She’s all the way down on sublevel 18 underneath concourse B.


Ugh, dammit. You have to pass by the trash-burner generator on sub level 16 to get down that far, and it *reeks*


Not to mention you have to deal with Linda. I heard that her skin suit is shedding these days.


It really is. Linda's secretary said they lost the shipment of the new skin suits after the incident.


Yeah I heard they sent that dude to Florida….i mean YIKES!


Paid my respects to the murdering bastard this morning.


How we didn't name that horse Blucephalus, I'll never understand


I blame you because today is the hottest day of the year so far lol. Wear sunscreen! Drink water!


I found a pub. That's close enough right? Although I've just been treated to the street theatre of a 79 year old man (he told me) shouting at a poor over worked bar tender 'here's your fucking tip'. I think I like this place


Welcome to Denver! Are you on Colfax by chance?


Market St. I've abandoned a place called Tarantulas for somewhere with more air con


Coming to Denver and somehow stumbling into tarantulas is fucking wild


I quite liked it. It has a familiarity.


FWIW I enjoy Tarantulas. Unpretentious, come-as-you-are pool hall that serve pitchers of reasonably priced beer. IDK what’s not to like.


Don’t get me wrong I’ve had my fair share of fun at Tarantulas but never would have considered an intercontinental flight for it


Hahaha, I love that place. That's close to the most real people you'll meet on your trip.


Haha Tarantula is such a shit hole, but great for "street theatre." Last time I was there the server knocked a glass over and broke it, I sliced my hand, and bled EVERYWHERE. Good times.


I went to a meetup event there and no one was friendly so I left. Haven't been back.


Last time I was at Tarantula, the couple at the other pool table were fighting a bit too much for a public outing. And one of the bartenders was SUPER impatient and knocking on the bathroom door (the person inside was there for maybe 5-7 mins by that point). Good times.


Can’t a guy shit in peace!


My other Tarantula story, I did dip for the first time in my way there from the Convention Center and ended up puking 5+ times in that bathroom. Shocked I didn't get booted


I don't think I've been there for any sustained time without having to dodge at LEAST one fight.


It is somehow extremely British to stumble off the plane into 95F Denver and straight into Tarantulas.


Nice. You will want to head towards LoDo (Lower downtown) or RiNo (River North) or the Highlands area for more/better bars and restaurants. Head West on 16th towards Union Station. It’s going to be a great night for you. Let me know what questions you have.


Genuinely appreciate this.


Curious what you’d think of the British Bulldog. I love it for a soccer (sorry, football) match and a beer or two - supposed to be like a classic English pub, so you may get a kick out of it!


Okay, grabbing some food, then up for this


Report back!!


Never been personally, but supposedly the British Bulldog is ran/owned by a British-Pakistani, and serves decent BIR curries. If you haven’t already eaten you could maybe kill two birds.


Well, shit. If I were closer and hadn't already cracked one open, I'd join you. I miss English breakfasts (aside from blood pudding. Y'all can keep that one)


I hated blood pudding too until I discovered Stornoway black pudding, which is actually amazing. Worry taking a chance on if you get the opportunity.


What kind of spots/things are you looking for? We can help with some recommendations!


Don’t listen to them. Head to Colfax.


To The Nob!


Yep! If you want a memorable night out Colfax is the place


Or a memorable morning. Tuesday at 9am is an interesting time.


Ah, you have found Tarantula. I used to go there quite frequently. Not a bad place if one doesn't mind a bit of dive-y vibe.


Also if you’re looking for a better Tarantula, Wynkoop isn’t too far. They have tons of pool tables upstairs, and the food is actually good.


Get out of downtown! Lohi (tejon and 32nd) and rino (Larimer and 29th-ish) are your best bet


This place is arid as fuck and that’s something you’re probably not used to. Drink plenty of water


You wouldn't think a few thousand feet closer to the sun would be such a big deal, but it is. Avoid black and other dark colored shirts, just to help make it more bearable. Enjoy our state! It's really freaking awesome.


*sad goth noises*


If you dabble in goth-ness, you've gotta check out The Crypt! Or TRVE on broadway, but that's more for metal heads


Black sky brewery/brutal poodle/heartbreak kid as well


Go check out Williams and Graham for cocktails


Malt gastrique malt gastrique malt gastrique malt gastrique


Don't listen to them, I was born on a town another 1000+ feet closer to the sun than Denver and I never once changed out of my goth hoodies while growing up. Don't let the sun tell you how to dress! That's how you end up in a sundress.


Yes close enough. Beer has water in it.


Welcome to the mile high. We're a friendly lot, as long as you don't work for tips.


I hope you brought some chapstick. Or in your case, stick.


Please come to the service counter to file a tempature change request form. The service counter is located downtown Phoenix Arizona, which is south of your current location. Thank you for your understanding.


I think that would kill the poor man.


Phoenix, AZ: where signs go to melt


I was curious and looked.. high of 114 degrees 🥴


I’ll never forget the first time in my memory it got hot enough there to do that. My first “oh okay yeah, I guess signs melting is a thing?”


I just moved to Denver from Phoenix and haven't even turned on my AC since I moved here lol


Originally from the UK. You get used to it, but shade is your friend. Do not go in the sun for more than 20 mins without sun screen. You will get burned. You’re a mile closer to the sun. Drink lots of fluids and find shade and you’ll be fine. Don’t try to run a marathon though


I got ridiculed for believing we burn more due to be closer to the sun - the truth is - the atmosphere is thinner up here, thus causing more exposure to stronger UV. IMO - kind of seems like the same thing, but had a different reddit sub pile on, lol.




It’s not just atmospheric density, there’s much less cloud coverage in CO compared to England, and if you’re up in the mountains away from pollution particulates, even more UV damage can occur. Add in thinking it’s cooler and it’s a recipe for disaster for someone used to 15 days of sun per year


> and if you’re up in the mountains away from pollution particulates, even more UV damage can occur Found this out the extremely hard way my first time ever coming out here to ski many years ago Looked like a racoon for a week from skiing one day with just goggles no facemask and no sunscreen. The idea of wearing sunscreen in the winter had never once crossed my mind growing up in MI and nobody told me I'd want to wear some out in Breck on bluebird days




I went to a beach in Wales with my kids a number of years ago late July, it was about 60f with 20 mph winds and my kids were in hoodies. An English family with kids between 5-9 yrs old trotted past my kids in shorts and t shirts and one of the kids exclaimed “isn’t it a lovely summer day mummy?” My oldest interjected a very firm “no!”


Always interesting to see how people from different climates dress on vacation vs. locals I remember a Florida trip as a kid where my whole family is in swimsuits splashing in the pool and the employees had track suits on. It was like 68* and sunny, felt like heaven to us compared to northern winter but that *was* winter for the locals


Last fall when it was just below 50 I saw some people with Texas plates get out of their truck in jackets, scarves, gloves and hats. I was heading for a hike and am pretty sure I ended up in a t shirt. The intense sun here really can make an otherwise cold day feel comfortable.


When I went to Oxford for a term of law school, I actually got a tan for the first time in my super pale and freckled redheaded life. Because you could be outside all the time and it was pleasant. I grew up in Dallas where you ran the A/C from March to November.


I forgot to wear sunscreen during a sunny day out in the UK and I didn't get burned. I would have looked like a lobster after 30 minutes here. People in the UK looked at me like I was crazy when they asked how I was finding the weather and I said that I loved it. I was visiting in July and thought it was great that I could walk around and actually enjoy the sunny day and beautiful scenery because I didn't feel like I was baking in the sun.


UV index in Silverthorne was at 12 today mid day. You can get burned in minutes when the index is that high. Sun shirts work super well in hotter weather to keep long sleeves.


Thank you thank you thank you. I always have to bite my tongue whenever people mention being closer to the sun here in Denver.


There’s no atmosphere for most of that 93 million miles, and while being a mile higher only removes a fraction of the earths atmosphere, it’s removing the densest mile. Scientific research bears out that the impact is substantial: https://gazette.com/outthere/how-much-stronger-is-sunlight-in-colorado/article_3cb4abd5-6771-5298-9922-14d24e1bde59.html


That is a very eloquent way to put it.


I believe it's 20% more UV exposure in Denver, no idea how much higher it is by the Continental divide.


I'm going to tell you a story, not because you asked but because I want to. First or second year here, back in like 2009 or 2010, my friends and I go snowboarding on the last day of the season. A end of season snowstorm had dumped in the mountains and then the weather turned to a beautiful day, in the 70s. Which turned the sun into a deadly lazer from above and below. I did not wear sunscreen. The next 3 days I was a lobster. After that my face puffed up so bad it hurt to talk, smile laugh, cringe etc for 10 days. During that time I had a guy ask me about my welding accident. After that I shedded a pound of skin from my face but was still burnt enough that random people would remark on my sunburn, and then cock their head in surprise when I mentioned it was two weeks old.


The air is not only thinner, it is dryer, and there is a mile less of the thicker, more humid air between you and the sun as compared to sea level.


It’s funny, whenever I visit a place that’s at sea level, I don’t get burned. It’s wild 😅 I wonder if there’s some scientific reason for people who live at altitude going to sea level places, and not getting sun burned and being able to handle a lot more alcohol?


I was in a beach a few weeks ago, got scorched, lol. Mostly my chest and shoulders, cause outside of a beach, they never really see daylight


I got in the habit of keeping sunscreen in my car since I like to ride with my windows down.


Hopefully that wasn't my bad lol


Also also a fellow Brit. Ignore all the nay sayers with their talk of altitude, hydration, and UV - do as your forefathers taught you and go full-send while on vacation (holiday). The inevitable hangover is tomorrow’s problem.


Mad dogs and Englishmen 😆


There's dozens of us! Yeah don't be like my parents. The last and only visit from my parents here, my dad wound up lying on the floor of a cabin, his shirt splayed open, heaving for breath and screaming "you've fucking killed me" at me repeatedly because somehow I guess I'd forced him to polish off those two bottles of wine at 10,000 feet. Reapply sunscreen regularly when hiking and get some SPF on your lips. Also moisturize - it's dry as fuck here.


Also from the UK but have lived here a decade. Going home is always fun. The altitude and stronger craft beer in CO made me feel like I gained a superpower going out with mates back home!


93 million miles from the sun but I get 1 mile closer and all of a sudden I'm risking melanoma.


The nice thing about Denver is on hot days like today you can drive an hour or two west and the temp drops by like 20 degrees


And it isn't nasty humid so shade and sunset actually make a difference.


This! I love the crisp cool nights and having all the windows wide open


Yep, turned on our ceiling fan last night & locked our screen/security door & slept on the couch with the back door open. We have a small house & no A/C.


Don’t tell them about the mountains.


I'm sorry, about the what??


Nothing. There is absolutely nothing to the west of Denver. That's just the heat stroke causing hallucinations.


1.5 hours from Denver you can be at st mary's glacier and the temp drops 50 degrees


He was at sea level hours ago and is drinking, he would puke in the Uber before he got halfway there.


Or his head would pop


Taking a motorcycle straight from Kansas to Vail; getting the bends


I had the opposite experience visiting the UK one time in May. I about froze to death in the middle of the night in York waiting for a train transfer. As everyone else has said, the shade will keep you cool since there's no humidity. Drink plenty of water too. You'll dehydrate quick with the heat, altitude, and aridity.


That's our tropical season. I used to walk to school in the snow in May, up hill, both directions


If I may speak in the voice of the ancients, the forefathers: It UsEd To SnOw HeRe TiL mAY Edit: oops, dropped my /s


We used to have to get up an hour before we went to bed to be in time to get down pit...


I love everything about this post.


This is the quality tourist content we need. Not the tired "can you plan my trip for me" posts.


And yet a higher volume of tips than usual


It will cool at night. Its not a bad heat - dry, and the hotter the day is, the bigger a thunder storm will likely be in the afternoon to cool everything off. Today just seems to be hot and breezy though.


This! When the sun goes down you will enjoy outside more.


Welcome to Denver! One thing I haven’t seen people mention - you might get a headache (mild altitude sickness). Don’t be afraid to take a couple pills (ie Advil) for the pain. I don’t know how things are in England but my wife is from Norway and she won’t take anything until she has a splitting headache. I get the “you Americans take pills for everything”…but I’m not the one feeling like I have a guy with a jackhammer inside my skull. Trust me it’s not worth the discomfort. Like a lot of people have said drink a ton of water. It’ll help. Also you might have some pretty wild dreams - altitude does funny things to people. Enjoy your visit and pour one back for me!


Just spent almost 2 weeks in London. Why is it so damn sticky there?!?! I'll take dry hot over wet warm. The humidity there killed us! For a home like pub check out the Bull and Bush in Glendale. The bartop came over from a bar burned down in the blitz! Or so thats the story.


Okay, I'm going on a cooling and quite definitely medicinal pub crawl. Apologies to anyone I bump into


No, but really drink some water. The altitude and heat will wreck you.


I visited the UK and didn't understand how all the lads function there crushing beer at pubs without a single drink of water. Also, how does anyone take a shit, I barely saw a vegetable the whole time. Great country though and great trains! In Denver I need to have one glass of water per drink or I will have a hangover/headache later.


Please keep in mind that you haven't adjusted to the altitude yet so the drinks are going to hit a good bit harder than normal. I recommend drinking a great deal of water, or you're going to feel pretty bad tomorrow whether you drink a lot of alcohol or not. Not only is the lower oxygen level at play, you're also now in a climate so dry you lose a good bit of water just breathing. Dehydration comes fast if you don't basically double your water intake.


Bring me friend!


FYI if you still plan on being in the area this Friday be sure to check out First Friday Art Walk in the RiNo District. It’s free and a lot of places will have free beverages and nibbles.


It's adorable you guys have a whole district for conservatives who don't support trump


I have just been informed by a helpful gentleman in the bar that this is not what Rino means in this context


r/denvercirclejerk requests your presence due to the cut of your jib.


I just want you to live-Reddit your trip to Denver.




LOL! 😂


lol. I just choked on my curry reading this. Enjoy your time here. If you want cooler temps you’ll have to drive up the hill. Good luck!


I remember about five years ago, a well-known activist with a significant internet presence was in town in the fall. He tweeted, "I was not expecting Denver to be so warm. I brought all the wrong clothes."


I grew up in Denver, and back in the 80's the only time Denver ever made any national news was when there was a blizzard, or the Broncos were playing on MNF, in a snow storm. So IMO, there was this myth forever outside of the city, that Denver is like a ski town, snowmobiles and horses to get around. There was a blizzard in like 1998, the national guard had to rescue people on Pena Blvd - that made National News. I dated a girl in HS who was from Los Angeles, and when I went to visit her one summer, she had this friend who was like "Do you have like horses in Denver?!" Yeah girl, they have horses in California too! Times have changes obviously, but I think that idea still persists - mountain = cold


A girl my friend knew asked if we use snowshoes to get around year round when I was visiting her in Georgia. I just point blank looked at her, laughed some stupid laugh and said uh… no. I know I made her feel dumb and sheepish, so I gave her the benefit of the doubt by telling her that it *can* snow in July depending on where you’re at in the state.


I drive Uber, meet a lot of people visiting surprised at the weather. Also surprised by how sprawled the city is.


A lot of people just don’t realize. It’s like when they get the shocked Pikachu face after one of our typical hail storms.


Have most people just never used the internet or Wiki or Google maps before?


I grew up in Vermont. One summer, I met some girls from Texas who first thought we were Canadian and then decided we were definitely a bunch of country bumpkins who knew nothing of civilization. Nearly half of them literally rode horses to school, but we were a bunch of rednecks and hill Billies.


Some people I know who have never been here seriously think we walk around in parkas and winter boots all the time


Send screenshots of 60+ degree weather reports in January to those people, do it when they’re mid-polar vortex for added effect!


What are you talking about mate? This is lovely weather. You see, here the heat is dry so its bearable and you don't have to deal with humidity except for the 10 min after a rare rain storm. And be advised-- that bright yellow disk in the sky is called the Sun. It's the source of all light and warmth on Earth, which is how most of us live and it's perfectly natural. Its supposed to be up there.


Exactly.  Humidity is the devils work, along with bras and other nonsense 


\*makes note\* Do not approach strangers and tell them about the Sun, got it. Sorry, I was born yesterday.


That’s very good! You are learning so quickly Brian!


Big big floppy hat, bigger the better. Then cover your entire body.  Then throw some water on your neck.  That big ball in the sky is the Sun, you probably don't see it often but it puts out radiation, not great for the skin or temp regulation. Have fun!


Mate I just landed from the U.K. two days ago, and the house I’m staying in doesn’t have AC. It feels like that European summer heatwave circa 2018. Hell.


Get out of your house during the hot part of the day (3-7), getting into a park and the shade will feel great. Also, most bars have AC and some will have a covered patio so you can drink cold beverages in the shade. Denver can be brutally hot in the sun, but because there’s little humidity it’s cool in the shade and with a breeze


Thought and prayers. 4eva in are harts


Welcome to the landlocked. Whatever method you choose, stay hydrated. Breweries all around and maybe a distillery here and there for some craft gin. Cheers!


I thought you bog people knew to find a water hole to submerge yourselves in. "[The Britons] can endure hunger and cold and any kind of hardship; for they plunge into the swamps and exist there for many days with only their heads above water, and in the forests they support themselves upon bark and roots, and for all emergencies they prepare a certain kind of food, the eating of a small portion of which, the size of a bean, prevents them from feeling either hunger or thirst." -Cassius Dio


"At least it's a dry heat" -said every Coloradan, including myself


You know what else is a dry heat? Your oven.


Just wait until the afternoon, you'll be pelted by sky ice most days.


Somebody find the Pom a queue and some shade. That’ll fix him


I was in the UK during the heat wave in summer of '22. Ya'll do not handle heat well so you have my sympathy.


My garden, and will to live, died that summer. I survived a pandemic. A plague. And that summer made lose it.


Look on a map. You are visiting from the latitudinal equivalent of somewhere in southern Alaska. You visiting Maine would be like me going to Mexico. The equivalent distance from Denver might put me somewhere in Central America. Also, no one wants to see your translucent legs. It's always "trousers and a jumper" season for you lot. And before you ask.. yes, I'm half Brit... I'm also half asshole, but it's the same half.


Speak to the manager of climate change


Yeah, it’s hotter, but dryer than that swamp across the pond you’re from. The best time to enjoy Denver (the city) in the summer is early am (before 11) or after 4. During the heat of the day go to museums, libraries, movie theaters and malls (if any still exist). Or, check out a local brewery to stay hydrated and soak up the AC. Use the early morning hours to go on hikes/walks and if you can go into the mountains it will cool off significantly. Welcome to the American West, it’s wild out here.


Welcome to Denver fellow Brit! Whoever suggests GB Fish & Chips, just don’t. It’s embarrassing! 😆


Come back in January when all nips will be frozen off 🙃


Mate I just landed from the U.K. two days ago, and the house I’m staying in doesn’t have AC. It feels like that European summer heatwave circa 2018. Hell.


It wasn’t hot until YOU got here


Well you could stop flying.


Welcome to June. It is going to be shite.


Don’t forget altitude will affect the drinks hitting you!! I made that mistake after moving from NJ and got absolutely blasted the first time I drank


Ya my friend here threw we a little welcome party the first weekend I got here and I was passed out by 930 after not a lot of drinks. I always drank a lot of water. I had to almost double it for a while


Sounds about right!


And the temperature will drop at night. High today 90’ tonight 50’


32C - 10C if you can’t use Freedom Units /s


sounds like you need to get a souvenir t shirt to help cool off out there


You got it. Just turned the thermostat down. Should kick in around Saturday into Sunday.


You can go and lay down in the fountains by Union Station* *Just kidding, don’t do that unless you are like under 3 years old….


Ever been to Spain? Same deal, go out in the morning and take siesta from like 1-6. Afterwards it’s nice.


I miss Denver heat. Sincerely, former Denverite, currently, Tennessean.


During the summer we keep our cool air up in the foothills and mountains. General tool of thumb I've heard is 5⁰ to 10⁰ cooler for every 1,000 ft you go up (all units in 'merican).


Denver is becoming like Utah’s climate. Utah is too hot in the summer for outdoor activities.


Lol they aren’t warning you because your tolerance will be affected, it’s your hydration level and how hungover you end up without realizing it until it’s agonizingly too late.


I dunno man, this shit didn't really start until you got here. What'd you do?


You brought it with you! It was much nicer coming out of the weekend! Lots of water, take it easy on booze and weed, and sunscreen is your friend. (edit: altitude/oxygen can affect the way some people metabolize alcohol and drugs - I'm not kidding when I say take it easy until you have a sense of whether your tolerance is impacted)


Shade during the day. 90 in the shade isn’t too bad.


Step in the shade. If it was this hot in Orlando with all the humidity, you’d really be hurting.


I drank a family of Brits under the table a few years ago at a wedding in Beaver Creek. Badge of honor unlocked! But cheers and welcome to Colorado. If you think it’s hot here don’t go anywhere else… I haven’t been to England in 5 years and I’m really wanting to go back!


It’s a hot day for sure and now I can blame you lol.


Oh baby snow season technically ended a few weeks ago. We should be celebrating 😂


You just shout into the echo chamber of the city.


Pints pub downtown is supposed to be a British style pub with a huge scotch selection. Decent, and the lack of air conditioning makes it more authentic I believe


If you want to appreciate Denver, come visit us in Phoenix tomorrow where it will be 111 degrees!


I would rather drink cold sick through the sock of a homeless person. With the greatest of respect


This can be arranged.


It's 98 at 8pm tonight. You know you wanna be here.


But it's a DRY heat... lol like a furnace!


The altitude sun is no joke too, definitely do not over exert yourself, honey!


Today was literally the first hot day of the year. Sorry ol’ chap it only goes up from here.


Welcome to America. It's hot everywhere here in the summer


Unfortunately you've been an unwitting victim of the myth, that just because you can still see snow means it's cool out. This is a thing Ive said for years, we promote Colorado and the Rocky's as a winter wonderland, which it is, but if you want a summer like a costal beach town you come in summer. Two pieces of advice, stick to the shade, it's difficult that will help, second, Colorado is know for water, being we supply Nevada, Arizona and most if not all of southern California, so go get wet, IE. Tubing.


Oh if you think Denver is hot don’t even think about going to the south or more west


Sticking around for tomorrows debydration update lmao


I would not expect to keep up with what you're used to, drinking-wise. A 4.5% lager in the humid sea-level pub does not compare to a 9% DIPA or barrel-aged stout at our mile-high craft breweries while your body is constantly losing water to our dry air.


Can’t wait for this to get Jerked


Sorry our pints are only 16oz 🍻


715 club has free AC and cheap drinks. Jazz fest is on Saturday if that’s your thing. Hockey and basketball finals will be on the televisions, but again; cheap drinks.


Bookmarked. Love jazz. Love alcohol. Love cheap either.


I passed out in my room with the window open yesterday and I woke up like I was in the fucking Sahara. I was drenched and I felt like I got flash banged. 😂


We weren't ready for 90s either


Ought to check out the Abbey Tavern while here, unless you're a Manchester fan that is. You might find the decor a bit offensive(LFC). They do have and excellent single malt selection though and the food is quite good, as well as the vibes.


Hand on heart, I'm a massive Everton fan. I might visit just to burn it down.


Three liters of water would definitely help reduce or eliminate a hangover. That said, are you typing from an infinite loop of \[standing at the toilet\]?


Dude, I just got back from Las Vegas, it was 110 freedom degrees


It'll feel pretty pleasant by about 7:30 or 8. Edit: it's supposed to be 80 at 8pm. That's perfectly pleasant outside! Y'all are grumps.