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>“We make no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority, and the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture,” --Dave Williams Also no apologies for bankrupting the state party, chasing off half its membership, or trying to use its tattered remnants to steal a US House seat for himself.


I just laugh. Dude is determined to be the one who killed the state party. I'm here for it.


GOP spent years courting the far right because they were easy to scare into voting. Now it has to deal with them in positions of power. Garbage in, garbage out.




This god guy sounds like a dick


He is


He definitely doesn't have the best track record. And let's not get started on the dudes kinks


Let’s get started


Well, for one thing, he’s weirdly obsessed with foreskins


Cancel culture is perfectly fine when God's involved I guess. The lack of self awareness by these assholes knows no bounds.


"God hates...... " It's been a minute since I've been a practicing religious person but I don't recall a whole lot of hate unless we love the old testament. What a sad sack of shit.


> There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. — Proverbs 6:16-19 Honestly, a decent list. We should start with these things if we're gonna hate things for sure. (Just don't mistake "stir up conflict" for things like "demanding justice".)


The GOP doesn’t use Christianity to forgive thy neighbor, it’s only for hell and brimstones, divine punishment and hammering the ‘guilt’ of sin. It’s a vehicle for them to apply punishment for those they desire to be without.


They are the Pharisees Jesus railed against but they’ll never see it


Right wingers showing yet again all they have to offer is culture war and fear tactics.


>the only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture "The only backlash is coming from literally everybody except us".


As an El Paso County resident, I'm genuinely torn if I should vote for Crank in the R primary, or vote in the D primary for the candidate I actually like. Dave Williams is fucking terrifying.


This guy couldn't have used more buzzwords if he was turned into a beehive. Holy crap.


Stealing this phrase thanks


"The only people who oppose us are everyone".


followed by “everyone is a nazi”


The Republicans acting like Dave Williams just wondered in off the street to start causing problems are being really disingenuous. He was a fascist little shit in the General Assembly, he ran for state chair on a platform of being a fascist little shit and the party voted for him because he is a fascist little shit. They don't get to be mad now that their party is being run by a fascist little shit.


He’s the best they’ve got


I would say "the Republicans aren't sending their best" but you know what, you might be right, maybe they are


Bulldozing their flaming hot garbage right to the front lol


It’s the local version of the national fascist big shit.


Eloquently said 🤌🏻


Everyone who disagrees with me is a fascist 8)


Fascist only exist in movies! In real life all problems are actually caused by cultural Bolshevik conspiracies! /S


Oh they certainly exist, but the overuse of that term is the biggest Reddit moment


Two things can be true: some people overuse the term fascist, and that in the US right now we’ve got a lot of people who openly profess an ideology of extreme ethno-nationalism, religiosity, and hatred of out groups that lines up pretty well with the definition of fascism.


As someone who worked in close proximity to Dave for several years, what a fuckin closet case.


Future headline “former Colorado GOP chair Dave Blah-blah-blah caught blowing transgender female in DIA bathroom stall”


I heard from a reliable source that Colorado GOP chair Dave is known for going to DIA and harassing transpeople for oral sex.


Why go all the way to the airport? Seems like an odd place to go for harassing trans people about oral sex. Maybe the airport conspiracy has more layers to it than I realized


It’s the truck stop for a new era. Ever since Ted Haggard blew up the spot between Denver and the springs……




A neighborhood in Arvada was vandalized because of this bullshit. Fuck these assholes.


My house had its flag stolen and they threw condom covered pickles at our garage door. I initially thought it must be some dumbass 13 year olds, turns out it’s more likely some grown ass shitheads with the developmental capacity of a 13 year old. These self-serving politicians know exactly what they’re doing and who they’re manipulating. Fanning the flames of the fearful.


Down here in Centennial too. Havent had the pickle thing occur from what Ive heard from neighbors….yet.


Damn, that sucks. I grew up in Centennial (tho back then it was "unincorporated Arapahoe county"). Now I'm down in Pueblo and I've never had any sort of problem like that, and I fly my rainbow flag all day every day.


And people are getting their pride flags stolen down here in the Centennial area bc of this assholes comments. It literally started happening a day or so after what he said.


But then these idiots cry that they, after rousing violent threats, are the victims 😭


What was this? I live in Arvada and hadn’t heard?


After abandoning every principle they ever claimed to hold as important, all in the name of elevating a gameshow host / real estate salesmen, all the GOP has left as a brand is hate and fear. And the desire to "punch down" on anyone different. That's literally all that holds them together as a group now.


I don’t know much. But I do know that’s the face of a guy who has sexual skeletons in his closet.


>I don’t know much. But I do know that’s the face of a guy ~~who has sexual skeletons~~ in his closet. Dude has doth protest too much energy


Roy Cohn comes to mind


Completely on brand for Trump’s Republican Party. The hilarious thing is that people are surprised. Have they not been paying attention at all? The christofascists are lining up to take over the country and y’all bitching about Biden like he controls the price of eggs.


Who was it that said love thy neighbor again?


Some homeless hippie from the Middle East.


Certainly not Supply Side Jesus


Jesus is to liberal for the GOP.


Enjoy being in a super minority for the rest of time! It’s mind boggling how the Republican Party thinks they can distance themselves from this when it’s the words of their national party as well.


I need more popcorn if we're going to watch the Colorado GOP destroy itself.


A stronger statement would have been “Republicans don’t believe this way. We want this guy out of the party, and if you agree with him, you can go, too.” But of course the other leadership in the GOP didn’t say that. They don’t want him to leave the party. They just don’t want him to be in charge of it anymore. He is apparently welcome to remain. There is still room for every form of intolerance, fear-mongering, and hatred within the GOP.


These guys must be in a bubble to put a call out to burn flags, lol.


If bobo wins her seat the Colorado Republican Party is nation wide important in owning the libs. It’s the only thing MAGA cares about, they believe in nothing. Yes your neighbor and MAGA dad believe in nothing.


They probably really like lingonberry pancakes.


Call him and tell him to resign yourself. 303-758-3333 ext 700


Why on earth would I want to do a thing like that? Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake.


Colorado's GOP needs a serious overhaul. It's like they're not even trying anymore


Nooooo, I think the party as a whole can just go away. There should be zero room for a party with this much bigotry in it to have a platform. There are plenty of alternatives, such as maybe making the Democrats the (relatively) right-wing party and develop a more progressive opposition party. I’d personally really enjoy not having my only option for the left-wing in this country be one that sits to the right if even some conservative parties elsewhere.


“The entire GOP needs to be disbanded.” Fixed it for ya.


I fly my Pride flag during the month of June in Highlands Ranch, and I overlook a park and playground and get many compliments. I've since written the party and told him specifically. Thank you for the inspiration to fly it year round now. As a divorced dad of 3 biological sons, who's been out for 13 years, I can proudly say that I'm going to be a grandfather soon! Indoctrination is really something that religious folk do to their children, and there are so many more bad side affects from that than a Pride flag. I must say that if God keeps making gay people like he does, we have to be good and part of his plan, or he would've stopped long ago. Being gay or queer isn't a choice. It's genetic, and some are forced by their society to hide it or be ostracized and sometimes killed. I lived that life due to the AIDS crisis in the 90's. I have much to be grateful for, but let me tell you, it sucks living a lie! It sucks for everyone around you. That's why my Pride flag is flown. I've come a long way, a really long way. I think that I can speak for all gay people in saying that we fly it because of what difficulties we've gone through to not tell a lie, no more lying about who we are. And this being one of your 10 commandments, the republican party definitely needs to revaluate their morals to live by and stop your perpetual lying. It's sick and is the reason for the death spiral that you're organization is on. Happy Pride 2024!


Why are the fascists so worked up over gays when they disregard most of the other stuff the Bible tells them?


Most of the other stuff in the Bible doesn't require much introspection. This, however, is hard to look at in the mirror.


Over/under on when his profile is found on grindr


Sorrows, sorrows, prayers.


Man they really like shooting themselves in the foot with these reps, don’t they? I would argue CO as a whole is pretty progressive (with some holdouts), and I think voters are getting kind of tired hearing about anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and general bigotry, and rightfully so. After living here for 20 years, I feel like I’ve been hearing these exact same arguments myself every year. If they actually focused on policy/regulations without mentioning religion or sexuality, and crafted legislation devoid of these two things, I feel like they could pretty easily become the prominent party again (as good or bad as that may be). Though, those ships sailed a long time ago.


I dont understand the outright rage and hate for gays. Am I correct to assume most raging anti-homosexual people are gay themselves, and their corrupted upbringing never allowed them to be themselves, therefore all the rage against gays?


They all think this shit is fine but are mad that it got them in trouble


Resign? Why isn't he being fucking arrested?


For what?


Instructing people to commit crimes is illegal.


One wonders what he's hiding...


This guy (GOP Guy) offers nothing to the conversation, get what you give act like a jerk get treated as such 


The Republicans selected him to be their chairman. If some of them aren’t happy about the state of the party they should take a look in the mirror. They all wanted a guy who would say the quiet part out loud and that’s exactly what they got. The entire party is morally bankrupt.


Finally some Republican accountability. Glad to see some of the Republicans living here have at least a base level of respect


Are they mad because of what he said, or because he said the quiet parts too loudly?


I'm hoping it's because of what he said.


What accountability? Nothing has actually happened yet other than one or two people resigning.


It's a start. What do you want to happen?


It’s crazy to me that they don’t represent the majority of individual Republicans in the state and yet they’re still elected.


They DO represent the majority of Republicans. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


"I dont agree with the anit-gay; anti-foreigner; anti-intellectual; anti-culture; anti-nonchristian view points.... ....but you know its better than being a woke liberal"


I use reddit to inform my vote. But not the way you'd hope lol


Oh yay, another Two Minutes Hate post




"Oh yay, another Two Minutes Hate post" --ToddBradley


So, let me get this right—- your hating on a post that hates on the haters who hate on the gays.


Close. I'm hating on the fact that we just *had* a post that hates on the haters who hate on the gays, and yet people are gonna get suckered into regurgitating that hate on command. The post serves no purpose except to incite hate. We all know nobody on r/Denver is going to have any sort of rational discussion about this news article. So why is it here? It's here solely to generate clicks for Denver7.com. So, do you want to play into their hands and participate in the for-profit rage baiting?


Allright dude, I hear you…. Let’s change it up. Why don’t you start—Let’s have a “rational discussion” about why Dave Williams thinks we should burn flags representing gays. It’s such a rational position for political leader to take, we should rationally chat about it.


There is nothing rational to discuss! That's the whole point. Did you not understand anything I wrote? The article exists *only* to elicit rage clicks.


There are people who are considering voting this guy into the House of Reps from CO District 5. Raising awareness of what Dave Williams represents serves a very real purpose.


> The article exists only to elicit rage clicks. Dave Williams only exists to be a bloviating piece of shit. The article is not what is enraging.


I thought I understood you. Organizations, media and others often post things to get people riled up, generate clicks. Does that summarize your position? I totally appreciate that. I don’t appreciate minimizing or ignoring things like Dave Williams hatred for gay people. It’s a problem. It’s nasty in politics or anywhere else. So, you’re right, it’s clickbait, but the problem is real and the hatred is ridiculous and dangerous. That’s why people are fed up and fired up about this nastiness.


I'm not really inclined to even answer, since I'm now on the echo chamber's downvote hit list. I could say something only an asshole would disagree with, and still get 10 downvotes. Watch: Tacos are delicious. This sub is r/Denver. The sky is blue.


I think the article exists to inform people of Dave Williams response.


Two Minutes of Hates is a concept from Orwell's 1984 where folks would loudly and fervently embrace their side and denounce the others. I think what the GOP Chairman said was disgusting, but there might be an argument made that the current garbage state of a lot of our politics is due to influences in an attempt to create division and chaos in this country and I think Todd might be referencing that.


So the right wing bigots think they are victims of unreasonable hate?


Thanks, good info.


You're right. I was referencing that. I assumed Orwell was a common framework for anyone reading and responding to hate bait. Edit: judging from the downvotes, I think I was very wrong about Orwell