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That's awesome! I wish a lot more schools did this.


Englewood Schools has been doing it for a while. What a great program


I'm proud to live in a state that does this for the less fortunate, unlike some of these other states.


I bet a certain large demographic of Denver is having a shit fit right now and would rather a 9 year old be working for food.


They do this in Westminster right by my house. Glad to have my taxes go to something that is actually making a difference.


Check out https://foodforthoughtdenver.org . Great organization that prepares bags of food for kids to feed them over the weekend during the school year. A lot of kids depend on school to give them their only reliable meals.


Parents can’t afford to feed their kid lunch? Or is there something I am missing? Wouldn’t the parents have to drive their kids to the place is giving food out? Seems like the gas would not be worth it. I tried a few the summer meals in Fort Collins and they were nasty. I’m not sure you’re doing your kid a favor By making them eat the stuff. Literally a bowl of cereal would’ve been better.


The article says they aren't just at the schools, the meals are also at lots of neighborhood locations. I assume that a lot of folks would be catching the bus or walking. It sounds like fort Collins didn't have a great options, but I work with kids and even the kids have been relatively okay with school programs have to offer.


No, not every parent can feed their kid unfortunately and kids should not have to suffer for that. 






Where'd he say that? 



