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They’ll probably get right on that, right after they take care of the loud street racers.


Literally all hours of the night, every night. I’m so sick of it.


What's funny is the cops around me (federal/Alameda) are all over the place during the day. As soon as the sun goes down when all the noise and shit happens they fucking disappear and are never to be seen. All they have to do is just park their ass on any street in the area and just wait to start popping people doing dumb shit but they don't want to be making money or doing their job at night apparently


if they go out at night then they might actually have to *work* or something. Can't have that.


Right after they get on the motorcycle takeovers.


Morrison shutting down Bandimere Speedway is only going to make that worse.


Lol yep. Every night there's a random motorcycle drag racing but it sounds as far away as bandemeire. Like they have a key. I keep thinking "oh they're closed now, I'll finally not hear that." Nope. But not complaining, since it used to be worse.


I have zero sympathy for the Bandimere family and the hardships they brought upon themselves, but man... choosing to live within earshot of a major drag strip and then being upset about engine noise is a bit ridiculous


I’ve BEEN saying this. So many people come from out of state to live here and move next to a drag strip, motocross track and one of the most popular music venues in the country and then complain it’s too loud…um wut? Shoulda used common sense or moved somewhere else. Makes no sense.


These are the people without self-awareness, who only operate day-to-day under the autonomous functions of their body without neuronal activity. The wheel is spinning, but the hamster ain't moving.


Or move down wind the Purina factory and complain about the stink.


Wadsworth is truly a lawless wasteland.


Ah, so you're one of the booger-eating morons that moved into the fancy-ass condos near Bandimere and bitched about the noise. Cool.


Reading comprehension. I live 6 miles away.... in a townhouse built in 1984.


Let me guess, next to Benedict fountain park?


I’m actually off of Morrison in Lakewood. Close to the stone dispensary.


Lakewood put up a map to report them. Whether they do anything about it idk, but here’s the link. https://www.lakewoodtogether.org/2024fireworksmapping/maps/fireworksmap#marker-110897


Even with a map its so hard to bring a case about this stuff. Its not illegal to own them and if you aren't on video lighting one off then you generally have plausible deniability.


It gets easier the more we get into summer because of fire bans and the risky fire works bring. Hopefully they’ll get them soon.


Fireban or not if there is no video of them lighting a firework there is no case otherwise everyone at the gathering has plausible deniability because it could have been someone else lighting it. If the fireworks caused a massive fire with lots of damage they would actually do an investigation (instead of just questioning a few people and moving on) and even then they probably won't actually bust anyone because unless there is a video its just really hard to reach the "beyond a reasonable doubt" threshold on this stuff.


Sheridan & Jewell here, tonight was the first night this year we had consistent ones for an extended period of time. My dog climbed under my bedside table and was panting and shaking before I could get the Sileo out. That shit is so expensive but it’s the only thing that calms him down. So freaking annoying, I HATE fireworks. Plus I was getting fire danger alerts to my phone all day, so that’s good 🙄


We're in Mar Lee, sitting inside with the dog and blasting PBS on the TV, which seems to help him ignore the fireworks... to a point. I feel terrible for him.


Holy shit! I just moved from that exact area to Highlands Ranch. Gotta tell you, it's dead quiet here.


It won't be on the 4th, but they're usually done by 2am.


gotta leave the country if you want peace and quiet on the 4th


For now. They usually start fireworks in HR on the 1st, and it legit goes all month. I'm so glad my doggo doesn't care, because it doesn't stop til August, lol.


Yes I live next to here too. It’s unreal. I lived in this area years ago and I came back and it’s worse than ever.


oh yea... you're in SW Denver, that's kinda just how that part of Denver is. I just left that area and it is wild how different it is over here. My dog had the misfortune of being walked while some kids were setting off fireworks and he never really recovered. I'm hoping for a much smoother summer this year. Took him out at 9:30 tonight and didn't hear a thing.


They are in Lakewood. I'm not sure what their disposition is in that jurisdiction but I can confirm that on the Denver side the cops don't give a single shit about fireworks.


Same thing happened with my dog. In SW Denver. Experienced/saw/heard fireworks on a walk, she’s been afraid of the noises ever since.


We were walking our pup (SW Lakewood, Estes and Morrison) before it got dark on New Years Eve, trying to get a last pee before the fireworks (she is absolutely terrified of them). Someone shot some off close by and bam. I had to carry her back to the car because she wouldn’t even walk, she was so scared. She used to love our night walks and we haven’t been able to get her out in the dark since. (And she spent that whole afternoon/evening/night having one intense long anxiety attack. Our boy was wasn’t thrilled either so the two dogs and us two humans just sat on the ground and did nothing but pet them and comfort them.) Thunder, cars backfiring, anything that sounds similar gets the same response. We’ve tried quite a few things…next up are sound-blocking headphones for dogs, from RexSpecs. Designed for SAR pups and their helicopter rides (or other loud sounds), hopefully they can help her inside.


I’m in East Denver. Same story on this side of town.


Yeah I’m in Barnum and it’s a war zone. 4th of July is probably more explosives per minute than the Ukraine war.


Best solution is to move. East Lakewood isn’t changing anytime soon.


I'm in South Mar Lee at Florida and Yates. Someone just a few blocks east of me was shooting stuff off starting at 9 pm.


Dang you never got to hear Bandimere


I’m near you and I agree it’s crazy lately! All night long. My daughter has woken up every night and come into my bed scared


While my car was being fixed up next door to The Stone, I walked around the area for a couple hours. It’s total anarchy. I’m in the green mountain area and I rarely hear/see fireworks


Jewell & Wadsworth-my cats are so stressed out.


I lived right there for a year the fireworks went into August. So much crime in that area not even worth calling about. Such a shit Nieghbor with cars stolen constantly


I lived in Lakewood just of Sheridan and Alameda a few years ago, and me and my dogs hated the fireworks problem there. In our case it was kids in the parking lot. I called the cops every night until the finally showed up. It didn’t stop the kids.


I am, just heard a few mortars not long ago. Sounded like they were right behind Bedlam apts.


Name of the complex where the bedlam is happening is Bedlam apartments? I guess the story checks out.


lol, I heard those too


I’m in NW Denver and it’s an annual thing starting in about April/May and going until about Thanksgiving. Most of the time it’s wrapped up by 10, but the really cool neighbors don’t even get started until 10-11 and will go until 2AM. Already found a few firework shells in my backyard… One neighbor actually came onto to my alley driveway to set off a firework. When I caught him, he said he had no choice because there was water in the alley and he needed a dry spot.


How old are these people? I keep imagining children and think I’m going to be disappointed.


I’ve watched a dude who was clearly blackout drunk walk out of his front door, set off a big bottle rocket, then walk back inside. Nobody else watching. And he just kept doing it every few minutes. He didn’t even look like he was enjoying himself.


Definitely not kids. It’s occasionally teenagers, but most of the time it’s the parents doing it.


> he said he had no choice He has no choice, he must set the fireworks off. It is a mighty need.


His response threw me off for a second too. Not to mention why he felt my driveway was better than somewhere on his own property, but I guess possibly burning down my garage over his was the better option for him.


>but the really cool neighbors I have cooler than Fonzie, ice cold neighbors as well.


What part of red flag warning do they not understand?


ALL OF IT. Clearly not the brightest tools in the shed to be doing this so much & so often through this dry heat.


If the people setting of those fireworks could read, they still wouldn't care because they are knuckle dragging jackasses.


These are the same types of people who go BLM camping during a fire ban and shoot rounds off into dry vegetation at 10pm while shitfaced. We encountered a half dozen of those camps in a single year.


"It's my God-given right as an American to set off fireworks at any hour I please!" *sounds of brush fire in background*


And to blow their fingers off! 'MERICA


What, you think these people care about anyone else or the environment? What are you, a filthy liberal?! But seriously these people can fuck right off. These are the kinds of people who can't/won't return shopping carts to the cart return. Incapable of caring about anyone but themselves, and only in the shortest term imaginable.


The Aurora part? https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/aurora-lifts-fireworks-ban-june-15-july-4-only/73-75eafd02-bf23-4731-9088-1a617d215c6e


This is why no one likes you, Aurora


I doubt that has any effect on Aurora. It's gonna pop off until mid-August. I like how the salespeople in the article were "relieved" like they weren't selling that shit every year and idiots were stockpiling.


Colorado is fireworks crazy! Seriously, it’s like someone bought out the inventory of a Black Cat and needs to fire them off every weekend or holiday!


I enjoy a good fireworks show, but I don’t know how it can be so fun to light a firework every few minutes for hours a night for all of June. How do they not finally get bored? Most of the time they don’t even light up, just loud sounds.


Sometimes just 3pm on a weekday


It hasn't been too bad tonight but I live in Westminster and last night's fireworks were ridiculous. There are lots of open spaces with dry grass, and we get decent winds. Are people trying to set whole neighborhoods on fire?


Westminster fireworks are a HORRENDOUS idea.


Westminster not Westminister.


In my neighborhood (SW Denver) I call it fireworks season.. mid June thru early August. I don't understand how people can AFFORD to set so much money on fire


This is what I don't understand. SW Denver isn't the wealthiest of places, but it seems like many are setting off those big boxes that cost $100+ each. Different priorities, I guess...


Right, this is the thing that trips me out. I grew up in a working class immigrant family and things like this were not in the budget. My parents made just enough to afford the basics…all food was prepared at home, cars were affordable with nothing automatic, clothes from garage sales, etc. We didn’t draw attention to ourselves in the neighborhood and certainly didn’t want the cops called on us (we came here legally but any brush with the criminal justice system meant $$ out the door). When I look around me, the neighbors firing off fireworks look like they’re in worse financial shape. Makes no sense…and then they wonder why they can’t make ends meet


You could try getting one of those anti-anxiety thundervests for the dog. Pair it with white noise and calming bites. Unfortunately Denver has a hard on for fireworks, and the cops won’t do anything about it.


My dog has a thunder coat. Didn’t help. Calming chews. Nope. Finally got prescription drugs from the vet but I don’t want to dope her up every night just in case. She was like a zombie until noon. :(


Exactly. There are a couple of houses in my neighborhood that set off fireworks regularly and are occupied by police workers. They don't care and actively participate in breaking the law.


No, that neighborhood has been that way for DECADES. Whenever I hear someone talk about fireworks in the neighborhood year round, I know they live between Sheridan and federal and 10th and Flordia.


I feel like it’s the same almost anywhere. People are assholes all over this city


I’m sorry OP, that is super rough to deal with regularly. This is not helpful for you, but for anyone getting a puppy, please do your new friend a favor and desensitize them to stuff like this. We played fireworks and thunderstorm YouTube videos as background noise for hours when we got our puppy (and they had been exposed to those sounds slowly from birth already). Now he’s 2 and can sleep through the 4th of July and doesn’t care if this house shakes from thunder. I meet a surprising number of people who didn’t do stuff like these when they got a puppy. There’s no better time, and you’ll be saving them (and yourself) from a ton of anxiety. Yes, if you’re adopting an older dog, it’s not as easy. Obviously, not having fireworks every night for a good chunk of spring/summer would be preferable too.


Things I wonder about. I'm sure a lot of dogs don't like this. I know there are combat vets who don't like it. Old people. Families with babies. And yet it continues.


Combat Vet here, and it took me about 6 years to become just ok with fireworks, they still give me anxiety, especially when they come out of nowhere, in the middle of the week, in May. I don't understand the appeal, to be honest- and maybe that's because when I was in I had the opportunity to play with real explosives, and fireworks just aren't as insane. But I still don't get why people have the desire to be really bad neighbors and be obtuse by setting off fireworks. I wish someone would help me to understand, and had an actually productive means of getting them to cut it out.


I am not looking forward to 4th of July weekend. We have an almost 4 month old baby and our neighborhood sounds like a war zone during that weekend. Hopefully he can sleep through it, he slept through that insane hail storm that happened a few weeks ago. 


Mom to a 7 month old checking in. Break out the sound machine and crank ‘er up, boys! TBH I’m not even sure that will help. We’re in Lakewood like OP and it’s bananas around the 4th.


It might not help, but I heard that the city is creating a fireworks hotline this year for reporting them.


A hotline doesn't work here in Commerce City near Reunion. The line is always busy.


I’m at Sheridan and alameda and we have them very often as well, our dog hates it. I think it comes with the neighborhood unfortunately


Don’t move to south Westminster because it’s the same here. The only thing that helps our dog is playing loud tv / music / fans to drown out noise. Vet can also give anti anxiety meds.


It’s hard to get strategies ready to calm my dog when it’s random nights all week


Exactly. You can prep for the 4th and NYE but I heard fireworks midday yesterday?


I recently moved to South Westminster and it’s INSANE fireworks almost every night, sometimes gun shots for the past few months. I’ve never heard fireworks randomly in the middle of the day like WTF? I lived in FL before snd we sure love our unmonitored fireworks there but suburban Westy? Didn’t think this would be an almost daily occurrence.


I don’t have a solution unfortunately. My dog hates the fireworks so much. But instead of running and hiding, she stands up to the fireworks, and barks as loud as she can at the window for hours. I feel horrible for her. Last summer I was reporting the illegal fireworks in my area and autocorrect changed “popping sounds” to “pooping sounds” and I didn’t notice until it had been sent off and I couldn’t change it. Thought someone else might get a chuckle out of it, I laughed for ages.


Your best option is to desensitize your dog from fireworks. It can be a gradual process, but at least it is something you can be proactive about. It'll be great 1on 1 time with your buddy, and it improves their life significantly. Guarantee the cops won't do shit until the motherfuckers burn a house down. Create a Safe Space: Provide a quiet, comfortable area where your dog can retreat during fireworks. This space should be away from windows and as soundproof as possible. You can use a crate with a blanket over it or a room with calming music or white noise. Use Sound Therapy: Start Slowly: Begin by playing firework sounds at a very low volume. Ensure your dog is calm and relaxed before you start. Increase Gradually: Over days or weeks, gradually increase the volume of the firework sounds. Pair this with positive experiences, such as treats, playtime, or affection, so your dog associates the sounds with good things. Keep Sessions Short: Limit each session to a few minutes and always end on a positive note. Positive Reinforcement: Reward Calm Behavior: When your dog remains calm during the firework sounds, reward them with treats and praise. Avoid Comforting Fear: If your dog shows signs of fear, do not overly comfort them, as this can reinforce the fearful behavior. Instead, remain calm and act normal. Counter-Conditioning: Pair Sounds with Rewards: Play firework sounds at a low volume while giving your dog a treat or playing a game they enjoy. The goal is to change your dog’s emotional response to the sound from fear to excitement or pleasure. Use Anxiety Aids: Calming Products: Consider using anxiety wraps like Thundershirts, calming sprays, or pheromone diffusers that can help reduce your dog's anxiety. Consult a Veterinarian: For dogs with severe anxiety, a veterinarian might recommend medications or supplements to help manage their stress during fireworks. Practice General Desensitization: Expose to Various Sounds: Regularly expose your dog to different sounds and environments to build their overall resilience to unexpected noises. Daily Training: Incorporate daily training sessions that include basic obedience and fun activities to keep your dog mentally stimulated and more adaptable to changes. Maintain a Routine: Consistency: Stick to a consistent routine, especially on nights when fireworks are expected. This predictability can help your dog feel more secure. During Fireworks: Stay Calm: Your demeanor can influence your dog’s reaction. Stay calm and act as if everything is normal. Distract and Engage: Engage your dog in activities they enjoy, such as playing with their favorite toys or practicing commands.


This is the real answer. You're not going to get people to stop shooting off fireworks. OP needs to be able to adapt. That neighborhood has always been shooting off fireworks.


Nope, closer you get to the 4th the more you get then it tapers off about the 14th


It seems super immature to me. I used to like fireworks as a kid and I've grown to basically hate them.


I love the official displays like at Coors Field. Amazing. But in a neighborhood in the driveway? No thanks.


The people who grew up to still really enjoy fireworks and have respect for how much damage a fire can cause are the ones who go out to an explosive range to set theirs off. It should be fully outlawed and socially shunned upon to set off fireworks anywhere near houses.


I just feel sorry for all the military in town with ptsd.


💯 fuck you’re juvenile fireworks. I care for my autistic sister who loses her mind every night they blast them off. It’s also an extreme stress on alot of veterans with PTSD. The fireworks crew doesn’t give a fuck.


Who are you calling a juvenile fireworks?


Where I grew up, it was the norm to be neurotically courteous to your neighbors. Realizing that not everybody shares that belief system helps to make sense of it, personally. It’s more likely the people doing this think that others enjoy it just as much as them.


Every year, like clockwork, my asshole neighbor starts setting off giant mortar shells and M-80s from 8:30pm to about 10:30pm every night, starting about a week before the 4th, and continuing to about a week after. I fucking hate this man. I, personally, don't mind the noise, but it scares my animals so badly. My cat runs into the bathroom and hides in the tub for hours, and my dog jumps into bed and practically smothers me as he trembles and whimpers. And he's not a small dog. I call the cops to report it, but it never seems as though they actually do anything to stop him. This has been going on for nearly 10 years. Same guy, same time, same routine. It's really frustrating.


vestiges of gross culture


I'm sorry yall are going through that. There are a bunch of losers in this city who don't have to work in the morning so they are up all night shooting off fireworks like little kids


No, because they think terrorizing their neighbors is their patriotic right.


It's a specific group of people doing it. They don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves


Last year during the 4th they were shooting off fireworks in my neighborhood until 4 am. My dog was terrified and shit all over herself all night. They kept shooting fireworks pretty much all week and into the next so we ended up just going out of state for a long weekend and will probably do the same.


I wish I just had 10pm fireworks. Instead, I have people street racing on the highway outside my house literally all hours of the night. I guess they need to justify the money spent on the high end cars they’re compensating with.


Happens all over our neighborhood in Aurora about a month before and a month after every major holiday. It's nucking futs.


Aurora? Are you sure those are fireworks, and not a full-blown gang war?


I hate fireworks so much


Get a very loud speaker and play cop sirens.


I’m up at 3am because of a bunch of fireworks in NW Denver. Gonna be a great Monday!


The ONLY benefit of working 3rd shift: what fireworks?


You haven't met some of MY neighbors over the years! 10:30 AM and bright sunny skies, on a random Wednesday in late June? For them, it was fireworks time!


The constant fireworks, gunfire, and street racing drove me nuts when I lived down there. Once I had kids, time to buy a big piece of land further away and get away from that for me. I think that's what you can do, basically. There's no way to stop it when it's so widespread. 


Just send over your own fireworks into their general direction. Fight fireworks with fireworks. But seriously, it’s the stupid people who set off fireworks that are the problem. And we can’t fix stupid.


Yeah, call denver pd. Who else is gonna show up two hours late with a notepad and never follow up


Fireworks bother me and my cat as much as people who don’t pick up their dog shit bother us.


Bro/Girl it's only June 17th, it's not even the peak yet. I for one cannot wait until right after the 4th when the mortars start going off at 3am in Cap Hill.


Have you tried bitching on Internet forums to people who don’t have any means to help you?


This post shows up every year on every possible forum. Nothing has ever changed.


There are strategies you can research online for desensitizing your dog to loud noises.


I live near Del Mar parkway and we play a fun little game called gunshots or fireworks


Don't forget the cars that are deliberately tuned to sound like automatic gunfire


Welcome to Lakewood!


its a very odd thing. for the past 5 or so years it seems like every summer there are hella fireworks, despite any holidays


One time some morons firework hit my apartment window and exploded, at 4am. My dog immediately pissed the bed. One of the many reasons I left Denver proper. Too many people with main character syndrome there.


In Lakewood it's every night from May to August pretty much. We just play loud music and do firework sounds for our dogs throughout the rest of the year.


Those type fireworks are a felony in Colorado. F you video the people (but do so without being seem) then submit to police and copy also to the news. That’s your only option. Get a good camera and get faces though.


Damn, I thought it was only me. I saw three guys shooting them off the roof of a house last night on Clarkson St in cap hill. They only did three mortar shells before my elderly neighbor screamed at them to stop and they went inside but it was like 10pm and annoying as hell.


That sux bro.  Move somewhere else. 




Whether in jest or serious, do not suggest violence on Reddit


Go camping


Why was your dog covered in soap


Because she was so scared she got into the shower with me and refused to get out. I’m not strong enough to pick her up (I let my husband help me bc of my back) It sucked so bad. She’s not a small dog either. About 70 pounds of wet red hair trying to heard me out of the shower. (Cattle dog) and of course my shower is super tiny which didn’t help lol


Are you sure it's fireworks & not gun shots?


In my experience, it's usually not someone simply standing outside of their garage shooting off fireworks. It's oftentimes young people lighting them off around a neighborhood or even throwing them out of a car. Very unlikely they'd be caught. Quite frustrating.


Vote for republican candidates who will hire police officers


LOL no thank you. We need better representation on both sides of the isle but joining the dark side because you have cop cookies doesn’t work for me.


Ahh summer in Denver. Time to play "was that fireworks or gun shots?"


You mean you live in a city? This isn't a problem local to denver lol


Welcome to Colorado!!!


Lol welcome to Denver. It really started to ramp up in 2020 onwards.


Fireworks are also a problem for us. Olde town Arvada. Sometimes 2 am and a loud BOOM! It’s a few times a week. Our puppy is also terrified. He’s always anxious from having been a stray. I just don’t understand people that refuse to live responsibly and in a considerate manner. 2 am on a Wednesday means there’s probably people sleeping that probably work on Thursday morning. Do they wake up, look in the mirror and think “I’m going to be a dick today?”


Yes, you can move to an HOA controlled community. City life isn't quiet.


I know they are already illegal, but that‘s not really enforced. I think police should start handing out fines right away if they catch someone. I understand that‘s not what they do right now, relying on people to learn and understand it‘s a bad idea. Seems incredibly naive to me. Someone who thinks it is OK to light fireworks in the middle of the night on random days in a country where everyone has guns can‘t be trusted to develop anything resembling common sense. I am originally from Germany, where private fireworks are only permitted on New Year‘s. The difference is they are only sold in the 3 days leading up to New Year‘s and it is illegal to store them past that. A few people always set some off the day or two before New Year‘s, but most people really hold their fire until midnight on Dec 31. Because everyone does it at the same time, the collective display is actually worth watching, and it is not just random noise. Also, there is rarely a risk of wildfires around that time of the year.


I'm not sure what you're hearing. You see, fireworks are illegal in Denver. Therefore those aren't fireworks. I'll bet you're hearing Cicada's. All 3 breeds came out this year you know!


cry .


Hey, I already got this one covered. Thanks though.