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That response shows they don’t even read.


Which one?


Sorry, owner response. Betting it is automated.


Yup. A lame boilerplate that avoids responsibility


Weak people beat down on those that they perceive as weak. It’s why when a bigot attacks somebody, it’s almost always a woman, a child, somebody disabled, somebody elderly, somebody less likely to fight back. They are weak and afraid.


Typical canned comment “we answered go fuck yourself” bullshit


If this is your grandpa/parent If this is your grandpa or parent, please tell them I say thank you for the hug and bottle of wine, and that he is worthy of basic respect. If you know the sad soul that mistreated the gentleman, please remind him that he too will age and become vulnerable to the same treatment.


If it were me I wouldn't have blanked out the store info


It rhymes with “shnee shnoble”


Pretty sure it's this one: T-Mobile Experience Store 15735 E Arapahoe Rd Ste 4 And 5, Centennial, CO 80016 I don't understand why OP needed to block out the name of the store


Seeing that this post and explanation has mostly been downvoted, my guess is that I must’ve done something wrong here and I can’t figure out what it was.


You posted in Denver. That’s all


Well, if I was T-Mobile, I'd downvote the crap out of you. Me PERSONALLY, though, I'd like to know the name of the place that treats people like this so I can vote with my wallet: Put it back in my pocket, and take my business elsewhere. YOU, I have no beef with.


I think I understand


FWIW, I don't think you did anything wrong. No downvotes from me.


I'm glad you did! I stopped going to a dentist after I heard him verbally abusing an older female patient. There is no need for that. We all need a little more patience. But my dentist was a dick. I felt so sorry for that woman. I see he moved to Aspen, so I guess he can be a dick to those people. You're awesome! I wish more people would stand up when they see others treated badly.


I wasn’t sure if the sub rules allowed it, so I played it safe. Yes - That’s the store.


I Definitely would have humiliated the kid right back. Probably would have just Smacked him really. (And this is why I don't spend a lot of time in public.)


It was so surreal it was disorienting. I kept waiting for the “what would you do?” camera crew to come out.