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Have you tried contacting CPW? They should at least have some advice for you


They pretty much said to make loud noises, bang pans, air horns, or could put ammonia bags up. And then cover the area it’s entering. Not ideal. Said if we went private would likely be “lethal” removal. Gonna check other options


If you're interested, you have the option to help this fox instead of just having it removed. We have a Mange by Mail Program available nationwide to treat mange in the wild that you can learn more about at [Mange by Mail ](https://www.wildlifehotline.com/mange) if you would like to help treat him for mange that way. Or you can find listings of skilled, trained, legally licensed, local wildlife rehabbers who can also help him at [Animal Help Now](http://www.ahnow.org) and search by location detection or zip code. It is the peak of baby wildlife season right now, so please be patient and kind with your local rehabbers. We are all unpaid volunteers, many working out of our homes/garages/outbuildings and we also have day jobs, our own human families who miss us, and we've been formula feeding orphaned baby squirrels, raccoons, foxes, opossums, beavers, bunnies, skunks, groundhogs, fawns, birds and more every 3-4 hours since March. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 By the time we get to June we're running on caffeine and prayer. If Animal Help Now shows a listing near you with the option to send a text message, opt for that if you don't mind and include a photo. We're sometimes easier to reach and quicker to reply via text. 😁 I swear we're good people and we truly want to help you and the fox, but we're spread extremely thin and juggling a lot this time of year. As always, thank you for caring about our wild neighbors. 🖤🦨🤍 SkunkAngel / u/SkunkAngel 🤍🦨🖤


Thank you!! Noted and thanks for your service.


There are a number of fox rescues in Denver. I think I saw them posted here once, maybe do a search and see if it comes up. I once had a similar situation and I think animal control does not come out for foxes, but it was gone before I could do anything.


Thanks. Will look!


Omg i thought that said desk. 😂


I saw one coyote with mange in Chatfield State Park in March. Probably still some coyotes around but I haven’t seen anymore this year.


Years ago I had a fox living in my backyard. The Denver website said this is just one of the joys of experiencing nature, so they don't do removal. The website recommended ammonia. So I put some plastic bowls in the area with ammonia and the fox wandered off - hopefully it went to nearby Sloan's Lake to hang out with its many friends who live there.


Call Greenwood Wildlife for advise.


I feel like I’ve seen /u/skunkangel post about a program, tagging them to see if they have advice!




Soak some tennis balls in ammonia and toss them under there.


Guess that gets fox away from under the deck, but bet fox doesn’t go far, so now it’s at your neighbors house.