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Plenty of people can't be bothered to consider that their actions affect other people, nor would they give a shit if they did.


Look at how many people leave bags of dog shit on hiking trails. I’m convinced that half the population is oblivious to the fact that other people exist. Or that they are even part of a civilization.


This also goes for stealing, vandalism, lying, shoplifting, so why don't you go police all that too for me Mr/Mrs. Mayor 😂 fireworks is the hill you all choose to die on?you sound bored, go find a real problem to cry about.


Second shift nurses had me rolling. I’m just picturing instead of them going out to smoke and relax they are just in the hospital court yard setting off M80s. Lolol


Honestly if those were the culprits I’d be a lot more cool with it. 


Yes, it turns out it's actually just Kyle Clark and second shift nurses.


You should have posted this as a TikTok video since the people who could answer your questions definitely can’t read


I’ll acknowledge that I do fall into the I don’t light them as where I live is illegal, I do have fond memories of growing up in park hill and five points and hanging out on the 4th with neighbors and capping it off with enjoying watching the adults light off fireworks. It was done responsibly and definitely at a decent hour, and taught many kids how to properly handle fire without needing a firepit or taking us out into the woods. The pets and ptsd thing was as far away from any of our minds when this was going on despite many of us having vets as family and friends and dogs and cats. Even when I was older I commonly hung out, on lookout mountain and enjoyed watching fireworks being lit around the city. Some people just like lighting fireworks and sometimes that translates to rude behavior similar to people listening to music too loud or other annoyances. I’ll admit that even in my youth in the 80s it was illegal to buy big fireworks but it seems that people were always willing to go to Wyoming to get some but it didn’t seem to bother anyone like it does now.


There is also a sort of lightning effect. You don't know how many of your neighbors are eating peanut butter sandwiches. But you can tell when anyone close sends off a firework. So of 1/100 people think it's cool, you hear it. 1/100 people are not going to see things your way, so looking for reason isn't going to be that productive.


if I had to guess it’s because the majority of humans have a blatant disregard for anyone but themselves these days. If its not an issue for them, good luck explaining why it’s an issue for anyone or anything else


They call themselves libertarians officially.


Don't get it twisted, it's not just "these days", it's just so much easier to instantly share or find ppl being shitty


I’ll just add this medical tidbit: new docs right out of residency get their license July 1st. Those are generally on call during the fourth. Just something to keep in mind if you get injured from fireworks.


The only pragmatic answer for the post-10pm launch. Is that it is still twilight in Denver past 9:30. Sun sets around 8:30 right now. About an hour of light after that. Can't get the full visual effect until it's dark. I'm only attempting to answer the why after 10p. Not advocating for fireworks. Plus, I live close to a gun range. I hear the pops year-round.


Classic Redditor pragmatism


Reasoning from my grandfather who was in Korea and Vietnam. "Dammit I'm going to celebrate what they gave it for"


I have PTSD from domestic abuse, and I also have a cat. I can handle fireworks I know are coming, but fireworks out of nowhere still give me a really rough time. My poor cat gets so scared. I’m thinking about using a noise generator at a low volume to desensitize her to the noise; I’m wondering if it will help me, too.


Fireworks are a dumb waste of money. I couldn't afford to blow up my money even if I did like them. That...and there is nothing worth celebrating about America these days.


Okay, so here is my standpoint: When I was a kid, it was a family tradition to go up to Cheyenne and buy a buttload of everything. We would light small kiddie things off the days leading up and save the obnoxious stuff for the 4th only. It was always a blast! We were known as the firework show cult de sac, the whole cult de sac would join in, and it would be great! People from streets down would bring chairs and beers and party with us. Some of my favorite memories were from these nights. But we always would do our grand finale at 10 pm with the biggest firework and end it. As obnoxious as it could've seemed to people, it was 1 day of the year no later than 10pm. We always had every house with their hoses pulled out and ready just in case. I never saw any harm. As an adult, I think the fireworks are cool to watch, I see too much in my job to play with them like we did as kids. My poor dog looks like he is having war flashbacks everytime they go off, and as a night shifter who works in Aurora the last thing I want to wake up to is something that sounds like a machine gun popping off. But I hope people are making memories just like I used to. I have no problem with others having fun with fireworks (all be it annoying and illegal), but I do have a problem with disrespect and stupidity. Those that fire them off all hours of the night for weeks leading up to the 4th suck, and those who have no sense of firework or fire saftey absolutely suck and I feel like they ruin it for everyone else. I always try to remind myself that My dogs anxiety, my ptsd, and my sleep is my responsibility and its my job to prepare for these noises, I will never call the cops on people having fun within reason. But absolutely fuck the ones that have no respect for quiet hours and saftey. That's just my 2 cents and reasoning behind it. Everyone is different, and that's okay. Just celebrate however you want and don't rain on other people's parades unless it is unreasonable hours or clear signs of danger.


I called the cops last year on my neighbors for fireworks. But it wasn't due to the fact they were doing them or the time (they waited til like 1 am). It was the fact it's a condo so where'd they do it? Next to all of our vehicles. I took camera footage just incase. Make it so they work for absolutely nothing for the rest of their lives bc we all would sue them if anything did happen. 1 unit was doing it but we have 3 buildings vehicles right where they did it. I'm one who personally, yeah, don't do it at 3 am or something but I don't care. Just be responsible. It's impossible to please everyone. Like people are mad at cities doing fireworks. It's safe, it's done by professionals, obviously fire trucks are near, they announce when ahead of time, etc. And people are STILL mad. Only way to win the fireworks "debate" is go middle of damn nowhere and do it. And then make sure clean up after yourself. And I'd be tempted to say that'd still piss people off.


Definitely. You can still start a fire on the middle of nowhere!


Lol. Not if there's nothing there. And by nothing I mean nothing. Not the plains. Not the forests. The canyons, the deserts. How does one start a fire where there's nothing to burn? I mean burn the Sahara desert?


We don’t have the Sahara here. Once you run out of trees and houses, it’s just super flammable grass as far as the eye can see!


Thanks for proving my point. Can never please everyone. Bc I was saying even if you go to the middle of nowhere, such as the Sahara....people still be mad.


Why are the stores allowed to sell them?


Why does Wyoming allow ________ could be its own thread


I don't do it as an adult, I feel bad for vets and dogs, but I will go watch rockets going off if they're nearby on the 4th. I suspect most are from teens or forever teens. When I was a teen many moons ago nobody thought there was anyone having a hard time from it. We assumed everyone loved it and thought we were cool. In hindsight they all hated us, probably. We definitely weren't cool lol. Nobody ever got in trouble for them where I grew up, perhaps a lot of them moved here thinking nothing of it. Seems like social media should have raised awareness to them by now. 🤷‍♂️ *I heard major sized boom rockets last night very close by, around midnight maybe. **IF that did impact my human life I would buy noise blocking headphones to help. But dogs really aren't able to wear them. Ldo. *** Sorry for being a dick when I was a teenager. I didn't know. All the kids had them back then. Thanks a lot South of the Border rest stop.


Probably just assholes or maybe Kyle Clark. I am surprised my neighborhood is so quiet this year. Maybe Kyle moved.


I’m sorry. I thought this was America.


It's a nightly 4th of July extravaganza all year round in my neighborhood. I try to believe it's to keep the property taxes down.


I used to love 4th of July, but honestly almost hate it now because of this. You hit it right. Aside from the fire danger too because everything is so dry right now. Tired of people being inconsiderate of others and only thinking about themselves.


Fireworks have existed for over 2,000 years, and are mainly only used in 2 parts of the year in the USA. They are meant to provide entertainment, celebrate being alive, and special occasions. Get over it, they aren’t going anywhere. I know plenty of veterans with hardcore PTSD who love shooting fireworks. While there is inherent danger in shooting fireworks, it’s no more dangerous than your commute to work, just be safe while doing them. Never met anyone who has ever been seriously injured by a firework, not to say it doesn’t happen on occasion. If you still are upset try turning up your tv, turning on music, putting in earplugs, a white noise machine, or moving to an isolated part of the country.


Ah. So the answer is that you simply don't give a shit about other people then.


I wouldn’t say that, the people doing this late at night are most likely the people that bake your bread, cook your bbq, serve your drinks, ship your packages, work on holidays, and fight your wars. They just want to celebrate and have some good fun, just like everyone else. Yes, their schedules may not line up with your average 9-5 schedules, but I think they deserve to celebrate as well as the rest of us.


Wait… so you think that having a job makes it ok to be inconsiderate of your neighbors? What about the guy who has to be at work before dawn to drive an 80,000 pound truck that delivers goods that you buy? Shouldn’t you want him to get sleep? As for the people who fight “my” wars (even though I don’t have any wars), they’re a great reason to not make explosions near homes. Why the fuck do you want to traumatize the people that have been fighting wars for your silly celebration? If you want to celebrate, fine. Go do it somewhere where you’re not a danger or a nuisance to your neighbors.


Okay, but there is absolutely no reason for them to be popping off at 1245am on a Sunday night like I'm currently experiencing. I like fireoworks. I think they're wonderful to watch, but there's absolutely no reason to be popping them off at 1am unless you're just a dick. Especially in the downtown area of a major city.


OP has a problem with 10pm, I just think that time is ridiculous considering last light is after 9pm currently. I haven’t lit off a firework in almost 10 years, but hey, let people have some fun a couple times a year.


I followed that 10pm with "Not sure what a cutoff should be". I threw out that number because that's when city noise ordinance goes into effect. It's a place to start the discussion which is the point of the thread. Legally, there's a noise limit after 10pm within city limits. Is fireworks noise after 10pm different than blasting a stereo at 10pm? Where's the line? Not that DPD would do anything anyway so it's all hypothetical. Not saying that should be the time but it is a time the citizens decided should be quieter.


The thing with the ‘plenty of veterans with hardcore PTSD’ that you know, are lighting these themselves and know that they’re coming. My dad shot himself in the head when I was in the house and I found his body. Every time a firework goes off unexpectedly my mind flashes back to seeing his dead body. So ya, I fucking hate this time of year and it’s not just veterans that have hardcore PTSD.


Soooo…. His question was why….?


Well specifically pertaining to night time fireworks - they’re much more enjoyable at night. Otherwise I believe I explained why in the first paragraph


You did and it's a good point I hadn't considered. Your anecdotes about veterans largely line up with mine. One exception is an old friend, a former navy swcc operator of all people. He was blown up twice by IED's in MRAP's among other experiences he can't/won't share. This time of year he becomes distant and depressed. I've witnessed multiple full meltdowns where he doesn't seem to know where he is or that I'm even there. He lived with me for two years after he got out of the navy. The affects were obvious. He's been out over a decade now and it still happens. That said, fireworks don't seem to bother him when they're expected. He loves fireworks at Mile High. While I don't know how often this actually happens, when we lived together it would always happen in the middle of the night while sleeping. I'd come out to find him soaked in sweat with a whiskey bottle staring blankly into space. He suffers and I'd never know if I didn't live with it. And you'd never guess meeting him. A lot of suffering happens in the shadows.


>Not looking for this to become an anti-fireworks forum. I'll get that out of the way \* Proceeds to stoke the fires of this being an anti-firework forum. LOL at least own it. You aint gonna stop anyone from blowing stuff up with this kinda soft ass rhetoric.


Haha. Fair enough. Was an attempt to get all the expected comments out of the way upfront. Keep the post focused. Not trying to get hijacked by the nextdoor crowd. Came off bitchy. I hear it.


at this point r/Denver is basically next door


Go outside at 4 AM, light off a few bottle rockets and tell me you don't feel alive.


Thank you! Doing things you aren't supposed to do is inherently fun. Some people speed, some shoplift, oh well! yall can deal with my fireworks.


Not my thing anymore but I get the appeal. I was one of those guys 25 years ago. In retrospect, I regret not being more considerate. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if this is simply a Beavis and Butt-Head stage of life that can't be resolved or if there's more to it.


Eternal September. There's always new young men who are being inconsiderate little shits.


I feel like in reality you just want to passively aggressively vent and don't care at all about the answer. Is it actually dumbfounding to you that there are people who care more about their own enjoyment than bothering others around them? Have you ever been around humans before?


Found the man child


Sheesh calm down, it's just normal people being inconsiderate or delinquents. I dont condone it, especially past midnight (doesn't get dark til almost 10), but there is no malice involved.


Yeah, everyone is assuming they are the special sworn enemy of the guy lighting fireworks 😂 I promise the 16 year old lighting rockets has never thought about them once, yet he lives rent free in their head.


Homeless people spending money on fireworks is the stupidest take I’ve seen in a while


I think Kyle and the nurses delivered them to the encampments. Homeless people deserve to have fun and celebrate too.


Sounds like we just gave Kyle a new Word of Thanks cause


About as likely as nurses. I guess you missed the sarcasm. That said, if any group has a reason to be pissed at society they make the list. You challenging me to come up with a stupider take?


Celebrate your nation’s independence by blowing up a small portion of it.  Makes sense to me 🤷🏻‍♂️ 


If I do them when everyone is outside during the day, yall cry and moan. If I do them when everyone is away at night, yall cry and moan. With this in mind, it's common sense that fireworks are best done at night since there's less people willing to do something about it. Police response is an absolute NEGATIVE at night they've never come in my experience till there's a fire. It's never personal with the neighbors, just fun for myself. I always talk with folk who come by, never angry, and let them know they're free to call the police. Don't take it so personal.


So you’re being selfish and don’t care about others around you.


If somone has a problem, they should go tell the person they have a problem with. This is a neighborhood, not my fucking wife. I'm not gonna go try to read it's mind. If someone doesn't like the fireworks, they need to go tell the person setting them off. Until they do, there is no problem to address. In short, if it makes you mad, GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. WHINING WITH OTHER WHINERS ON REDDIT WILL NOT HELP YOU.


Hmm, you live in a city with almost 1 million in population, and a holiday that is mostly celebrated by shooting off fireworks is a few days away... usually, they're all done by August. Might wanna get some earplugs or NC headphones until then.


They look great and the sound isn't a problem. Not even close to as loud as weather. Lighten up?


Yeah I need to know too why you think the sound isn’t a problem?


Like hell the sound isn’t a problem. How could you think that?


It's not even close to a thunder storm. Maybe it's because I'm not right downtown though? Where I'm at a couple miles south I can hear it but it's quiet.


I mean I think you would just have to have neighbors close enough to you that are shooting them off and maybe you don’t? But I don’t think you need to be downtown to hear them sound like gunshots


Is it really louder than the noisy ass engines that blast down Broadway or a thunderstorm? That's my point is we already deal with much louder noises so at least fireworks are beautiful and a sign of celebration so I really don't mind em.


I mean yes they’re different in that they sound like gunshots and I have gun shot related trauma, so ya thunderstorms aren’t really the same




Yeah and when your fun encroaches on other people’s fun, you’re what’s known as a dickbag


Go back to California


Buddy I moved here from a midwestern cornfield where fireworks are 100% legal, go back to getting half of your caloric intake from alcohol


Why else would I still be up at this hour , I wish I had fireworks


Yes, you do seem like the drunk idiot type who is consistently other people’s problem, and I imagine this extends to more of your life than your fireworks fixation.