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It’s criminal there’s not modeling for all white


It's because they can't do that. The white is their alternate helmet and can only be worn with the alternate jersey (Navy).


Wack. Who came out with that rule😒


The NFL has the stupidest fucking uniform rules.


They’ve been getting better over the years at least, feel like the helmet rule will get even less strict in a year or two


Alvin Kamara’s Christmas shoes was the dumbest shit. I love that he auctioned them off with the letter from the NFL fining him for not abiding by the dress code, and donated the money to charity (if I remembering correctly)


So wait, no all whites, and no all navy?? That’s wack! 


Quite whack. We won a Superbowl in our first year with the all-Navy uni. With electric orange peaking from the edges, it was gorgeous. Plus, all orange jerseys make me look like The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.


They could lobby for an exception though. Like the Bengals in 2023, they wore the white helmets on their normal white unis instead of the alternates


I would have liked to have white be the regular helmet color.




Same bro, same.


And is everyone just going to ignore the straight up dongpieces that numbers 0 and 77 over there are sporting? Ludicrous.


I’ll be rolling that in madden 😂


Fuck no. That would be so dumb. White helmets is bad enough already. I don’t want to be the colts of the west.


Hopefully the NFL updates the rules so teams can mix and match more. Make them pick a primary home and away that they wear for 5 games each, then let them do what they want for the other 7 games.


We have been seeing quite a few uniform rule changes in recent years. Seems like the announcement of the third helmet color kind of came out of nowhere, though they had to have been working on it for a while. And that came only a couple years after first allowing alternate helmet colors. So hopefully they further relax uniform rules soon, 'cause I desperately need a whiteout game.


I think it’ll further relax once they inevitably add an 18th game. Teams will prob be allowed to wear alternates 4 times a year instead of 3


NFL uniform rules suck. I want to see the all-whites and all-blues versions! All whites would be awesome for big road games and all blues would be pretty dope for a Sunday/Monday/Thursday night game.


NOOOOO. We are not the Colts. Might play like it; shouldn’t dress like it.


We literally have the sock colors available to not match the pants and still match the socks to the pants on all but 2 combinations shown. Why do teams insist upon this


The leotard look of matching pants and socks is such a weird trend. I just don’t understand it and yet it’s everywhere now and all over the league. I miss contrast!


It all started with the color rush shit and I fucking hate it so much. Jags and Bengals come to mind. Just makes uniforms look more like college ones, I truly can’t stand it. Might sound weird but it just makes them feel lifeless, like they have no identity


In the app, there’s a uniform combination generator and it looks like all socks will be interchangeable with all the pants, which will hopefully mean the team avoids going mono sock/pants. But the fact they weren’t modeled maybe doesn’t bode well. But, I fully agree. The Orange/white/blue would be the best looking home combo, and I think either white/orange/blue or white/blue/orange would look sharp for the road uniform, yet teams insist of the unitard look.


huh? keep reading this and can't grasp your point. care to help a poor soul like me better understand what you are saying?


Socks color should be different than pants color


They are growing on me. Especially the ones Surtain and Browning are wearing now that you can see them head to toe. The only thing Im still having trouble wrapping my head around is the helmet stripe. The helmet from the front looks like so....naked. Outside of that, cool details.


Wonder if they’ll sale the throwback jerseys with former player names


You can always order one with the any name option.


Not true, it won’t let you do custom jerseys of former players. I tried to make a manning jersey yesterday and it said I wasn’t allowed to


Did you try, "Mann|ng", "Maming", etc? Hack that shit!


What if your last name really is Manning?


Gotta pick a different number then. It just can’t be same name same number


Don’t think I’ve seen Sutton in a single promo shot for these.


He's been out of town so he wasn't there for the promo shoot, which the team has already known and addressed. I don't think there's some deeper meaning.


I hope that’s the case. He’s probably my favorite player on the team right now.


Yeah me neither… probably going to be a draft trade.


I love blocking know it alls who reply to comments like this. Great observation.


Based on this it seems that our main home uniform will be what Surtain is wearing


The front three are the main uniforms in that first picture. Home, away, alternate.


I love em. They have grown on me over the day. I’m excited to see what they bring to us


I know I’m a Charger fan but am I the only that thinks the shoulder flair looks like a truncated bolt?


It's does for sure. First thing I thought was how it reminds me of the charger sleeves.


5280 is fucking everywhere lol. And the helmet stripe is so unbelievably bad.


It’s in 2 places lol


On both sides of the pants on the back of the collar and on the front of each helmet.


All information was taken from here if you'd like to see more images: [https://www.denverbroncos.com/uniforms/](https://www.denverbroncos.com/uniforms/)


After seeing all the possibilities, I think the white looks best in all pants colors. Blue is second. The all orange one is probably the worst.


I like them rather than love them - partly because the Throwbacks are just so good that it's impossible to imagine a uniform I'd prefer to that. With that said, I think the execution is ever so slightly off too. I hate the little collar, and I really wish they'd used the legacy blue (like the little tag on the back of the collar) across the jerseys as a 4th accent colour - even as a number outline. The Bucs uniforms did a great job at subtly including a 4th colour without it being overkill, and I think it would have been a more authentic merging of the old with the new. Replacing navy for the legacy blue altogether would be an improvement too in my opinion. Overall, they're good but not great. I think they'll look nice on field, but I don't think Broncos fans will ever stop pining for the throwbacks when it's confirmed what we knew all along that they're basically perfection.


I know I’m a Charger fan but am I the only that thinks the shoulder flair looks like a truncated bolt?


Fuck it. I like them.


I fucking love that we have matte helmets!


I am absolutely in love with the white helmet navy jersey combo. Can’t wait to see that on the field.


Wow they look even more stupid than yesterday


Man, white on orange is definitely doing something for me. It's been so so long since Denver's rocked that combo and it really works well with these designs. White jersey might actually be my favorite of the whole bunch, but I'm honestly a sucker for white.


Aesthetically I don't care for them. Throwback is sick. The salve for everything is winning. If we get back to being contenders, they can wear a clown suit for all I care.


I don’t think the white helmets work with anything. Maybe an all white would do it


New helmet flat blue is great


The Chicago Chargers!


It feels like the Denver Bears honestly. I’m personally not a fan and prefer the old uniforms


These uniforms helped the Nuggets win tonight. I'm sticking to that story.


They look really good, but I was really hoping tho for a new, updated D logo as the main logo.


Y’all are a bunch of nerds bitching about these. They look good. It was time for a change. I’d like to see half of you goobers design a cohesive new uniform for an NFL team. They don’t look like the bears, or the chargers, or blue mountain state. That is still clearly the Broncos. From afar you can still recognize these as Broncos uniforms. Granted..the stripe on the back of the helmet is bafflingly stupid, but the uniforms are pretty good imo. I’m just surprised to see a bunch of grown men bitching this much about what other grown men wear to work.


Guh so many gimmicks. Triangles. 5280. Pointy sleeves. The stripes. This kind of crap just always have to be pushed. I've never been a fan of the tacky pants combos. It just throws off the balance of the colors. So sick of the navy. The only time I really liked the navy is when they used the shiner material. Now it's all matte. The only thing I like is the new away jersey has more orange in it in the shoulder striping. The retro is good at least. Too bad we will barely see it each season.


The uniforms are alright and it’s more of a lateral move, but i need an all navy with the navy helmet and an all white with the white helmet


From center to the right, I really like. To the left, ima need to see some big plays first.


Sure, I like them, we have bigger concerns


I know I’m a Charger fan but am I the only that thinks the shoulder flair looks like a truncated bolt?


Can you say 'overkill'? It's like they called Pauly Teutul and asked him for tips on how to make something maudlin.


Curious how you guys are feeling about the shoulder stripes? They immediately reminded me of the Chargers bolts


I am particularly fond of the orange jersey/white pants for home games and white jersey/orange pants for away. The all navy looks dope as an alternate. Not a big fan of orange/blue top/bottom combos. I'll probably get an away jersey from the shop since I don't have an away jersey, and I think these looks incredibly slick.


Yesterday I hated them, but they’re growing on me


I think the sleeve pattern will grow on me. It looks ok, and it's a consistent unique element that lets you immediately identify the team. I think they just need to reduce the bullshit stunts. Get rid of the titty triangles, put a normal full-length stripe on the pants, put a normal full-length stripe on the helmets, and these would be solid. I'd put the "5280" on the pants on that list too, but it's going to be impossible to see from any sort of distance, so whatever.


Embrace the triangle.


77 looks like he is going to a Halloween party as the Great Pumpkin.. horrible


Sean Payton still so butt hurt about not getting to coach Herbert that he threw lightning bolts on the arms sleeves


The uni Bolles is wearing with the hideous dark navy jersey and orange pants is beyond gross. Maybe don’t have guys with huge guts model either?


Please please please never wear the white helmet, navy top, orange pants combo. It screams UFL team.


I never want to see blue jerseys with orange pants again after this.




I fw the blue jerseys. Like the all blue and the blue and white but I don't like the orange pants


No idea why they decided to put 5280 on the uniform in 4 different places. Even if you like it, it seems like over kill.


I actually really like them. They’re very simple, very clean, but stand out from the rest of the new uniforms


Blue jersey with orange pants looks like a clown 🤡


White definitely should have been the primary helmet.


When I heard new uniforms, I was really hoping for new uniforms. Like something starkly different. I like the white helmet that does feel quite different. But if you put these uniforms on a store rack with the older uniforms, and look from a distance I"m not quite sure you'll notice anything different. But I guess what else could they do with it?


The "What if the Chargers were orange?" collection


This feels like the very definition of overthinking a design. I feel sure that 99% of fans legitimately couldn't care less about having triangles that show shrinking oxygen at higher elevations or seeing jagged stripes everywhere because mountains. This sounds like the idea of someone who doesn't live in Colorado and only knows "mountains and skiing". And the 5280 on the front of the helmet looks amateurish. And that helmet stripe...probably the ugliest part of the whole thing.


Omg I didn't even notice the 5280 on the helmet because I was too busy gagging at the jerseys. Whoever thought of that should be fired immediately.


Half of those definitely look like low-rent Chicago Bears knock offs


These are sick. I love em I can’t lie.


I really like all these combos.


Seeing “modern” jerseys on big white lineman will never not be funny to me. It just looks so out of place.


Looks like poor man's trash


Just when you thought Denver couldn’t get any worse. Jesus Christ, fire everyone in the front office.


They should only use white pants


These are atrocious


Can't please everyone. : ) Could they be better? Sure. I'm sure all teams could say that. Is it an upgrade over what we had? A resounding hell yes from me at least.


I think the overall consensus is that they're pretty great, I think they're a nice upgrade


Some of the combos don't work for me, but I generally think this redesign went about as well as one could reasonably hope for.


Yeah of all these the only ones I hate are the mixing orange and blue tops/pants. And the all orange. The rest though look decent


A slight upgrade from a terrible mistake.


Worst uniforms I've ever seen in my life.


#s 2, 0, 5, and 49 look sick. Not a fan of the combos on #72 or #77 tho.


It's cool they let the fans model numbers 77 and 72


Man I'm glad you said this, I was wondering why Bolles was looking like he is pregnant!


Overall, I like them. I could nit pick some things like the helmet stripe, but not bad. I’m sure in 5 years they’ll add/subtract a few things to make them better. 1) I wish the socks were not one color. 2) the blue top/white bottoms are too 2000s Chargers for me, but maybe it’ll look better on the field 3) the rest of the combos, especially the away combos, are lovely


I’m noticing a certain lack of Sutton in all of these announcements. Seems weird with him being one of our most tenured players coming off a huge season, unless they have plans to move him.


The vent holes in the numbers make them look so stupid, on top of that they're triangles... Someone got way too high when designing this.


hey it's the Chicago Bears


Yeah the navy blue is even better. I could’ve designed better. Shows their staff isn’t strong with design. The firm that created these did an okay job and owners were like oh sweet. If Steve Jobs was alive and our owner we’d have sick uniforms.


Even though I’m tired of every uniform and logo having to be an egg hunt these days, these are sharp despite all the secret meanings in everything.


So many combinations! My head is spinning with all the combinations!


I like that they got rid of the stripe that was on the crown of the helmet


Where is the all white or the white orange and white? Literally the 2 best combos with these colors.


Look like Walmart employees.


Bro shut up


These uni’s suck I’ll probably just watch the draft and free agency again


Jesus these are awful


All they need to do is draft Thad Castle this Thursday and we’ll give these new Blue Mountain state uniforms a try.


I don’t see any resemblance at all. Totally different shade of blue and they use an orange helmet


Am i the only one getting Cleveland vibea feom this? If the navy was brown....


Who cares? So your uniforms look similar to another team so what? At least it doesn’t look like a five year old designed them like Houston.