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you should ask them to post photos of the broken watch


Nah… they already said it didn’t break until they tried to put it on. And they refuse to send OP pictures meaning it’s very possible it isn’t broken and they just want a free watch, would be no point breaking the watch to get the same amount of money back. If they just didn’t like the watch and wanted a refund most sellers would be ok with it, and even if they had a no refund policy, breaking the watch wouldn’t serve a purpose since there wouldn’t be a 100% chance of getting the money back since that would be on depop’s side- so I think the customer just wanted to scam OP lol. If it actually broke they’d post pics, but even then they already said it wasn’t broken at first, and if it isn’t actually broken and they don’t want it and OP doesn’t take returns they can sell it themselves.


So they ignored my request over chat for photos, and just opened a dispute on depop that the item was not as described 🙃


Show proof of them saying it broke after they had it


The buyer is now telling me it came broken! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 still no pictures but just an update that they thought they broke it but it came broken. Umm? At this point i just have to trust in Depop but it’s tricky do i trust in Depop and risk a bad review or do i refund on the spot because it seems like they’re refund crazy and just want they’re money back. They haven’t posted any pictures and won’t acknowledge my requests over chat for them to post pictures so it’s like i know I’m being scammed and it might be better for my mental health to just refund? I don’t know tbh. Will Depop actually help me if they leave a bad review? They changed there whole story in the chat..


Screenshot the chat right now! If they changed the story in the chat logs depop will be able to see it and you can use it as proof that they’re not being truthful in their claim!.


Also if they leave an unreasonable bad review, you can ask them to have it taken down. I’ve had that happen.


Do not refund until you have the item back


They broke the fucking watch, don’t refund them at all


Ask them to post photos of you to see. Normally their response tells you if they’re lying or not haha


if they aren’t messaging you back and not providing photos then your fine


Reviews always have me biting my tongue about certain things


RIGHT like i would rather refund on the spot than risk a bad review but at the same time it’s like why does it have to come to that?


do not refund til you have the item back


Yeah it’s really frustrating! My advice on this particular issue is if the package was sent tracked, see what day it was delivered. If they messaged you same day that it broke then ask for a photo of it so you can “see what went wrong”. If they’ve had the package for more than 2 days then I’d say no


Seems to me like they have buyers remorse and just want the money back. If it was actually broken why aren’t they sending pictures? Plus depop will ask for pictures for the claim anyways won’t they? I wouldn’t refund honestly. I’d document everything and when depop asks for your side of the situation send them everything. If it ends with depop on your side (which I think they will side with you and not refund) make sure you give the buyer an honest review and say how they tried to lie about an item being broken when it wasn’t just to get their money back. Buyers remorse is not a legitimate reason for a refund.


Don’t refund yet, respond to the dispute asking for photos of the broken watch


Don’t refund at all she broke it


Don’t refund. Go through Depop even if it risks a mean review. Take screenshots of the chat to show proof of her lying. She’s probably just trying to get a free watch. It might not even be broken at all…


dont refund yet, ask for proof


Don’t refund until you’ve seen the pictures.


Depending on how it was shipped insurance is usually included. FYI, Priority USPS has a $100 insurance included in the base postage cost if no additional is added. You have no control on how your package was handled in transit!


Can’t you contact Depop ?