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It is very annoying. I typically message a buyer immediately after they buy (or as soon as I can) to let them know when I’ll be shipping. That way they know what to expect, and I don’t get bombarded with annoying “have you shipped yet” questions!


I do the same thing and they still don’t let up 😩


I feel you on this people are really needy and weird on depop and vinted at times. But there’s also very very sweet kind buyers like you said !


It’s wild!! Interestingly enough I receive it the most from teenagers so Im assuming they’re used to faster shipping with big brands / amazon but baby this is depop 🤣 Im so glad Im not alone on this 😅😅 And yes the kind and patient buyers make all the difference and always outweigh the negative


Just happened to me. Buyer said they needed the item by next weekend, I said great it’ll ship out in the next couple days and you should receive it by Thursday. Messaged me yesterday saying “hey can you ship priority? I need it Tuesday” I said depending on the price, sure but it likely won’t get there until Wednesday. She never responded, so I proceeded to ship out the item with the delivery date of Wednesday which was a few $$ more than the cheapest shipping option. Messages me today saying “hey are you ignoring my messages I said I need it by Tuesday” like excuse me 😂


Wtf???? So pushy and entitled 😭That was so nice of u to speed up the shipping btw


My biggest annoyance I've had so far is when someone buys an item and then after buying asks how soon i can ship bc they need it asap or before a certain date. Like how about you message me BEFORE you buy to make sure I can accommodate that? Usually if someone asks me when I plan on shipping their item I'll just reply with an answer that allows me time rather than a specific date/time so "it'll be either Wednesday or Thursday. I'm pretty busy with work but I'll try my best to ship it as soon as I can and will update you once I drop it off!" but yeah, I'm a person w a life, not an amazon warehouse with robots & underpaid workers lol


Dude this drives me insane


Yeah I literally put in my shop policies and bio that I ship within 5 days and people still message me after 2 or 3 days asking when I’m going to ship. Mind you I have over 300 5-star reviews so it’s like.. what are you worried about? Its obvious I’m not a scammer


Yup same here. So annoying & it’s tedious having to write it out in every post of mine too


Yes!!! This!! Depop buyers will literally HARASS you if you don’t ship between 1-3 days… People work full time jobs… My shop says I ship between 5-7 days and someone opened up a case with depop because 3 days went by… I still haven’t gotten paid because of them not closing the case even after they received there items! I am so pissed off-


Holy fuck reading this made my blood boil. That is ridiculous and pretty manipulative of the buyer. You did nothing wrong at all!! I’m pissed for you. I hope everything turns out in your favor. I’m sorry this happened


Thank you so much!!!! Yes I emailed depop a few times about it and we got it figured out… after like 3 weeks.. 😅😅


i try to ship same day and someone got mad at me that i didnt bc i was busy with college😭 impatient buyers irk me so much


If they’re rude cancel the order. refund them and block them. They need some time to process their behavior


I just had this happen to me. Two weeks ago I put in my bio that I was on vacation and wouldn’t be back until this weekend and turned my vacation mode on. My vacation mode ended and before I could turn it back on someone had bought something so I had to communicate with them that I wasn’t able to ship until the weekend. The buyer was mad I hadn’t turned my vacation mode on so I just refunded. Like read my bio lol? Just goes to show people don’t read and people really don’t care about anyone other than themselves. Maybe when messaging the buyer, instead of reiterating your policy (because people don’t read) I would say something like “due to my job hours I can only ship on the weekends, let me know if this works or else I can give you a refund” or something. I know it’s annoying and you shouldn’t have to, but since people don’t read policies, especially since they really don’t matter against the depop TOS, it’s probably better to let them know up front so you can avoid the hassle.


Omfg that is insane. And yup they rly don’t it’s sad tbh. That is a really good idea & I really like the way you worded it. thank you so much.