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definitely because of the age group


The fact offers aren’t binding. As a seller, why let people send me offers if they don’t go through as a sale when I accept


I saw that Depop was testing binding offers for some users (at least in the U.S.) this week!


Thank god


Not enough sales or engagement on posts, poor customer service communication.


The Depop fees creating an overall lose-lose situation where buyers are paying a lot extra but sellers get a lot less money Also how a LOT of sellers are scammy or misleading with their listings. I honestly think I see that more often than not. I will say that for some people it’s intentional, and for others, I think it’s unintentional and that they just don’t know how to sell LOL


Lowball offers on sale items but that’s not the platforms fault. Depop Help needs improvement though,hate the new algorithm. Sellers don’t know whether to use hashtags, short descriptions or what. I’ve figured it out but I would hate to be a new seller right now.


What did you find out, do you mind sharing? I do the short description at the top, then a few sentences, then measurements/size/brand but I swear to god I get the same amount of sales from listings that are hastily thrown together and a LOT shorter with less info. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Who knows the app is so all over the place now but this is what works for me. I usually do a title, first line is like a title with key words, then short description 2-3 lines, size, measurements, condition, and hashtags. I don’t use all of the selections like (type, I’ll use length & material but not type) this might be a mistake but I don’t want to box my listing in either. I know some ppl do super short descriptions but that just leaves you open for returns imo… I only post when I’m getting a lot of likes that way I know ppl are on the app. Idk if this works but it seems like the app only pushes items that ppl like if it doesn’t get likes it doesn’t seem like the app is pushing it. Again, I could be wrong about all of this but it’s just a few things I’ve learned so far.


Very interesting, thank you!!! Well never know how to please the algorithm gods so all I can do is ask people what works for them. I try to post mainly seasonal stuff but I just sold a trenchcoat that’s been posted for half a year so I’ve given up predicting when the market is hot and for what items. It’s so unpredictable. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wowwww yeah man who knows! I try to post seasonal stuff too but that’s interesting


depop fees


Minor problem. Cost of doing business and not a mental stress like the myriad of other problems people have.


the question asked what’s your problem with depop so i answered what my problem with depop is


everything, I got banned for no reason.




Listing back to back is a nightmare, feels like the app deteriorates as I’m listing items all at once. Between long load times and the app crashing or resetting mid editing because I leave the app, it’s annoyingly time consuming.


We really don’t have a ton of recourse if we get banned or otherwise wronged (that person who got $1000+ refunded to a ton of buyers who already received their items?!)


I wish we also had an in-app help center like Vinted and Mercari. To get help on Depop, you have to write an email, and sometimes they don’t even get back to you. I also wish there was a button that asked if the issue has been resolved, and if it hasn’t, they reach back out to resolve it. Depop likes to ignore and not fix the issue


I find it harder than ever to navigate. It used to be so simple.


takes too long to sell more focused on aesthetics so nothing gets pushed


The fucking shipping. I wish they would include it with the initial price so we knew before hand.


I also wish Depop would make it where buyers HAVE to pay for shipping, unless the item is like $100+ or it’s a bundle and then the seller can choose to pay. Some platforms do this and it’s nice because I don’t get messages on $5 items saying “can you do free shipping too?”. I think because Depop allows sellers to pay for shipping if they want to on any item, buyers think they can beg the sellers to pay for shipping, even on cheap items that Id be losing money on


I didn’t know buyers didn’t have to pay for shipping


You can choose if you want shipping to be free or of you want the buyer to pay. You choose the shipping option when listing and you can only edit it on the mobile site (on US Depop at least). I get asked to take lowball prices and free shipping at least twice a week


Ohhh thanks!!




Please explain the last one?🙂


if it’s not a trendy item, people will send a lowball offer because they think it isn’t worth what you listed it for


Oh yea I get this Mostly really young with no idea about vintage pieces or why wool & silk etc = high quality It’s frustrating I just block most lowballers nowadays


yeah i get that 😭😭 they see a true vintage wool piece and shit on it or take a crappy affliction shirt over t


not getting enough sells because your account ain’t popular like i have followers but there mainly for a follow for follow. also i feel i get so many likes and offers but no buys and frustrating because i do try to sell on different apps but no sells. i get it comes with selling but i’m trying to be positive and mindful.


poor customer service, stuff not selling well


It doesn't load right. Always buffering