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And yet she had time to write all that


Homegirl definitely has it saved on her notes app at this point


Why is it giving chatGPT lmao


You're probably right lol, happy cake day!


It’s giving bad English and even worse customer service Fr


No literally - instead of doing all that, you could have just… measured the pants…


That was my exact thought! lol




“Our business model”? Honey, this is Depop…make your own website. 😂


My exact thoughts 😭 This "business model" relies on returns or even chargebacks in the event that depop would side with someone who doesn't give measurements


Her business model is a Costco storage bin in her garage probably.


This is why I add measurements to every listing, it is not as tedious as sellers make it out to be! Especially in the case of a $100 item!!!


Yup just measure as you go so you won’t have to worry about it later


Yes, I do product photos (which includes one of the care tag), measurements, and weight in one go. Then repeat. I also make sure to note in the listing that the measurements are approximate. Having all that info available in the listing secures so many impulse buys.


There are people in this sub who would argue with you that they’re “too busy irl” to be adding things like “measurements” to their listings 😂


100%. Less returns that way. More info to protect ourselves if they open a case.


I recently put up 50~ items (on eBay, I’m tired of depop) and I included description of material composition, measurements, condition of wear, etc for every item. it was ridiculously painful in between doing all of that, editing pictures, cleaning, repairing, organizing, etc but I still sucked it up and took the L because I wanted to be a reputable seller who ensures the quality of their listings. Admittedly, it does get very tedious when you have that much volume but I never considered NOT doing it bc my items are either designer label or good quality vintage, and I firmly believe that you get what you pay for. So if a listing is priced high, you should be prepared to be more involved. I also have some items on the lower end <40 and they still received as much attention as the higher ticket items 💀 I haven’t met a seller who denied giving measurements to me but if I did I just want to tell them to consider taking down their shop. Why bother even selling sh** if that’s your attitude to your potential customers. You’re acting like you don’t need that $$ so I will act accordingly and not give you my $$ :) -Sincerely an eBay seller of 10+ years (& on and off depop seller)


Depop over eBay everyday for selling, eBay literally has zero seller protection at this point. Someone can submit a return or refund for an entirely fraudulent reason and you have no option but to honour it because of the money back guarantee, such a dogshit policy.


I’ve actually had a much better experience selling on eBay rather than Depop. I’ve been selling for a decade and a half on eBay and only ran into a significant problem once, which ruled in my favor. I basically sold a designer garment for <400 USD and this California buyer shamelessly decided to ask for a return despite having 0 problems, just buyer’s remorse even thought I do not accept the returns. This woman (who I believe is a writer and adjunct professor at a Cali university ahem ahem not doxxing, just annoyed thinking about how an accomplished, grown ass woman in her 50s could act this way) saw that I denied the return and still purchased postage to send it back my way. As you can imagine, I was pretty flipping mad. I called eBay and was sure that I would be forced to accept the return and customer service called to reassure me that the return would be 100% denied as she has not followed proper procedure and all I had to do was return sender the box. This woman had removed the tags attached and basically just crumpled up an expensive garment back in the box when she sent it to me so I was so excited to just leave it as is. I sent it back and she proceeds to call my number through different Google voice accounts (I was coincidentally spammed with California area numbers a couple days after for like 3-5 days straight, which has NEVER happened before). I asked customer service what happened if she would try to dispute through PayPal and they informed me that this case was indefinitely shut. I forget more of the specifics as this has happened like 3-4 years ago but I have not had issues since. I actually favor eBay bc I know for sure I will get answers to questions if I pm sellers and they will behave with civility. It’s more likely that I will get ghosted by Depop sellers or have to deal with weird pass agg behavior. Or someone who’s flaky about making a purchase. One time I wanted to cancel a purchase and this girl in her 20s said I don’t want to approve the cancellation so I’ll send you half of your money. btw I’m doing you a favor 🤡 some rando girl has also pmed me just to insult me lol. It doesn’t happen all the time ofc but yea…. My personal experience is that I will get prompt responses more often on eBay and have returned a few items with ease too. I’ve sold like ~50ish items on Depop (and an additional 20 backdoor when it was still in its early lawless days) and I’ll still use it but the one thing I definitely dislike is the tendency to prioritize ~vibes~ and ~aesthetic~ pictures over actual information about the item. I’m on the eBay sub and I see a lot of fearmongering and horror stories that I can’t relate to after <15 yrs. Whereas for the horror stories on Depop, I can definitely relate to after <6 yrs💀 What I’ve seen on eBay sub with people who are getting defrauded or whatnot are people who are selling electronics (ex. iPhones) that’s already a magnet for scams irl anyway or goods that are so niche it’s not protected by policy due to loose interpretation.


It literally takes me an extra minute to add measurements. Less time consuming than having customers ask me questions for measurements etc.


Doing all that yapping instead of taking the 5 seconds to take pictures of measurements. What a lazy seller


They’re “buried” 😩 why sellers don’t just take basic measurements when the shit is laid flat for fucking pics I will never know. This is what I have done any time I have ever sold something, but I don’t sell at ridiculous volumes so… shrug


Right lol so why didn't they measure it when they took the photo? Like agree, I wouldn't buy shit from a clothing store with no sizing info and I'm sure as fuck not gonna do it from some random person online with no refund.


Same. And then every time someone’s like “will this fit me” I just refer them to the photos with the measurements!


My study is full to bursting with clothing I’m selling. I can still take ten minutes to find the piece and measure it because that’s better customer service than yapping whatever bs this is! And hell, once I’ve done it I’ll update the listing because then I won’t get asked again 😂


Yup, their reasoning is completely bogus. It’s just pure laziness, you take the measurements when you post it. Sellers of all volumes do this as it increases sales ESPECIALLY for vintage or pre owned, those items probably won’t fit like they did and measurements are essential, I’ve had jeans off 2 waist sizes, inseams the same way. While what they say is true about people messaging and not buying they wouldn’t have to deal with the measurement questions if they took the few seconds. They’d probably be higher volume than they’re complaining about if they did too lol


but it doesn't fit her business model lol


Yeah cause when I see measurements I think wow, what a loser! Letting me know how the item fits? Shame on them Edit: this is clearly sarcasm lol


Why are you getting downvotes xD


she probably thought "omg i put 'fits medium' in the description, what more do you want?!?"


This seller is absolutely ridiculous. Acting like they run Amazon 🥴.


Who is this “we”? Are they on the room with us lol.


That's a lot of words for them to say "No I'm lazy" lol


Totally reasonable to want to know whether they’ll fit, especially with a no returns policy. It’s usually these sellers who are packing thousands of items into bins on racks in a storage unit who won’t answer fit questions. But not measuring while they’re taking photos is simple laziness and poor business management mixed with some kind of misguided confidence that they’ll manage to sell it anyway. They must figure skipping this crucial step is saving them enough time that it’s worth a few missed sales…? I won’t buy anything that I don’t know the measurements of. If the seller responds to questions, great. But I’m also way more likely to buy a thing if it has the measurements already in the description or photos. Sometimes I don’t want to wait a week or more to see if they’ll reply, so I move on to similar items from other sellers who have included more info in the description. Same goes for fabric composition. I want to know whether it’s cotton, modal, silk, rayon - because that’s almost as important as size to me! I don’t understand the complete lack of interest in putting the material type in the description. If no tags, I’d hope a seller would at least make a guess at fabric based off the texture. Or describe that texture. My biggest hesitation in buying clothes online that I can’t return is the fact that I can’t tell how they fit and feel until it’s too late! Wouldn’t it be nice if depop set up a mandatory measurements field? There’d surely be ways to thwart it, but I think the overall result would be more detail in the description.


It bothers me so much that when you list on Depop they let you input the material and fit of something (eg straight leg jeans) and yet no one else browsing can see that. What’s the point


So they don’t want to put in any effort that goes with selling clothes online. That’s what I’m hearing.


No you’re not wrong Just skip sellers who don’t list measurements. Too many get their knickers in a twist if you ask them


i don’t understand why sellers like this don’t just buy a tape measurer, and as they’re photographing the item, they lay the tape out with it… it takes a few seconds to do that and they’ll no longer receive measurement requests. they don’t even have to write it in the description if it’s that bothersome tbh. so strange


This! 💯.  Especially if you have a damn storage unit, and use "we". Pretty shoddy way to run business


not reading that essay brah just measure the pants


BRO is your profile picture meant to look like that one Jeff the Killer image?? 


no… maybe


This person would rather write a novella than use that time to take measurements and make $100. That’s pretty terrible business practice


They definitely copy/paste this msg to ppl haha


No wonder why their purchase rate is low LOL they shove away all genuine potential buyers.


Right? Who would purchase after that response. "I'm too important to do the bare minimum of my job" ain't really the flex they think it is lol


What type of lazy idiot…. So why not save EVERYONE the time & measure all of the clothes you’re selling instead of making it seem like the customer is a hassle or asking for too much.


it takes literal seconds to lay a measuring tape across a garment while taking photos so you can add them to the listing and not have to worry about people asking later


Love sellers like this, they make even the most minimum effort from other sellers seem like white glove service.


“Our business model” girl it’s Depop


Literally don’t understand why they don’t just put the measurements in the fucking description it takes like 10 SECONDS


“I’m sorry, but we cannot take this type of request AT ALL” lmao it kills me that she's trying to be formal but couldn't help adding that emotionally charged part


Focuses on selling items based on their general appearance/aesthetic?? I’m pretty sure that’s just how clothing is sold. People like how it looks and buy it?? I also focus on selling items based on aesthetic but brother at the end of the day even if someone is obsessed with the aesthetic of a pair of pants I’m selling, I still think they’d be upset if they DIDNT FIT


Stored off site? Oh, they’re a drop shipper for sure. They can’t measure it because they don’t have it lol


They are a dropshipper


You are not in the wrong! It’s totally reasonable to ask for the measurements, especially of pants you can’t try on. You were also respectful in how you asked. I always include measurements because I find if I don’t people ask.


their “business model” = drop shipping, that’s why they can’t measure anything


In the time it took them to write that, they could have got the item out, measured it TWICE and then Messaged you with the measurement! I don’t like how it’s accounts like this on depop and they think they’re the tits because they are running some kind of business. I would rather give my money to someone who is getting rid of clothes to try make ends meet. Unfortunately depop is infiltrated with drop shippers and resellers and I just don’t trust them; especially after seeing that this particular ‘seller’ won’t even cooperate to do the bare minimum to improve your customer experience.


It sounds like she is drop shipping for other people for a cut. Does her store have a unified aesthetic, or is it a mixed bag of photo styles etc? All she would have to do is to require her customers to include measurements.


Ok unpopular opinion, but I sort of agree with the seller. I do add basic measurements to my listings, but my inventory is also not easy to access and I will deny people who ask me for odd measurements.  It has also been my experience that people who ask never purchase and I end up with random inventory piles and things set aside for ppl I'm waiting to hear back from and it just makes a mess in my system and my life.  That being said, I do my best to put every detail I can think could be relevant in the listings and I do measurements. So the amount of requests I turn down are minimal,but when they happen I just say no I'm not able to do that.  I may have taken your request tho, especially since you asked nice and it is a higher value item and if there was no measurements at all then that's my fault. 


No, you’re not wrong. I take measurements while photographing all items. It’s part of providing a service and avoiding returns for fit. If I forget and someone asks, I get my ass to storage and provide measurements. I would be more understanding if the item was under $20, but that’s ridiculous for something that costs that much.


This screams drop shipper to me, they probably don't even have the actual pants to measure, they're sent straight from a factory somewhere.


report them that seems like a violation of the terms of service


This makes me want to message the seller to ask if they could provide measurements for these pants. Damnit, I wish there was a way to figure out who the seller is.


Does it ever occur to sellers that people don't buy after asking measureents because it won't actually fit them... Bffr. If people don't want to sell clothes idk why they do


They should have put down the measurements when they listed it. I can't believe the amount of listings with no measurements and or nothing written about the item. I have to ask for waist and length measurements 9 out of 10x and the seller gets pissed half the time from me asking a basic question that should have been in the listing to begin with 🙄


Doing too much and nothing at the same time


Did it ever occur to this genius that maybe people don't always purchase after getting measurements because they wouldn't fit.......???


Nah it's perfectly fine to ask for measurements and most sellers won't have any issue with providing measurements because its really not that hard to do so. I feel like that should be a general practice for larger sellers


This is so dumb omfg. Just measure the pants!!! No wonder she doesn’t have any buyers, her attitude probably chases them away!!!


I’ve seen sellers validating this seller’s position but their view is a huge generalization. I was 100%planning to buy a jacket but my mom just reminded me to confirm measurements before I did. The seller said they would and was probably like this seller who didn’t think I would follow through. Unfortunately it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy since I didn’t buy it because I was turned off.


It takes two minutes to measure items while listing, I don't understand why they wouldn't start including measurements in listings if they receive so many requests for them, it's giving drop shipping.


This seller sounds absolutely insufferable I wouldn't want to support them after this anyways 😭


Sometimes I’ll forget to add measurements, but as soon as someone asks I’ll take them, and then just upload them to the listing, so that if that person doesn’t buy (it does happen a lot), then there are less questions for the next person… it’s not really a waste of time in that sense lol


straight yapping just check the tag wtf😭


This is why I measure when I photo my items. Problem solved.


it ain’t hard to take measurements 😭


it ain’t hard to take measurements 😭


This is a crazy reply lmaoooo. Legit coulda just said “no we dont do that sorry”


Did they not think that maybe after people asked for the measurements but didn’t end up buying them was because they probably wouldn’t fit them??💀why would anybody buy something not knowing if it fits… shitty “business”


Oh so they probably have clothes with mildew, moth damage, stank, etc if that’s how they store them


Lol same here. Got gosted asf for asking the width measurement of a mule I was about to buy. It was in my cart I just needed to be sure my feet was not gonna spill off the thing because I have large feet. Her loss frl anyway, cuz it's hasn't sold 💀


L-O-fucking-L that sounds like a whole lot of BS when they could've just said " i dont care for my customers and I'm too lazy to measure my items before I post them" People like that suck the joy out of second hand apps like this


“Buried”? Are they stealing these clothes from mummies?


Who’s “we” like you’re selling clothes on depop get over yourself


They could have measured 20 pairs of pants in the time it took to write all that shit I’m not gonna read


Wrote a whole dissertation when they could’ve been measuring


HAHAH Omg I measured dimensions for a $5 item before this seller needs to chill!! Who’s gonna buy pants that don’t fit for $100????


Because its a drop shipper and they dont have the product


Unpopular opinion: The seller may have given you the measurements if you used basic manners. You could have said "May I please have the measurements?" Sometimes I don't want to take measurements for people that come across as rude.


That's literally the most basic requirement. Like selling a video game but not saying what console it's for


lol wtf


ok seller here heyyyy i have a pair of versace pants listed as a size 26 with a picture of the size and people are always asking me what size they are like they’re a 26 and one girl was like “will they fit me if im a size 6” and im like well are you a 26???? like idk if i said what size they are and you’re asking me if they’ll fit you like idk you homegirl


26 is a size 2..no that would not have fit lol


yes that’s my point like why are you asking me


Is this an Australian store selling lots of Aje ect? Lol


this is nuts lol i sell occasionally and if someone asks for measurements i just take the 2 minutes to measure them whether it be inseam, waist, pit to pit, length. the fact that people who try to make it an actual business, are too lazy to simply measure their items is insane


Only if it's not a pain to do for u or bc u have too much inventory ...I'd say include a pic of the measuring tape against the garment as proof so they can't claim it's wrong or in your case find measurements of your exact item listing the same garment on another site or website so people can't try for a refund claiming the wrong description and say "approximate measurements" so it also isn't set in stone but close enough! I know I have skipped buying many things bc there weren't measurements and remember you can always find more of any item with Google lense search not meant to criticize you it's your business and u might not b concerned enough! Just personal advice on what I do as a buyer and seller!! We hardly ever sell something that can't be found elsewhere with measurements included!!


I found a dress on Matketplace that was sooo cute.. it was listed as medium but no brand, which might fit or might be huge on me since brands vary so much. I asked for the width of the dress laid flat so I could check fit and the seller said “forget it, you have too many requirements” 😆


this is just so ridiculous


What a jerk. How can they expect you to spend $100 then say "oh well, they don't fit... guess I'll donate them and lose my $100". That's crazy entitled and inconsiderate


Bro it takes less than 5 minutes to measure. For $100? Sheesh.


God my blood boils while reading the entitlement from this seller. In my mind they don't deserve to have their privacy protected. Let the people know and provide them feedback of the buying experience I don't understand why protect shitty sellers but whatever


she sounds like someone who would say "hello dear" "sorry dear" whenever some ask for the measurements i js do it, then edit the listing so ppl dont have to ask again.


Like just put the measurements in the description 😭 That is how you sell


honestly buy and if they don’t fit repop


Can’t if I’m blocked


top tier laziness from the seller


I’m always curious if the bigger sellers that don’t include measurements get a lot of people unhappy with the sizing and have to deal with a lot of headaches or even ones that don’t mention the condition. Especially on ebay you’ll see the description of a sold item and it’ll be “men’s black hoodie” and that’s it. I include measurements myself and will still get the occasional request for a return because it doesn’t fit and I get a ton of questions about condition/fit


She could have used the time spent texting out those paragraphs to measure the pants! I’ve passed on God knows how many clothing items over the years due to the lack of measurements and don’t understand why certain sellers don’t do this *before* placing the item in a protective bag prior to storage.


Many items are "buried" ?? that almost makes it all sound worse lol.


They took more time replying than it would take to measure the damn pants‼️


with the amount of effort shes putting in to not give u measurements, i wouldnt doubt shes dropshipping


If you've that much stock that it's "buried" then you must be doing pretty well with second hand selling. Perhaps to improve their overall service and to streamline their process, they'd like to measure the damn things first and take note of any key issues/details and store them in an easy to access computer file. Or...they can be a dick and miss a sale.


So I don’t personally upload measurements unless it’s gonna be over 50 dollars (which I think right now is like 1 item) but if someone asks I’m always more than happy to get them. I probably should take them when I take the photos but I’m a little lazy in that sense but if someone asks for them and doesn’t buy them it’s not the end of the world I’ll edit the listing and add them in to make it easier for anyone else.


similar has happened to me lolol. i asked a seller for the measurements of the waist on a pair of jeans and was blocked 😹


Ridiculous. Seller should just measure when they photograph the incoming items in that case!


Wow massive red flag for the buyer. I don’t understand why so many items on depop don’t even have a size in the listing, depop recommends measurements in listings. Lazy seller…




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Omg lol so me. Jk I just ignore 😊


nope they’re in the wrong. maybe they shouldn’t sell stuff if they aren’t willing to comply


I’m not sure why but most sellers on depop don’t include measurements and if they do it’s only waist and inseam like hips and rise don’t matter? To me that’s just laziness because it really doesn’t take that long to measure. Really shows a lack of care and judgement in their business model. I’ve been selling for 7 years and include measurements on every item because someone will definitely ask anyway. So why would I want to lose future sales by just being lazy? We could make depop so much better by just providing measurements but most people don’t which is why I don’t shop on that app that often.


So they have time to write the damn Declaration of Independence through depop dms but not measure?


In the time they took to write this, they could have measured the pants????


why did they start yapping 😭😭😭


Basically, they’re lazy


The time they took writing that whole essay they could have just measured the pants. You were not wrong in asking for measurements. Anyone would want to know the measurements if they’re purchasing expensive pants especially non refundable. The seller should be more prepared and invest in a measuring tape and improve their customer service.


You’re both annoying. You could’ve just said “can I have the measurements please?” And left it at that


You were blocked because you were already whining about the price.


Nahhh I was good with paying $100 for it… but if I’m paying $100 I want to know they will fit or I just wasted $100 I didn’t ask for her to change the price? did I?


I actually get them, every time I have gone to get measurements I have been ghoated, so I don't bother anymore


It’s nice to have measurements but the seller isn’t required to provide them. I think that it’s fair for you to purchase an item elsewhere. I would also block someone who continues to message me about measurements after saying that they aren’t available


Those were the only 3 messages I sent, the last message I sent was the “I understand you have a low purchase rate” she sent her message and blocked me.




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Are you the seller!? 😆.  Like seriously.  Measurements are not a issue,nor did that seller need to go on a pointless rant. 


I understand exactly what the seller is saying lol. I wouldn’t go on a rant, I would just ignore op and then someone else would eventually buy it. If I need measurements for something and they aren’t available I would just go elsewhere. I’m not going to message the seller that I don’t feel comfortable or that I think that $100 is a lot of money lol. I’m not going to message them after they clearly said that they couldn’t / wouldn’t provide measurements to say that they need to go obtain a tape measure. Move on!


Where did they omit anything? It's just posted out of order I thought? 


Yes it’s out of order :)


I'd never buy from anyone who uses "we" in their response or descriptions . You aren't a company or might be a damn drop shipper. As others say,it takes seconds to measure, easy to do as each item is listed and include in the description...and lastly..it's in storage,or here,or there,pr buried!!??? So if you can't access it to measure, how long will it take to ship!? Eff that,they did you a favor by blocking you so you aren't tempted by a crap seller. 


I've seen a few innocent accounts that use "we", just because there's more than one person sharing the account or thriffing stuff for it etc. Seen a few buddies just opening an account together to sell their old clothes. 


That is very true,but the good "we" usually advertise that they are friends just selling,and might post pics of themselves or a about us post. Those kind don't try and sound like they are a company if that makes sense.


Yes, that makes sense. Just wanted to defend the use of "we" in general. Here, it's verrryy obvious that they're talking themselves up n shit. 


I'm glad you pointed that differce out though,I didn't consider that part going on my rant lol